Suggestion Should we ban religious / LGBT / political threads?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
World of ruin
United States
This started as a status message, but it sparked some interesting discussion, so at the advice of someone on my status, I made a thread to see what everyone else thinks.

Now, its not my place to decide the rules of this site, nor am I the kind of person to usually censor what people talk about. However, I am seeing more and more of these threads every day, and its getting out of hand. They always, without fail, devolve into bigotry and arguing. With this being a video game website, and these sorts of threads causing so much drama, maybe it would be for the best?

An example I would like to give is the thread from the other day about the Afghanistan bombing. After several pages it devolved into several people saying how gays should be executed. The thread was deleted shortly after. My question is, why aren't those people being punished and having their comments deleted? Why was the entire thread removed? Some of that conversation was legit discussion. I have a feeling the staff here is tired of the crap too (please correct me if I am wrong).

So what do you all think? I don't wanna censor people really, but at the same time I think it would make the site a more friendly, enjoyable experience for everyone. Maybe another option would be to create a separate forum for this stuff, so at least it doesn't appear on the front page? Please, let me know how you all feel too.

EDIT: At this point, after discussing this for so many hours, my opinion on the matter is that outright banning this sort of thing is not the answer. I do, however, feel that off-topic discussions of this nature don't belong on the front page of a gaming / hacking forum. A lot of people are tired of seeing it and it just plain makes us looks bad as a community when 4 out of the 10 topics on the front page are off-topic shit shows of bigotry and hate. This is obviously not too often the case, but it does seem to be happening more frequently.
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pessimism = Realism
Feb 18, 2016
United States
Exactly; even though this is the internet; people are inconsiderate of the fact that someone can get affected by another person's words if it attacks their culture, religion, race, or whatever. Those things are probably what they aren't really about and it's just misinterpreted. Everything has its flaws; nothing is perfect--but all trees have bad apples. And good apples.
I believe in predigous equality. Everyone gets crap. But those who can take it are the ones I want to be with. I'm from Arkansas, a very steriotyped place and I make fun of myself and my southern language all the time because I'm around people who don't talk like I do. But the sooner we can make fun of ourselves, the better we become....

Is this off topic. Man, I need to get off the Internet and sleep.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
I'm not pointing any fingers. I was actually defending your right to speak your opinion. The way you type and the way you percent your opinions reminds me of Aspergers - and I thought that might be a reason your posts are repeating themselves, lacking any kind of tact and taking your own opinion as blatant fact. I know several Aspies, and recognized the patterns.

Besides you're on an all attack mode, how about chilling a bit?

LOL I was attacked early on in the thread. Tact? It is a thread about what is your opinion on political gay god posts. I gave mine. And I got shit on. But I never backed down. And I repeat my opinion because it is dismissed repeatedly. And I attempt to not derail the thread instead of simply telling you that I feel a lot of you use organs other than your brain for thinking WAY TOO MUCH. I think its a moot issue issue in the first place but you asked my opinion. Then someone attacks me over and over. About my answer, my lack of coddling, even my fucking punctuation. To which I defend myself and restate my opinion and explain, Trying to continue the conversation. All without calling anyone names or insulting anyone. I just answered the question. Yes, I think its inappropriate and take it elsewhere. You all just try to pick apart logic that doesn't jive with your feelings. And by you all I am talking about all of you who are offended. That's not tactless or rude. It's just honest and logical. It's a cruel world. I gave you truth. Not a hug.


pessimism = Realism
Feb 18, 2016
United States
I'm not pointing any fingers. I was actually defending your right to speak your opinion. The way you type and the way you percent your opinions reminds me of Aspergers - and I thought that might be a reason your posts are repeating themselves, lacking any kind of tact and taking your own opinion as blatant fact. I know several Aspies, and recognized the patterns.
If you're not, I'm sorry I made that guess.

Besides you're on an all attack mode, how about chilling a bit?
As someone with Aspbergers, how did you realize a correlation? No hate towards anyone or anything. I'm just curious because I've always wondered how other people grew up with it. I've wanted to know if my experience is similar to others....


Community Smart Ass!
Oct 5, 2015
The most communist country in the world!
United States
I am truly offended I am part of a community that would rather silence their supposed opposition!
I am quite aware this is a video game forum and at least should stay a video game forum and if political or religous talk is banned so then LBGT should be also.
No miniority, religion, political beliefs, or sexual preference has a moral authority over anyone else!
If these things are posted on forums and you don't like it, you still have a right to turn the other way!

