Why are drugs popular/cool?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
Denver, Colorado
United States
Filter said:
Playing 1 video game has no risk what so ever of killing you. Doing crack 1 time might kill you.
Little kids can go to the store and buy video games. Can little kids go buy drugs at the store?
Letting video games ruin your life is completly different than drugs. Drugs kill other Innocent people, ruining your life on WoW only screws up that person.

So you mean that someone who does nothing but play WoW, who therefore has no job, and no money to pay rent or buy food, won't ever die? Even though he will end up on the streets starving?

And we can buy liquor at the liquor store, yet that will kill you, so the rationality of "Can I buy it legally" means nothing.

Also, I'm not referring to the person who tries something once - yes, drugs are more harmful, but that's not the point - the point is the potential for any harm at all. And in that respect, marijuana is a hell of a lot healthier than alcohol, yet which one is legal? So again, legality means nothing.

I'm going to guess that you're young, preteen or early teen... and you're still caught up in the propaganda of drug "education." Wait until you've lived life a little, then look back on this conversation - I think your opinions, while not changed completely, will have altered just a little. Wait until you meet a real alcoholic, maybe someone you care about, and see how it affects them. Wait until you find out that your good friend has been smoking pot for years and you never knew. I can almost guarantee that you will meet someone that fits both of those profiles, and the day you realize it, your eyes will open just a little wider.

Yes, crack, heroin, speed, ecstasy and alcohol have no redeeming value. They cause a lot of harm, both physically and emotionally. But they aren't representative of all drugs. LSD has been proved to be a mind enhancing drug, though overuse can cause harm. Marijuana has many confirmed benefits when used in moderation. Mushrooms can't kill you, though the trip resulting from too much could cause a psychotic breakdown that could, potentially, lead to something like falling out of a window. But think about this - take too much potassium, and it actually becomes toxic - it can actually kill you. But potassium is good for you, right? Yes - in the right amount.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
BlueStar said:
Filter said:
Playing 1 video game has no risk what so ever of killing you.

Tell that to the Korean guys who've died during marathon sessions of a new game.

I can go one better, what about epilepsy and other neurological disorders. When it comes to how likely it is figures I pulled out of my ass say it is about as likely (even drug addicts would not do it if it was that risky).

Filter said:
Little kids can go to the store and buy video games. Can little kids go buy drugs at the store?

BlueStar said:
Depending on the country they can buy certain games. Other games may have age limits or be banned altogether. And little kids can buy certain drugs at certain ages.

I have to ask, what makes little kids more important or indeed unworthy to do things?

BlueStar said:
Filter said:
QUOTE said:
Letting video games ruin your life is completly different than drugs. Drugs kill other Innocent people

The biggest threat to the lives of other people caused by drugs is soley due to their illegality and the crime it causes.

We seem to be going for emotion here, it is generally assumed that if you breed the onus is on you to provide. Every one of us has met people whose parents were less than brilliant and more often than not I would wager it is because they are not doing things (any fool can sit of the sofa all day).

Edit: Damn this discussion is fast moving. It looks like I will fall foul of the quote limit:
QUOTE(laminaatplaat @ Jan 23 2009, 01:29 PM)
All I am saying you don't want some random druggie that just got high to start shooting random people or maybe someone in your family because he can't get his fix.

There is no point of doing drugs other than to cure or help a sickness or disease which a doctor has prescribed to you. And if you are doing drugs other than that then you need help because you have a problem because you are using the drugs to fill some void or think it makes life easier.

Soft drugs like alcohol and weed can be consumed within your social group without any problems for the society. The void you would be filling in such an occasion is having a good time with friends.

We already did moderation but in a more scientific sense lessening the dose alters the effect: cocaine for example is a local anaesthetic. At what level do "hard drugs" then become acceptable (doses of medicinal drugs are frequently in the milligrams whereas cocaine can still be measured in grams.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2006
Filter said:
Playing 1 video game has no risk what so ever of killing you. Doing crack 1 time might kill you.
Little kids can go to the store and buy video games. Can little kids go buy drugs at the store?
Letting video games ruin your life is completly different than drugs. Drugs kill other Innocent people, ruining your life on WoW only screws up that person.

Allergenic shock because of using tampons?

Anything can kill you by using it only once.


But what I am saying that normal people who don't do illegal drugs don't have to fucking suffer because some dumb ass wants to rob a store for money for drugs or some guy snaps from doing a drug. How would if feel if someone robbed your home or killed your family just because of a drug?

What are you saying "normal people"? Do you know how many people are into drugs? And not only the legal ones? Most people I know are. And I don't live in a Ghetto, mate. My mother's been into hash and marijuana for ages. She'd only stop while pregnant. She's one of the most admirable people I've ever known, has a degree and is vastly cult and educated.

