Tutorial  Updated

Using Luma3DS + Gateway on B9S

I highly advise against the use of GW on SysNAND-Only Setups.
GW currently DOES NOT support firmwares 11.3//11.4 - B9S does not change that!
If you're on 11.3+ - Don't even try to use GW. Use Luma3DS or any other CFW that has confirmed support for 11.3+ firmwares.

Setting up GW with Luma3DS' chainloader

Requirements: SysNAND or EmuNAND on 11.2 or lower!
Tested and working on B9S 1.2 (Luma3DS 8.0)
  1. Download the v2gw.zip attached to this post.
  2. Extract the "arm9loaderhax.bin" from v2gw.zip to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
  3. Rename that very "arm9loaderhax.bin" you just extracted to "v2gw.bin" or to whatever you want. However, step 12 will assume v2gw.bin was used, you can edit that reference to meet whatever you decided to name it.
  4. Download GW's ‘arm9loaderhax.bin.zip‘ file.
    • On their main home page. Under the post titled: "GATEWAY 4.0B PRIVATE BETA #2"
    • Or on their openly public Private Beta Program page, on this page it'll be under the "» arm9loaderhax for users with existing a9lh installs" section.
  5. Extract GW's "arm9loaderhax.bin" file from their zip file to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
  6. Rename that very "arm9loaderhax.bin" you just extracted to "gateway.bin"
  7. Make sure you have the latest GW's Launcher.dat on the root of your SD Card.
  8. This dev-build of BootCTR9: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-the-bootctr9-release-thread.435347/page-3#post-7370533
  9. Extract the "boot.firm" file from the BootCTR9-firmv2.zip to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
  10. Rename that very "boot.firm" you just extracted to "down_BootCTR9.firm" or to whatever you want that is allowed by Luma3DS' payload chainloader.
    - Other button options: https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/wiki/Other-features-and-notes#payload-chainloading
  11. Extract the "boot_config.ini" file from from the BootCTR9-firmv2.zip to the root of your SD Card.
  12. Open the "boot_config.ini" file and overwrite everything with the following:
    key_delay = 1000
    path = /luma/payloads/v2gw.bin
  13. You are now done. If you followed this tutorial, holding DPAD-DOWN at boot time, will load up Gateway Mode.
    - SysNAND-Only Users on 11.2 will be prompted to press 'L+R+SELECT' to boot SYSNAND. DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON PROMPT ON 11.3+
    - GW EmuNAND users will automatically boot into their GW EmuNAND.


Q: How do I boot into the GW Menu?
A: Hold L+Select, as soon as you see the Dragon Logo.

Q: Can I use my GW Blue Card?
A: Yes, but only while using Luma3DS. It will not work in GW Mode.

Q: Can I play online while in GW Mode?
A: Yes, sort-of. But you have to either:

Q: I'm getting a black screen!? HELP!?
A: Multiple reasons for that below:
  • Modified SecureInfo_A - GW does not patch this. You'll need an untouched donor file of this.
  • Using a RedNAND - GW only supports GW EmuNAND, it cannot boot RedNAND. Use the GW Menu or GodMode9 to make one.
  • On SysNAND-Only Setups - Not having properly removed EmuNAND//RedNAND. Use GodMode to properly format your SD Card. But I advise you set one up.
  • Trying to boot an 11.3//11.4 EmuNAND - GW does not support anything higher than 11.2
  • If it's not listed, then who knows. Do you have a modified Home Menu or font? Those might not work at all in GW Mode.


Many thanks to the above lovely people~ <3 ♥
Original posts:
Link: https://gbatemp.net/threads/using-gateway-on-a9lh-v2.431222/page-4#post-6464898
Link: http://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-using-luma3ds-with-gateway-on-v2-a9lh.431691/page-4#post-6472283
Link: https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-booting-gw-with-b9s-and-some-help.471417/

I highly advise against the use of GW for SysNAND-Only setups.

11.3&11.4 Break GW. GW currently DOES NOT support 11.3 or 11.4. You will either brick or lose A9LH. More than likely it seems you will just lose A9LH.

