What did you get in trouble for in high school?

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Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
For non attendance. For being constantly late when i did show up. For never doing homework. For being rude to teachers. For once setting off the fire alarm. For one time when i knocked out the school bully when I hit him on the head with an huge encyclopedia. For laughing when a girl broke her leg in gym class. And numerous other reasons.
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Dec 2, 2007
United States
I was not a bad student but I still ended up getting into my fair share of trouble.

When I was a freshman, there was a large rash of "bomb threats" to the point where it was getting really really out of hand. I made a t-shirt (written in sharpie) that said "I survived (tally marks) bomb threats". My teachers were none too pleased and I was asked to turn it inside out.

The next year we were getting fed up with the hall regulations and bathroom pass situation so a few of us started to do something super dumb, civil disobedience or some crap. On Monday of our troublesome week, we walked around the cafeteria and collected everyone's uneaten peas. We piled them on a tray until we had pea mountain. We didn't know what to do about it and no one wanted to throw it away. So we walked around to lots of tables and collected loose change to donate to a girl so she would "accidentally" trip and spill them everywhere. I think we got about 13 bucks and she did it.

On Tuesday we walked around and collected everyone's uneaten corn. No one liked the school's vegetables lol. So again, we made corn mountain, but one of the teachers came over and told us "you can't throw that away" so we all sat there arguing what to do until we saddled a freshnman with eating all of it. He was out for the rest of the week.

Wednesday we decide we would have a moment of quiet time for the whole cafeteria. Let me explain. We walked around to all the tables and asked them to completely hush up at exactly 12:55. I had a lot of general high school clout and people generally knew I was just trying to include everyone in a good joke. So they all played along. And at 12:55 the whole room fell silent. Except we forgot to tell one table. We forgot a table, but it was ok, because it was the football/cheerleader table and they were in a heated cursing match about who knows what. As everyone else was nice and quiet, a few loud and distinct "cocksucker" and "motherfuckers" were flung around. A few of them were dragged to the office. Good stuff.

Thursday was our coup de gras. We, for the last time, detailed instructions to every table wait until 12:55 to take their trays up to the trash cans, making a HUGE traffic jam. We, obviously knowing what was coming, preemptively took up our garbage and waited. We saw people milling around, as usual, taking stuff up, dumping trays. We kinda lost hope a bit. But we shouldn't have. 12:55 rolled around and EVERYONE stood up, almost in unison and marched to the trash cans. Hilarious. Except us. Like dumb asses we sat there laughing at our designs. Until 4 seconds later, and the woodshop teacher's meathooks clamped down on my shoulders. I heard a very calm, "lets take a walk" in my ear and I knew it was all over.

I was in band as well, first chair for the drumline 3 years in a row thank you very much. Anyways, one year, Our director gave a strict "no food on the bus" declaration. Well I forgot dinner one night as well as the new rule. I had just grabbed a sub from subway as we were just about to leave and I headed back for line up. Mr. May, director, was standing at the bus doors, making sure no one took any food on the bus. I immediately remembed the rule as 4 or 5 of my friends elbowed me in the gut reminding me "no food, idiot". Our uniform pants were kinda baggy so... I just shoved the entire sub in bag, down my pants. I get to the door, sweating, no less, and Mr. May stops me.
"What's that?"
"What this?..." *panic* "Its my footlong" *what the fuck is wrong with me*
He stares me in the eye for what seemed like days. An understanding like a massive hurricane storm wind passes between us. Like a massive understanding. An understanding that he wouldn't make an example of me here and now, but an understanding that I was in a massive pile of shit later.
"go." we whispers. I think him knowing how much he was relying on my to keep the rest of the percussion in line saved me, and only just.

He did a lot for the school, and its a shame I feel that a lot of students wont remember him for the right reasons. Lots of tough love, but mountains of hard work, dedication and heart for the betterment of all of us. But that didn't stop us from messing with him. My senior year we were learning the formations at camp. Yes band camp. One of them, we thought, looked like a pokemon. He did not like that so we latched onto it. We took it as far as begging him to let our senior song at senior night to be the pokemon theme song. He was pissed.

Also during our senior year, Mr. May came up with a new uh, rally cheer kinda thing? We were the Lakeview Sailors. He would yell "Lakeview Hutt!" and we would respond with a quick "ARRGH" like a pirate. Things started morphing and evolving like only high schoolers can instigate. Some would hook their fingers like they had hooks for hands. We, way in the back, started covering one eye when we would respond with our "ARRGH"s. For anyone not in the know, it looked like we were just pretending to have eye patches. But we called it the "angry pirate" (urban dictionary is your friend here). Eventually word got out that we were going around calling ourselves the "angry pirates". Again, our director was not pleased when he found out not only what that meant, but who started it.


