Too much ass hattery


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Lali ho.

Things aren't looking so good right now. Here's my latest attempt at purging the inner daemons by blogging about what's pissing me off like a true emo douche.

- Work is cutting everyone's hours down to the bare minimum contracted hours. So I've gone from working 30 hours a week to working only 11 next week. The reason management gives for this atrocity is the need to train our latest intake of drooling mongoloids, 8 moronic kids fresh from failing their GCSE's that we've taken on presumably to fill some sort of government quota, I can't imagine even my boss would be dumb enough to hire them based on their skills. Out of the 8, only two are worth keeping around. The others are either complete rectal pubes or just plain useless. Those of us that work damn hard are having a word with the area manager about this, because we're all rather offended that our hard work has led to nothing but a cut in hours while people who couldn't outwit a used condom are being hired and taking up all the available hours. We think this represents not only an offense to all our hard work, but a risk to the company. With the big xmas rush due to start up soon, we need competant employees. Not fucktards en masse. People who are too stupid to be trained in any way and simply drag the rest of us down. So we're rebelling against the decision.

- The kid across the road from me has spent the last week sending me constant abusive messages about how he has Halo Reach and I don't because I'm apparantly poor and stupid and 'gay'. Seemingly oblivious to the fact that I earn enough to buy Halo Reach in about 2 hours of work and that the reason why I haven't bought it is because it's a load of stagnant overhyped bollocks designed to empty the wallets of hype fed jackasses like him. One other thing he might wish to take into account is that my patience with such things does actually have limits. And I have a rather sharp gunblade hanging on my wall. So he better learn to shut his fucking mouth before I cut bits of it off. I haven't spent 23 years fighting against all this god forsaken world can throw at me, holding my head high at every turn, to be badmouthed by a spoiled little mamas boy who can't think for himself. People like him need to be put back in their place. If I don't, eventually he's gonna mouth off like this to someone at school or something and they won't be quite as kind as me. I'd only chop one bollock off, for a start. No point wasting the sharp edge on my Lionheart on a dick head like him. I'd just smash it with a brick.

- Finally got Pokemon White working, which is a bonus. Pity I suddenly seem to suck ass at it. Maybe it's because I missed something important in all that Japanese text. That fire monkey owned the fuck outta me within seconds. Silly old me, picking the grass starter.

- Somebody threw a bag of dog shit into the store this morning so I had to spend 6 hours in a giant tin can which smelled strongly of dog cronk. Fucking idiot local kids. Like work isn't irritating enough when my shoulder is badly damaged (accident in the stock room), we have a customer rush going on, and I have to babysit three of the new dribbling cocksneezes while they sit and make bibble noises in the ball pit. Now I have to do the whole thing with the stench of shit hanging in the air. Joy.

- Due to the cut in my hours, while the paycheck I'm expecting this coming week should be pretty sweet, after that I'm back on the all baked bean diet. 11 hours a week is barely above Job Seeker's Allowance, and that's if I don't get taxed. If I do, I'd actually earn more money doing fuck all. Hopefully the situation can be remedied. But then most of the staff think I'm keeper material, so I doubt I'll be one of the fucktards getting axed when the boss finally realises he cocked up big time.

- Still short one girlfriend. That sucks. I hate being alone. I get lonely. I admit I don't really concentrate on getting a girlfriend as to be honest I don't really see myself as prime breeding stock. I work in a shop, I live with my old man, I make about as much money as the sofa, I've let unemployment get the best of me and it cost memy waistline, and I carry so many battle scars that there's about four inches of unscarred skin left. Not exactly the best boyfriend material. So generally I stay out of relationships. Still lonely though.

HOLD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blaze, stop being such a whining emo pussy fart. You KNOW things aren't that bad. List all the good things right now, or so help me God I'm gonna kick the chocobo in the head. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/angry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry2:" border="0" alt="angry.gif" /> <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/moogle.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":moogle:" border="0" alt="moogle.gif" /> <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/angry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry2:" border="0" alt="angry.gif" />

Fine, if you say so, me.

- One of the so despised 'drooling mongoloids' hired over the last few days is actually pretty cute. And to be fair to her, she's not a bad worker either. Of all 8 of the new intake, she's the only one who knows her arse from her elbow. She knuckles down and tries hard. Worth keeping around, maybe. If we just hired her and maybe one other and trained them properly, we'd have the staff we need to cover every area of the store well, there'd be people available should anyone call in sick, and we would be able to set reasonable hours for everyone. My advice, any supervisors trying to spy on me, yes you, you know who you are and you're deeply sad, hire the cute one and her friend, ditch everyone else. Preferably face down in a ditch. And then if a certain worthless supervisor could dive in after them instead of standing at the tills chinwagging and doing fuck all while me and Luke do all the work, that'd be grand.

- I'm still working for my money rather than scrounging for it. That's better than nothing. I have just enough to survive. That'll do fine, just means less shiny shit off eBay. Besides, if my hours are cut I'll just get a second job. It's much easier to get work when you're already working. Strange but true. The recession is starting to die down here so jobs are becoming more readily available.

- I still have Pokemon White. Whether I can understand it or not is irrelevant. It still works. It's still fun. Besides, it's not like it's my only game. I have about a hundred active projects right now. Haven't even finished Chrono Trigger yet, that's how behind schedule I am.

