PlayStation 5 Showcase announced for next week

ps5 event.JPG

After Xbox's impromptu announcement of its affordable Xbox Series S console, pricing and release dates of its next-gen consoles, Sony is following suit. The console maker has announced that a PlayStation 5 Showcase event will be aired next week:

While not much details was provided regarding the content of this broadcast, we can expect Sony to announce the release date and pricing of the PS5 to follow up Xbox's announcements. The PlayStation 5 Showcase airs live this Wednesday at 1pm Pacific Time. Will you be tuning in? What news do you expect out of this event?

:arrow: SOURCE

Tom Bombadildo

Dick, With Balls
Jul 11, 2009
I forgot
United States

source where ps4 games will work on ps5??
Sony? Where??
UPDATE: A quick update on backward compatibility – With all of the amazing games in PS4’s catalog, we’ve devoted significant efforts to enable our fans to play their favorites on PS5. We believe that the overwhelming majority of the 4,000+ PS4 titles will be playable on PS5.

We’re expecting backward compatible titles will run at a boosted frequency on PS5 so that they can benefit from higher or more stable frame rates and potentially higher resolutions. We’re currently evaluating games on a title-by-title basis to spot any issues that need adjustment from the original software developers.

In his presentation, Mark Cerny provided a snapshot into the Top 100 most-played PS4 titles, demonstrating how well our backward compatibility efforts are going. We have already tested hundreds of titles and are preparing to test thousands more as we move toward launch. We will provide updates on backward compatibility, along with much more PS5 news, in the months ahead. Stay tuned!
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There's hope for a Xenosaga port.
Jun 29, 2007

source where ps4 games will work on ps5??
Sony? Where??
Yes, Sony said multiple times that PS4 games will work in PS5, I'm not your search engine Google is your friend. They never stated, though, that all PS4 games would work but they implied most of them would.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2020
United Kingdom
Last edited by nitroflux,


Gaming keeps me sane
Jul 14, 2009
The Magic School Bus
United States
I don't believe this whatsoever. You're completely full of it. Unless you treat your belongings terribly. Ban your account? Ummmm. Ok. Whatever. And as far as BC, there's already plenty of info out there about PS4 games being BC. No clue what you're going on about.
Spoken like a fanboy.

"nYerRr, pLaYsTaTiOnS dOn'T faIL! yEr LyYyyNG!"

My bank account statement would like to disagree with you.

In many ways, Sony is even worse than Apple when it comes to right to repair. Many of the common parts to repair an xbox are readily available. If I were so inclined and patient, I could order the parts separately, and assemble another Switch entirely for myself. But for playstations? can't find a damn thing anywhere. Donors aren't a viable option because so many of them are broken in the same parts that I need to successfully repair one of them.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2010
United States
There's talk now that Sony have changed the spec (clocked the chips higher) and have high failure rates, I very much doubt it though.

If it were true the possibilities are listed below:

Sony were caught out and decided late to increases clocks, seriously affecting yields.

As above, but they also plan to rush out a cheaper console, all chips which don't make the grade for the above will be salvaged for a lower spec, but above the spec of the S (unlikely also as they'd be too close in spec)

Sony now realise they are likely to sell alot less consoles than Microsoft, so have leaked this as damage control.

This is probably just a load of rubbish to be honest.


Dec 6, 2008
United States
Spoken like a fanboy.

"nYerRr, pLaYsTaTiOnS dOn'T faIL! yEr LyYyyNG!"

My bank account statement would like to disagree with you.

In many ways, Sony is even worse than Apple when it comes to right to repair. Many of the common parts to repair an xbox are readily available. If I were so inclined and patient, I could order the parts separately, and assemble another Switch entirely for myself. But for playstations? can't find a damn thing anywhere. Donors aren't a viable option because so many of them are broken in the same parts that I need to successfully repair one of them.

Okay. Show me the bank statements or it didn't happen. Until then... you're full of it. Who buys 6 of the same console and 7 of the same handheld if every single one continues to break down? If what you say is true, then it comes down to treating your consoles like garbage, or you're buying used garbage to begin with. If everyone who bought 6 PS3s had all of them die... it would be an extremely widely known issue. You know, like the RRoD?

And this fanboy thing. Is that really the best you have? Because it's pretty hard to be a fanboy when you own XB, PS, and Nintendo consoles.
Last edited by D34DL1N3R,
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Gaming keeps me sane
Jul 14, 2009
The Magic School Bus
United States
PS1 #1: developed disc read errors and started damaging the label side of games
PS1 #2, 3, and 4: Disc read error

PS2 #1 and 2: Surprise, disc read error
PS2 #3: bought a pre-mod unit. started having the same issue happening again. Seller was at least willing to let me send it back for repairs. According to them, on the last day of testing, the disc drive itself shattered to pieces. Thus, they chose to eat the cost to transfer the chip over to another one and re-cap the console, which is...
PS2 #4: Somehow, still working after all these years.