Oh the hypocrisy runs rampant on GBA!
Last edited by Cylent1,


Former Staff
Sep 23, 2013
I am truly offended I am part of a community that would rather silence their supposed opposition!
I am quite aware this is a video game forum and at least should stay a video game forum and if political or religous talk is banned so then LBGT should be also.
No miniority, religion, political beliefs, or sexual preference has a moral authority over anyone else!
If these things are posted on forums and you don't like it, you still have a right to turn the other way!
tbf the only opinions from staff so far is in support of reasonable expression of religion/LGBT/political topics which is good, I know many sites are very aggressive in their our way or the highway mentality


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
World of ruin
United States
I am truly offended I am part of a community that would rather silence their supposed opposition!
I am quite aware this is a video game forum and at least should stay a video game forum and if political or religous talk is banned so then LBGT should be also.
No miniority, religion, political beliefs, or sexual preference has a moral authority over anyone else!
If these things are posted on forums and you don't like it, you still have a right to turn the other way!

Oh the hypocrisy runs rampant on GBA!
Please read more than just the thread title. I said in the OP that I don't wish to censor anyone, but numbers don't lie. 65% of people that voted so far think that this is a problem, and should be dealt with in some way. I don't mind people discussing opinions in the least. What I DO mind, is the fact that we are a video game community. We shouldn't have new people show up to the site, and see that 4 out of the 10 recent threads are controversial topics turned to shitstorms. It makes us ALL look bad. A suggestion was made earlier that a number of people seem to like: allow these threads to continue, but restrict them to blog posts. Blogs are meant for opinions to begin with, and it would make it very easy to filter out blog posts on the front page, while still following any people / blogs that you WANT to see. With this stuff being in the off-topic section as it is now, its mixed in with a lot of other, non-opinionated stuff that I personally don't want to have to filter out, just to avoid seeing the throbbing tumor threads.


Apr 10, 2004
As someone with Aspbergers, how did you realize a correlation? No hate towards anyone or anything. I'm just curious because I've always wondered how other people grew up with it. I've wanted to know if my experience is similar to others....
I don't have Aspergers. I just thought he typed in such a way that some Aspies I know does. Not saying every Aspie writes like that or anything! It's difficult to explain in English for me, but they write in a cold and sterile way. Very black and white.
"this is a game site, nothing else should be discussed here. This is the truth."

Anyway it's past 5 in the morning so I better get some sleep now.


pessimism = Realism
Feb 18, 2016
United States
I don't have Aspergers. I just thought he typed in such a way that some Aspies I know does. Not saying every Aspie writes like that or anything! It's difficult to explain in English for me, but they write in a cold and sterile way. Very black and white.
"this is a game site, nothing else should be discussed here. This is the truth."

Anyway it's past 5 in the morning so I better get some sleep now.
Ya that's pretty acurate, my parents always got on to me for being to literal.
Thanks. See ya.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
World of ruin
United States
I don't have Aspergers. I just thought he typed in such a way that some Aspies I know does. Not saying every Aspie writes like that or anything! It's difficult to explain in English for me, but they write in a cold and sterile way. Very black and white.
"this is a game site, nothing else should be discussed here. This is the truth."

Anyway it's past 5 in the morning so I better get some sleep now.
Goodnight (good morning?). Thanks for joining us! Its nice to hear the staff's side of the story too. Really helped give some perspective.

Ya that's pretty acurate, my parents always got on to me for being to literal.
Thanks. See ya.
I have that problem too. Never thought about it as a kid, but as an adult, I always wondered if I may have Aspergers. Never bothered to get tested (Is adult testing even a thing? I would assume yes). I'm continuing an off topic discussion at this point, though. Feel free to DM me if you'd like to discuss it.
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
There have been good threads on the matter in the past, there can be again. There does not seem to be a true epidemic of bad ones.

I have problems with people telling me their feelings should take a serious priority. This can be a problem as many nowadays would like their feelings to never be bothered and that is not really how the world works. Sometimes you can substitute feelings with the word respect, if you are completely willing to disregard previously accepted definitions of the concept but that seems to be OK with the people proposing that.

On the matters of rigorous intellectual debate some of said same... I would say knife to a gunfight but it is more like sharpened stick and a persistent fear of the dark when others are engaged in intergalactic space warfare. This is how we learn though. Some need to (re)learn to bring people up rather than smack them down -- someone might be flat wrong, or maybe even just flat wrong in your opinion, but run through their logic first, and if you are really good try not to do a mental denial of service (sometimes easier said than done if a good mantra is involved). A while back we had a vaccination thread, some of those genuinely thought a blanket statement of it does not work/is all bad was not utterly cretinous behaviour, but I ran with it anyway (unfortunately we did not get those offended by my calling things cretinous behaviour like we had one of the times before as those are funny). Often times the concept of intellectual property comes up and some trying their hand are so wrong I can even fathom how they got there, curiously though there are no real religious edicts on intellectual property (the concept first arose around 1700 and took a long time to get really codified, and with most major religions having already been set in their ways some thousand years before then...) and it does not seem to be a political issue with any really defined positions in any country* really (give or take the pirate party and the american tea party, and affiliates/branches/offshoots of each using similar principles).

