Teen Choice Awards 2010

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
So I didn't put 09 on GBAtemp.
But the Teen Choice Awards '10 came around sunday I believe, and aired on fox today at 8pm (PST).

Now it's basically a big long RANT of me commenting on the teen choice awards.
Why? because my other forums blog readers thoroughly enjoyed last years. So I did it again this year.

Not as funny this year, I will admit that.
Not as much swearing either. I wasn't so hostile this time around.

Also both are pretty damn long. The Teen Choice Awards are 2 hours long each.

Anyways, i'll post both.

09: Original Disclaimer: Alright. This is a blog for me watching all the way through the Teeen Choice awards 09.
I had to remove all sharp objects from the area so I wouldn't kill myself for doing this to myself.
It'll be in point form to spread my hate properly and not seem so unorginized (i'll be jotting down hate comments as they come throughout the show....or non-hate comments...haha yeah right)
(NOTE: I probably spelled a bunch of names wrong when I was typing fast, too lazy to go over and find the right spelling)
1: Hosted by the Jonas Brothers. Fuck I hate those guys. Also opened with them singing. Why the fuck does my remote have to be broken. Mute button plox. They aren't the worst thing in the world musicially, but they are easily below average.

2: It's funny when the crowd cheering sounds distinctly like thousands of crazed 12 year old girls.

3: Whats with the choice comedian? He's about average. I guess I don't hate him, but he isn't very funny.

4: Choice TV drama actor/actress. If the chick from house doesn't win, i'm killing someone. She's the only one on the list that deserves an award.
K didn't catch the names but it wasn't the chick from house. Teens suck so hard. The chick was from Gossip girl...I assume the guy was too. Gossip girl sucks.

5: Why are the awards surf boards? I....no words to describe...stupid...

6: Talking about Twitter. Fucking fail. God I hate twitter so much. Even facebook would have been a more sane topic.

7: ....Choice "Twit". They all sucked. Ellen Degenerese won...she's cool, but whatever the fuck her twitter thing was, wasn't funny or good.

8: Promises before comercial... Miley Cyrus...fuck that skank and something about the cast of Twilight...oh good, a congregation of shit actors at a fail award show. Perfect.

Note: I seem to be swearing a lot. I assure you, if I didn't...i'd probably have killed several kittens and a baby already.

9: Jordan Sparks....what the fuck happened to her face? Why is she on my screen.

10: "Dare the Jonas brothers" all...three? videos of those dares sucked...why did they televise this?

11: Choice movie actor: comedy. Not going to name the movies but they were ACTUALLY good. I agree with them all coming up for rewards. Might have been funnier movies, but too lazy to think. Zac Efron won for 17 again....disagree with this choice, but this time thats just my personal opinion.

12: Summer song...Sean Kingston singing a fucking terrible rap song. What a waste of my fucking life. I listened to the entire Jonas brothers song but actually WENT to my TV and turned down the volume because I literally was going to kill myself with a blunt object.
Silence has never been so golden. Music just about flatlined for me.Though now I have to watch this fat idiot, his retard back up dancers, and his prostitutes to know when the song is over.

13: Choice movie fresh faces....coming up after the break. What a STUPID award.

14: Liars. It's more dare the jonas brothers. Some chick dared Joe to get all of his hair cut off on stage. Mike Tyson doing it. Ok, that's lolworthy.

15: NOW it's choice movie fresh face. All I have to say is of all the nominee's...if the two idiots from Twilight win, i'll fucking kill myself.
OF COURSE THE TWILIGHT IDIOTS WON. Oh my fucking god. This just makes me hate twilight so much more. The award was idiotic, but everyone nominated deserved the award more than those two. Especially since the award is for actors and no one could possibly consider them actors after watching twilight.

16: No clue who are announcing the nominations but theres one chick...and some smug bitch.

17: A bunch of summer choice things. Harry potter won something...Transformers 2 won something...the rest sucked too much to mention. Plus they went a little fast for me to type and listen >.> I definitely missed why this 10 year old is on the stage.

