Please make a logic test


The Insane Statistician
Mar 4, 2010
United States
The title explains itself. In the past few days I have seen abundance amounts of users with just horrible logic. It has gotten to the point where they have trolled my online experience at GBAtemp and I have compulsions to correct these users with an angered passion. A common trait I have seen in these posters, with probability near .8, are of age 13-16. Just so we are all on track, this is logic:

"A common trait I have seen in these illogical posters, with probability near .8, are of age 13-16"

I can bet, with probability of near .9, someone who is between the age 13-16 will read that statement and say, "I am pretty smart, I absolutely know logic, you can't generalize all 13-16 year olds." Here is why you fail, you don't know logic. If you are between the ages 13-16 and take offense of that above statement, you are affirming the consequent (I guess we can use some logical equivalences to turn it into negation of the antecedent but meh). I said a modus ponens statement with, if you are an illogical poster, then with probability near .8 are of the age 13-16. I didn't make any inferences on people between ages 13-16, I made an inference on illogical posters. That's why affirming the consequent is bad logic.

That's why, when I make a suggestion, I'm not going to direct it at people of ages 13-16, I'm going to direct it at illogical posters. Hence, the title explains it all, we need to have a logic test before people can't start posting. I'm am going to blow a headgasket if more no logic posters happen to appear on these forums.

Make it a simple test for all I care, make it so that you need at least .5 of the problems right, because, natural selection is not doing it's job.

Uncle FEFL

Sep 7, 2009
PM me for Social Security information
United States
Hi everyone said:
a theory remains a theory until it is proven that it cannot be proven wrong, which is impossible. the big bang theory is just a theory. it may very well be correct, but it will always remain a mystery. don't get me wrong, i'm not a religious guy, i'm just pointing out the flaws in your thinking.
You didn't even answer my question. Instead of pointing out "flaws in my thinking," try typing a coherent --and logical, because this one is not-- response first.

@everyone: zetta_x is a dumbass that thinks he's better than anyone and everyone. Just ignore him.


The Insane Statistician
Mar 4, 2010
United States
SifJar, I have always looked up to you because you have always shown great leadership skills. You were one of the members that inspired me to participate on these forums before people considered me a troll. Keep up the awesome work


All I have to say is LMAO!!! You know what is awesome? Bad attention, good attention, when raised to a non subjective level equals a lot of attention. What is bad and what is good is totally subjective as the previous sentence suggests.

QUOTE said:
First of all, I'd like to know where you pulled that bullshit "statistic" from.

Easy, we do a sample based on illogical posts. We can then classify two groups, people from ages 13-16 and people ages other. Notice that each trial is independent of each other as long as we take distinct posters (although there is a small dependence if a stupid post comes from another stupid post), each observation would be bernoulli. A sum of independent bernoulli's would be binomial distribution. We want to estimate the parameter, the true proportion of people who posted illogical things and fall between 13-16. An minimum variance unbiased estimator of this parameter would be the number of successes or the total number of trials or sample proportion. .8 is approximately a guess on the sample proportion who follow this bernoulli trials. Use this thread as an example.

QUOTE@everyone: zetta_x is a dumbass that thinks he's better than anyone and everyone. Just ignore him.

As I have mentioned above, what is better and what is not better is subjective. The fact you think that I think I am better uses your biased subjective thoughts to portray what better is. However, you failed to define what 'better' is thus I can't be applied to a subjective category with no fundamental basis.

If you want to persist that I say I am better in intelligence, I would argue against that. Intelligence is divided up in both quantity and quality. Quantity defines how much education a person has usually measured in the amount of school (but using this as an estimator certainly fails because while I may be working on my Master's degree in Mathematics/Statistics in a few months, there are people who will be in the same position as me but have a greater quantity intelligence).

The other half is quality. I have asperger syndrome. Society literally calls me autistic. What makes me different than most people? I am a numerical genius, numbers run through my head like water flows through a pipe. Going through school I naturally followed a mathematical background which, if you have any mathematical background, is a purely abstract road therefore I am also doing statistics. While grades are horrible predictors of quality education, I have graduated in the top 1% of my class both in high school, community college, and maybe even a 4 year college. I took a class in formal logic, apparently no one else has, the mean grade on the final was 60/110 and standard deviation was about 16. I have pulled off a 108 on that test. Although the class size, and this is especially small for a university class, was about 8, the test followed approximately to a t distribution since the true standard deviation was unknown and small sample sizes assuming each person came from the same population and was normally distributed.

