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The Illegal Immigration Non-Crisis in the USA

  • Thread starter cots
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Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
Hilarious considering that right now many Americans go to Mexico for affordable healthcare and prescription drugs. But no, people from South America cannot go back to their home countries even if they wanted to, these countries are in crisis and most did not choose to leave willingly.

I don't see an issue with what was stated at the Democratic debate: the only way to keep our population healthy is to make sure everybody inside our borders is healthy. Healthcare is a human right and should be treated as such. Health insurance companies and private hospitals are running a price-fixing scam, and regular Americans are the ones burdened by the consequences.
Are Americans paying for health care in Mexico or getting it for free? Two fundamentally different things.

The whole South American continent is not in chaos. So many will have no problem going back.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Are Americans paying for health care in Mexico or getting it for free? Two fundamentally different things.
It's so cheap that it's practically free. Surgeries and prescriptions for pennies on the dollar compared to what they cost in the US. Which is why...

The whole South American continent is not in chaos. So many will have no problem going back.
If South American immigrants were simply looking for cheap healthcare they would've got it in Mexico and then turned around and headed home. What's actually happening is that coyotes are telling people that this is their last chance to get into the US before Trump closes the border entirely. It's driving immigration up, not deterring it.

I've said it multiple times in other threads, though: the only way to effectively reduce illegal immigration is to punish the business owners and CEOs that continue to hire illegals. As long as there are opportunities for them to get paying jobs, they'll keep coming.
Last edited by Xzi,


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
It's so cheap that it's practically free. Surgeries and prescriptions for pennies on the dollar compared to what they cost in the US. Which is why...

If South American immigrants were simply looking for cheap healthcare they would've got it in Mexico and then turned around and headed home. What's actually happening is that coyotes are telling people that this is their last chance to get into the US before Trump closes the border entirely. It's driving immigration up, not deterring it.
They are still paying for it. So it’s not practically free.

If we create universal health care in the U.S. and Democrats give free health care to illegal immigrants like they say, people will come just for the free health care and nothing else. That will be costly to citizens that live here and pay taxes.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
If we create universal health care in the U.S. and Democrats give free health care to illegal immigrants like they say, people will come just for the free health care and nothing else. That will be costly to citizens that live here and pay taxes.
You realize that taxpayers already foot the bill for anyone visiting the ER/urgent care without any insurance, right? That includes illegals. Doctors can't turn away people in need of care. The only difference with universal coverage/M4A is that the bill would be a lot lower in every instance. Medicare is far more cost efficient than private insurance.


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
You realize that taxpayers already foot the bill for anyone visiting the ER/urgent care without any insurance, right? That includes illegals. Doctors can't turn away people in need of care. The only difference with universal coverage/M4A is that the bill would be a lot lower in every instance. Medicare is far more cost efficient than private insurance.
And giving free health care to illegals is whats contributing to driving up the costs and why it’s very expensive right now. Offering free health care to illegals and campaigning in Mexico like Beto O’ Rourke is doing will make the problem worse.

Universal Coverage cost efficient but still a expensive problem giving it to illegals for free, and especially ones that just come for health care then go back. U.S. citizens pay for health care in Mexico as opposed to illegals getting it free here, very different comparisons.

We have a homeless crisis right now that’s not properly addressed. We should focused on taking care of our own first before we save the world.


Aug 17, 2015
New Jersey
United States
The reason our """""illegal"""" immigrants are in a """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""better condition"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" than that of homeless people is because they're literally in a makeshift prison for no reason. As long as the government locks them up, it's their responsibility to keep the immigrants alive, which they can't even do right. 6 kids have died so far in the government's care from lack of food or water, so i'm pretty sure they're not doing so hot right now.


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
The reason our """""illegal"""" immigrants are in a """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""better condition"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" than that of homeless people is because they're literally in a makeshift prison for no reason. As long as the government locks them up, it's their responsibility to keep the immigrants alive, which they can't even do right. 6 kids have died so far in the government's care from lack of food or water, so i'm pretty sure they're not doing so hot right now.
There there is a lot of blame right now. Democrat’s accuse Republicans of horrible conditions. Republicans blame Democrats for blocking Trumps funding which leads to poorly funded and horrible conditions where people die, then blame Republicans for the horrible conditions.