18: Before the break....they gotta stop announcing whats coming up. It's like being told my balls are just about to get smashed with a sledge hammer. You get this bad fucking feeling and then whatever you just got told ACTUALLY happens and you get to suffer even more.

19: Whats with after the commercials they do this chipmunk sounding bullshit with some retard? and now Miley Cyrus. She sounds a LOT better chipmunked though.

20: Choice summer movie: Drama. Public enemies, Orphan, The taking of Pelam 1 2 3, My sisters keeper, Angels and Demons. Didn't watch any of them but My Sisters Keeper seems like a sweet story. So it should win.
and it does! Good shit. Teens don't suck to the extreme that I thought.

21: Choice music single, Choice hissy fit, Choice movie actress movie and dance: hannah montana the movie, Choice acress comedy: Hannah montana, Choice show comedy: Hannah montana, Choice of the summer...some Jonas brothers/miley cyrus bullshit.
That is all FUCKING SHIT. I hate life. Why did i make myself watch this.
There is no good in the world.
Life is a dark fucking abyss. -_-

22: Now Miley Cyrus is singing. Perfect, she's proving she's a whore. What the fuck is she wearing? She's like...15? Now she's pole dancing. I refuse to watch her song anymore. It's just her being a whore, singing a shitty song, with horrible back up dancers. (wiggers and girls that look like their pimp will be pissed when he sees them on TV instead of on the corner)

23: After the break...Dane cook handing out Summer Choice Hottie or something. Dane cook is ok...the reward sounds stupid. Lets just predict a fucking twilight winner or Miley Cyrus.

24: Summer choice TV star: Some chick won who, of the whole list, didn't deserve it. Something Gomez.

25: K, Dane cook with the Summer choice hottie nominees: Beyonce, Blake Lively, Megan fox, Miley Cyrus, Vanessa hudgens Zac efron Robert patterson, Jonas brothers, Taylor kitsch, Chace crawford. Those-all-fucking-SUCK. (excluding Megan Fox)Megan Fox and Robert Patterson. Well only the fucking guy was from Twilight...who woulda guessed it. At least Megan Fox won too.

26: Jonas brother dare shit, Kevin getting a tattoo. Some crazy whore is giving him it..haha. She looks a lot like a man to be honest...

27: After the break...promises for a bunch of people making appearences blah blah boring.

28: While its break. I have to say this is one of the dumbest things i've ever made myself do. Next time before I do something like this, maybe i'll just...I don't know, cut my dick off or something instead. That'd be way funner...oh my fucking god.
This feels like a survival journal, not a blog post.

29: Black Eyed Peas.....not bad. I don't mind em. They aren't amazing but my ears aren't bleeding. Female singer sounds manly though. The song makes absolutely no sense what they're saying overall though lol.

30: Summer Choice movie actor action/adventure: Whoever played Wolverine for Xmen origins: wolverine. Awesome. He was the only one listed who I actually knew what the fuck the movie he acted in was. Also I can't believe he's australian LOL.

31: After the break....nothing interesting.

32: Dare the Jonas brothers....if I dare them to kill themselves I wish they'd do it. I almost want to get terminally ill so I can get "Grant a wish foundation" to hire me a hitman to kill off Miley Cyrus, the Jonas brothers and all of the bad actors on Twilight. (nearly all of them). The dare was stupid. Not commenting on it.

33: Miley cyrus...giving Britney spears the "ultimate choice award".
I.....you have got to be fucking kidding me? When they went to show a clip of her I swear it was going to show one of her many sex tapes. Ironically I wasn't far off based on her shitty collage of music videos and crap. The worst thing in TV/music today giving the old washed up worst thing in music/tv an award, hilarious! I'll say no more because it just gets actually mean from there.

34: After the break....showing how many awards Twilight won and Jonas brothers continuing to hurt my ears.
I swear its almost over though. Thank god.

35: Choice R&B beyonce, Choice rock Paramore, Male artist Jason Mraz, Female artist, Taylor Swift.b Breakout artist David Archuleta
Beyonce...Paramore? Fuck you. Paramore isn't music.