If by normal you mean "corresponding to an ideal", then I have nothing to say. You want people to match your ideas, then you're going to suffer. Hash is like tobacco in Morocco, for example.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
United States
Of course other people kill people over other reasons and sometimes no reason at all. Yes some people are basically fucked in the head already without video games and with out drugs and just kill people for the hell of it.

But what I am saying that normal people who don't do illegal drugs don't have to fucking suffer because some dumb ass wants to rob a store for money for drugs or some guy snaps from doing a drug. How would if feel if someone robbed your home or killed your family just because of a drug?

Of course people who do drugs on this forum tell me I have a fucked up outlook. I can say the same for you for doing the drugs but that's just your opinion and mine and they are just that. And you don't know how I base my opinions on propaganda you don't. I base my opinions on what I have seen personally in my life. And most of the time drugs usually fuck things up for everyone most of the time.

You have a right to your opinion and so do I so don't tell me where or how I got mine from.


A dying dream..
Apr 7, 2008
Toronto, Canader!
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holy shit, some of you guys like writing walls of text lmao.

well i can speak from experience that drugs are overrated. a few months ago, i tried out weed for the first time. it felt something like being tipsy (slightly drunk), while having a sore throat. pretty MEH

EDIT: o fuck, i missed out on my 2000th post >.


Former Staff
Jan 1, 2007
Wales, UK
Filter said:
Of course other people kill people over other reasons and sometimes no reason at all. Yes some people are basically fucked in the head already without video games and with out drugs and just kill people for the hell of it.

But what I am saying that normal people who don't do illegal drugs don't have to fucking suffer because some dumb ass wants to rob a store for money for drugs or some guy snaps from doing a drug. How would if feel if someone robbed your home or killed your family just because of a drug?

Of course people who do drugs on this forum tell me I have a fucked up outlook. I can say the same for you for doing the drugs but that's just your opinion and mine and they are just that. And you don't know how I base my opinions on propaganda you don't. I base my opinions on what I have seen personally in my life. And most of the time drugs usually fuck things up for everyone most of the time.

You have a right to your opinion and so do I so don't tell me where or how I got mine from.

lmfao I'll inform you of something now that may shock you. Alot of stick-up artists don't use drugs. The thrill of the robbery is the drug. I've known plenty of armed robbers that don't drink or smoke, but they're more than happy to stick a sawn off in someone's face and demand money. You obviously don't know alot about how criminality works.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
United States
TrolleyDave said:
Filter said:
Of course other people kill people over other reasons and sometimes no reason at all. Yes some people are basically fucked in the head already without video games and with out drugs and just kill people for the hell of it.

But what I am saying that normal people who don't do illegal drugs don't have to fucking suffer because some dumb ass wants to rob a store for money for drugs or some guy snaps from doing a drug. How would if feel if someone robbed your home or killed your family just because of a drug?

Of course people who do drugs on this forum tell me I have a fucked up outlook. I can say the same for you for doing the drugs but that's just your opinion and mine and they are just that. And you don't know how I base my opinions on propaganda you don't. I base my opinions on what I have seen personally in my life. And most of the time drugs usually fuck things up for everyone most of the time.

You have a right to your opinion and so do I so don't tell me where or how I got mine from.

lmfao I'll inform you of something now that may shock you. Alot of stick-up artists don't use drugs. The thrill of the robbery is the drug. I've known plenty of armed robbers that don't drink or smoke, but they're more than happy to stick a sawn off in someone's face and demand money. You obviously don't know alot about how criminality works.

Yes because you have met every single criminal throughout time and know they don't rob stores because of money for drugs. I am sure you have talked to them all and have been to every robbery scene ever in existence to prove this theory.

Also kind of hard to say people don't do something for some reason if you don't even live in the same country I do to even witness it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
Denver, Colorado
United States
Filter said:
Of course other people kill people over other reasons and sometimes no reason at all. Yes some people are basically fucked in the head already without video games and with out drugs and just kill people for the hell of it.

But what I am saying that normal people who don't do illegal drugs don't have to fucking suffer because some dumb ass wants to rob a store for money for drugs or some guy snaps from doing a drug. How would if feel if someone robbed your home or killed your family just because of a drug?

Of course people who do drugs on this forum tell me I have a fucked up outlook. I can say the same for you for doing the drugs but that's just your opinion and mine and they are just that. And you don't know how I base my opinions on propaganda you don't. I base my opinions on what I have seen personally in my life. And most of the time drugs usually fuck things up for everyone most of the time.

You have a right to your opinion and so do I so don't tell me where or how I got mine from.

