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roeVwade:Same-sex couples updating legal status after Supreme Court’s decision on abortion (Jay Reeves) [+CNN clip]

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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Someone has been watching Little Big Man. ;)
Yes, I am aware of the "twin soul" thing that that one tribe was talking about, and if there is any historical truth to it, then I would say it was a VERY isolated practice.

I'm sure if we had all records of history we may find accounts all over the world where this might have occurred at some time, but we have no records that suggest it was a cultural norm until the present, after Freud, after Wilhelm Reich wrote The Sexual Revolution, after the establishment of the Frankfurt school and critical theory here in the west, after the influence of Herbert Marcuse, post modernism, etc., after Alfred Kinsey wrote his two books on male and female sexuality and made it on the cover of all the popular magazines at the time, and after the medical books on mental health were changed, not by scientific findings, but by force and bullying tactics.

You forget that you and your like subscribe to a secular religion, and your not even familiar with it's authors, what they were like, and what motivated them. In fact half of the heroes of the pride movement were in fact pro pedo.

They also don't want to come to terms with the fact that Margaret Sanger's whole purpose for Planned Parenthood was to eliminate the black population, which is why over 90% of Planned Parenthood locations are in black neighborhoods. Their heroes are pedos and racists, not to mention authoritarian, but if you show them proof, they will deny it, because they are in a cult.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
They also don't want to come to terms with the fact that Margaret Sanger's whole purpose for Planned Parenthood was to eliminate the black population, which is why over 90% of Planned Parenthood locations are in black neighborhoods.
Well if fox news says it, then it must be true...(*)


But whatever the truth, is largely irrelevant. I don't believe anyone in planned parenthood wants to eliminate the black population. Ironically the people posting this kinda of rubbish, do.

(*) sarcasm.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
Funny how so many of the people that supported the reversal of Roe vs Wade, are the same people that cry at the thought of revisiting the second amendment, and not even necessarily to flat out reverse it, but just to make stricter gun laws in general.



Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Funny how so many of the people that supported the reversal of Roe vs Wade, are the same people that cry at the thought of revisiting the second amendment, and not even necessarily to flat out reverse it, but just to make stricter gun laws in general.

Exactly they are all for arming evil people with guns that kill. But abortion is somehow concidered evil. Go figure


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
Exactly they are all for arming evil people with guns that kill. But abortion is somehow concidered evil. Go figure
Sure, there is definitely that layer of hypocrisy as well. But I really was just focusing on the hypocrisy of the idea that the second amendment from 2 and a half centuries ago is sacred and can't be touched, but a supreme court ruling from half a century ago is A-OK to be changed, simply because it fits their agenda.

Another way to frame it to really drive home the hypocrisy is, in regard to abortion, they believe that we know better now than we did 50 years ago. Ok, but then they also believe in regard to guns that we knew better 250 years ago than we know today?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Well if fox news says it, then it must be true...(*)


But whatever the truth, is largely irrelevant. I don't believe anyone in planned parenthood wants to eliminate the black population. Ironically the people posting this kinda of rubbish, do.

(*) sarcasm.
It doesn't matter what you believe. Explain why 90% are in black neighborhoods, or did NPR neglect that little detail?

I love how leftwingers always point to the scary Fox News boogeyman as their prime argument. Do you honestly think everybody to the right of Stalin watches Fox News? That channel is absolute garbage. They lie almost as much as CNN and MSDNC. It's funny how one channel scares you so much when you have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, NPR, NYTimes, WaPo, every other newspaper and local news channel. Not to mention academia, social media, tech giants, Big Pharma, Hollywood, corporate boards, unions, all of Congress and the Presidency. And you still can't win. It must be frustrating. :rofl2:


Author of Alien Breed: Projekt Odamex
Jul 25, 2012
Another Huxleyian Dystopia
United States
They also don't want to come to terms with the fact that Margaret Sanger's whole purpose for Planned Parenthood was to eliminate the black population, which is why over 90% of Planned Parenthood locations are in black neighborhoods. Their heroes are pedos and racists, not to mention authoritarian, but if you show them proof, they will deny it, because they are in a cult.
Many have been given over to a reprobate mind and they can't find any peace in this life; only temporal escapes. Until they wish to end this cycle within them selves, they will continue to see, but not see, and hear but not hear. Unlike the seed that falls on fertile soil, they will never grow up and mature until they begin to realize the folly of their ways, but so long as they fail to see the miracle of life and existence, they will not treasure or realize what they have or could have.