- Now that I have my own netbook, I finally have access to Word whenever I want. As such I can finally finish FF7 Requiem, my magnum opus fanfic I've been trying to get done for years. The first few chapters of the 'master' edition are up on if anyone's curious, I have the same username there so it's easy to find. Don't judge the book by those slow chapters though, it gets much better later. Oh, just FYI. It's M rated for a reason. No kids allowed. Especially not for chapter 7 which I plan to upload in a day or two.

- Is shiny shit really necessary? NOT FOR A PIRATE!! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/yaynds.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":yaynds:" border="0" alt="yaynds.gif" /> <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/yaypsp.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":yaypsp:" border="0" alt="yaypsp.gif" /> I have all the shiny shit I'll ever really need. Wouldn't mind a cuddly moogle or a copy of Valkyria Chronicles, but we play the cards we're dealt. I'll just skip VC1 and go straight for 2 if I have to. Which reminds me. Memo to self: steal new Ace Combat game.

- My friend Amelia claims to know of a virus that once transmitted to a person's Live profile, it basically ruins their 360, bricks it entirely with little to no hope of repair. May send it to the kid across the road. Then watch in fits of hysterical laughter as his mum buys him the new 4GB model slim which from what I hear won't play Reach properly.

- I'm still me instead of one of the hated drooling 'tards. That has to count for something. I can still tell which is an arse and which is an elbow. Easy way to tell, the arse is the one that looks like my supervisor's face. BOOSH! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/yay.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":yay:" border="0" alt="yay.gif" />

But seriously, as long as I'm me I'll survive. I've been through countless battles but never lost my reasonably good looks, I'm not Brad Pitt or whoever the celebrity hunk du jour is, but I don't look like roadkill either. I still have my sense of humour. My love of cheese, which I can still afford. My friends. My Lionheart. My cuddly chocobo. My memory foam mattress which simply refuses to ever let anyone be uncomfortable ever again. My big stack of DVD's in the 'to watch' pile. My writing. My little blue vial of Potion. My intelligence, or at least compared to the people I serve at work anyway. The many beautiful ladies I know but am too chickenshit to choose between for fear of upsetting the others. My big dragon wall hanging. The list goes on and on.

I really should be thankful, I guess. I mean, I could have my legs blown off my a land mine or something. Or even worse, I could be one of the Jedwards. That'd be a short movie. I swap bodies with a Jedward and blow my head off with a sawn off shotgun five minutes in. Not so much a movie as a snuff film. I pray I never become that talentless. Life may be treating me like shit every now and then, not to mention smelling strongly of shit, but I'll have to put up with it as history has shown not even death can keep me down. I'll bounce back. I'll probably just have to endure the xmas rush on crap hours, then be promoted to supervisor right after because my 6 months probation will be about done by then.

Incidentally, whichever little turd it was posting stuff about my imminant promotion on his Facebook page saying I'd get sacked before then thinking I can't see what you're saying, come say it to my face you fucking pussy or shut your mother fucking mouth. Lest you find a razor sharp blue blade through the top half of it.

Sorry about that, went off on a tangent there. But to be fair that little cock smoker pisses me off. Anyways, I've bored you long enough so I'm gonna go get a sandwich, kick back, watch some dumb cartoons and relax. Laters.




Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2010
Visit site
It would be fun to find the little shithead's online hangout, and see what kind of stupid shit he talks about, maybe open a can of trollass.


"In all things, balance."
Jul 21, 2010
United States


This is probably the funniest blog article I've read so far. Also, the Xbox virus thing? Go for it. :3


Permanent GBAtemp Newbie
Jan 18, 2009
United States
Boy, Blaze, this blog entry is quite entertaining! You have an excellent way of putting a humorous spin on nearly everything you write.
I certainly hope everything works out.

Blaze163 said:
watch some dumb cartoons...



Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2010
thats a lot of shit thats happened but hopefully you do the right thing and mess up that kids xbox 360, just kidding. That would just be a lot of shit for the kid to handle. *OMG MY XBOX 360 is ******* congratz maybe (my bad) the kid will learn to stfu hahahaha errr yea thats not..


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2007
United States
wait.. nobody is commenting on...
am I missing something? Is this not really racist?


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Gore said:
wait.. nobody is commenting on...
am I missing something? Is this not really racist?

If it's my insistance on using the term 'drooling mongoloid' that bothers you, it's certainly not racist in intent, none of my comments are. Unless you count the no-brained GCSE-less cretins I now work with to be a different race. Which wouldn't be much of a stretch. It's just a term I use for stupid people, a throwback from my childhood when it meant something else.

In other news, scored another 18 hours of work for the coming week, taking my total from 11 to 29. Pretty sweet. The only downside is that I'm needed urgently tomorrow. All day tomorrow. As in 8 til 8. A full 12 hours, 11 once you take my break into account. I've never worked such a long shift before so it'll be difficult, but it's also just a Monday so it probably won't be very busy. I'll spend most of the day cleaning or dealing with the delivery, which is pretty easy. The reason my boss gave was that he was dishing out the extra hours to those who deserve them. So me and my two working buddies have most of the extra hours, the new intake of cretinous lazy gits have got the bare minimum needed for their training and nothing else.

I'll be absolutely fucked when I get home tomorrow night, but I don't have to be back in Tuesday until 3, so I can have a long rest to recover. Plus it's a good 50 odd quid in my bank account at the end of the day, after tax. Plus I have Friday off, otherwise known as PAYDAY, when I finally gain access to the fruits of my labour and go on a rather epic eBay spree.

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