But I'm right, aren't I?

And if you really have encountered enough druggies to support your views, then I pity you for only meeting the worst of the bunch. I didn't know anyone could have luck that bad (except me when it comes to women

There are plenty of people who do certain drugs, who are some of the coolest people to be around - whether they're high or not (and you usually can't tell the difference - my best friend back home is no different when he's high, although he says he feels better). I can think of at least 20 people that were good friends throughout school, and only after we graduated did I find out that they had been smoking for several years - and that I had hung out with them while they were high on more than a few occasions.

So it seems you've been hanging around the wrong people entirely, which leads me to wonder about the quality of the people you know who don't do drugs... are they really that much better?


Former Staff
Apr 4, 2008
8-Bit Heaven
United States
Filter said:
QUOTE said:
Marijuana: The most comm. Illegal drug, marijuana or ganja is a dry, shredded mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves of from the naturally grown Cannabis sativa. Though it is addictive is does have neurotic effects that can quickly damage the brain.

I... but.... wow. That could not be more wrong. "...quickly damage the brain," ...what?! I don't have time for a full rebuttal right now, but holy wrong batman. Alcohol is worse than weed. Please give me ONE recorded instance of a person overdosing on weed. Give me one instance of someone "flipping out" due to weed.

"People say marijuana will lead to other drugs. No, the only thing marijuana leads to is carpentry."

I'll be typing up a long reply to all of this. But wow, i'm shocked at some of the replies in this thread.


Wow One Shiny Ribbon!!!!
Jun 21, 2007
United States
Many times robbers rob because there in a situation were they need to like say for their family to have food or something like.I understand you don't think drugs are good neither do i but if people choose to do them then that's their choice not mine or yours so let them.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Filter said:
Of course other people kill people over other reasons and sometimes no reason at all. Yes some people are basically fucked in the head already without video games and with out drugs and just kill people for the hell of it.

But what I am saying that normal people who don't do illegal drugs don't have to fucking suffer because some dumb ass wants to rob a store for money for drugs or some guy snaps from doing a drug. How would if feel if someone robbed your home or killed your family just because of a drug?

Of course people who do drugs on this forum tell me I have a fucked up outlook. I can say the same for you for doing the drugs but that's just your opinion and mine and they are just that. And you don't know how I base my opinions on propaganda you don't. I base my opinions on what I have seen personally in my life. And most of the time drugs usually fuck things up for everyone most of the time.

You have a right to your opinion and so do I so don't tell me where or how I got mine from.

At the risk of sounding like an angry old man what about those who are displaced to a less obvious drain on society (the good people of the UK are presently funding my usenet subscription because I do not want to get an office job and all my abilities are in an area that is dead or dying (heavy industry/engineering)).
Equally while I agree the war on drugs is a war on the poor in many respects there are myriad examples of coked up business managers stealing and generally messing stuff up.
If we are going to argue monetary value of things stealing a pension fund or missing things you would not have because you are coked out of skull is far more damaging; no armed robbery in history (let alone one for fund a habit) has netted more than a few million (might have to adjust that for inflation) but somehow they stick in the public mind yet various managers have repeatedly drained 20 times that and are not remembered outside their circles.

Stealing someone wallet can piss them off but it is usually recoverable from, stealing a pension from someone tends to have a more long lasting effect.

@WildWon I believe there have been a few but it still numbers in the single digits, worldwide, in all of history and I think some of those were "death by misadventure". At this point people usually compare it to alcohol nobody would argue that it causes less deaths (this year as in 2009 I think my hometown can beat that).


Former Staff
Jan 1, 2007
Wales, UK
Filter said:
TrolleyDave said:
Filter said:
Of course other people kill people over other reasons and sometimes no reason at all. Yes some people are basically fucked in the head already without video games and with out drugs and just kill people for the hell of it.

But what I am saying that normal people who don't do illegal drugs don't have to fucking suffer because some dumb ass wants to rob a store for money for drugs or some guy snaps from doing a drug. How would if feel if someone robbed your home or killed your family just because of a drug?

Of course people who do drugs on this forum tell me I have a fucked up outlook. I can say the same for you for doing the drugs but that's just your opinion and mine and they are just that. And you don't know how I base my opinions on propaganda you don't. I base my opinions on what I have seen personally in my life. And most of the time drugs usually fuck things up for everyone most of the time.

You have a right to your opinion and so do I so don't tell me where or how I got mine from.

lmfao I'll inform you of something now that may shock you. Alot of stick-up artists don't use drugs. The thrill of the robbery is the drug. I've known plenty of armed robbers that don't drink or smoke, but they're more than happy to stick a sawn off in someone's face and demand money. You obviously don't know alot about how criminality works.