36: choice Fab-u-lous or some shit: Miss something. Though...it's an odd looking black guy in a skirt....this must be an inside joke that no one will get.

37: Twilight won: choice movie: drama, Choice movie: soundtrack, Choice movie liplock, Choice movie actor: patterson, Choice movie fresh face male, choice female actress or something, choice fresh face female, male hottie, choice movie villain, movie battle, movie: romance.
Funny because it didn't deserve ANY of those awards. Not even ONE of those are true awards for twilight. Fucking idiot twilight fans ruined so many award choices. I also like how most said "choice movie" yet Twilight wasn't a movie, and it had no actors.

38: LOL the dude said the movie was only a success thanks to the fans. No shit. Pretty much no one but Twilight book readers liked the movie.
NEW MOON coming out, FUCK YOU NOV 20th. Ughhhhh.

39: After the break...boring shit, besides it saying final awards! GOD YES ITS ALMOST OVER!

40: One of the best nights in teen choice history...fail.
Jonas brothers won: Choice tv breakout show, choice actor: comedy, red carpet fashion icon male, and some shit with a long name, choice song...that sucked.
Fail. More shit rewards won because younger teens are complete idiots.

41: Now the Jonas brothers are singing...fuuuuuuuu
But now its over. I'm free. FINALLY.

'10. Disclaimer: The following will probably contain stuff spelled wrong. Namely names. If they're names of people I could care less about, or have a hard to spell name...it ain't gettin' spelled right. I probably wont correct ANYTHING in this.
I'll be too dead inside.

Will also undoubtedly contain a lot of swearing.
Yeah, a lot of fucking swearing.

It'll be in point form to keep it...neat, and pretty.
Which is the least I can do for reviewing one of the worst annual award ceremonies in history.

1: Starting with some chick in a heart singing. Hmm. I bet if I was 14, and a girl, i'd know who she was.
Oh dear god someone is trying to kill her! The horrible noises she's ma-
Er, nevermind. She's just attempting to sing.
I love how the singing got less bad when she has back up singers hiding her voice.
I'm curious as to why her backup dancers need to be in strange outfits and climbing through some bar-type structure.
Oh! On stage now. Dancing like absolute retards.
Cliche stage effects are cliche.
Light changes, fog, whore dancing, bad singer, VERY bad song.
Christ if I didn't already know it, i'd know now i'm watching the teen choice awards.

Also, this song is about...jeans. Skin tight jeans, teenage jeans.
The Fuck.
That's Uninspired with a capital "RETARDED"

Oh good ending. Sparks. That has never been done before.
Just kidding, it's also overused.

2: Hosted by Katie Perry...and a bunch of dudes I missed the names of because I was trying to think real hard who the hell Katie perry was.

3: Listing off a bunch of people i'm supposed to be excited to see on the show...right.
There's like 3 people of a list of 50+ that don't suck shit.

4: Teen choice legend and two time choice comedian and two time choice 'twit' (twitter related, I have no idea)...Ellen Degeneriss. She's kinda funny at times. Hell yeah mentioned Betty White as a bad role model for teens. Betty White is awesome.
Ellen is trying to give advice to teens...lame. Boring

5: Choice TV actress comedy:: debbie lovato, Miranda Cosgrove, Kaley Cuoco from the Big Bang Theory, Selena Gomez wizards of something, Lea Michelles from Glee. Sorry missed the first two shows.
Selena Gomez wins. How? Kaley is way better. Even Lea Michelles is better.
LOL Gomez said Lea Michelles deserved it more. She did indeed. Kaley deserved it most.

6: Star of upcoming movie vampires suck. Some unfunny asian dude I missed the name of. Ching dong or something.
I missed who he announced, cuz he was talking like a gay retard. (literally)

7: The two are presentingchoice action adventure:
Talking about Bieber fever before...
He's trying to be funny and pretend bieber fever is a real disease. Nominees are: Matt Damon for green zone, Russell Crowe for Robin Hood (hell yeah) Channing Taylor from soeomthing I missed. Nicolas kage from Kickass, Robert Downey Jr for Shirlock Holmes.
Whoo will win?
Chaning Taylor wins. I'm neutral since they all seemed pretty good. Though I will say whatever movie he missed for looked like a "LULZlotsOfCGIaction" based on the scene it showed.
Shitty DJing now.

