Gaming Nintendo keeps on drooling over and over, over the perfect 10's BotW scores

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GBAtemp's scalie trash
Oct 28, 2015
United States
just curious, so which games do get a 10 (or 9) for those who don't think BOTW is entitled to have such score...
Of course 1-2-Switch. It's a truly masterpiece and it shows how Nintendo care for their fans, by delivering an unique experience™ and inmerse™ gameplay that you will not see in other consoles. It's full of hours and hours of action gameplay that you wont get tired of anytime soon™

Better than trash of the wild
Better than Nintendo Land
Better than Wii Sports.

10/10 would recomend again.
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Captain Chaz 86
Mar 3, 2010
United States
I want smss. I don't think i ever beat a single boss. Lower the bosses health, make yoshi able to swim, make it impossible to fall off the water race event. And i'd rebuy it for the switch in a heart beat. Now that's a free roaming titke i would lose hours in on. Probably way more then botw


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
just curious, so which games do get a 10 (or 9) for those who don't think BOTW is entitled to have such score...

its not about what games are worthy of this, nice way to try spin it.

but regardless if a game has issues then its not worthy of a perfect score.

when you rate a game and down score others over things like control mechanics, frame rates, story, gameplay - why then because its nintendo and zelda none of these factors count.

the game is far from a perfect score.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Bore of the Wild. All these Open world games are the same: Wipe out enemy bases, collect shit, do missions/whatever. It already ruined Metal Gear.

a lot of the problem with metal gear is that like other titles (Resident Evil) all started to go mission/level based when before it was a game you started and remained within the game until the end.

Metal Gear would have been better if you didnt have to keep entering/leaving an area every time.

It would have been better if you started the game and could play the full game without having to leave the areas, using your helicopter to travel long distances or even have that option to return to mother base (which really has no worth).
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Fackin' Troller
Oct 24, 2008
its not about what games are worthy of this, nice way to try spin it.

but regardless if a game has issues then its not worthy of a perfect score.
But that's the point. All games have issues. So no games are worthy of a perfect score?

when you rate a game and down score others over things like control mechanics, frame rates, story, gameplay - why then because its nintendo and zelda none of these factors count.

the game is far from a perfect score.
Still your opinion. If you're entitled to that then why aren't reviewers entitled to theirs?

FWIW, I haven't had as much fun with a video game in a long time. I haven't I think that, despite its faults, it may be my favourite non-top-down Zelda game. I don't even mind the weapon durability, I can totally understand the reasons Nintendo implemented it. There have been occasional frame rate drops, but not really enough to detract from the overall experience.

Perfect scores don't mean the reviewer thinks a game is literally perfect or infallible. Take a look at the 5 star ratings that people give shitty apps and games on the app stores. Most of the highest rated games there are dull (Game of War/Mobile Strike and their clones, puzzle games that are only fun for 5-10 minutes).

It's hilarious how butthurt people get over review scores. For a game like Zelda, it doesn't make a difference. The majority of people who bought it would still have bought it if it had received an overall 5/10, the difference between 7/10 or 8/10 and 10/10 would be negligible.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Of course 1-2-Switch. It's a truly masterpiece and it shows how Nintendo care for their fans, by delivering an unique experience™ and inmerse™ gameplay that you will not see in other consoles. It's full of hours and hours of action gameplay that you wont get tired of anytime soon™

Better than trash of the wild
Better than Nintendo Land
Better than Wii Sports.

10/10 would recomend again.

reading the first part and im thinking dude wtf are you smoking....... gives some lol.

nintendo care about its fans or care about how they can make its shit consoles sound better - you can deliver a unique experience yes but then forcing it as a default controller then takes the unqiueness away because everything it gets is the same thing.... the wii is a perfect example.

what you do see on other consoles is the OPTION to have a unique experience and the OPTION to play games that are solely based on these type of controls, not FORCED to play every single game this way. then be FORCED to limited games because nintendo FORCED this BS more than they did making a console capable of allowing third parties to bring its best AAA titles to it.

ever noted why nearly all of the biggest third party titles never come to nintendo, or you have to wait for nintendo to catch up.

even when nintendo admit to failure, its fanboys are still like NOPE ITS THE BEST CONSOLE, i fucking love how they still are like IT HAS THE BEST GAMES...... erm ok guys remind us again why the wii u failed.

if we go back a few years, these same fanboys who now insist graphics are not whats important..... where the exact same fanboys that were always bragging about how nintendo has the better graphics..... contradicting much lol.

thing that has always been nintendos downfall is the games, third party support - this section of the gaming market is fucking massive and worth billions and nintendo refuse to cater to it, i think its done deliberately so its devoted fanboys wont be swayed by rival games and nintendo rehashing mario stands a better chance of getting better sales if its not up against the next big AAA third party title.