Penguin accelerator
Feb 13, 2015
Hmmm... nothing, in particular

I did get "suspended judgement" every single year in maths, though (when you just barely didn't have a passing grade, so you have to take a test after summer holidays, and the result determines if you pass last year)

In the gym building (which is school property, but in the evenings it's available to local sport teams, some of which made it their home arena) there is a questionable room for table tennis filled with all-glass-framed team and award photos. We started playing frisbee in there for some reason, after the first "accident" we were told to go play in the park, as we were passing it around while walking (https://binged.it/2EapwPP) it ended on top of the red building: no big deal in the long term, but man if was the teacher pissed...

In chemistry, well, what did you expect from teens + fire + chemicals to make hydrogen in large volumes?
Just a few loud sounds, nobody dead - or worse, expelled, and nothing broken

In programming class, that's where I had the most fun (teaching others how to bypass web filters, init=/bin/sh and install games, passing factually correct solutions during tests but with some suspicious quirks, actually staying in the afternoon to help setting up the new PCs, ...) but it was basically the opposite of trouble, the teacher appreciated I was one of the 3 out of 25~30 in my class who put some effort in this subject!

I guess I got in significant psychological trouble at the beginning of the last year - but despite being related to people who attended the same school, the location was complete coincidence; but the finals more than made up for it in the short term, and 2 years later I mostly stopped thinking of that issue :)
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
In chemistry, well, what did you expect from teens + fire + chemicals to make hydrogen in large volumes?
Did not get in trouble for this one, indeed the teacher noted how safe we all were at the end of the class.

Anyway A-level chemistry (at the time you could leave school at 16, 16-18 then being what those leading to universities would do, A-levels being the name of the concept and basically considered leader subjects for university).

The usual evaporating and basic distillation thing (this was a class of some 20 odd people so it is not like they could have nice gear for everybody).

Textbook notes the remnant of the distillation was highly flammable. Not what it was or anything, just that is was flammable and should be disposed of.

... being the good budding scientist, or perhaps security engineer, I went with the "trust but verify" approach to the world.

One match in the flask (in my hand at this point).



Drops in sink

Being glass from some 30cm in the air into a ceramic sink it does what glass, even nice borosilicate glass, is wont to do.

Whoosh. Someone probably has Vietnam flashback.


There was not that much product/remnant and I turned the tap on so it sorted itself out.

Good times.

Deleted User

Did not get in trouble for this one, indeed the teacher noted how safe we all were at the end of the class.

Anyway A-level chemistry (at the time you could leave school at 16, 16-18 then being what those leading to universities would do, A-levels being the name of the concept and basically considered leader subjects for university).

The usual evaporating and basic distillation thing (this was a class of some 20 odd people so it is not like they could have nice gear for everybody).

Textbook notes the remnant of the distillation was highly flammable. Not what it was or anything, just that is was flammable and should be disposed of.

... being the good budding scientist, or perhaps security engineer, I went with the "trust but verify" approach to the world.

One match in the flask (in my hand at this point).



Drops in sink

Being glass from some 30cm in the air into a ceramic sink it does what glass, even nice borosilicate glass, is wont to do.

Whoosh. Someone probably has Vietnam flashback.


There was not that much product/remnant and I turned the tap on so it sorted itself out.

Good times.
My friends got scolded in chemistry class because they thought it would be funny to use the bunsen burner to burn the wooden tongs.


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
funniest one was getting caught cheating then the principal gave me an infraction (which turned into 4 cause I ripped up one and ate two like a damn goat I cant believe i was diagnosed with bi polar AFTER I graduated


Just a duck floating in a pond.
Aug 22, 2018
While still being in High School, this is my 13th (Senior) year, I have done my fair share of things that the school didn’t really like.
First up, the school didn’t like that all of the students were playing games on their IPads during class, instead of paying attention. This ended up making them install manager software onto the devices blocking out any installations from device, no Game Center, etc. I took it upon myself to find a way to exploit the IPad and allow for the installation of games. This was my Freshman year, I didn’t have an insane amount of experience with modding or hacking, all I had done up to that point was replace some music in Wii games, make crappy rom-hacks (If that’s what they are even called) of NSMBWii, and some other stuff like that. So I knew that this was going to be quite a doozy of a job to take on. I ended up breaking through the security of the IPad and installed PokeGo++, Twitter, and Soundcloud. The school did figure out that I had installed games onto my IPad, and threatened me with expulsion unless I took them off. Little did they know that I had given a guide on how to do this to one of my closest friends. Although that wasn’t going to do much for me as I had never thought of how to uninstall the games, and I still haven’t found a super great way to take just one game of off the IPad. But, I realized that I could force the IPad into recovery mode, hook it up to a Mac, and factory reset and repartition the NAND chip to delete all of the games on there. This worked fine, I didn’t get expelled etc.