It is said that blacks only make up 18% of the U.S. population, black on black crime and abortion are major contributors to that fact. In my small city, most of the black churches preach for homosexuality and abortion, so I have taken it upon my self to start visiting them and starting up conversations. I've yet to change the path of an entire church, but I have managed to get a mind or two thinking.
Last edited by XDel,


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
If you will recall, Jesus himself did not always speak kind words, not even to his Disciples. There was even an instance where he went into a Jewish temple and being displeased with what he witnessed in there, he fashioned a whip then went into the building kicking over tables and chasing people out.

You'll find that there are a lot of instances in the Bible where Jesus and God himself smited and punished due to things like jealousy. I'm sure you recall the passage where God killed those children because they made fun of, I believe, one of the apostles.

I think you are lost on that white, prestine, homo-erotic, shampoo model version of Jesus that we see in pictures everywhere. You know, the one's where he looks like he never faced adversity a day in his life, never suffered, never did a full days work, never walked a mile, etc. Just a kind soft Jesus who means no one any harm and keeps the truth to himself so that no one is offended.

Not really. I like the nitty gritty Jesus, the one that banged whores and kicked tables over.

I can save us both a lot of time. If you want to know what the Bible says, then study it patiently, and sincerely. Be prepared to learn about ancient cultures, be prepared to learn a thing or two about Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic, prepare to think you've got an understanding only to read further and realize that you've not got it all worked out quite yet. After all, studying the Bible like having a relationship with the Creator of All, is a process, it is not pragmatic, and it is not easy.

I have, for decades. You would think someone who followed the Bible would question it, analyze it, scrutinize it, in an effort to understand it better. God didn't give us the capacity to speculate and pontificate if we were supposed to blindly follow his words.

On the other hand if you just want to pick and choose points to challenge without attempting to sincerely understanding it as a whole; you will find your job easy.

But isn't that what you've done? You've posted scripture in the wrong context as proof of your faith and point, and try to claim these points as your own.

Besides, you would be a fool to think I have all the answers. I didn't write the Bible and I certainly am not responsible for all of creation. Rather I do the best I can and try to do better as time goes on. I try to embrace the truth even if it offends me, scares, me, or confuses me for a time. And while I am not perfect, I try to aspire towards perfection, and the only way I know it is by instruction from spirit when I am still and have ears to hear and eyes to see, and revelations from scripture that slowly reveal them selves to me as I continue in my studies.

And with the many interpretations of the beginning times in the form of different relationships, how are you sure yours is the truthful one? Because it's one of the most widely spread? Because you grew up being forced fed it's ideals? Because it's convenient?

P.S. Without law and order there would be chaos. It seems that that is what the Woke movement is all about. Do what ever you want, without consequences....

Or maybe it's having the freedom to be an individual. This is going to be a hard point to contend for you, because conservative Republicans want less government but more theocracy, less freedom and more restriction. It's a hypocritical conundrum, preaching love and diversity while enforcing restriction and exclusion. Your standpoint would be more solid if the current state of Christianity wasn't tyrannical in it's pursuit of control.

Life ain't like that, and you will eventually hurt others in living as such. This is reflected in when a parent disciplines their child for doing wrong. They discipline not out of hate, and not because they want to hurt the child, but because they want to get the child's attention and correct them from engaging in further error.

I have yet to hurt anyone living the way I do. I practice self reliance and solidarity, something that's lost upon both Republicans and Christians. The fact that you believe everyone should believe the way you believe because otherwise their unchristian is a direct affront to the same religion you claim to love.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
It doesn't matter what you believe. Explain why 90% are in black neighborhoods, or did NPR neglect that little detail?