What that means, is I was about 3 standard deviations above the mean and I didn't even bother studying (going a pure mathematical route was more then enough background in logic). I have conditioned myself that I don't need to study or take notes but I can still learn the material better then most people and for that, I feel I'm better quality wise on my education. If you disagree, I don't doubt it, your world is full of biased thoughts with absurd logic (trust me, if you believe in the law, your logic is absurd).


You guys have got my thread more then enough attention. My whole purpose of this thread was to make a suggestion, and I am above shocked that people with little logical background participate in the site suggestion forums. I have seen people say, it wouldn't matter blah blah blah, but if there is a will there is a way. I have been reading the GBAtemp forums long before I became a member and I used to have so many people I looked up to. Quickly becoming a member, I realized that there are large handful of GBAtemp users that are just sad and pathetic (this is my own opinion obviously).

I have important shit to do, I don't have time to spoon feed toddlers my opinions and ideas because they lack the quality of intelligence to figure it out themselves. Like I said before, bad attention and good attention all equate to attention, and you guys have given this thread more then enough attention. I knew I had faith in you guys, I didn't even need to think about having to bump up this thread.

Have a great day


When I said toddlers, I was not indicating age. I'm taking my peak statistic classes and my professor calls us toddlers, when we do master degree graduate work, he considers us walking, then research and beyond is running. So when I used the word toddler, it was to indicate the users who have no idea what modus ponens was... etc...

Fishaman P

Jan 2, 2010
United States
Zetta_x said:
Fishaman P said:
1) Looking up words in the dictionary to post with is kind of... cheating on intelligence.
2) I take GREAT offense at that statement.
3) You are free to use logic to post something that actually makes sense.

Lmao, is this supposed to be sarcastic?

1) I spent maybe about 5 minutes typing up this post without using any type of dictionary. Your logic fails
2) If you had read anything I said, you will once again realize your logic fails
3) It does make sense to me, but I will be starting my graduate studies in mathematics/statistics in 3 months, I'm sorry you couldn't comprehend it

QUOTE said:
That is not logic. Logic =/= probability. That statement is not logical.

That sir, who I have had almost complete respect before you posted this, is a modus ponens statement with probability embedded in the consequent or conclusion. Tell me why I can't do that and hence it is not a statement of logic. It may not be formal to approach this, but the way we interpret logic is a man-made creation just like what I did up there. In a matter of fact, if I didn't include the probability statement up there, then we assume with probability 1 that it is the case.


Thank you Fishman for being the perfect shiny example why we need a logic test. Thank you for being GBAtemp's fool of the day. Because, I have clearly explained everything in so much detail your tiny brain couldn't even comprehend things I left in very basic terms. I now know why Deadly quit... People with the slightest amount of intelligence are of minority.
That post if full of FAIL.

1) Good for you.
2) No, you need to read what you yourself wrote.
3) So will I. I'm 14.

You may have had a little logic in that post, but you'd fail the suggested logic test.

And only n00bs PM people saying (and I'm literally quoting this):
Read that thread again

You just made the biggest ass of yourself

EDIT: Hey I have aspergers too! So why don't you go calm down for a couple of hours instead of sitting at your computer all day?
And by the way, nothing's more annoying than a n00b who thinks he's smart.


The Insane Statistician
Mar 4, 2010
United States
Lmao, I don't care about your age, although it is a good indicator on how much education you have been through.

I am a bit ageist. I hate elderly people and how broken they are. That's my opinion. At the same time, I almost have my credentials to be your high school math teacher and within a year and a half to be a college professor. Before you say, you wouldn't make a good teacher; I have been a math tutor for 4 years and I have taught a math session before (my own class) and I have performed as an excellent instructor.

Fishman, I don't know anything about you other than you, but if you don't understand what I am posting, think twice before trying to make an inference about it.

OMG your logic fails once again! If you have done a little bit of reading, you would have read that I did private tutoring for a few hours today before I came back. If you saw my screen and what projects I was doing, I could come up with so many counter examples to what you are claiming.