8: Stay tuned for a bunch of really fucking bad people. I'll take this time to point out it's hard to type, watch, and listen at the same time lol. Since I have to basically sit and type sideways. My bad for super bad typos I miss.
This isn't pissing me off as much as last years TCA. So far. The "coming up" really looked like i'll be nice and pissed off by the time this is done.

9: Back with our host Katie Perry! Yay! Haha, yeah right.
Co hosts...NAME 'EM, I MISSED 'EM. The guys from Glee. Oh hey. That's not too bad. Glee isn't terrible.
Why do they have bad music to walk to the stage with...ew. Probably whatever katie perry sings.
She's talking about how she's feeling like the 'most popular girl in school' surrounded by a bunch of 'sexy guys'.
So basically she's admiting to be a complete whore who has INDEED been in a guy+ her orgy, at school.

10:Talking about a bunch of stuff, like how all the guys wanna fuck her. This is really innapropriate.
STILL hitting on her.
Except the gay kid, he's being funny.

11: Next award, by the way i'm not announcing who gives the awards because it's usually unimportant idiots, and a lot of them. Cool a black guy dressed as a girl, with a skirt. What the fuck. What...the fuck. Keeping up with the Kardensans or something is who they are. They're ugly as sin.
Nominees now for choice TV actor/actress: Blake lively from gossip girl, shalene woodley from secret life of teenager, olivia wilde from house (SHE BETTER WIN), Leighton Weister from gossip girl, sophia bush from one tree hill (oh god no),//////// Penn badgley from gossip girls. Ken bauman secret life of a teenager, tristin wilds from 90210, Chace crawford from gossip girl, Darin kagesoff from secret life of a teenager.
Winners: Chace crawford and Leighton whatthefuckever.
Two shitty winners. i'm surprised. Actually i'm not, at all.

They still win surfboards?
Why. I still don't understand this.
"hey guys we need to be hip and cool, what should the awards be"
"I KNOW, fuckin' surfboards"
"Omg we are just the hippest shit out there"
Fuck whoever decided that.

12: the gay vampire is back. Still cant understand him. Choice summer tv show acress Lucy Hale, or something. That's all I got from it.
Choice R&B album, Jason ...rutebaga or something.
Shitty intro, absolutel terrible singing and, OMG LIGHT TRICKS!.
Oh Derulo. I can tell, it's in a neon sign behind him.
Two times incase you forget the first time.

is he doing some kind of present version of the robot....the hell.
Also he's wearing a vest with a chainmail hat or something.

Again, kidding. So...bad.

His backup dancers are really ugly too. The hell. If you're going to slutwhore your backup, do it right.

Whats with his singing. It's like he has trouble singing normally. He has to put a huge emphasis on every word like it sounds good or something.

HOly crap he threw up the mic and caught it again!
Every, shock and awe about how impressive it looked!
Haha, omg is he serious?

Moar fire. I keep waiting for it to light the drums on fire.
I would laugh so fucking hard. Seriously, i'd be on the ground dying of laughter.
I'd have to finish this from the hospital because my lungs would EXPLODE from so much laughing.

13: Coming up next! A bunch of losers...and a fat kid in white with a huge mic. Apparently it's justin bieber. I honestly though it was a special needs kid who got his wish granted to be on the worst awards show in history.
Oh well.

I'll take this time to answer a question in everyones head.

"why are you doing this to yourself"

Answer? I dunno. I decided to torture myself once a year by doing this. I figure I don't drink or do drugs, I might as well kill myself somehow.

Also they gotta slow their shit >_> Trying type out the award, nominee names, and their shows is a pain in the ass.

and that gay vampire asian needs to fucking die. He's really annoying and hard to understand.

Also I think I said up there I wouldn't name the people listing out nominators because it's hard to hear their names and show...and then did it anyways. Yeah, i'll do it sometimes, but it's on a "I actually heard this shit" basis.