That's odd, I can't seem to find any statistics to support the propaganda you're spitting. Care to share some sources?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
It's a spiritual observation in that you can glimpse aspects of God's nature through the creation. Within creation there are polar opposites. In regards to magnets, like rejects like, but opposites pull together, with electricity you need a positive and negative feed, in regards to pro-creation one of each sex is required, and so on and so forth. This is not just something that Christians have observed over the centuries, but also Egyptians, Africans, Hindus, Native Americans, and so forth. In fact up until the 90's, this observation was also strongly held by WICCANs, or at least it wasn't until the 90's that I noticed that that group began to wander into more Crowley esque tendencies and interpretations of nature.

Psychologically and emotionally the man must face the woman and the woman must face the man in order to develop. Generally when a person is behaving in a homosexual manner, they are avoiding the growth they require and can only find though facing and coming to terms with the opposite. Likewise, most relationships today are only based upon the physical, or how happy a person makes you, rather than upon sacrifice, humbleness, and mutual growth. This is why straight couples are having more and more kids outside of marriage and are unable to hold a marriage because over the past century, our culture has been altered and we are no longer grounded or rooted in our collective history, nor clear knowledge of it there of.
this flys in the face of biology. plenty of other species have homosexuals that do upkeep and maintenance for their species. for example homosexual doplhins protect mating dolphins from sharks and other attacks during mating season. if you think humans are somehow divine and different from all other species, then you are deluded. we might be at the apex, but we are not broken from our biology. Being gay has an evolutionary advantage in the form of gay aunt/uncle theroy where 25% of your genes get passed on if one of your siblings has a child, so it is still viable.

speaking of not knowing our cultural roots, how are you sure our current religions are the right ones? we have had thousands of them over the hundreds of thousands of years of human development. all i am seeing is pseudo-intellectual bullshit being spewed to back up basically non-existent points. i'm sorry that the world isn't as black and white or clean cut as you want it to be, sex and reproduction are massively complicated, or we wouldn't have xx/xy/xxx/xxy/x0 sex chromosome pairings. or SRY gene mistranscription from Y->X.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
United States
On a side note, where do atheists get their values from?
Well we certainly don't get our values from a book that says god committed and commanded genocide. Multiple times. But that's old testament, who cares? No christian gives a shit about the OT.

But in the NT, Jesus introduced the concept of hell. If someone was killed in the old testament, that was it, they're just no longer alive, they pretty much no longer exist. But nooooo~~~ jesus just *had* to say people will suffer for all eternity if they don't repent and commit themselves to him or whatever. He tries to sell himself as the solution to a problem that didn't even exist. And of course it's up to interpretation (which doesn't help your case mind you), but John 15:6 seems to call for killing non-Christians so have fun with that one. You'll say it's a bad interpretation, but the problem is just about every command or moral you pull form the bible is up to interpretation. Many of those easy interpretations can be used to justify heinous stuff.

Fuck off with your "at least I have values" bullshit. You know what values I have? "Try not to be a dick." Of course, that's up to interpretation isn't it?

EDIT: He's just linking videos now, lmao
Last edited by videogamefanatic,


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
Well we certainly don't get our values from a book that says god committed and commanded genocide. Multiple times. But that's old testament, who cares? No christian gives a shit about the OT.

But in the NT, Jesus introduced the concept of hell. If someone was killed in the old testament, that was it, they're just no longer alive, they pretty much no longer exist. But nooooo~~~ jesus just *had* to say people will suffer for all eternity if they don't repent and commit themselves to him or whatever. He tries to sell himself as the solution to a problem that didn't even exist. And of course it's up to interpretation (which doesn't help your case mind you), but John 15:6 seems to call for killing non-Christians so have fun with that one. You'll say it's a bad interpretation, but the problem is just about every command or moral you pull form the bible is up to interpretation. Many of those easy interpretations can be used to justify heinous stuff.

Fuck off with your "at least I have values" bullshit. You know what values I have? "Try not to be a dick." Of course, that's up to interpretation isn't it?

EDIT: He's just linking videos now, lmao
imagine needing to be told to be a good person, and then threatened so you actually do it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States

where's the compassion for the alive? a 10 year old had to flee her state to get an abortion because she was raped. women who get cancer won't get treated because most chemo treatments kill the child. almost 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, are we going to turn into a surveillance state to punish women?

the craziest part about all this is that the current SCOTUS is removing RvW on the basis that it isn't in the constitution, but by that same token judicial review and the SCOTUS being able to rule things unconstitutional isn't even in the constitution.