Uncle FEFL

Sep 7, 2009
PM me for Social Security information
United States
Zetta_x said:
Easy, we do a sample based on illogical posts. We can then classify two groups, people from ages 13-16 and people ages other. Notice that each trial is independent of each other as long as we take distinct posters (although there is a small dependence if a stupid post comes from another stupid post), each observation would be bernoulli. A sum of independent bernoulli's would be binomial distribution. We want to estimate the parameter, the true proportion of people who posted illogical things and fall between 13-16. An minimum variance unbiased estimator of this parameter would be the number of successes or the total number of trials or sample proportion. .8 is approximately a guess on the sample proportion who follow this bernoulli trials. Use this thread as an example.I'm not sure why you would take the time to do this...

QUOTE said:
As I have mentioned above, what is better and what is not better is subjective. The fact you think that I think I am better uses your biased subjective thoughts to portray what better is. However, you failed to define what 'better' is thus I can't be applied to a subjective category with no fundamental basis.You know, you're pretty funny. You act as if you have no biased and subjective thoughts, as if you are a machine. My biased thoughts are based upon one fundamental premise: how you act towards yourself and other people here. And I must say, you are indeed a dick.

QUOTE said:
The other half is quality. I have asperger syndrome. Society literally calls me autistic. What makes me different than most people? I am a numerical genius, numbers run through my head like water flows through a pipe.
I'm very jealous, quite honestly. But, for example Feynman, it is not impossible for a person of merely above-average intelligence to become incredibly efficient in mathematics. People like you and Jacob Barnett are just given a random head-start. You should feel grateful, depending on your major (which I imagine has to do with mathematics).

QUOTE said:
Going through school I naturally followed a mathematical background which, if you have any mathematical background, is a purely abstract road therefore I am also doing statistics. While grades are horrible predictors of quality education, I have graduated in the top 1% of my class both in high school, community college, and maybe even a 4 year college. I took a class in formal logic, apparently no one else has, the mean grade on the final was 60/110 and standard deviation was about 16. I have pulled off a 108 on that test. Although the class size, and this is especially small for a university class, was about 8, the test followed approximately to a t distribution since the true standard deviation was unknown and small sample sizes assuming each person came from the same population and was normally distributed.
Good for you. Try telling that to someone who gives a fuck about grades, because I sure don't.

That is quite a feat, congratulations.

QUOTE said:
What that means, is I was about 3 standard deviations above the mean and I didn't even bother studying (going a pure mathematical route was more then enough background in logic). I have conditioned myself that I don't need to study or take notes but I can still learn the material better then most people and for that, I feel I'm better quality wise on my education. If you disagree, I don't doubt it, your world is full of biased thoughts with absurd logic (trust me, if you believe in the law, your logic is absurd).
You see what I mean? You're full of arrogant, biased, and all around illogical thoughts, yet you don't seem to notice. You're a fucking human being, whether you know math proficiently or not does not matter, you are filled to the tip top of the fucking cup with biased, subjective, and illogical thoughts. The very tip top. It is unavoidable.

How did you condition yourself to do so? I am curious.

And ROLFLMFAOLOLZOMG at your comment about the law. Jesus Christ, take the arrogance and faulty assumptions about my personal opinions down a couple notches. I understand completely that you stated a theoretical premise, however I don't think that particular comment was made for no reason.

QUOTE said:
You guys have got my thread more then enough attention. My whole purpose of this thread was to make a suggestion, and I am above shocked that people with little logical background participate in the site suggestion forums. I have seen people say, it wouldn't matter blah blah blah, but if there is a will there is a way. I have been reading the GBAtemp forums long before I became a member and I used to have so many people I looked up to. Quickly becoming a member, I realized that there are large handful of GBAtemp users that are just sad and pathetic (this is my own opinion obviously).
Opinion not recognized as a logical conclusion, despite your prestigious background, brah.

I have important shit to do, I don't have time to spoon feed toddlers my opinions and ideas because they lack the quality of intelligence to figure it out themselves. Like I said before, bad attention and good attention all equate to attention, and you guys have given this thread more then enough attention. I knew I had faith in you guys, I didn't even need to think about having to bump up this thread.
What are you doing here, anyway?

Well, conversations are needed to figure out opinions and ideas, so intelligence is not even involved in that. Sucks, though, bro.

Wow, you're awesome, dude.

Have a great day
You too, buddy!