Oh, and going back to school commercials, LULZ PEOPLE WITH SCHOOL <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" /><

14: Crap went pee and missed something. Katie perry is in a cheerleader outfit...yelling out random letters.
Announcing someone...oh, John...something, he's a wrestler, and David..archu...something. The american idol winner.
Teen choice hotties: Megan Fox, Scaarlett joan jessica biwel Kim kardashien Katie perry, Taylor lautner, Zac efron, Kellan lutz, Ian Somerhalder, Robert Patterson
OK that went by really fucking fast. Megan fox better win.
Taylor lautner and Megan Fox win.
Taylor lautner is the retard werewolf from the Twilight movies.
Megan Fox is just hot.
She won last year apparently. Awesome, I forgot that.

15: Announced Zack Effron for something. Who the hell is he. He has a douchestache, what the hell lol.
Choice movie actress: drama: Kristen stewart from the runnaways, Miley Cyrus from the last song, Amanda Seyfried from Dear John, Sandra Bullock from the blind side, Dakota Fanning, from something. The runnaways again? I dunno.
Sandra Bullock wins. Can't argue. Sandra is cool.

LOL YEAH Betty White is here. Awesome. Sandra is announcing in Betty White.
Who is now whore dancing. MY EYES

Oh thank god, it didn't last long.

K now Betty White and Sandra thanked the 'teens' for letting them come to the teen choice awards.

16: Two random guys who directed a movie or something. They were talking about showing a movie.

Now it's some soundtrack from a retard rapper who can't sing to save his fucking life. With again, two ugly ass dancers. They look like prostitutes were given clean versions of their whore clothes and put on stage.

The others are some guys break dancing, but they aren't very good compared to other breakdancers i've seen.

17: commercial, woot. They never deliver with their "coming up". They just name random shit, and show completely different stuff.

Not fucking swearing enough, sorry.
I'll try step it up.

18: Commercial done, QQ. They announced two people. A random chick, and one of the main dudes from The Big Bang Theory
vampire diaries wins: Choice tv show fantasy/scifi/ choice tv actor, choice break out star, Choice fantasy actress Nina Dobrev, choice tv villain ian summerholder, choice tv breakout choice.

They brought on one of the dudes to accept the award.

He's talking about how they wouldn't have the show without 'everyone'.
IE teens, young ones. It's a pretty bad show if you've never seen it.

19: The gay asian vampire is back. Fuck off.
Choice TV scene stealer: Hilary duff.
Choice TV show or something, NCIS, the black dude.
He looks like Hilary's bodyguard LOL.
I hate that hilary is a whore now though, darn
Nominees for TV comedy: Sonny with a chance (sucks big nuts), Modern family, Glee, Wizards of waverlyplace (TERRIBLE), The Big Bang Theory (HELL YEAH! So good, haha).
Winner: Glee wins
I mean, it's a defininite second place, but The Big Bang Theory rapes it.
The announced the main cast, who are now accepting the award.
Ellen doin' the talking.
Boring speech, nothing to highlight except telling people to keep being Gleeks.

20: 2 random chicks announcing something. No idea at all who they are but they announced Justin Bieber. Fuck that idiot.
He isn't even fucking there.

LOLWUT, His balls dropped finally? That's hilarious. He ins't a squeaker now.
Shaq handing him choice breakout artist choice pop album and two other awards.

He talks like a gay wigger.
He isn't as fat as the commercial made it seem, but he sure is retarded. He's talking about people smiling and shit.


Sidenote: I think his balls dropping were bad. he has trouble holding some notes. Haha. Or he just always fucking sucked at singing....actually it's probably that.

I couldn't even watch if he did anything stupid while singing because I had a SwearSeizure.

21: Commercial, oh thank you.
Thank you TV.
I need to go vomit.

22: Lol the gay guy, and Katie Perry pretending its a prom. Apparently there was a myspace contest so two randoms could give out a surfboard.
Also, the gay guy sounds like a chick. Just sayin'.