Republicans blame Democrat’s for secretly trying to game the immigration system which leads to the over crowding problem. Democrats blame Republicans for overcrowding because of them making immigration system difficult.

No one can agree on anything and it’s just a lot of back and forth fighting.


Apr 29, 2019
United States
I think there are way more fucked up things in the US to worry about than immigration issues. Trump has done a really good job of painting illegals as comic-book style villains here to rape your women and eat your children. I'm willing to bet that more people die every year from not having access to healthcare than by being murdered by an illegal alien.

Trump is driven by anything that makes him look good. Whether you're far right or far left or somewhere in between, it's pretty hard to deny that aspect of his character. It's not necessarily a bad personality trait, but in his case I just think he takes shit too far. This "immigrant crisis" is a good example of that. He created a problem (immigration) and is selling us a solution (him).

I'm not saying that illegal immigration isn't a problem; it is and should be curbed somewhat. But if you believe the picture he paints of the issue, you'd probably think visiting a border town is a perilous journey that could cost you your life. It's not lol. Ripping children away from their families and stuffing people into tiny cages is not a proportional response. It isn't going to improve quality of life, and it's not going to put more money into our bank accounts.

And let's not forget the fact that this country was built by immigrants. Unless you're a native American, you're also an immigrant/come from a family of immigrants.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
And giving free health care to illegals is whats contributing to driving up the costs and why it’s very expensive right now.
I told you why it's expensive, private hospitals and private insurance are engaging in a price-fixing scheme. Prescription drugs that cost $5 per bottle elsewhere in the world cost hundreds in the US. Not even counting what they bill to insurance.

Universal Coverage cost efficient but still a expensive problem giving it to illegals for free, and especially ones that just come for health care then go back. U.S. citizens pay for health care in Mexico as opposed to illegals getting it free here, very different comparisons.
You're thinking of this from a US citizens' perspective. People migrating hundreds, or even thousands of miles on foot to come here aren't going to leave if they have the choice. They'll stay and pay taxes like everybody else.

We have a homeless crisis right now that’s not properly addressed. We should focused on taking care of our own first before we save the world.
BuT tHaT's SoCiAlIsM! /s

It would actually cost less to give the homeless small townhouses than it costs us to deal with the fallout from them remaining homeless. So I agree with you, but this is a problem with a very clear-cut solution, and one that can be dealt with alongside the immigration issue. America is one of the wealthiest countries on Earth, but the vast majority of our wealth is being given away to people who couldn't spend the money they already have stockpiled in a hundred lifetimes. It's ludicrous.
Last edited by Xzi,


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
I told you why it's expensive, private hospitals and private insurance are engaging in a price-fixing scheme. Prescription drugs that cost $5 per bottle elsewhere in the world cost hundreds in the US. Not even counting what they bill to insurance.

You're thinking of this from a US citizens' perspective. People migrating hundreds, or even thousands of miles on foot to come here aren't going to leave if they have the choice. They'll stay and pay taxes like everybody else.

BuT tHaT's SoCiAlIsM! /s

It would actually cost less to give the homeless small townhouses than it costs us to deal with the fallout from them remaining homeless. So I agree with you, but this is a problem with a very clear-cut solution, and one that can be dealt with alongside the immigration issue. America is one of the wealthiest countries on Earth, but the vast majority of our wealth is being given away to people who couldn't spend the money they already have stockpiled in a hundred lifetimes. It's ludicrous.
Yup and I said in my previous post Universal Care would be cheaper then what we have right now. But I’m not talking about what system would be cheaper. I was saying Americans paying for health care in Mexico vs Illegals getting it free here. Those are two different comparisons.

Some people won’t go back. But some people would.

I not against socialist policies. And I was never 100% completely against it. I support them only if they make sense. And reject the ones that don’t. It’s a case by case pros and cons problem.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Yup and I said in my previous post Universal Care would be cheaper then what we have right now. But I’m not talking about what system would be cheaper. I was saying Americans paying for health care in Mexico vs Illegals getting it free here. Those are two different comparisons.
Sure, but my point is that either way the result of M4A is the same: Americans end up paying far less in personal healthcare costs and costs associated with uninsured hospital visits (from citizens and illegals). Not to mention that it means fewer sick people in America, regardless of whether they're illegal or not. Meaning less sickness that gets spread.