When I said toddlers, I was not indicating age. I'm taking my peak statistic classes and my professor calls us toddlers, when we do master degree graduate work, he considers us walking, then research and beyond is running. So when I used the word toddler, it was to indicate the users who have no idea what modus ponens was... etc...
I hope that when you perish, you feel accomplished. You know, like you've actually done something for the world.


GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
Hmm, a logic test to sign up for this site is going over board. It's the internet, and every site gets it's share of the uneducated, extremists, retards and intolerables. I do see where you're going with this though, because it's gotten to a point where I just skim over certain user's posts to see if they have anything useful to say mixed in with the rest of their bullshit. I don't pay attention to age, but rather the way people type. It's usually a great indication of education and/or [in]coherence. Age is not important in the long run because it's just a number. You have to cut some slack to people because learning and growing up is part of life, and not everybody sees thing with the same amount of clarity as you do.

People that listen with their ears, and read with their eyes, and do with their hands tend to learn more than the vocal minority who only know how to talk.


Blade v3+ (I R SHMEXY)
Apr 24, 2009
In Vulpes' Fur
14 here.

I think I may have to agree slightly with the OP there. The abundance of illogical posters may be higher towards younger age groups than older age groups. People among the higher age groups generally have higher logic, most likely due to higher amounts of education and brain development. However, this is not what he was referring to. If, mathematically, it was correct (I think you have mentioned proficiency in math?) then there's no doubting that. Although the OP couldn't possibly have measured it himself, and it's pretty much just a hypothesis, this is the most accurate we're going to get.

From the way I see it, the post was never really ageist all too much, just that most people were too quick to assume that.

Though I can see why "A common trait I have seen in these illogical posters, with probability near .8, are of age 13-16." could often be confused for "A common trait I have seen in these 13-16 year olds, with probability near .8, are of illogical posters.", the wording is extremely similar and easy to mix up.

However, I don't think that a logic test is necessary. Perhaps something like a simple trivia question could be good, something that's immediately findable on Google, in order to find out if a person has the ability to find answers himself before asking here. I think that dependence on other posters to show them where to go to get their answer is a more prominent problem when it comes to new posters.

Nathan Drake

Obligations fulfilled, now I depart.
Jan 2, 2011
I enjoy how people are trying to define logic. We all view it differently.

Logic comes with age. It may seem like younger posters don't have the logic you desire, but that is because they don't have the life experience yet to back it up. Being on the internet and meeting somebody of a lower age, and expecting them to be on the same level as you is just ludicrous to say the least. In the end, any logic test created would be solely based on the logic of the individual that created it. What if your logic doesn't match their logic? It would just be a cluster of nobody agreeing.

This is dumb; stop whining.

Edit: Just as an add on: I only read the first post and a little bit after. It seems like it would just go in circles anyways.


Tyrant R. of ye olde Prinny Squad
Nov 10, 2010
Wherever Yakity sax plays
Aspergers syndrome hmm? Well at least that would explain your fixation on wanting more logic, and alot of your patterns.
*sigh* People (generally), however, are not moved by logic.
Logic has its own set of faults because, despite what many people may conceive about it, it is not, and cannot, be perfect, it has a finite limit as the value for it reaches infinity... maybe...

What I am trying to infer here is that logic is something everyone has, albiet, in different "directions" if you will, sort of like a vector. One might be logical towords one thing and illogical to another, for example, there exist situations where it would be illogical to act logical, sort of like a paradox.
And because of this, having a test on the premise of weeding out those without a certain threshold of logic is an illogical thing to do, seeing as the test in question would, as a result, only measure "logic" from a subjective point of view.

Incidently, I believe you will find that "common sense" is an oxymoron. Another thing I should mention is that statistics can be manipulated very easily, but thats neither here nor there.


The Insane Statistician
Mar 4, 2010
United States
KingdomBlade, I admire your ability. Just be careful, because I have noticed that people who show even little intelligence in public highschool are often the most disrespected amongst their peers. One thing I have learned, especially in highschool, reality is more a conditioned illusion, if you want to see something as bad, then that is how you conditioned your reality. Because reality is so subjective, I like to see it as an illusion.