23: Two random people, again, announcing the Choice Smile
Nominees: Cory Monteith, Victoria Justice (lol typed Victory Justice at first), Taylor Lautner, Zac Efron, Miranda Cosgrove
Taylor Lautner wins
No comment, I missed the smiles lol. It's a dude though, so a chi-
Nevermind it's the werewolf fag. Anyone should have beat him.

24: Joshua jackson and Lea Michelle or something announcing the nominees for Choice TV animated Show: American Dad, Family Guy, Star Wars: the clone wars, The Cleveland show.
Family Guy wins, of course. LOL Seth Mcfarlane accepted it. That's hilarious, he had a 75% chance of winning.
Lol he's actually pretty funny live, and is doing the voice of Stewie. Lulz.

25: Coming up...already? Christ.

So that werewolf fag from Twilight seems to be the popular one now.
I really have to say, at least this Teens choice award show wasn't just a mosh of awards going out to Twilight actors/actresses and the Jonas Brothers.
That was fucking morbid.

But it's still a bunch of bad shit winning over good shit usually.

26: Some really bad DJing coming in..k. Calls himself A track...what a fucking bad name.
The gay dude is talkin' again. Coo'. Choice actor sports male/female Ryan...something and I completly missed the chicks name.
Choice summer song nominee.
This song is boring but not really bad.
it has fog machines, i'm so surprised.
Just kidding it hit a rap heavy section, really fucking bad. So fucking bad.
Oh my fucking bad shit god. Shut the HELL UP.
Give me Bieber over this, christ. What the fuck is he trying to say.
by the way I dunno the song but part of the lyrics is "When i'm a billionaire"
so figure it out, lol.

Still more rap. Christ.
Omg fake money rain! I bet the audience shit themselves till they saw it was fake.

When it isn't the rapping retard, the song isn't that bad. But then the rapper is just LOLWUT, squats down on the song and just sprays diarhea fucking everywhere.

Oh the singer is Bruno something. (not the rapper, though rappers aren't singers anyways).

27: Chris Daughtry and some random dude.
Teen choice rap artist is M&N
Lady Gaga wins choice female. Silly guys, she has a penis.
TV personality is Ryan Seacrest, of course.

28: Jummy Fallond or something. I dunno his name, but I recognize him.
Choice movie actor: drama. Oh and this Jimmy dude is REALLY unfunny
Nominees: Jake Gyllenhall from Brothers, Roberter Patinson from Remember Me, Jeremy Renner from Hurt Locker, Channing Tatum from Dear John, Tobey Maguire from Brothers
They all didn't look spectacular for the scenes they showed.
Robert Pattinson wins. Oh hey the Twilight fag. So of course he fucking wins.
He won for Twilight, not whatever the fuck he was nominated for. Fucking biased retards voting for names alone.

29: Coming up AGAIN. Christ, just get it over with and keep going.
Apparently something coming up involves the Twilight main cast, and I think I saw water.
I sure hope it's them fucking drowning.
Seriously i'm tired of seeing all these dipshits who suck ass at acting get nominated AND WIN shit they don't deserve.

Oh and I get Cake and icecream.
Nya nya

30: Sorry got cake and icecream, missed some stuff. Announced two random people with the caption "valentines day"
Nominees for Female country artist: Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, Martina McBride, Gretchen Wilson.
Only ever heard Taylor Swift...
Winner is: Taylor Swift.
No fucking shit. None of the teens have ever heard of the others.
She can't be at the show apparently. She seems kind of clueless and unfunny, but whatever. I sitll wanna see her naked.
I mean, what?
Trying to explain surfing.
"Sit on the surfboard and wait for a wave" eh.
She can sit on my surfboard and wait for a wave.

31: Gay asian vampire again. Die, for fuck sakes. This is so god damn annoying. SHut the fuck up. Oh great it's dancing and...yelling.

He announced two people but yeah, didn't catch their names obviously.
Zackary Levi I think it is. He seems kinda cool.

