ROM Hack Rhythm Tengoku Translation - Rhythm Heaven Silver

  • Thread starter W hat
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W hat

Rhythm Heaven Fan
Feb 28, 2007
United States

This one's about two quick-change artists.

W hat

Rhythm Heaven Fan
Feb 28, 2007
United States
Older stuff said:
SirNiko is out for a week and I'll be out for the week-end. Enjoy this release, which sort of features next week's release as well. Technical difficulties with shift-JIS in notepad++ means I can't cut out the finished text for Remix 3 and put it in for a patch next week. Sorry, SirNiko!

If you don't get a patch next week, keep in mind this one was supposed to last for two weeks.

Old release - beta 3e
Old stuff said:
Remix 3 actually wasn't very well-completed last week. Good thing it's fixed for this week's release.

I want to this Beta 3f to be Demo 3, if there aren't any bugs. I will post a finalized, bug-fixed version to We still badly need a crack team of graphics hackers. I'm extremely grateful to the people who have already helped us but I'd need a huge chunk of time off to make sense of it.

(Not) new release - Beta 3f

Newest release - Demo 3. Two extremely minor text fixes from Beta 3f. I wouldn't update if I were already using 3f. Old text New text

Should I leave the star in there?

New idea: use the musical note symbol after a song in the Perfect Campaign window instead of (song). Would save 5 characters.


Known bugs said:
Graphical text cannot currently be edited or translated. Some text is still in Japanese because of this.
This is not a complete translation. It should be complete for any text one could see by playing the first three columns of games (18 games). This includes some E-mails, Drum Lessons, Endless Games, and Rhythm Toys. Any content one would find after the first three columns is not translated yet. The "Cafe," "Credits," and "Live Performance" features are untranslated as well.
A side-effect of the way we hack means that games after Remix 3 will have either a very basic text translation or no text at all. If you want to play with the original Japanese text, keep an original backup of the game.
(NP) means (No practice.). "Spaceball Game" does have practice. The song doesn't start until you hit a few balls correctly.
The*Bon Odori: Sprites flicker at one part because there are too many letters on-screen.
Studio (from the main menu) - Many song titles are missing. Some song titles don't match their localized names. Will be fixed towards the end of the project.
In a list of comments at the end of a game, all comments will be capitalized. This leads to comments like "Also, You nailed every move!"

Known bugs with the game itself (not the patch):
When a perfect campaign starts, the ticking of the flow score doesn't stop until you press A.

W hat

Rhythm Heaven Fan
Feb 28, 2007
United States
Thanks for your interest. We do at least one game per week. 48 games - 18 already done = 30 weeks for the mini-games (maximum, I hope). Extra for the Cafe, live performances, and any graphical hacks.

Edit: We made it onto

Is anyone playing this on a GBA clone? (Like the K1?) I've heard the regular game works so this probably works too.

Edit 2:

Satoru Iwata's GDC 2009 Keynote said:
One goal for Miyamoto and all of Nintendo is to surprise consumers, but Nintendo must first surprise themselves. For example: a Japanese musician named Tsunku contacted Nintendo with the desire to make a game based on his own rhythm theory. Iwata asked Metroid director Yoshio Sakamoto to contact Tsunku. Soon, the director of WarioWare became involved. A small team put together a prototype.

Iwata asked, "How can a good rhythm game be produced if the developers have no rhythm?" So Tsunku taught developers to dance. It was the "first time in my career I had to approve a budget for dance lessons," Iwata said.

Eventually the team was whittled down to five: the five best people for making a rhythm game. (Rhythm Tengoku for GBA.) The only problem: it took too much time. By the time Tengoku launched in Japan, the Nintendo DS had been around for ages, too late to introduce game for American and European markets.

[Adapted from 1up's liveblog. No video or transcript of the full keynote is publicly available. GDC passes include video access and are sold mostly to members of the gaming press. They are very expensive.]