Again, if you attempt to boot GW Mode, on a SYSNAND-Only Setup while on 11.3 or 11.4, you will lose A9LH. It does not matter if you safely updated to this firmware via another CFW that safely protects FIRM.

If you want to use 11.3+, you will not be able to use GW. Don't even try. Only use Luma3DS or other CFW that support 11.3+

If you are a Gateway3DS user, and have recently finished Plailect's A9LH Guide, then you should be on v2 A9LH. Unfortunately, at the time this thread was made, GW's a9lh.bin file is incompatible with Luma3DS' payload chainloading feature while on v2 A9LH.

So one way around this was to either forego using Luma3DS' payload chainloading, and use a boot manager that does work in initializing GW's a9lh.bin correctly. Like BootCTR9. Either you let BootCTR9 handle all payloads, or you set it up to chainload into Luma3DS and from there let Luma3DS do all the work.

Either way, some people might not like BootCTR9 (Big fan of BootCTR9, seriously thing is amazing~!)

So if you don't want to use the BootCTR9 method, then @Hayleia made a very stripped down boot manager that only loads /luma/payloads/gateway.bin. You still need GW's a9lh.bin in addition to this stripped down bootmanager, but that's all you need, these two files! No need for messy configs if you just want to stick with Luma3DS' payload chainloader.

Now on to the damn tutorials already~!

Gateway Logo

1. Download the v2gw.zip attached to this post.
2. Extract the "arm9loaderhax.bin" from v2gw.zip to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
3. Rename that very "arm9loaderhax.bin" you just extracted to "down_v2gw.bin" or to whatever you want that is allowed by Luma3DS' payload chainloader.
Other button options: https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/wiki/Other-features-and-notes#payload-chainloading
4. Download GW's ‘arm9loaderhax.bin.zip‘ file.
You have to get this directly from Gateway's site. Which is either:
A) On their main home page.
B) Or on their openly public Private Beta Program page, on this page it'll be under the "» arm9loaderhax for users with existing a9lh installs" section.
5. Extract GW's "arm9loaderhax.bin" file from their zip file to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
6. Rename that very "arm9loaderhax.bin" you just extracted to "gateway.bin"
7. Make sure you have the latest GW's Launcher.dat on the root of your SD Card.
8. You are now done. If you followed this tutorial, holding DPAD-DOWN at boot time, will load up Gateway Mode.
However, if you are a SysNAND Only User, and on 11.1 and using the 4.2 Launcher.dat, you will be prompted to press 'L+R+SELECT' to boot SYSNAND.
GW EmuNAND users will automatically boot into their GW EmuNAND.

Notes: To Boot into the GW Menu: Hold L+Select, as soon as you see the Dragon Logo.
To Force a Manual Gateway3DS RedCard Update: Hold R+Select as soon as you see the Dragon Logo.

No Gateway Logo (Not Recommend - Only for those allergic to the dragon logo - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)

Notes: This version will de-init the screen by default, and as such you won't see the Gateway Logo. Don't worry it'll init once you land on the Home. Due to how this works, only GW EmuNAND users should consider using this. This is because SysNAND users will land on the SysNAND prompt nag.

1. Download the v2gw-de-init.zip attached to this post.
2. Extract the "v2gw.bin" from v2gw-de-init.zip to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
3. Rename that very "v2gw2.bin" you just extracted to "down_v2gw.bin" or to whatever you want that is allowed by Luma3DS' payload chainloader.
Other button options: https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/wiki/Other-features-and-notes#payload-chainloading
4. Download GW's ‘arm9loaderhax.bin.zip‘ file.
You have to get this directly from Gateway's site. Which is either:
A) On their main home page.
B) Or on their openly public Private Beta Program page, on this page it'll be under the "» arm9loaderhax for users with existing a9lh installs" section.
5. Extract GW's "arm9loaderhax.bin" file from their zip file to your /luma/payloads/ folder.
6. Rename that very "arm9loaderhax.bin" you just extracted to "gateway.bin"
7. Make sure you have the latest GW's Launcher.dat on the root of your SD Card.
8. You are now done. If you followed this tutorial, holding DPAD-DOWN at boot time, will load up Gateway Mode without the Gateway Logo.

