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What sources back up the anti-vaccine movement?

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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
I would really appreciate knowing some of the sources that back up the anti-vaccine movement. The anti-vac movement has some pretty convicted individuals and I am wondering what are some sources that either they can provide or can be provided to back up the motivations to join this movement? What research has been done? Has this research been peer-reviewed, if not, why? What is some of evidence against vaccination?
Edit: I am going to reframe my question a little. This is about the anti-vaccine and those not willing to be vaccinated in general. What sources lead you to that conclusion and how verifiable are those sources? What medical research is used in the sources? Is it more than just anecdotal evidence?
Last edited by The Catboy,


XP not matters.
Nov 8, 2018
Anti Vaccine "People" have nothing really "in the Hands...."

The Problem is that they are "lumped" together with People who do not want to be vaccinated.
(Because of Fear,Misinformation,recovered,enough Antibodies
and other good Reasons to say no,they do not want it.)


Developer, Gamer and Power User.
Dec 29, 2016
There's some reasons to not get vaccinated and there's some legitimate sources. Though, most "arguments" come from Facebook and other questionable sources.
That being said, the simple fact that Pfizer already had some legal actions against them, accusing them of money corruption back in 2018 is a big enough argument to not help those kinds of shitty groups. There's an unreasonable fear of vaccines as people think "it is too soon" and "it has a lot of side effects". That is of course, wrong, as it's been proved that most vaccines don't have an abnormal ratio of side effects. They're technically supposed to still be in the third test phase, but Europe gave them an early authorization due to the particular situation. I think vaccines should be open-source, and the big groups shouldn't be able to copyright them and decide their price. If those vaccines are really efficient (which has yet to be really determined), they should be free, with the researchers getting payed by governments or other states that benefit from their work. I also think there's no justification for making them mandatory just yet, as they have a chance to be useless, and just throw money at 4 companies.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
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Visoly 512 Flash Advance Linker Xtreme Master!
Mar 17, 2003
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United States
How common is this problem and what are the sources? Vaccine side effects are a thing but they aren’t very common and tend to effect those with already preexisting conditions in most cases and very low rates in other cases.
All I know is that there can be a small percentage of the population that has severe or life threatening reactions to
even the flu vaccine. The sad part is that you won't know if you're in that small percentage until you take the vaccine. This kid says he had no prior health issues.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
All I know is that there can be a small percentage of the population that has severe or life threatening reactions to
even the flu vaccine. The sad part is that you won't know if you're in that small percentage until you take the vaccine. This kid says he had no prior health issues.
The sad part is, there can be underlining issues that someone doesn’t know about. The small cases of heart conditions are extremely rare and currently there is research into why it happens. It is known that it seems to primarily effect teenage boys, so it could be either a health fact, biological factor, or something yet to be determined. That being said, none of them have been life threatening and have cleared up either on their own or little medical assistance. This is a small temporary issue that doesn’t even compare to the possible permanent heart damage caused by Covid.

I am going to reframe my question a little. This is about the anti-vaccine and those not willing to be vaccinated in general. What sources lead you to that conclusion and how verifiable are those sources? What medical research is used in the sources? Is it more than just anecdotal evidence?
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Visoly 512 Flash Advance Linker Xtreme Master!
Mar 17, 2003
The Internet
United States
I would really appreciate knowing some of the sources that back up the anti-vaccine movement. The anti-vac movement has some pretty convicted individuals and I am wondering what are some sources that either they can provide or can be provided to back up the motivations to join this movement? What research has been done? Has this research been peer-reviewed, if not, why? What is some of evidence against vaccination?
This woman is/was pro-vaccine but her and her daughter got screwed up after being vaxxed.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
This woman is/was pro-vaccine but her and her daughter got screwed up after being vaxxed.

Side effects can happen, this is a known factor in medicine. These cases are extremely slim that it’s barely a fraction of the people who have been vaccinated without problems. What sources beyond a few noteworthy are there to back up the anti-vac movement?
Last edited by The Catboy,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Sources of funding and categorisations of actions here are interesting, and ill served by the common "they is all morons" rhetoric, even if I would think they are all morons even if for different reasons. Whether you know it from Sun Tzu or Rage Against the Machine then "know your enemy" https://www.scienceofstrategy.org/main/content/know-enemy
Follow the money can also be a good one here, all sorts of things from that one if you follow it.