I was right. Not a hard guess to make, really.

edit 3:

One of our upcoming e-mails was never translated by the translators that have worked on this project over the years. Does anyone know Japanese and want to translate a few stanzas of a song? The first four lines are information like title, composer, etc. Then the next parts are the lyrics. This is the song seen in Remix 3.


恋の魅力 恋の不思議
恋の形 恋のニュアンス

逆の意味で 「好き」って何よ!

さらに逆に 言い換えると
スキ みたいなんですよ

めっちゃ あまずっぱい いっちごミルク
そんな感じね 私たち

恋の魅力 恋の不思議
恋の形 恋のニュアンス

edit 4: I made two surveys. I'd like it if you guys answered them. Thanks!

Quick survey - 2 questions
Normal survey - 11 questions (including the questions that the quick survey has)

edit 5: You can spend your Thanksgiving vacation (if you have any) playing Rhythm Heaven.



This release - Beta 4a. It's the welcome return of the double release (Quiz and Night Walk), and it's early! But it comes at a small price.
1. SirNiko hasn't proofread this yet. Let me know if Quiz is funny, or way off the mark. Also check for general errors, if you want.
2. I made two surveys. Can you answer one of them? Both are quick, but if you're pressed for time, do the quick one in a few seconds.
Choose one:
Quick survey - 2 questions
Normal survey - 11 questions

Beta 4a

Known bugs said:
Graphical text cannot currently be edited or translated. Some text is still in Japanese because of this.
This is not a complete translation. It should be complete for any text one could see by playing the first 20 games. This includes some E-mails, Drum Lessons, Endless Games, and Rhythm Toys. Any content one would find after the first three columns is not translated yet. The "Cafe," "Credits," and "Live Performance" features are untranslated as well.
A side-effect of the way we hack means that games after Night Walk will have either a very basic text translation or no text at all. If you want to play with the original Japanese text, keep an original backup of the game.
(NP) means (No practice.). "Spaceball Game" does have practice. The song doesn't start until you hit a few balls correctly.
The*Bon Odori: Sprites flicker at one part because there are too many letters on-screen.
Studio (from the main menu) - Many song titles are missing. Some song titles don't match their localized names. Will be fixed towards the end of the project.
In a list of comments at the end of a game, all comments will be capitalized. This leads to comments like "Also, You nailed every move!"

Known bugs with the game itself (not the patch):
When a perfect campaign starts, the ticking of the flow score doesn't stop until you press A.


Jul 22, 2012
I Challenged to translate Remix3.
I want to modify so good at English.

Honey sweet angel of love
Vocal:Ami Tokito
Arrangement:Suzuki 'Daichi' Hideyoki

Charm of love wonder of love
Shape of love Nuance of love
Honey sweet angel

What is the meaning of love in reverse!
I do not understand it at all

Moreover,In other words to reverse,
it means love

Very sweet-sour strawberry milk
We look like it

Charm of love wonder of love
Shape of love Nuance of love
Honey sweet angel
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
United States
Hey folks, I'm back from vacation!

Hopefully this means over the holiday break I can give this game a big push. I'd like to get some double and triple game releases done over the next few weeks!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
United States
It took me almost two hours, but I found all the text for column 5 and figured out how to format it in english. The text for the giraffe in tap trial was pretty well buried, and Remix 5 has some odd formatting to make the text fit!

My goal is to finish sorting through the minigame text for the last three columns over the next week, so that W hat can focus exclusively on writing. Then I can turn my attention to proofreading and getting the drum lessons and cafe edited and polished up.

And thanks a bunch, Trickart! I was a little worried when I realized Remix 3's text hadn't been translated. For as many youtube videos of the level there are, I was surprised nobody bothered to translate the lyrics. Plus, that's my favorite song in the game!