Tested on N3DS and O3DS by me, 2DS by @Hayleia.
Should work on either screen-init or non-screen-init v2 A9LH.

Important Note: Never update your SysNAND in Gateway Mode. It does not matter what Launcher.dat version you use, if you go ahead and update while in SysNAND Mode, you will either brick or lose A9LH+CFW and be on the latest stock firmware. This is because GW Mode does not offer FIRM protection in A9LH. Updating your GW EmuNAND is fine and safe, and is what Gateway actually recommends you do and use even when using A9LH.

!~Getting Black Screen After Dragon Logo and After Following This Guide~! (PLEASE READ)
Sounds like someone hasn't properly removed their EmuNAND//RedNAND with EmuNAND9. The Black Screen problem is common to people who skipped doing it properly and used a third-party tool like EaseUS or any other partition manager.

Since EmuNAND//RedNAND wasn't removed properly, traces were leftover and GW by default sees it, and tries to boot into this non-existent EmuNAND//RedNAND and fails. So how do we fix it? We use EmuNAND9 to preperly remove traces of it.

Part 5, Section V of the old A9LH guide covers this. However, I will list all relevant steps here.
Link: https://github.com/Plailect/Guide_R...ax)#section-v---removing-rednand-from-your-sd

The new guide also sort of mentions if in this new page, and does show you how to setup EmuNAND9:
Link: https://plailect.github.io/Guide/move-emunand

Files we'll need:
Latest release of EmuNAND9: https://github.com/d0k3/EmuNAND9/releases/latest

1. Copy EmuNAND9.bin from the EmuNAND9.zip to the /luma/payloads/ folder on your SD card and rename EmuNAND9.bin to y_EmuNAND9.bin
2. Backup every file on your SD card to a folder on your computer, all files will be deleted in the following steps
3. Reinsert your SD card into your 3DS
4. Hold (Y) at boot time to open EmuNAND9
5. Go to "SD Format Options...", then select the "Format SD (no EmuNAND)" option, and wait for it to finish
6. Press (B) to return to the menu, then press Select to safely eject your SD Card
7. Put your SD card back into your computer, and copy all the files you backed up previously, back into your SD Card
8. Reinsert your SD card into your 3DS, then press (Start) to reboot

Additional Note: You will still have to look into BootCTR9 if for some reason you want GW to be the default, as opposed to Luma3DS. This tutorial is meant more for the people who want Luma3DS as their main//default, and want to use Luma3DS' payload chainloader to boot into GW Mode.
Go to the following link for the tutorial on setting up GW as your main with BootCTR9.
Link: https://gbatemp.net/threads/using-gateway-on-a9lh-v2.431222/

All credits to @Hayleia for making both of these~! Thank you~ <3 ♥
Original posts:
Link: https://gbatemp.net/threads/using-gateway-on-a9lh-v2.431222/page-4#post-6464898
Link: http://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-using-luma3ds-with-gateway-on-v2-a9lh.431691/page-4#post-6472283


  • v2gw.zip
    6.3 KB · Views: 12,162
  • v2gw-de-init.zip
    9.1 KB · Views: 3,303
Last edited by Temptress Cerise,


pirate booty inspector
Jan 3, 2014
behind a parental advisory sticker
United States
Section IV it mentions moving an emuNAND, should I be doing this?
also, it then tells me to update. Is that safe? like is this guide accounting for the most recent fw?
1. no you want your emunand to use with your gateway
2. yes its totally fine (as long as you already have a gateway compatible emunand . . . if not you would downgrade then create one and then update sysnand)
  • Like
Reactions: Patey07


Oct 14, 2018
1. no you want your emunand to use with your gateway
2. yes its totally fine (as long as you already have a gateway compatible emunand . . . if not you would downgrade then create one and then update sysnand)

I don't know if the emuNAND is setup for gateway. When I modified the 3ds I only needed to use a .cia, I might have done something to the emuNAND last time? is there anyway to check?