You usually get the
Hippy mothers
Religious types with odd readings of religious texts, some of which might even have made sense if first thought of before disinfectant, germ theory and such like when the local witch was your best bet.
General distrust of authority.

Different flavours are more prevalent in different locales, and have different regional variations as well.
I am told hippy mothers tended to be the Australian problem a few years back, potentially solved by in turn saying "no shot, no school" which means the hippy mothers could not do wine at lunch as they would be home schooling instead.
Religious types actually in Europe is one of the big ones; the Netherlands tending to provide a nice case study here as they are lumped with what sort of became what those in the US will probably associate with the Mennonites (Menno Simons of Friesland, Friesland being a Dutch speaking part of the world for those not familiar with Dutch geography) and Amish. Not limited to that though; all sorts of beliefs pertaining to medicine exist (both other wackadoodle Christians, anti West which includes medicine Islam is a rabbit hole if you want that*, native belief structures and oriental efforts, plus history but more on that in a bit) and make life harder for those that at best note a placebo effect from those practices and would rather go with the chemicals, scans and such approach that... works.
Distrust of authority varies, and authorities give reasons to distrust them all the time.
My favourites probably being the causation-correlation in Africa wherein it has been noted various places are smart enough to note the arrival of those in fancy biohazard suits and all your mates dying of some horrible disease, best point your AK at them just like you do when other arseholes come to town to mess things up) but it is also not limited to that in any way, shape or form and mistrust of authority has different causes, historical (smallpox blankets is a meme at this point but still can inform, and also make things that might be more relevant when it comes to forced treatment a harder affair, if not outright impossible under basic human rights law**) and current, all over the place.

*interesting one there is people fleeing Pakistan for India (one of the leading pharmaceutical producers in the world) tending to bring diseases with them, people went out and were all "we don't care about you trying to cross, however you have this or you don't come in".

**even without the trouble of "see many historical events" then not an easy ethical debate either ("my body, my choice" and all that), also says nothing of the pragmatism concern of whatever powers you give your presently totally benevolent and competent government now (see also "utter fantasy") will be available when some/the other guys get back in (and they will, or at least will have to be assumed to have it happen one day even by a fluke). Something to consider when the presently pondered/threatened/contemplated "vaccine passports" are being discussed.

There are potential scientific reasonings behind things here; anything you put in you will have a side effect, however you don't need to be a medic to say passing sore arm is far preferable to insides pouring out of you*** (and then probably 15-20 days later the same for all/no small amount of your nearest and dearest), however part of the risk-reward equation does see people leap to extremes (there is a fractional risk of reaction and medical negligence, neither of which would happen if you sat at home instead and pondered why if everybody else has car insurance that you need it for you). People love them some extremes and gruesome stuff as well; see most medical advertising in the US, biologically driven as well -- checking behind the bush for a lion is tedious when I could be charging off after dinner but even if it is only one in 300 then if I have to go hunting every day then you are not going to make it more than a year or two... we are all the descendants of the ones that checked behind the bush with the handful of sociopaths not being concerned by that. More sociological things vis a vis group vs individualism (there are political concerns here, and not necessarily the ones people think -- left vs right has some interesting things to ponder but by and large does nothing for the whole picture as individualism and collectivism, to say nothing of its massive variation between cultures, has different notions within each of those).

***lack of first hand knowledge/witnessing of things has also reduced their scariness to some if only hearing about it in a book, or indeed taking the words that only heard about it in a book. Especially as most people that have seen things be a widespread affair are now very old ( https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-history/developments-by-year - average age is about 70 and most things there cured by the early 1960s, if not earlier, so if you wanted to be say 13 to properly comprehend things you can do the rest of the maths, and that is even before grandma talking about how she lost 3 siblings being much like grandpa talking about losing 3 buddies in the war for the in one ear-out other stakes).

Lack of scientific literacy (and scientists are generally awful moral touchstones, and even worse PR peeps as most are not even pretty) also goes both ways. Someone doing what the bespectacled person in the white coat says is probably going have a positive outcome even if they have no clue what actually just happened to them and would need months to properly understand it (if at all), if the same ignorance also means they are going to struggle when some bad science (poor method, funding conflicts, poor sampling... it really does not matter) comes along, even more so if "a lie spreads halfway around the world while the truth is strapping on its shoes (and then probably needs a lecture to explain why the lie is a lie)" has its underlying reasoning carry across.

Can also carry across to non vaccine stuff as well. Scary one from a few years back was it was noted many would be mothers were not getting pre natal vitamin k injections and often cited similar concerns. https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/142/2/e20173743 is for newborns but still interesting reading.