32: They're announcing the nominees for choice male athlete: Drew Brees, Albert Pulos, David Beckham, Apolo Anton Ohno (LOL?), LebRon james.
Really odd award for teens to be announcing.
David Beckham wins.
No way a crowd of 14 year old girls know what they were voting for.

33: Apparently he's won it 3 times. I don't recall seeing him last year.

34: Coming up...again. Ok seriously, Overload of commercials.

Also lol, I guess the water part wasn't for the Twilight main cast <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/frown.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="frown.gif" />
Oh well, Taylor Swift is hot.

Oh, and my cake is good. Very good in fact. It's a home made Apricot cake with vanilla icecream.
It's godlike.

Commercial for Scott Pilgrim versus the world....I wanna see that. It looks funny.

35: Katie Perry keeps putting on really stupid outfits. One of the Glee dudes announced in two randoms.

36: The chick is british. So I can't really understand a bloody thing she's saying. I mean, seriously british.
Nominees for music single: Nothing on you..Bruino featuribng a rapper, Miley cyrus song, Kesha love is my drug, Katy Perry california girls, Lady gaga Bad romance,
Apparently this whole time i've spelled Katie Perry's name wrong.
Katy Perry won.
Also too fucking bad for her, her name is now KATIE perry.
and all of the nominees for the award SUCKED. Seriously, so fucking bad.
So she was the best of the worst. At least that dude Gaga didn't win. None of his songs are any good at all. Not even a fucking little bit.

37: The members of "big time rush" are announcing a random dude singing.
Oh fuck. Diddy: Dirty money.

My fucking ears have sustained too much damage.
I'm seriously getting a headache. Shit 'music' really rapes my ears.

This is so fucking bad. People listen to this shit?

Also he has the absolutely UGLIEST prostitutes dancing and singing in the ugliest outfits hiatory has ever made.

I love how most of the white crowd in the camera shots are like "uh, k"
and all the black guys are dancing and singing along, LOLOLOLOL.
I'm not even joking.

Holy shit some fire effects. Original. Sparks, Fog jets.
See what I mean with how original effects are these days?
Oh shit, strobe light.

ok. Fireworks, that's pretty original for a song effect.
Still though.

Apparently the song is still going but i've yet to actually hear any singing or real music.

Someone should tell Diddy he can't sing worth dog shit.

38: Coming up...again. Apparently it's the finale now next. Apparently i've been watching this horse shit for 2 hours.
Holy crap.

39: And now a brilliantly talented person from The office.
Which is hard to believe because the actors of the office are all actually really bad.
So far so unfunny. Why do unfunny people TRY to be funny. Christ.
Nominees for choice movie acotr fantasty: Jake Gyllenhaal for prince of persia (awesome movie), Taylor Lautner for New Moon (twilight fag anyone), Johnny depp for alice in wonderland, Sam Worthington for Clash of the titans, Robert Pattison for New Moon (who didn't see it coming?)
I bet Pattison wins, or the werewolf fag.
Taylor Lautner wins, again. This is really fucking getting old.
The dude from the Office is being unfunny again.
Apparently Taylor 'doesn't know what to say'
How about you admit how fucking talentless you are...and that you only win awards because you were a furball in Twilight.

40: A bunch of goth dressed chicks now. Who the fuck? She's whining and said she needs the Glee guys to announce the award.
Tonights biggest winners, the stars of the twilight saga.

Oh for fuck sakes Twilight DID infect and destroy this TCA too. For fuck sakes.

God I just can't even comprehend how much I hate Twilight, and this show.

Apparently it's over now though. Really abrupt ending. Well that was a fucking waste of my life.

Offically NOT as bad as last year though.


I didn't read through everything just skimmed through but
that Justin beiber part was funny


in memoriam of gravitas
Jun 18, 2009
Charlotte's maze
United Kingdom
didn't read all of it, but what I did read was seriously funny

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
mcp2 said:
Who won the web awards or whatever. Saw shane dawson, justine, charles trippy, alli speed went.

No idea. if it isn't documented in the rant, I wont remember.
My mind flushes all memories of the teen choice awards out of my head within a 5 hour period, to avoid brain malfunctions.

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