PS3 #1: gouged dents into the bluray of MGS 4, so I was only able to finish the game... once.
PS3 #2: was already overheating at the XMB, and was at max fan launching ANY game or demo.
PS3 #3: my brother sent me his BC unit, and a new copy of MGS 4 from the bundle he bought with the money I sent him. Worked for about a month, before I started having "red snow" on the screen... effing GPU failure.
PS3 #4: Sent #3 to Sony, to the tune of $150 demanded from me. Given the reports that some people were sending in defective BC units and getting back neutered ones, I was concerned. Thankfully, did get another BC model back. Lasted me a good while, until Sony decided to ban my account and console. Weird, since I don't even play online; all I ever did online was sync trophies. Died from Ylod
PS3 #5: A rescued 20gig model I picked up that I was able to reflow back to life. Accidentally fubar the bd drive's sensor, and had to wait a while before I was able to find and get a replacement bd drive. Never took this one online. Yet just as I get it into FSM and was ready to undergo the process to re-marry the BD drive, ylod.
PS3 #6: my first slim. CFW, at least... but still missing functionality because it's a neutered unit. Everyone and their dog keeps saying I can load PSP games on it and those PSOne Classic eboots, but have yet to figure out how.

PSP #1: picked up a white go model. Amusingly, not only was it already on CFW but it already had some games I would have wanted pre-loaded on it. The proprietary connector on the unit got damaged somehow, and a part of it broke off, thus could no longer detect the cable. Nuts.
PSP #2: Exchanged #1 for this. Within a week, the charging cable also went back. Tried a new cable, and that worked. That said, the bugger was increasingly obvious it was too small for my hands. Eventually, the battery just wouldn't hold a charge or let me turn on the system anymore, so I gave it to a friend who claimed they still wanted it.
PSP #3: a more "standard" model I picked up. As trying to repair the UMD drive, and my soldering iron knocked off one of the caps and it refused to turn on again. This one, I can admit is my fault.
PSP #4: Broken screen and eventually wouldn't respond to the power slider, either.
PSP #5: Was in rough shape, finally found a good shell, but had a simultaneous failure of the screen and the touch bar (buttons below the screen won't register a press anymore). It'll turn on; I can hear it turning on, but I can only see a third of the screen and none of the button bar buttons work anymore. Probably just going to chuck it, idk.
PSP #6: My first PSP 1000 series, ever. And after some testing, the first ever PSP with a working UMD drive.

On the flip side, I've never had a new original Xbox, yet I've been able to successfully revive about four of them (two failures, but those I know I screwed up). My made-in-2006 Xbox 360 still works, and I was able to successfully revive another white model. I was about to try and revive an Xbox One S a neighbor was about to chuck out, but upon opening it, I found straight away that they somehow severed the HDMI port from the board; on the other, I was able to re-use the 2tb hdd it came with elsewhere.
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Secretly three raccoons in a trench coat
Sep 2, 2020
United States
Right now I care more about if the remake is an actual thing, and not just a trademark that has no reason to exist. If they do include full remakes for both K1&2, or the Wii remake, they really should still include the OG versions. I hate it when remakes don't do stuff like this.
I sadly can’t play the wii game rn as my Wii broke, but hey, I’m getting a new one for like 15 bucks but I would be happy with just a straight port as then more people would care about this amazing franchise


Dec 6, 2008
United States
PS1 #1: developed disc read errors and started damaging the label side of games
PS1 #2, 3, and 4: Disc read error

PS2 #1 and 2: Surprise, disc read error
PS2 #3: bought a pre-mod unit. started having the same issue happening again. Seller was at least willing to let me send it back for repairs. According to them, on the last day of testing, the disc drive itself shattered to pieces. Thus, they chose to eat the cost to transfer the chip over to another one and re-cap the console, which is...
PS2 #4: Somehow, still working after all these years.