*the country thing gets tricky. For instance no UK right wing conservative party politician would likely ever stand on a platform of getting rid of universal healthcare (known as the NHS in the UK) and while I am sure some would say they would rather people not get an abortion they would also never stand on an anti abortion one either. While not every right wing US politician has the opposite it is still common and possibly still the bread and butter of it all. Whether such things are a distraction issue or not could be debated but if we are discussing political issues that would have to be accounted for.

I'll see a thousand GBLT gets dipped in alphabet soup threads locked before I see someone struggling with concepts somehow infer that it is not a thing to be talked about. I have my fair share of issues with militant idiots almost turning things into a points scoring game where in most cases it is done, accepted by enough of society and unlikely to slide backwards, time for some nuance unless you are talking about a barbaric shithole (so rarely is it, that is a hard problem after all) and in that case still needs some tactical nuance.

There have been a few cases where certain users were variously banned or conditionally asked to refrain from posting in certain sections (mainly the EOF). I could see something like that working here, but at the same time I am not sure I would want to.

Islam then. For many reasons, including from a pure anthropological standpoint, it has been a great pleasure in life to watch first hand the reformation of Islam (largely within the Bengali community**) within the UK over the last 20 years or so (it was happening before but I am not that old). People taking aspects of it, getting rid of the cruft (which usually starts with dropping the more rigid aspects, which is nothing for most religions but actually a fairly radical thing within Islam***), remixing elements and then setting about life with it all. That it also seems to really upset fuckheads of a more fundamentalist, or perhaps wahhabist, persuasion is a bit scary at times but also amuses. Better yet the UK variety I am seeing is different still to those places where Islam historically had a major role but despite claims to the contrary is actually taking an increasingly more and more minor role within a country, to say nothing of some of the stuff I am more peripherally aware of from the US.
That said I have noticed a distinct correlation between the arrival in a thread of Islam as a concept, be it apologetics, those with a dislike of some of the more popular on the news fronts of it that can't quite articulate things or sometimes simply those starting from a base of some flavour of Islam (not necessarily apologetics) and working from there and the derailment of threads. There are many ways I could go from here**** but I will say some use the term islamophobia like some before them used the term racism and in doing so risk devaluing any notions of it, curiously the Islam and those concerned with feelings brigade are making for some very strange bedfellows right now and I kind of want to see what happens to the children. While not all adherents of Muhammadanism are of the religion of pieces of you flying everywhere, the notion of it being otherwise is patently ridiculous, it is a world leader by some margin. Not all is a phrase that is rather broken these days, possibly years before now by other things, and the only thing worse is saying they were not real, as if they were imaginary, and that also lacks the punch you might expect as apostasy is something some can even be seen to commend. There are plenty of ways to engage, and I have no doubt you find the notion of getting tooled up and going out like salafist rambo to be as disgusting and counter productive as anybody else with even a vague respect for life, so maybe find a better way. I have no concrete suggestions at this point though (the way suicides are reported and the way school shootings psychologists would say should be but US news has a bit of a sensationalist problem so does not maybe yielding something).
I floated through a thread the other day and saw phrases about assumptions on cultures. While I would not say there is a surplus of knowledge, and also despite what I later consider on the nature of the philosophy, the authoritarian bent and somewhat unyielding nature of things is known and is typically held to be rather opposed to notions that underpin laws and philosophy "in the west". Maybe it will be that aspects of the philosophy you hold are fundamentally different and ultimately irreconcilable with that of those typically held by those "in the west", and maybe it will be that as a result you are told to somehow impose or shun those for it which sucks if it is the case but hey.

**you rarely see it on the news the present wahhabism world tour also causes serious problems for Bangladesh, despite nominally being an Islamic country.

***going back to the gay thing earlier the favourite passages/books within the bible some like to say gay maybe not OK according to this also contain nonsense about shellfish and mixed fabrics. To that end the average people that might draw a philosophy from the bible are used to filtering things and trying to make something work, for a lot of takes on Islam that would cause a headache or some mental gymnastics. That said one need only look lightly into the various schools of Islamic jurisprudence as a whole to see the notions that heavy filtering is not a concept alien to Islam.

****While starting to be covered in the previous asterisked thing we would have to consider the nature of "pure" Islam as a rather comprehensive philosophy. We could consider that in many cases, historically and presently, it is a system that is used to being in charge, unquestioned and unquestionable, however now being another, often cases, minor philosophy among it all is then something it struggles with, and how that means some come off as abrasive or some wander in with a certainty that is not founded on the strongest base.

As the list of asterisks, brackets, run on sentences and such is reflecting the time (just gone 4am) that I am writing this means I will cut it off here.