Papers then, not that papers mean much to many of these.
Adverse reactions and prevalence thereof.
The autism-MMR thing. Be it the original, or ponderings of mercury (thimerosal). You also get the Africa men in biohazard suits type related thing where autism gets diagnosed after infant vaccinations are concluded (mainly because those end about the time the first signs of autism tend to show up in early play and development).
There is a fair bit of guesswork involved in some things as well; your annual flu vaccine is usually whatever strain pops in Australia earlier in the year (winter being in the northern hemisphere's summer) being the most likely to go worldwide so spin up a batch of that (and made troubled this time around by there not really being a flu season what with "stay in your home, citizen", possibly further by what little flu there was meaning what minor immunity might have been had being absent/diminished now).
Efficacy of the vaccines at producing antibodies is one I have heard a few times. Both as a general effect of the vaccine in question (bad batch, improper testing... all fun), and interactions (see cancer suffers and efficacy of covid vaccines if you want a more recent one).
Lack of testing of some of the vaccines. Claims the FDA did not do this or that might well be true (or true to some extent -- proper testing does take years, and if a virus only appeared and was sequenced in the last year then you might have to go for a lesser "will probably still be OK" type nod than your most convicted choice, especially when the lesser nod will probably still be just fine/acceptable casualties and potentially save more than a few lives and a lot of funds treating things that mere numbers say will be the case), and they have certainly not shown themselves to be ever competent or incorruptible either (addyi probably being my favourite for them being bullied and cajoled), never mind the wider government (see most drug laws, censorship and more besides). There are also still quite a few questions about things given to various military types despite dubious testing before various wars.

Despite my bluster above I am also aware of the lack of embracing by medics and wider scientist followers. This has swept up a few that might have one of the few genuine reasons to avoid vaccinations; immunodeficiency, allergy (wheat and eggs are often key ingredients in bulk vaccine production, also two common allergies these days it seems) as it will then be the anti set that listens to them or does not treat them like pariahs (simplistic "no vaccinations = bad" mantra of many being then rather tricky when your crotch fruit can't handle a chicken ovulation without dying, and "would love to if we could" falling on deaf ears).
Even without my snark I am also aware that the many paragraphs I just wrote are far less meaningful than "my cousin says" on a silly picture on facebook for most people, or indeed the Australian thing of make it inconvenient to live otherwise.
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Visoly 512 Flash Advance Linker Xtreme Master!
Mar 17, 2003
The Internet
United States
Side effects can happen, this is known factor in medicine. These cases are extremely slim that it’s barely a fraction of the people who have been vaccinated without problems. What sources beyond a few noteworthy are there to back up the anti-vac movement?
The only sources would be whatever google has available when you search. There are possibl side effects with any medication. And everyone's body is different. I'd say anti-vaxxers don't want to find out if they are in that extremely slim fraction of people that will get fu**ed up by the vaccine side-effects.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
The only sources would be whatever google has available when you search. There are possibl side effects with any medication. And everyone's body is different. I'd say anti-vaxxers don't want to find out if they are in that extremely slim fraction of people that will get fu**ed up by the vaccine side-effects.
so they wanna be sure to get f*cked up by the virus itself, that makes sense.


Largely ignored
Jul 7, 2010
United States
From my experience it comes from one of:
  • Strange religious beliefs (I.E. me getting sick is god's will, I have no right to interfere or god will kill me if I get an "unholy" vaccination)
  • Distrust in science
  • Distrust in doctors
  • Distrust in the government (they don't seem to realize that keeping people from dying means more tax money)
  • Lack of education in the basics of how the immune system works
  • Poorly cited or fear mongering social media posts taken at face value
  • Actually not being able to get vaccinated because of a real medical issues
  • Just being a butt and pretending you can't get sick and being sick doesn't hurt other people


Dec 23, 2009
*reads title*


*grabs popcorn*

EDIT: okay, okay...I'll contribute. For this, I'll be roughly 95% refering to a colleague whom we (the three others in the ICT department) tried to convince but failed. His line of thinking is very similar to others I've personally heard about, though (among which @alexander1970 , if I'm honest).

To them, it's just a matter of personal choice. And...that's really it.