PS3 #1: gouged dents into the bluray of MGS 4, so I was only able to finish the game... once.
PS3 #2: was already overheating at the XMB, and was at max fan launching ANY game or demo.
PS3 #3: my brother sent me his BC unit, and a new copy of MGS 4 from the bundle he bought with the money I sent him. Worked for about a month, before I started having "red snow" on the screen... effing GPU failure.
PS3 #4: Sent #3 to Sony, to the tune of $150 demanded from me. Given the reports that some people were sending in defective BC units and getting back neutered ones, I was concerned. Thankfully, did get another BC model back. Lasted me a good while, until Sony decided to ban my account and console. Weird, since I don't even play online; all I ever did online was sync trophies. Died from Ylod
PS3 #5: A rescued 20gig model I picked up that I was able to reflow back to life. Accidentally fubar the bd drive's sensor, and had to wait a while before I was able to find and get a replacement bd drive. Never took this one online. Yet just as I get it into FSM and was ready to undergo the process to re-marry the BD drive, ylod.
PS3 #6: my first slim. CFW, at least... but still missing functionality because it's a neutered unit. Everyone and their dog keeps saying I can load PSP games on it and those PSOne Classic eboots, but have yet to figure out how.

PSP #1: picked up a white go model. Amusingly, not only was it already on CFW but it already had some games I would have wanted pre-loaded on it. The proprietary connector on the unit got damaged somehow, and a part of it broke off, thus could no longer detect the cable. Nuts.
PSP #2: Exchanged #1 for this. Within a week, the charging cable also went back. Tried a new cable, and that worked. That said, the bugger was increasingly obvious it was too small for my hands. Eventually, the battery just wouldn't hold a charge or let me turn on the system anymore, so I gave it to a friend who claimed they still wanted it.
PSP #3: a more "standard" model I picked up. As trying to repair the UMD drive, and my soldering iron knocked off one of the caps and it refused to turn on again. This one, I can admit is my fault.
PSP #4: Broken screen and eventually wouldn't respond to the power slider, either.
PSP #5: Was in rough shape, finally found a good shell, but had a simultaneous failure of the screen and the touch bar (buttons below the screen won't register a press anymore). It'll turn on; I can hear it turning on, but I can only see a third of the screen and none of the button bar buttons work anymore. Probably just going to chuck it, idk.
PSP #6: My first PSP 1000 series, ever. And after some testing, the first ever PSP with a working UMD drive.

On the flip side, I've never had a new original Xbox, yet I've been able to successfully revive about four of them (two failures, but those I know I screwed up). My made-in-2006 Xbox 360 still works, and I was able to successfully revive another white model. I was about to try and revive an Xbox One S a neighbor was about to chuck out, but upon opening it, I found straight away that they somehow severed the HDMI port from the board; on the other, I was able to re-use the 2tb hdd it came with elsewhere.

So, it's perfectly fine for a bunch of your Xboxes to break down, but not your PS3s. LOL! Okayyyyyy then. I still don't believe you. You can go on and on and on and on and I just won't believe you so there's zero point. If you're telling the truth, you're incredibly unlucky. But to act like it''s some widespread problem where the majority of people need to buy several of the same PS console is nonsense. And that's how you're acting. Your experience (if even true) is in the very, very, very, very, VERY minuscule percentage. Unlike you know, as was stated before. The 360 RRoD. Massive amounts of failures for an XB console is well documented. The same cannot be said of ANY Sony console to date. Do they have problems? Sure. They are an electronic device. That can fail at any given second. A day old or 20 years old. I still have a fat PS2 that works flawlessly so.... Could the laser die tomorrow? Sure. But it's also a 20 yr old laser with tons of use.

Having those issues with several different PS3s and several different PSPs is not the norm. At all. And it is actually so excessively out of the ordinary, that's the reason I don't believe you. it sounds out like you started out with used garbage in nearly every instance and expected them to function as brand new, never used. Shrug.
Last edited by D34DL1N3R,
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Gaming keeps me sane
Jul 14, 2009
The Magic School Bus
United States
No, what ISN'T okay is people replacing playstations but then still acting like only Microsoft sells faulty consoles, et al. Given your manner of typing, you're too dense to understand that.

And why keep buying them if they keep breaking? Well... what else am I supposed to do when I already have a collection of games that won't play anywhere else?

Or if I happen to want to speedrun games, many of the bigger leaderboard systems (including, but not limited to GDQ), have a pretty hard and fast rule of real hardware or official re-releases only. Doesn't matter how good the emulation of that platform is; they won't accept a run that isn't on a real console.


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
PS1 #1: developed disc read errors and started damaging the label side of games
PS1 #2, 3, and 4: Disc read error

PS2 #1 and 2: Surprise, disc read error
PS2 #3: bought a pre-mod unit. started having the same issue happening again. Seller was at least willing to let me send it back for repairs. According to them, on the last day of testing, the disc drive itself shattered to pieces. Thus, they chose to eat the cost to transfer the chip over to another one and re-cap the console, which is...
PS2 #4: Somehow, still working after all these years.