If private hospitals in America charged what private hospitals in Mexico do, nobody would be complaining, and even immigrants would be able to easily afford healthcare here. It's clear that there's something wrong with our profit-driven system in particular.

Some people won’t go back. But some people would.
A very small minority, maybe. The vast majority that go back do so through deportation.
Last edited by Xzi,


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
Sure, but my point is that either way the result of M4A is the same: Americans end up paying far less in personal healthcare costs and costs associated with uninsured hospital visits (from citizens and illegals). Not to mention that it means fewer sick people in America, regardless of whether they're illegal or not. Meaning less sickness that gets spread.

A very small minority, maybe. The vast majority that go back do so through deportation.
Universal Care would be cheaper then the current one. But what system to replace our current one is a different argument, this is where Republicans and Democrats are in divide. This is where they blame different things for the expensive costs. Neither of them likes the current expensive system right now.

I don’t know how much more expensive giving and encouraging free health care to illegals would be TBH. And the encouragement right now for them to get it, campaigning on it as their strength compared to what the other party offers, and actually giving it to them could lead to an uptick in them coming here for free health care. So current numbers for giving illegals health care and how much it would cost us wont be useful, since in the future numbers could be higher. It’s a concern no?

Ditto the above post with immigration. If we change the system that will change the numbers, so how many will go back vs how many will be deported? I don’t think you’ll have an answer to that now since we haven’t done the free health care to illegals yet as something to campaign on as far as I’m aware, I think it’s been discouraged before, so we have no numbers to compare.


Dec 29, 2014
United States
The reason our """""illegal"""" immigrants are in a """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""better condition"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" than that of homeless people is because they're literally in a makeshift prison for no reason. As long as the government locks them up, it's their responsibility to keep the immigrants alive, which they can't even do right. 6 kids have died so far in the government's care from lack of food or water, so i'm pretty sure they're not doing so hot right now.

Six children died, caused by problems they either brought with them or had before they entered into the country illegally, out of hundreds of thousands that are crossing each month. Sounds a like a really big problem to me. No one likes when children die, but if you look at why they died or how little of them have died it's not really a big deal, just an emotional ploy from critics, who really don't care about the children, as they are encouraging them to into the system.

If you so worried about the children, why not look up the numbers of how many of our own countries poor, starving and homeless children die each month. I wonder what would happen if we were to invest the money being spent on fucking criminals on our own citizens.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I think there are way more fucked up things in the US to worry about than immigration issues. Trump has done a really good job of painting illegals as comic-book style villains here to rape your women and eat your children. I'm willing to bet that more people die every year from not having access to healthcare than by being murdered by an illegal alien.

Trump is driven by anything that makes him look good. Whether you're far right or far left or somewhere in between, it's pretty hard to deny that aspect of his character. It's not necessarily a bad personality trait, but in his case I just think he takes shit too far. This "immigrant crisis" is a good example of that. He created a problem (immigration) and is selling us a solution (him).

I'm not saying that illegal immigration isn't a problem; it is and should be curbed somewhat. But if you believe the picture he paints of the issue, you'd probably think visiting a border town is a perilous journey that could cost you your life. It's not lol. Ripping children away from their families and stuffing people into tiny cages is not a proportional response. It isn't going to improve quality of life, and it's not going to put more money into our bank accounts.

And let's not forget the fact that this country was built by immigrants. Unless you're a native American, you're also an immigrant/come from a family of immigrants.

The country was created mainly from legal immigration and like Democrats often says "times have changed". We did indeed invade and take the land from the native Americans, I don't deny this, but after the initial break from the lands we came from we setup and have maintained a "legal" way to go about things, so we don't run into problems like we have now. If the law were being followed, we wouldn't be in this situation.

Like most families, mine came over on a boat and entered the country legally, many, many years ago and made their own mark. They didn't come over here and then beg for handouts and blame all of their problems on white men.

I'm personally effected by illegal immigrants in ways I rather not discuss. It may not directly effect someone living in northern Ohio, but I'm close to the border and I'm shit deep in the issue. I have to deal with the worse of them. Sure, there are immigrants who aren't law breakers, they are the ones who waited in line and entered the country legally.