W hat

Rhythm Heaven Fan
Feb 28, 2007
United States


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
United States
Here's a secret -

In the text within the game, there are level names for Power Calligraphy 2, though there isn't any text (like end-level comments) to go with it. Looks like they were originally planning to make a second level, but decided against it.
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W hat

Rhythm Heaven Fan
Feb 28, 2007
United States
Maybe? Here's a question for you Tengoku experts. These are the two pieces of text we're talking about:
リズムお習字 (Google: Calligraphy your rhythm)
リズムおしゅうじ (Google: Shuji your rhythm)

There isn't anything in studio or live performance by that second name is there?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
United States
The text for every minigame has been found, so that's done and out of the way. The only stuff we're missing is the graphical text, which is mostly obvious. I think I've licked all the formatting problems, too. Only Bon Odori 2 needs some attention, since the amount of on-screen text is so high it causes flickering. Coloring text for Rap Men, and getting the text to light up for the practice in Fireworks should be a piece of cake from here on out.

One unfortunate fact is that the text in the Rap levels (Rap Men and Rap Women) is all sprite text. This means we have no translation for it, and no means to edit it.

Also beneficial is the fact that Column 5 marks the last set of original games. That means a lot less text because there are no practice sessions. Hopefully the pace of things will really pick up from here on out!

W hat

Rhythm Heaven Fan
Feb 28, 2007
United States

Beta 4c - Rap Men and Remix 4. Unfortunately most of Rap Men is still in Japanese. If you're a ROM hacker and are interested in helping us, let us know! There's some technical information / progress starting with post #82. This is a tough game to hack!

The tutorial for Rap Men is in English but the text for their rap is stubbornly still in Japanese. :(

If it's any consolation prize, there are two emails this week as well. ("More than a Barista" for Remix 4 and "Radio Broadcast" for Rap Men.) I'm really happy with the Remix 4 email. I was able to add a bit more humor than the original Japanese had. SirNiko did the localization for the Rap Men email. Thanks!

Known bugs:
New: the text for perfect campaigns for "Love's Honey Sweet Angel of Love" doesn't fit in the text box.
New: "You're", in the comments on "Bunny Hop," "Power Calligraphy," and "Quiz" is converted to some Japanese character for some reason. We're working on fixes for the previous two fixes. Hopefully they are easy issues to solve.
Graphical text cannot currently be edited or translated. Some text is still in Japanese because of this.
This is not a complete translation. It should be complete for any text one could see by playing the first 20 games. This includes some E-mails, Drum Lessons, Endless Games, and Rhythm Toys. Any content one would find after the first three columns is not translated yet. The "Cafe," "Credits," and "Live Performance" features are untranslated as well.
A side-effect of the way we hack means that games after Night Walk will have either a very basic text translation or no text at all. If you want to play with the original Japanese text, keep an original backup of the game.
(NP) means (No practice.). "Spaceball Game" does have practice. The song doesn't start until you hit a few balls correctly.
The*Bon Odori: Sprites flicker at one part because there are too many letters on-screen.
Studio (from the main menu) - Many song titles are missing. Some song titles don't match their localized names. Will be fixed towards the end of the project.
In a list of comments at the end of a game, all comments will be capitalized. This leads to comments like "Also, You nailed every move!"

Known bugs with the game itself (not the patch):
When a perfect campaign starts, the ticking of the flow score doesn't stop until you press A.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
United States
Rap Men uses sprites for the lyrics, so we can't edit it until we figure out how to edit the graphics. Unfortunate! Thankfully, the game color codes the phrases so it's easy to tell how to respond to each.

The e-mail will probably change a little when we edit the lyrics. The e-mail references the game by reusing some of the spoken lyrics, but those lyrics aren't settled yet. There are rhymes of the phrases that will require some thought to make them fit the spirit of the original lyrics while keeping the rhythm of the rap and not exceeding the available space. That's going to take more than a little effort!

And, of course, it also references the Rap Women game which poses the same problem of sprite text.

We've hit a halfway point on the text, which is pretty impressive! It's my hope that we'll start to see more double releases as we embark on the second half!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
United States
Just patch a fresh copy of the game, and your perfect score will be left intact. Save files will remain functional for all forseeable patches.

W hat

Rhythm Heaven Fan
Feb 28, 2007
United States
I haven't posted very much outside of weekly releases. Here's a little check-in. (No release just yet - it's only Monday.)