PS3 #1: gouged dents into the bluray of MGS 4, so I was only able to finish the game... once.
PS3 #2: was already overheating at the XMB, and was at max fan launching ANY game or demo.
PS3 #3: my brother sent me his BC unit, and a new copy of MGS 4 from the bundle he bought with the money I sent him. Worked for about a month, before I started having "red snow" on the screen... effing GPU failure.
PS3 #4: Sent #3 to Sony, to the tune of $150 demanded from me. Given the reports that some people were sending in defective BC units and getting back neutered ones, I was concerned. Thankfully, did get another BC model back. Lasted me a good while, until Sony decided to ban my account and console. Weird, since I don't even play online; all I ever did online was sync trophies. Died from Ylod
PS3 #5: A rescued 20gig model I picked up that I was able to reflow back to life. Accidentally fubar the bd drive's sensor, and had to wait a while before I was able to find and get a replacement bd drive. Never took this one online. Yet just as I get it into FSM and was ready to undergo the process to re-marry the BD drive, ylod.
PS3 #6: my first slim. CFW, at least... but still missing functionality because it's a neutered unit. Everyone and their dog keeps saying I can load PSP games on it and those PSOne Classic eboots, but have yet to figure out how.

PSP #1: picked up a white go model. Amusingly, not only was it already on CFW but it already had some games I would have wanted pre-loaded on it. The proprietary connector on the unit got damaged somehow, and a part of it broke off, thus could no longer detect the cable. Nuts.
PSP #2: Exchanged #1 for this. Within a week, the charging cable also went back. Tried a new cable, and that worked. That said, the bugger was increasingly obvious it was too small for my hands. Eventually, the battery just wouldn't hold a charge or let me turn on the system anymore, so I gave it to a friend who claimed they still wanted it.
PSP #3: a more "standard" model I picked up. As trying to repair the UMD drive, and my soldering iron knocked off one of the caps and it refused to turn on again. This one, I can admit is my fault.
PSP #4: Broken screen and eventually wouldn't respond to the power slider, either.
PSP #5: Was in rough shape, finally found a good shell, but had a simultaneous failure of the screen and the touch bar (buttons below the screen won't register a press anymore). It'll turn on; I can hear it turning on, but I can only see a third of the screen and none of the button bar buttons work anymore. Probably just going to chuck it, idk.
PSP #6: My first PSP 1000 series, ever. And after some testing, the first ever PSP with a working UMD drive.

On the flip side, I've never had a new original Xbox, yet I've been able to successfully revive about four of them (two failures, but those I know I screwed up). My made-in-2006 Xbox 360 still works, and I was able to successfully revive another white model. I was about to try and revive an Xbox One S a neighbor was about to chuck out, but upon opening it, I found straight away that they somehow severed the HDMI port from the board; on the other, I was able to re-use the 2tb hdd it came with elsewhere.
I can back your claim as my first ps3 a phat 80 4-usb just died in 2 years brand new too day 1 purchase got it reflowed twice failed both times then i poured Gas on it and lit it ablaze -sarcasm- (though i was tempted)


Dec 6, 2008
United States
No, what ISN'T okay is people replacing playstations but then still acting like only Microsoft sells faulty consoles, et al. Given your manner of typing, you're too dense to understand that.

Given the fact that I quite clearly stated Sony consoles are not free from defect and can go out at any given time like any other electronic device, I'd have to question who the one failing to understand is. People had some defective PS3's. It happens, you know, out of millions of consoles worldwide? Some will fail. Absolutely. But again... it's not even comparable whatsoever to the RRoD issue that the 360's had and you're highly exaggerating it to seem like Sony had widespread problems. When they didn't. You're the one making the abnormal claims here, not me. M'kay? Bye now. Nothing left to say to you on the matter.
Last edited by D34DL1N3R,
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Gaming keeps me sane
Jul 14, 2009
The Magic School Bus
United States
Like, I get that stuff can fail. But it definitely shouldn't need congressional action to be able to source parts. Or if it's already past the point of Warranty, the manufacturer (in this case, Sony) shouldn't be actively trying to starve the parts line.

Apple does this constantly; yet if anything, Sony is more insidious for it. At least in my experience since I'd been able to start DIY and repairing consoles, I'd been able to source parts for Nintendo systems without problem. I'd been able to source stuff for Microsoft consoles no problem. But when it comes to Sony? almost every "supplier" is some shady crap that is borderline scam territory, when it sure as heck doesn't have to be.

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