I believe Trump is reacting just about the same as previous administrations have reacted (well, other than the tweeting). If you ignore that shitty site (I have no idea what Trump tweets because I don't follow twitter). Previous administrations and the democratic party, until Trump was elected had no problem breaking up families and locking them up in detention center. Who do you was in office when the last round of them were built?

The issue isn't about Trump, that's a cheap Democratic way to go about things, because their constituents see the word "Trump" and completely ignore anything else that's being said. Trump isn't God or really even that smart, he's not responsible for everything bad that happens. That's giving him way too much credit.

I don't think the system is "broken" in any way, other than the human factor, which involves people taking advantage of the system or completely ignoring it. Asylum isn't supposed to be for 100,000 people a month, but if you ask the people organizing the caravans and taking payments and promising "free shit" to these people, it is good for it to be that way.
Last edited by cots,


Apr 29, 2019
United States
I'm personally effected by illegal immigrants in ways I rather not discuss.

If you're not going to discuss it, then it's irrelevant to this discussion.

They didn't come over here and then beg for handouts and blame all of their problems on white men.

Don't take this the wrong way man, but I think you might have drank some Kool-aid there. Most of the South Americans crossing the border barely speak English much less know anything about social welfare programs in the US. Go down to like any Home Depot and you'll find these people waiting around eager to work. A lot of Amazon fulfillment centers basically run entirely on labor from illegal aliens hired by shady contractors. These people come here wanting to work.

I will admit though that I'm ignorant on the economics of this issue, so I'm open to having my mind changed about it. I'd assume that the burden these immigrants actually place on welfare programs in the US are insignificant compared to the massive amount of people who are legally in the country and on welfare. Again, I'm just assuming here and if you have any credible sources that show the impact of illegal aliens on welfare programs (and maybe other programs) I'd be very interested in seeing them.

The issue isn't about Trump, that's a cheap Democratic way to go about things, because their constituents see the word "Trump" and completely ignore anything else that's being said. Trump isn't God or really even that smart, he's not responsible for everything bad that happens. That's giving him way too much credit.

I don't think anyone is saying Trump is responsible for everything bad that happens. I've certainly never heard a Democrat refer to Trump as a God either :P

If you were around in the earlier days of Microsoft, you may have learned about the term called "FUD". This is an acronym for "fear, uncertainty, and doubt". It's a tactic Microsoft used a lot to attack their competition. Wikipedia has a good article on it. This is the type of thing we see in the news all the time, not just from Trump and his administration, but from everyone. It's like a side effect of the click-bait industry. You just gotta keep an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism about everything you hear, especially when they seem extremely one-sided and/or obvious (like those damned illegals stealing our jobs, begging for handouts, and blaming the white man, etc)


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
If you're not going to discuss it, then it's irrelevant to this discussion.

Don't take this the wrong way man, but I think you might have drank some Kool-aid there. Most of the South Americans crossing the border barely speak English much less know anything about social welfare programs in the US. Go down to like any Home Depot and you'll find these people waiting around eager to work. A lot of Amazon fulfillment centers basically run entirely on labor from illegal aliens hired by shady contractors. These people come here wanting to work.

I will admit though that I'm ignorant on the economics of this issue, so I'm open to having my mind changed about it. I'd assume that the burden these immigrants actually place on welfare programs in the US are insignificant compared to the massive amount of people who are legally in the country and on welfare. Again, I'm just assuming here and if you have any credible sources that show the impact of illegal aliens on welfare programs (and maybe other programs) I'd be very interested in seeing them.

I don't think anyone is saying Trump is responsible for everything bad that happens. I've certainly never heard a Democrat refer to Trump as a God either :P

If you were around in the earlier days of Microsoft, you may have learned about the term called "FUD". This is an acronym for "fear, uncertainty, and doubt". It's a tactic Microsoft used a lot to attack their competition. Wikipedia has a good article on it. This is the type of thing we see in the news all the time, not just from Trump and his administration, but from everyone. It's like a side effect of the click-bait industry. You just gotta keep an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism about everything you hear, especially when they seem extremely one-sided and/or obvious (like those damned illegals stealing our jobs, begging for handouts, and blaming the white man, etc)
You need to provide documentation to work at Amazon. Something to verify you can legally work in the U.S.

I looked up some articles and most mention them hiring people with H-1B Visas.

Most STEM degrees in the U.S. are earned by immigrants. Hardly by U.S. born citizens. It’s probably because of our bad education system.