If shit hits the fan, nintendo releasing a cheap system isnt going to be a financial crisis to them, as it was the cube - which didnt get the full support that ms/sony had with third party titles.

when nintendo final see this viscous circle they keep making - then maybe nintendo will get back on top form.

but i dont expect that anytime soon, i mean its been downhill since the snes.

I dont even know why or how zelda gets this rating, if this is nintendo's so called perfect scored game then fuck me sideways whats its average games going to be like if this perfect game is shit and bug ridden?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
But that's the point. All games have issues. So no games are worthy of a perfect score?

Still your opinion. If you're entitled to that then why aren't reviewers entitled to theirs?

FWIW, I haven't had as much fun with a video game in a long time. I haven't I think that, despite its faults, it may be my favourite non-top-down Zelda game. I don't even mind the weapon durability, I can totally understand the reasons Nintendo implemented it. There have been occasional frame rate drops, but not really enough to detract from the overall experience.

Perfect scores don't mean the reviewer thinks a game is literally perfect or infallible. Take a look at the 5 star ratings that people give shitty apps and games on the app stores. Most of the highest rated games there are dull (Game of War/Mobile Strike and their clones, puzzle games that are only fun for 5-10 minutes).

It's hilarious how butthurt people get over review scores. For a game like Zelda, it doesn't make a difference. The majority of people who bought it would still have bought it if it had received an overall 5/10, the difference between 7/10 or 8/10 and 10/10 would be negligible.

when it comes to reviews and scores that are used as marketing promotion, ts not been butthurt because that can be spun round to those that refuse to accept it doesnt deserve these scores.

its not the best zelda game every, its riddled with bugs, its pretty fecking dull and repetetive.

will say ocarina and majoras mask is still the legendary zelda games and nintendo still have not done a better zelda game since.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Dude, he was joking.

We get it, you don't like Breath of the Wild. But why are you getting so bent out of shape about it?

i know he was joking, hence my opening.

i then quoted what he put and i agree with his dig at nintendo and the fanboys and then added to it.

and i guess i may be as you say getting bent out of shape, which im not.

again we find the term opinions are only entitled to if its not against nintendo.

proof is, nintendo could wrap a turd in a pink bow and its fans would love it if nintendo told them to.

to the point, the purpose of rating and scoring games is to help promote it, games with issues/bugs or problems with any aspect bring this score/rating/reveiw down.

so fact is - BOTW simply does not deserve this perfect score when it is a buggy game and has things other titles are rated less for having.

it feels like the scores are biased or maybe paid for so nintendo can again brag its got something epic.

have you never checked reviews before watching a film youve not heard of or seen before and if its has low ratings and poor reviews think hmmm ok then this film is shite..... same logic applies to games.

plenty of reviews ive read before watching a film ive then tried it if i was unsure and yup most i found are to be shit.

if zelda didnt have this perfect score then gamers wouldnt be so bothered, if you make out your game is pure perfection and its not then its a bit of a piss take.
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Fackin' Troller
Oct 24, 2008
when it comes to reviews and scores that are used as marketing promotion, ts not been butthurt because that can be spun round to those that refuse to accept it doesnt deserve these scores.
Nintendo are not allowed to be proud that so many reviewers enjoyed their game? Also, they're a business. Not taking advantage of the rave reviews they've had would be stupid.

its not the best zelda game every, its riddled with bugs, its pretty fecking dull and repetetive.
Maybe you're playing a bad copy on your Wii U, I haven't noticed any bugs besides the occasional frame rate drop :-P As for dull and repetitive, I think Nintendo did a good job of making the shrines varied, not to mention the different environments and challenging gameplay to keep things interesting. I haven't been bored yet. But that's just my opinion, like yours is yours.

will say ocarina and majoras mask is still the legendary zelda games and nintendo still have not done a better zelda game since.
Majora's Mask is the most repetitive Zelda game of all, and both were full of bugs :-P Nevertheless, both enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Nintendo are not allowed to be proud that so many reviewers enjoyed their game? Also, they're a business. Not taking advantage of the rave reviews they've had would be stupid.

but to the point of who the fuck has given this a perfect score, the same people who downscore other games for issues that this game has - would suggest biased reviews and possibility of paid for.

but then braggin this is a game with perfect scores and reviews and then you play it and your like FUCK ME why does this shit keep hanging when i attack a moblin! ive got three of the cunts around me and each time i hit, it hangs for 3-5 seconds - WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK THINKS THIS SHIT IS 5/5, 10/10?