My mind has been warped, not by drugs, maybe a little by alcohol, but mainly because I am stubborn. Like I have mentioned above, reality is more of an illusion, and I have pretty much destroyed a lot of foundations I have grew up in such as moralistic behavior and started fresh from my own observations. As Uncle has pointed out, I have lost nearly all my emotions (I blame my first relationship a few years ago for that) and became a narcissistic monster in most people's opinion. Whether or not that is good is governed how I see things or my illusion. It has gotten to the point where most people would suggest to consider seeing a psychologist. I don't agree because all a psychologist is going to do is try conditionalizing me on societal behavior. They will try convincing me to do illogical things like stopping at stop lights and signs given no one is there and it is red. They will probably try convincing me that murder is wrong when it can be shown that there are some situations where the average society person would consider it ok.

etc... So when I go on the gbatemp boards, it's not that I hate users and am a super troll, it's just that I fail to sympathize with people who display constant bad common sense. As can be seen in this thread, logic is far too complicated in such gory details to require every user to know, but at least common sense needs to be upheld. It gets bad when people can't think for themselves and they must be guided by someone else 24/7.


*reads thread title*
*remembers that person who asked if GameCube emulation would be possible on NDS"

Uncle FEFL

Sep 7, 2009
PM me for Social Security information
United States
Zetta_x said:
KingdomBlade, I admire your ability. Just be careful, because I have noticed that people who show even little intelligence in public highschool are often the most disrespected amongst their peers. One thing I have learned, especially in highschool, reality is more a conditioned illusion, if you want to see something as bad, then that is how you conditioned your reality. Because reality is so subjective, I like to see it as an illusion.

My mind has been warped, not by drugs, maybe a little by alcohol, but mainly because I am stubborn. Like I have mentioned above, reality is more of an illusion, and I have pretty much destroyed a lot of foundations I have grew up in such as moralistic behavior and started fresh from my own observations. As Uncle has pointed out, I have lost nearly all my emotions (I blame my first relationship a few years ago for that) and became a narcissistic monster in most people's opinion. Whether or not that is good is governed how I see things or my illusion. It has gotten to the point where most people would suggest to consider seeing a psychologist. I don't agree because all a psychologist is going to do is try conditionalizing me on societal behavior. They will try convincing me to do illogical things like stopping at stop lights and signs given no one is there and it is red. They will probably try convincing me that murder is wrong when it can be shown that there are some situations where the average society person would consider it ok.

etc... So when I go on the gbatemp boards, it's not that I hate users and am a super troll, it's just that I fail to sympathize with people who display constant bad common sense. As can be seen in this thread, logic is far too complicated in such gory details to require every user to know, but at least common sense needs to be upheld. It gets bad when people can't think for themselves and they must be guided by someone else 24/7.
I'm still curious as to how you conditioned yourself to get maximum grades on tests without studying or doing any work. You don't have to respond to this or my last post, but I'd appreciate it if you responded to this one.


Burnin' Monkey Love
Sep 25, 2010
Visit site
Uncle FEFL said:
Zetta_x said:
KingdomBlade, I admire your ability. Just be careful, because I have noticed that people who show even little intelligence in public highschool are often the most disrespected amongst their peers. One thing I have learned, especially in highschool, reality is more a conditioned illusion, if you want to see something as bad, then that is how you conditioned your reality. Because reality is so subjective, I like to see it as an illusion.

My mind has been warped, not by drugs, maybe a little by alcohol, but mainly because I am stubborn. Like I have mentioned above, reality is more of an illusion, and I have pretty much destroyed a lot of foundations I have grew up in such as moralistic behavior and started fresh from my own observations. As Uncle has pointed out, I have lost nearly all my emotions (I blame my first relationship a few years ago for that) and became a narcissistic monster in most people's opinion. Whether or not that is good is governed how I see things or my illusion. It has gotten to the point where most people would suggest to consider seeing a psychologist. I don't agree because all a psychologist is going to do is try conditionalizing me on societal behavior. They will try convincing me to do illogical things like stopping at stop lights and signs given no one is there and it is red. They will probably try convincing me that murder is wrong when it can be shown that there are some situations where the average society person would consider it ok.

etc... So when I go on the gbatemp boards, it's not that I hate users and am a super troll, it's just that I fail to sympathize with people who display constant bad common sense. As can be seen in this thread, logic is far too complicated in such gory details to require every user to know, but at least common sense needs to be upheld. It gets bad when people can't think for themselves and they must be guided by someone else 24/7.
I'm still curious as to how you conditioned yourself to get maximum grades on tests without studying or doing any work. You don't have to respond to this or my last post, but I'd appreciate it if you responded to this one.
Getting a perfect score on a exam without studying isn't really hard. You just need to listen to what the teacher's saying. I never study and always get near perfect or perfect scores on my science tests.