pirate booty inspector
Jan 3, 2014
behind a parental advisory sticker
United States
I probably sound really stupid right now lol

hold select on boot this will bring up luma settings from there you should see an option to boot emunand if (R) is held on boot tic this option on and press start to save the selection/restart the device when it reboots power down now if you hold R when you boot up you will load your emunand


Oct 14, 2018
hold select on boot this will bring up luma settings from there you should see an option to boot emunand if (R) is held on boot tic this option on and press start to save the selection/restart the device when it reboots power down now if you hold R when you boot up you will load your emunand

nothing changes, same fw and same tiles on the home screen.
lookup a downgrade tutorial to downgrade to 9.2? thats the version I remember having for gateway
Last edited by Patey07,


Oct 14, 2018
sorry for the delay 11.2 was the last fw you can use gateway with, so i honestly dont know what you have on your current emunand, but if you made one now it would be at the perfect fw for gateway
there might not even be an emunand, I don't know what tutorial i used.
I found a NAND manager, I'm given a few options - Backup both emu and sys, restore both, and transfer sys to emu or emu to sys.
should I transfer sys to emu?


pirate booty inspector
Jan 3, 2014
behind a parental advisory sticker
United States
I found a NAND manager,
i dont know what program you are using i would
power down
hold "start" and power on you should be greeted by godmode9
press "home"
select more
select sd format menu
then 2gb (legacy size) and let it do its thing
note this will erase your sd card and set up emunand after you will need to replace the files from 3ds.hacks.guide so its advised that you back up your sd card first


Oct 14, 2018
i dont know what program you are using i would
power down
hold "start" and power on you should be greeted by godmode9
press "home"
select more
select sd format menu
then 2gb (legacy size) and let it do its thing
note this will erase your sd card and set up emunand after you will need to replace the files from 3ds.hacks.guide so its advised that you back up your sd card first

I dont have that option? No emuNAND, redNAND size (min), GW emuNAND size (full), MultiNAND size (2x), (3x) and (4x) and user input. then those ask me for a cluster size - 16kb, 32kb or 64kb
Last edited by Patey07,


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2016
But why though? The team died 2 years ago and its becoming more and more complicated everyday to continue using it. I understand you want to use it, but it's just easier to update to B9S with Luma3DS than it is to try and get Gateway even remotely functional nowadays. Realistically the only thing it has left is .3DS ROM support, Luma3DS already added cheat support.

Sometimes the most helpful thing isn't the thing someone wants to hear. We don't help RXTools users anymore, so why do the same with Gateway?
GW can use B9S with Luma3DS at same time, I have this setup.
I use GW for additional storage on red card and their cheating method.
Luma3ds cheat support use ntr method that I too can apply without stupid chain like Luma3ds+ntrcheatsupport and it's slowdown a little games, plus for this chain you can even be banned (if you done mistake)
Luma3ds is great thing, I'm glad that now ppl have access to even better cheat method than gw (if they can map cheats right), if luma3ds have a card then I think I would move from gw, but I already own card, so there no reason for that. Plus I updated blue card with last wood and now it's support all last nds games and installed emulators (only tested them, play games like that on vita)
It's really sad that they disappear without any updates and not share code to open sources. That's a awful thing, but maybe in future they do it. I only can hope about it ;)
But this card is still great thing! I'm stack on 11.3, but still can play any game on it and even play online with spoof.
So there no reasons to drop gw and update.
Last edited by k7ra,


Oct 14, 2018
sorry i have a different version of godmode9 no big deal you select GW emunand and 64kb

sorry it took me so long, had some studying to do for a test.
it asks me to choose an emuNAND type too, redNAND type, GW emuNAND type, or don't set up

I went with GW emuNAND because I couldn't figure a way to cancel it and I'll leave it there until you have a chance to reply
Last edited by Patey07,


pirate booty inspector
Jan 3, 2014
behind a parental advisory sticker
United States
I went with GW emuNAND because I couldn't figure a way to cancel it and I'll leave it there until you have a chance to reply
thats the one you wanted you should be able to use this guide now to setup gateway on your emunand

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

actually wait you should unlink your emunand from your sysnand first . . . (format one or the other)

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