Wherever the light shines, it casts a shadow.
Oct 2, 2010
San Miguel
United States
They shouldn't remain in the US, much less receive any benefits. Cali is out here handing driver's licenses to illegals and considering (if they haven't enacted legislation already) covering illegals until the age of 26 with medical/dental/vision insurance. Absolutely infuriates me as they should not be rewarded for being criminals, regardless of motivation. Canada will not let you cross the border if you have so much as a DUI and all-around has stricter policies regarding who can/can't cross. There are other developed nations that will shoot you on sight at the border, we should not stoop so low as to do that but we do need to increase our deportations. Anyone acting like the USA has the strictest policy regarding border security is either shamelessly lying to push an agenda or has not research any other developed nation's border policies.

You need to provide documentation to work at Amazon. Something to verify you can legally work in the U.S.

I looked up some articles and most mention them hiring people with H-1B Visas.

Most STEM degrees in the U.S. are earned by immigrants. Hardly by U.S. born citizens. It’s probably because of our bad education system.

If that is true I would suggest it is more of a cost of college/living issue as many seem to go for a semester or two then "take a break" or simply do not go at all and just seek employment. Certain groups have access to financial aid awards/scholarships/etc that others are deemed "too privileged". Only thing that illegals do not have full access to IIRC is FAFSA and even then I believe there is a portion they can still apply for as an illegal and receive.
Last edited by Thesolcity,
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Dec 29, 2014
United States
Here is a the videoclip to end this thread, if you would take everything in here seriously. :)

It basically shows you how everything in relation to the issue (currently in the US) works. How separation of power works. How laws are made, interpreted, argued, what a governments position can be - and so on and so forth.

Take the "this is concerning children" part out of it (emotion) - and you understand it exactly.

After watching it there is no place for "I don't want my tax money to be wasted there" - because you actually understand what the deliberations are.

Its somewhat of a perfect primer... :)

Finally watched this. Seems the conditions at this particular detention center are about on par with some overcrowded jails I've been to. Sure, it's not fun to sleep on the floor and eat crappy food, but at least they have a place to sleep and food to eat. If they don't like it maybe they shouldn't have illegally entered the country. I wonder if they had soap and tooth brushes with them when they were trekking across various countries and the desert.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Oh, by the way. Health Care isn't a "human right". It's a privilege that isn't free. Democrats claiming it's a human right are only doing so to try to stop any debate about it. So, if you see one claiming it's a human right, don't fall for that trap. Simply state that's it not, which is accurate.


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
They shouldn't remain in the US, much less receive any benefits. Cali is out here handing driver's licenses to illegals and considering (if they haven't enacted legislation already) covering illegals until the age of 26 with medical/dental/vision insurance. Absolutely infuriates me as they should not be rewarded for being criminals, regardless of motivation. Canada will not let you cross the border if you have so much as a DUI and all-around has stricter policies regarding who can/can't cross. There are other developed nations that will shoot you on sight at the border, we should not stoop so low as to do that but we do need to increase our deportations. Anyone acting like the USA has the strictest policy regarding border security is either shamelessly lying to push an agenda or has not research any other developed nation's border policies.

If that is true I would suggest it is more of a cost of college/living issue as many seem to go for a semester or two then "take a break" or simply do not go at all and just seek employment. Certain groups have access to financial aid awards/scholarships/etc that others are deemed "too privileged". Only thing that illegals do not have full access to IIRC is FAFSA and even then I believe there is a portion they can still apply for as an illegal and receive.
Immigrants hold a disproportionate amount of STEM degrees relative to their population size.

Fewer hold occupations in non STEM fields, but in STEM jobs at least 43% are immigrants. We rely heavily on immigrants for Tech innovation. More then half of PHD’s are earned by them.

Last edited by SG854,


GBATemp Maniac
Apr 9, 2013
Puerto Rico
Well in my case Im a American citizen even if I wasnt born in US(Well technically I was). But in my island we also get illegals from other islands and they get deported back if they are found breaking in. But a lot of them are already in and they live with us. But right now I live in US. I moved in a few months ago and I dont know what you guys feel about us(Puerto Rico).
Last edited by ElYubiYubi,


Dec 29, 2014
United States
If you're not going to discuss it, then it's irrelevant to this discussion.