Oct 24, 2002
a logic test on sign up ? yeah, I don't know...
you would be surprised at the amount of emails I get from people who can't figure out the current "color test" -- screenshot below:


with so many people failing a test as easy as that... yeah, nah.

on topic: zetta_x, there's nothing despisable about illogical people.
in fact, if you can find the words, you can address such people in a way that they actually understand everything that you're saying.
the wording matters a lot. I teach at university myself... though not math.
I teach programming to chinese people that speak a terrible english, believe me the words you choose do matter a lot if you want to be understood. But based on your choice of words in this thread it seems that you effectively do not want to be understood.


ヽ( 。 ヮ゚)ノ
Apr 10, 2010
Somewhere near monkat
United States
kinda makes my eyes have to focus harder but i can easily see the colors, i'd just have to check the top row

but anyway i agree with costello in that he is trying to make himself impossible to understand and sound smart, what's the point of saying something as a serious suggestion if you're going to cloud it in confusing wording and unknown diction (to the average person)

also as a side note, don't people have to copy down "I will not ask for ROMs" or something like that now days when they sign up?


The Insane Statistician
Mar 4, 2010
United States
Uncle FEFL said:
I'm still curious as to how you conditioned yourself to get maximum grades on tests without studying or doing any work. You don't have to respond to this or my last post, but I'd appreciate it if you responded to this one.

I will be sending you a PM shortly

QUOTE(Costello @ May 25 2011, 04:12 AM) a logic test on sign up ? yeah, I don't know...
you would be surprised at the amount of emails I get from people who can't figure out the current "color test" -- screenshot below:


with so many people failing a test as easy as that... yeah, nah.

on topic: zetta_x, there's nothing despisable about illogical people.
in fact, if you can find the words, you can address such people in a way that they actually understand everything that you're saying.
the wording matters a lot. I teach at university myself... though not math.
I teach programming to chinese people that speak a terrible english, believe me the words you choose do matter a lot if you want to be understood. But based on your choice of words in this thread it seems that you effectively do not want to be understood.

To be honest, I don't talk too much outside of my math tutoring/teaching or tech job. Whenever I work, I know exactly what to say and how to say it so that people can understand exactly what I am saying. My friends have officially dubbed me, the Socially Awkward Penguin. The main reason is because, the way I type on here is coming straight from my mind because it flows so fluently. I don't have to try to reword things, I rarely go back and re-write things, it's coming straight from my mind and it is how I think all day. The reason why I am called Socially Awkward Penguin is because, and I do go out pretty commonly for social occasions, is because I trip up on my words. I have to think carefully how to word my sentences and because of that my sentences come out awkward. It is not that I can't talk, I communicate perfectly when it comes down to mathematics or electronics (matter of fact, my communication skills when it comes down to math is top notch).

I spend my life observing, I observe human interactions, I observe why things like bad traffic occur, I observe things that many people don't pay attention too. As I am observing, the terminology that is used in this thread, often run through my mind to describe things. I constantly think all day and that's all I do, I observe.

That's the problem for me, there should be nothing despisable when people are illogical. For some strange reason, it annoys me so much when I read a thread discussing something and someone says something like "The playstation is black therefore it must taste like charcoal!" I often get interested in electronics and I read a lot about what is going on and it annoys me when people take an event and butcher it to pieces because of some bad common sense.

While I know a logic test may be a bit too extreme, but maybe a test that involves less logical facts but more common sense. It's one thing to figure out who is a bot or not, but it's another thing if someone registers and they may as well have been a bot because their posts aren't thought out properly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2006
Visit site
I don't mean to be offensive in anyway to you. I have just read your posts and it just seems you are talking complete shit? and rambling on about nothing?

I get the feeling I would end up hitting you if we where in the same room. I dislike people with your attitude. You seem like you look down on everyone. I would advise you to change your attitude and I hope you don't act like that outside in the "real world" as someone will eventually hurt you.

I mean no offense with this post but I'm just being honest about how you come across from your posts in this thread.

My observations might be totally wrong about you but in this thread you don't seem to be a nice guy at all.

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