Next up, I did a couple of pranks through my high school career. Such as putting 250 pages of one of my teachers face all over the school, making the promthean boards that the school has do random stuff, told people how to get around the WiFi blocker, showed them how to play FortNite on the schools WiFi, bricked a few chromebooks, nothing too overly serious. Except for one time when I found the schools main password for their stuff. It was super easy to guess (IAmThePrincipal). This allowed me to install stuff to their computers and do some stuff that I wasn’t supposed to do. Well, one day I had to stay late because I had scholastic bowl practice, and I was the last one at the school, so I decided to do something quite horrible that would probably get me expelled. I installed ransomware onto the superintendent’s computer. They never figured out it was me, and I made sure that it had a decryption software out there for the files, but I still did it.

The last notable thing that I did was that I had started a bit of what I like to think of as a revolution my Junior year. I was tired of not having the ability to install games onto the IPads, so I gave everybody the guide on how to do it, told them not to tell anyone who they got it from, and give it to all of the high schoolers. This kind of sent the school into a bit of shock as everyone had tons of games on their IPads, and they didn’t even show up on the schools administrative system. Everyone enjoyed having games on their IPads as they had been playing crappy HTML5 games through safari for the last 3 years. The school started randomly taking people out of class and questioned them about how they got the games and who gave the guide on how to do it. Somehow, nobody said it was me, and just said that (someone) had told them that you could do this thing and get games. They eventually questioned me, saying that they knew I had done it. I still lied my way through, and eventually, I got out of their and was free ish.

There was also this thing that one the people that I hate the most did to me after I told everyone how to get games, he tried to make a fake email and tell me how I should go kill myself and how I was completely useless. I suffer from depression, but at that time it wasn’t so bad so I didn’t really feel to bad about these being sent to me. He also signed me up for Discord, Facebook, a site the starts with P, rhymes with corn, and ends in hub. After about a week of investigations and other stuff, it was revealed that he had done it, ending up getting a 5 week suspension, along with getting the blame for all of the games on the IPads. Lets just say that this was one of the best things to happen to me that year.

So, overall, my high school career has been pretty interesting. Lots of ups and few downs, but I had always pushed the line on getting expelled. And if this was to long for you to read, I don’t blame you for not reading it, it took a long time to type.


GBATemp Addict (apparently), but more like "bored"
Sep 8, 2017
I actually never got into trouble in school, but if I were to list the things I did get away with without any getting in trouble, the list is nearly endless:rofl2:
Some examples involve never doing homework, getting into fights a lot because people kept being idiots and thought they could bully me just up until that moment they were being carted off to the hospital (this happened a LOT), causing a huge fire that ended burning down the lab on second year of high school, causing a small explosion in same lab in third year, insulted the teachers almost all the time behind their backs all the time, swore a ton, broke pretty much all school rules, griffiti-ing the teachers' lounge, playing truant pretty much whenever I was too bored, sleeping in class, never paying attention in class, literally putting keyloggers and R.A.T.s (they were still legal back then here:P) in every device in school, showing people how to access blocked stuff on the school network including helping them download and watch porn on the computer screens during every computer class, actually turning in a translation of part of a Hitler's speech when we were asked to write a speech for ourselves as an application for parliament of youth and SO MUCH MORE, good times... and people think school isn't fun, I say they are wrong! Still, wouldn't want to go back there, I did most of that just as retaliation for being forced to wake up in the morning and sit through 7-8 hours of drivel every day...


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2018
I actually never got into trouble in school, but if I were to list the things I did get away with without any getting in trouble, the list is nearly endless:rofl2:
Some examples involve never doing homework, getting into fights a lot because people kept being idiots and thought they could bully me just up until that moment they were being carted off to the hospital (this happened a LOT), causing a huge fire that ended burning down the lab on second year of high school, causing a small explosion in same lab in third year, insulted the teachers almost all the time behind their backs all the time, swore a ton, broke pretty much all school rules, griffiti-ing the teachers' lounge, playing truant pretty much whenever I was too bored, sleeping in class, never paying attention in class, literally putting keyloggers and R.A.T.s (they were still legal back then here:P) in every device in school, showing people how to access blocked stuff on the school network including helping them download and watch porn on the computer screens during every computer class, actually turning in a translation of part of a Hitler's speech when we were asked to write a speech for ourselves as an application for parliament of youth and SO MUCH MORE, good times... and people think school isn't fun, I say they are wrong! Still, wouldn't want to go back there, I did most of that just as retaliation for being forced to wake up in the morning and sit through 7-8 hours of drivel every day...
School isn't fun. Fucking school bareback is.
Time to fuck with the school PCs' BIOSes
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