The thing others (vaccinated people for the very large majority at this point) often miss is that there is no such thing as an universal truth. There really isn't a "right" or "wrong" answer to the question on whether you should or shouldn't get a vaccine. And I know that's a hard pill to swallow (believe me: to me this is an universal "you should" if there ever was one. But my belief on this is - again - not universal(1) ), but it's really this simple.

I think everyone should get the vaccine. Others don't think so. So...difference on opinion.

Where it usually goes wrong is the conviction of my side that the others will listen to things like "reason" (once again: not universal), statistics, ethics and so on. At the moment the opinions are set, these sorts of things will only make it worse. I don't think naysayers seek out conspiracy theorists because it makes them happy, but because they're pushed in that direction by those who don't respect their opinion.

(1): law, on the other hand, is a different matter. If I have my say, it'll be obligated vaccines for everyone aside those with underlying medical conditions. And I don't give a FUCK how many nazi comparisons others will make of that stance. I value the safety and sanity of our safety workers much higher than naysayers who'll seek medical treatment the second they'll get covid symptoms.
Last edited by Taleweaver,

Deleted member 568468

State of dormancy
Sep 9, 2021
Actually not being able to get vaccinated because of a real medical issues
Actually this isn't the reason. Most, if not all people I know who didn't get the jab for medical issues actually are very pro-vaxx and will say that if you don't have medical obstacles, go for it.


Dec 24, 2008
United Kingdom
Anecdotal evidence can be very powerful for people. Good luck convincing a mother about the low incidence of side effects if her child has a severe reaction and ends up in the hospital. The problem is that even if these cases are statistically insignificant they still happen to real people with real friends and family who may all be psychologically affected by it. I didn't think twice about getting my two shots but if it came to deciding for little children I wouldn't be so sure.


Dec 6, 2008
United States
The only sources would be whatever google has available when you search. There are possibl side effects with any medication. And everyone's body is different. I'd say anti-vaxxers don't want to find out if they are in that extremely slim fraction of people that will get fu**ed up by the vaccine side-effects.

Except if they went to the doctor for something else and were prescribed a pill they had never taken before, chances are extremely high they would have zero issue taking the pill whatsoever. Regardless of the troves of evidence of possible side effects from said medication. So why so skeptical of the vaccine when they would most likely take practically any other medications with no questions asked?

Imo the majority of the anti-vaxxers have purely political reasoning, because their medical claims don't hold up. They're unsubstantiated, hypocritical, and let's face it - the majority of anti-vaxxers ARE on the right and all share the same fake "medical" cowardice. I mean, look at the rare side effects from talking any medication in the world. Yet they will take all others, just not the vaccine. Aspirin can cause bleeding from the skull and anus & I bet one could probably find a video of someone that got really sick from taking aspirin...but I bet they don't have any issues taking aspirin nor are they saying "LOOK!!! THIS VIDEO!!! DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN!!!!" The fear of side effects is a weak and cowardly reason to not be vaccinated.
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    The phat model had amazingly loud speakers tho.
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    @Jayro, I don't see whats so special about the DS ML, its just a DS lite in a phat shell. At least the phat model had louder speakers, whereas the lite has a much better screen.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    They probably said "Hey, why not we combine the two together and make a 'new' DS to sell".
  • Veho @ Veho:
    It's a DS Lite in a slightly bigger DS Lite shell.
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    It's not a Nintendo / iQue official product, it's a 3rd party custom.
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    I have hands.
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    imagine not having hands, cringe
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    ESPECIALLY for things I do to myself :sad:.. :tpi::rofl2: Or others :shy::blush::evil:
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    @SylverReZ if you could find a v5 DS ML you would have the best of both worlds since the v5 units had the same backlight brightness levels as the DS Lite unlockable with flashme
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    but that's a long shot
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    i think only the red mario kart edition phat was v5
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  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    anyways, we need to re-normalize physical media

    if i didn't want my games to be permanent, then i'd rent them
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Agreed, that why I try to buy all my games on disc, Xbox anyways. Switch games (which I pirate tbh) don't matter much, I stay offline 24/7 anyways.
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    I don't pirate them, I Use Them :mellow:. Like I do @BigOnYa 's couch :tpi::evil::rofl2:
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    @BakerMan - you can still "own" digital media, arguably easier and better than physical since you can make copies and backups, as much as you like.

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    You can buy drm free games / music / ebooks, and if you keep backups of your data (like documents and family photos etc), then you shouldn't lose the game. but with a disk, your toddler could put it in the toaster and there goes your $60

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    still, I agree physical media is nice to have. just pointing out the issue is drm
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