AKA zooksman
Jun 6, 2013
United States
First off, your title is a little poorly worded. Banning LGBT threads for example would obviously be bigoted in and of itself.

But title aside, I see no reason why threads of this nature should be banned. While I tend to disagree with the majority opinion in most of these threads, I wouldn't go so far as to say we should ban them. We can't just hope to silence the people you or I may disagree with, nor can we really just throw a wet blanket over it. No matter what you do, people's opinions shine through. And while there are obviously places where this kind of discussion can be dangerous (eg the workplace).

However, I do agree that there tends to be an excess of personal rants not really fit to be seen as part of the recent content block. I see no reason not to concur with the opinion of many in this thread that this kind of thread be restricted to the blog section, but unfortunately you run into a bit of Streisand effect where making a major policy change on this kind of issue would inevitably lead to typical cries of censorship.

Personally, I think the way things are is okay for now, but if these threads are becoming too common or too violent then action should be taken.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
As someone with Aspbergers, how did you realize a correlation? No hate towards anyone or anything. I'm just curious because I've always wondered how other people grew up with it. I've wanted to know if my experience is similar to others....

He knows nothing. I have no learning disability. He made several assumptions about me through the course of the thread. He probably has issues that make him focus on things like punctuation, maybe hes upset because of something he read and that triggered his OCD? It's all speculation. The OP asked a yes or no question. Any well thought out answer would be fairly black and white. Does the op have Asperger? Ridiculous. You are not normal, any of you. Normal is a bullshit concept invented by the media to sell makeup and pills. Its there to make you hate your life and body so you consume. Your need to be front and center and have all your ideas seen indicates that you desire to be normal. Why? You are not normal. Never were. Nobody is. Put away your insecurities and talk about gaming. It's why we're here.


Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
Personally, I think the way things are is okay for now, but if these threads are becoming too common or too violent then action should be taken.
I did notice they have become more and more common lately, hence why OP was made in the first place :/
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GBATemp Sporaddict
Dec 24, 2015
United States
Not banned but of course moderated. Also there are 2 different things. Off topic threads and taking a gaming thread off topic. The latter is definitely not necessary.

Its been said already, but worth saying again, because I don't get it. If you don't like where a thread is going, unfollow it. If you think someone is inappropriate, report them. Why would they have to ban entire topics? You say mods have too much work already, but want them to monitor the entire site for certain topics? If you don't like the topic to begin with, don't click on it. The temp is a gaming site, but if one post out of ten is not about gaming, consider it variety.

I get the impression from some that they're not as concerned with keeping themselves from certain topics, but more controlling what others are talking about, even if they're not looking at it?


Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
Maybe but not enough that something needs to be done about it. For all we know it could be a lull in hacking or game news discussion that leads to these things.
That could be discussed. I have mostly ignored most of them, and when I accidentally open one of these these threads, It's nothing but a cesspool of people calling others names and offtopic garbage. Sometimes some legit discussions by a few members, but usually they end up locked because of all the people being morons in these threads.
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Former Staff
Sep 23, 2013
I think we need to ban any none political LGBT religion threads, if you want to discuss gaming, you have to make sure it relates to these subjects such as "why Mario is a bigoted muslim transsexual Nazi.....and why I like him like that 7/10 not enough minority"


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
World of ruin
United States
First off, your title is a little poorly worded. Banning LGBT threads for example would obviously be bigoted in and of itself.

But title aside, I see no reason why threads of this nature should be banned. While I tend to disagree with the majority opinion in most of these threads, I wouldn't go so far as to say we should ban them. We can't just hope to silence the people you or I may disagree with, nor can we really just throw a wet blanket over it. No matter what you do, people's opinions shine through. And while there are obviously places where this kind of discussion can be dangerous (eg the workplace).

However, I do agree that there tends to be an excess of personal rants not really fit to be seen as part of the recent content block. I see no reason not to concur with the opinion of many in this thread that this kind of thread be restricted to the blog section, but unfortunately you run into a bit of Streisand effect where making a major policy change on this kind of issue would inevitably lead to typical cries of censorship.

Personally, I think the way things are is okay for now, but if these threads are becoming too common or too violent then action should be taken.
Yea, its possible I could have worded the title a little better. Maybe controversial topics? Maybe that's too vague.... I really couldn't think of a better way to phrase it. I also wasn't strictly for banning the threads completely, but that was the idea behind the original status post that spawned this thread, so I went with it. The idea of the thread was more to see how the rest of the community felt about it, and it appears a lot of us aren't happy with the current situation. I see your point of people getting offended at potentially moving this sort of content to the blog section, but I think that would be a hard argument to make if we included ALL controversial off-topics, as opposed to targeting specific ones.

BTW, if you have a suggestion for a better title, I'm all ears. If its good I'll request it to be changed.
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