When this other title i have hear doenst have this problem and its got a great story line, great gameplay yet only gets 4/5, 8/10 WTAF!

Maybe you're playing a bad copy on your Wii U, I haven't noticed any bugs besides the occasional frame rate drop :-P As for dull and repetitive, I think Nintendo did a good job of making the shrines varied, not to mention the different environments and challenging gameplay to keep things interesting. I haven't been bored yet. But that's just my opinion, like yours is yours.

i was playing it on the switch..... nintendo's so called next gen system that has frame rate issues and hanging issues already on a fucking last gen port aka launch title..... how the fuck is this going to run Skyrim or any other graphically demanding large world type game i have no idea, either the systems hardware is the problem or nintendo cant program shit anymore?

the shrines ill take your opinion but sorry mine is that the entire game.... a good 90% of it is simply running aimlessly finding these shrines that are basic mini level puzzles and you repeat the process over and over, the environment doesnt change its one large map, gameplay is not challenging really, most enemies are set way too high so unless youve ran aimlessly for hours on end to find loads of shrines to gain more hearts, you end up avoiding most confrontation because you dont stand a chance.

what amazes me is how easy ganon fucking was, yet take a fight with a lynel and it will really fuck you up the shitter unless you have alot of health/food and defence and a high power weapon - yet ganon i did with only 3 fairies on me (used none) so that point there is when ive said before about the enemy system and how their weapons inflict shit loads of damage, yet you dont or the weapon you take from them does far less to them.

Majora's Mask is the most repetitive Zelda game of all, and both were full of bugs :-P Nevertheless, both enjoyable.

how the can you defend BOTW with no story, no levels, just same ole shrines then call majoras most repetetive.

what made majoras the best so far is that it had such a great story..... finaly nintendo fucking pulled away from fucking ganon and save princess..... about fucking time.

the tree day system was epic, you had so much to do and you had to be in set places at set times to interact with everyone and set events in motion.

if you like BOTW then fair enough, but end of the day a game with poor bugs and basic story (well no story) extremely repetitive shrines, like others have said doesn't deserve the perfect score it got.

making something to sound perfect when its not just spoils it even more, if i tell you to watch a movie or play a game because its absolutley brilliant, then you watch it or play it expecting something great and having high hope because i said its perfect, it then spoils it when you find actually wtf why did you tell me its perfect 10/10 must watch/play.

you can love the game if you wish, that is your right, but me (and others) will agree that this game is far from worthy of the reviews and ratings it got, personally i found the game to be rather shit, very repetitive, no story to it at all, boss battles is like repeating the same battle four fucking times and then kill ganon the end.

worse £60 ever spent and by far worse zelda game ever made
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There's hope for a Xenosaga port.
Jun 29, 2007
but to the point of who the fuck has given this a perfect score, the same people who downscore other games for issues that this game has - would suggest biased reviews and possibility of paid for.
I would give it a perfect score of 8/10.
Well, perhaps even 9/10 if I don't nitpick on framerate.
Still a perfect score, will that do it?


GBATemp Sporaddict
Dec 24, 2015
United States
Bottom line, what makes you play a game over and over is not whether it has bugs or not or perfect frame rate, its how much fun it is to actually play it over and over. By this standard BotW is a 10/10, if anyone is wondering why some people have given it this score. Stop hating and just don't play it, go play something on ps4 w/ 60fps 4k that is boring as hell.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
I would give it a perfect score of 8/10.
Well, perhaps even 9/10 if I don't nitpick on framerate.
Still a perfect score, will that do it?

i think in an earlier post before the usual fans come and cry demanding its the best and worthy because they love the company/game.

i think i also gave it 8/10 and that was been kind.

normally frame issues i dont care when its barely noticeable, but in some cases it is pretty poor and then reflects on the console and im like wtf how on earth is this new "next gen" system struggling to play something like this?

when your in a battle and the game literally hangs for 5 seconds that's is rather worrying, it reminds me of the time i had a PS1 that was about to die and the laser needed replacing, when i was playing games like Soul Reaver and kept getting the STALLING screen, id sit there a bit like i do downloading and my shitty ISP service encouraging the fucker to keep going.

but i think if other games have been given a lower score based on its story/game play/ controls/frames - yet for some reason it comes to nintendo and its zelda game all of these are ignored and everyones like YEAY ITS THE BEST ZELDA EVER, WE GIVE IT PERFECT SCORES.

you pick it up, you play it expecting something great like the reviews it brags its been given and your like MEH!

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