No it's not. I see first hand what the negative side of illegal immigration brings to my city. Do you think I just loaded up some Republican entertainment website and copied and pasted that they are on food stamps, get free health insurance and housing? No. I've seen it first hand and see how they are more of priority than our own citizens.

Don't take this the wrong way man, but I think you might have drank some Kool-aid there. Most of the South Americans crossing the border barely speak English much less know anything about social welfare programs in the US. Go down to like any Home Depot and you'll find these people waiting around eager to work. A lot of Amazon fulfillment centers basically run entirely on labor from illegal aliens hired by shady contractors. These people come here wanting to work.

Sure, some of work, but sure as hell not around where I live, unless you count importing and distributing meth and heroin, or their side jobs of robbing local citizens and businesses. It's actually hard to get a steady job if you're an illegal immigrant, most reputable companies require verification that you're a citizen. You'll be stuck mowing lawns or waiting outside certain "hot spots" were you may or may not find someone that'll pick you up and pay you for manual labor that day.

I will admit though that I'm ignorant on the economics of this issue, so I'm open to having my mind changed about it. I'd assume that the burden these immigrants actually place on welfare programs in the US are insignificant compared to the massive amount of people who are legally in the country and on welfare. Again, I'm just assuming here and if you have any credible sources that show the impact of illegal aliens on welfare programs (and maybe other programs) I'd be very interested in seeing them.

Comparing the two shouldn't even be considered as we aren't supposed to be handing out freebies to people that are in our country illegally. Giving a single illegal immigrant more priority than a legal citizen (which, is what is happening now) is not right. Let alone placing thousands of them in front of our own citizens. We should not make them a priority, if anything, they should have to get in the back of the line, but that's too much if you ask me. If they didn't bother to obey our laws to begin with I say kick them out.

I don't think anyone is saying Trump is responsible for everything bad that happens. I've certainly never heard a Democrat refer to Trump as a God either :P

Glad to know you're aren't one of those easy to manipulate Trump haters that will change their entire belief structure on an issue if Trump simply mentions and agrees with it.

If you were around in the earlier days of Microsoft, you may have learned about the term called "FUD". This is an acronym for "fear, uncertainty, and doubt". It's a tactic Microsoft used a lot to attack their competition. Wikipedia has a good article on it. This is the type of thing we see in the news all the time, not just from Trump and his administration, but from everyone. It's like a side effect of the click-bait industry. You just gotta keep an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism about everything you hear, especially when they seem extremely one-sided and/or obvious (like those damned illegals stealing our jobs, begging for handouts, and blaming the white man, etc)

Fear is a great way to control the masses, but it's also dishonest and often abused. I often try to ask questions and do my own research, especially on local issues that effect me personally. I learned a long time ago, after being in the news and knowing others who have been in the news, that it's usually 90% made up bullshit based on 5% half truths that is based on 5% reality. I also know that Politicians in general, Democratic or Republican, base their entire career on lying to the public, but I didn't need Trump to tell me that the problem around me that I face every time I walk to the store is a problem. I hope, like under Obama, more detention facilities are constructed and millions are kicked out until we can get rid of the policies that make it so enticing for them to skip the legal process and cross our borders illegally.

Like I said, I have personal experience with most of the stuff I've been discussing. I'm sure not every single illegal immigrant mooches off the system. Take for example, the ones being manipulated by coyote's. They organize groups of people to come to the USA with promises that they will have a better life, often for personal profit as the Democratic policies encourage this type of behavior.

It's not that they are "trying to get in before Trump closes the border". It's because they want a better life, but are being manipulated and going about it the wrong way. Of course, there's also plenty of them that understand the illegal aspect of it, but also understand that the Democratic policies will allow them to mooch off the system. It isn't some "mad last rush" to the border.

If we weren't giving them free services after they illegally entered the country there would be little to no incentive for them to do it (unless, they are running drugs or planning on pimping out 6 year old girls). This is why I think the detention camps should be as about as rough as they can get. This is what a lot of prisoners, who are people that broke the law and got caught eat in the local jail where I live. Also, overcrowding is really bad, you'll be sleeping on the concrete floors (opposed to the concrete slabs they have for beds).

I see no reason to give people who broke the law coming into the country and better conditions then the ones who are in the country who broke the law. Aren't the Democrats talking about treating them equally?

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