We've started formally collecting stylistic consistency issues. They aren't exactly bugs, but you wouldn't see these kinds of issues in a real translation. For example, the font used for "medium" and "large" sizes (seen in the email "The Rhythm Formula") is different from our normal "small" font that we use almost everywhere. These probably aren't the things normal users would notice unless you tell them. In fact, it's hard for us to notice them because we have spent so much time on the project. But if you notice anything that doesn't match with other parts of the patch, let us know.

I found a little product online that may be interesting to this project or may be a waste of time. You'll know more in a few months. :P edit: Turns out it was a waste of time. It was this.

I am reluctant to release a "Demo 4" patch with those two new bugs. Both of them would have been fixed already if they were easily fixed. What do you people think? I know I have some that only download Demo patches. Can you deign yourselves to play a "beta" patch if it's complete through Remix 4?

Things do not look great for graphical hacking but we'll keep trying. I have a few more places where I can post about the project.

edit: Beta 5a - Hopping Road and Ninja.



The two newest bugs still elude us. I don't have much time to devote to bug-hunting this weekend either.

Beta 5b - Toss Boys and Fireworks

SirNiko did a huge amount of work for this one. Be sure to thank him. Sorry it's a little late.

Known bugs:
The text for perfect campaigns for "Love's Honey Sweet Angel of Love" doesn't fit in the text box.
Comments that are contrary to the main one in white (like "but you were good on the slow ones!" sometimes don't display correctly.
Graphical text cannot currently be edited or translated. Some text is still in Japanese because of this.
This is not a complete translation. It should be complete for any text one could see by playing the first 26 games. This includes some E-mails, Drum Lessons, Endless Games, and Rhythm Toys. Any content one would find after the first 26 games is not translated yet. The "Cafe," "Credits," and "Live Performance" features are untranslated as well.
A side-effect of the way we hack means that games after Night Walk will have either a very basic text translation or no text at all. If you want to play with the original Japanese text, keep an original backup of the game.
(NP) means (No practice.). "Spaceball Game" does have practice. The song doesn't start until you hit a few balls correctly.
The*Bon Odori: Sprites flicker at one part because there are too many letters on-screen.
Studio (from the main menu) - Many song titles are missing. Some song titles don't match their localized names. Will be fixed towards the end of the project.
In a list of comments at the end of a game, all comments will be capitalized. This leads to comments like "Also, You nailed every move!"

Known bugs with the game itself (not the patch):
When a perfect campaign starts, the ticking of the flow score doesn't stop until you press A.

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  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    and also ahve the option to play as a human
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    or set it up that when you get injured past a certain point they have to replace your human parts with cybernetics
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    i have a placeholder enemy sprite i made
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    or have it that you don't know you are a cyborg, robot, and you find out and have a existential crisis
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    or have it start in the virtual world and you are an ai that gained sentience
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    btw gonna wash my face in a bit, my eyes feel tired
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    and you convince your owner to help you break out of the virtual world to real world
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Eyes - "yawn"
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    you bleack in to goverment computer systems to get cyborg schematics so you can get a robot body constructed
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    btw @BigOnYa the health bar doesnt decrease when i take damage (and yes i put the "at the beggining of the scene change value of greenflatbar: set to Protagonistcopmode.Health::Health())
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    i the protagonist
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    human, robot, cyborg
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    human with cyborg enhancements
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    or like terminatior
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    with living tissue
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty there is health behaviour you can add to your character, then to use a health bar is lil more complicated, google n watch a few tutorial video on it, be too hard to explain here.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, the character has the health behavior
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I know you have to create a health and health max variable. Then there is a calculation you use in code to subtract width size of the health bar. Google few vids.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, the "greenflatbar" is one of the preset health bars btw
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea you can use any bar/sprite. It will just change the width. Ok good luck and have fun. I'm off to go shoot some pool at the bar. Talk to you later.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, why does the health behavior exist if you can just use a variable?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and nope the number still doesnt change
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    ok im gonna make my own asset
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: ok im gonna make my own asset