"The best-known power of the Supreme Court is judicial review, or the ability of the Court to declare a Legislative or Executive act in violation of the Constitution, is not found within the text of the Constitution itself. The Court established this doctrine in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803)."


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
Well we certainly don't get our values from a book that says god committed and commanded genocide. Multiple times. But that's old testament, who cares? No christian gives a shit about the OT.

But in the NT, Jesus introduced the concept of hell. If someone was killed in the old testament, that was it, they're just no longer alive, they pretty much no longer exist. But nooooo~~~ jesus just *had* to say people will suffer for all eternity if they don't repent and commit themselves to him or whatever. He tries to sell himself as the solution to a problem that didn't even exist. And of course it's up to interpretation (which doesn't help your case mind you), but John 15:6 seems to call for killing non-Christians so have fun with that one. You'll say it's a bad interpretation, but the problem is just about every command or moral you pull form the bible is up to interpretation. Many of those easy interpretations can be used to justify heinous stuff.

Fuck off with your "at least I have values" bullshit. You know what values I have? "Try not to be a dick." Of course, that's up to interpretation isn't it?

EDIT: He's just linking videos now, lmao
he's just trying to use squick factor to bludgeon others with a canned opinion. I'm not even sure he is capable of forming his own logical arguments. and as we know, you can't logic someone out of a box they didn't logic themselves into in the first place. in essence the most ironic sheep.

also jesus christ this guy is just posting straight propaganda

Daleiden's organization set up a fake biomedical research company, called Biomax Procurement Services. Under this guise, they posed as potential buyers of aborted fetal tissue and organs, and secretly recorded Planned Parenthood officials during meetings.[18] CMP released edited versions of these videos, which it promoted as showing Planned Parenthood officials "price haggling over ‘baby parts'".[19] When the full, unedited, videos became available, they instead showed "a Planned Parenthood executive repeatedly saying its clinics want to cover their costs, not make money, when donating fetal tissue from abortions for scientific research."[11] According to the lawyer for Planned Parenthood, Roger K. Evans, Biomax proposed “sham procurement contracts,” offering $1,600 for liver and thymus fetal tissues.[20]

The videos and allegations attracted widespread media coverage, and re-invigorated the long-term American political abortion debate.[21] Five separate congressional investigations of Planned Parenthood were launched as a result of the videos.[22] A bill to defund Planned Parenthood was proposed, but failed to pass in the Senate on August 3, 2015.[23] Several states cut contracts and funding for Planned Parenthood following the videos, regardless of whether Planned Parenthood provided abortion services in those states.[24] An editorial in The New England Journal of Medicine was highly critical of the Center for Medical Progress, describing the videos as part of a "campaign of misinformation" by an organization that "twist(s) the facts."[25]

Media Matters for America named The Center for Medical Progress their "Misinformer Of The Year" for 2015.[26]

Following the September, 2019 criminal hearing, Planned Parenthood and others affected by Daleiden's videos initiated a civil jury trial against Center for Medical Progress affiliates Daleiden, Merritt and also Troy Newman, Albin Rhomberg and Gerardo Adrian Lopez in federal court. They are being accused of fraud, breach of contract, unlawful recording of conversations, civil conspiracy and also violation of federal anti-racketeering law.[42][43]
Last edited by omgcat,


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
Funny how so many of the people that supported the reversal of Roe vs Wade, are the same people that cry at the thought of revisiting the second amendment, and not even necessarily to flat out reverse it, but just to make stricter gun laws in general.

Ah America, where guns have more rights than women!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2013
Abortion is a medical necessity, it's not going away ever. Outlawing it only makes it less safe. Trying to force a ten year old to give birth to her rapist's baby, now that's indefensible.
Most abortions are done for convenience and don't pretend like you don't know this to be true. People can choose to not engage in casual sex, or to use protection, or to otherwise accept that sex carries the risk of pregnancy. Not wanting or feeling you cannot afford the baby is not license to kill them.
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