Yes because you have met every single criminal throughout time and know they don't rob stores because of money for drugs. I am sure you have talked to them all and have been to every robbery scene ever in existence to prove this theory.

Also kind of hard to say people don't do something for some reason if you don't even live in the same country I do to even witness it.

Nope, I've not met every single criminal in the world but believe me I've met my fair share ranging from shoplifters to international drug smugglers. You'd be amazed how few junkies will rob a store. A junkie will usualy pick what's known as a "mark" or a soft target. 90% of the time a junkie will rob an old person or do a run by of someone who's counting money in the street. Usually though a junkies main way of getting money is shoplifting, break-ins or fraud. They don't do things that are risky, they do things that are quick and easy.

You keep saying that you're not just recycling propoganda and you're talking from personal experience. What exactly is this personal experience?

QUOTE(WildWon @ Jan 23 2009, 01:41 PM)
"People say marijuana will lead to other drugs. No, the only thing marijuana leads to is carpentry."

Bill Hicks?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2005
The Netherlands
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Funny stuff here. The bigger issue here though is not who is right or wrong. It's about admitting that your own opinion isn't always 100% correct.

I've seen some pretty damn good arguments for both sides so anyone that isn't admitting at least some good points are made on the other side of the argument should start thinking about how fixed they are to one line of thought.

It is stubborn people like some of you that cause all this propaganda to happen and be effective in the first place.

A friend of mine will never for his life try weed because his parents had some bad experiences with it. This is not a very reasonable thought because his parents hardly represent the whole world. He admits this and thus has no problem with anyone else using weed. If he was more like some of you guys he'd be preaching to everyone how they should stop using weed.

Personally, I think MMORPGs can be dangerous. I know a lot of people that got addicted (myself included). For this reason I think you shouldn't play MMORPGs because there's a (admittedly small) chance you get addicted. For people that love games it's a more real danger than getting addicted to weed if you ask me.

Oh btw, 1+1=3 because I know a lot of people that say this. Who agrees?


GBAtemp Testing Area
May 14, 2006
United States
I read the entire thread. I wish I joined sooner.

Funny how I was just talking about prejudice in morality class. Filter seems to have his mind set on the 'all illegal drug users are bad' thing.

Also, since when were drugs NOT socially acceptable? If I recall you could get cocaine in the 20th century just by buying a Coca-Cola drink. Even todays coca-cola has trace amounts of the stimulant.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
Denver, Colorado
United States
The main point of all this, the primary flaw, is that so many people on both sides of the argument continue to take things in a very black-and-white, all or nothing point of view. The reality of the situation is that there are all kinds of drug users, from criminal druggies who feed their addiction through illegal means, to normal addicts who just blow their hard earned paychecks on their habit, to the casual users who are perfectly capable of reasoning and deciding when to use their drug of choice and when to hold off in order to pay some bills.

I haven't smoked in about a year now, because I can't afford it at the moment - too many bills and not enough income (damn economy). I don't freak out or blow up at people. I have never considered stealing from anybody in order to get my fix. I have not "befriended" anyone I normally wouldn't associate with just to get high - although there have been plenty of opportunities for that. Not all of us "druggies" let the substance control us - there are plenty of us who are in complete control.

The people you are complaining about represent maybe 20% of all drug users. The majority of us might have a little difficulty deciding whether to buy a bag or that new game that just came out once in a while, but that hardly indicates a problem - that's no different than deciding between going to a movie or going to the amusement park for the day.

The world is not black and white, there are always varying degrees of everything that exists.


Former Staff
Apr 4, 2008
8-Bit Heaven
United States
Filter said:
Also kind of hard to say people don't do something for some reason if you don't even live in the same country I do to even witness it.

Yet he's responding from another country where the legality of marijuana is much closer to a slap on the wrist than a jail-able offense, and there's a lesser crime rate... hmm...

TrolleyDave said:
QUOTE(WildWon @ Jan 23 2009, 01:41 PM) "People say marijuana will lead to other drugs. No, the only thing marijuana leads to is carpentry."

Bill Hicks?

Or Dennis Leary, can't remember exactly. But whats the difference?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
United States
I made this thread to debate not to try to troll or just to piss people off or just to rant and argue. I want to share my opinions and hear others and say what I believe in return of theirs. Everyone in this thread including me are not correct about the subject its all opinions. I got no hard feelings between anyone here because of what they choose do or their opinions and I hope you don't towards me.

I have to go at the moment but I will read others post when I can.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
Denver, Colorado
United States
Filter, I have no problems with you - I just don't like to see the binary point of view, it's so rarely accurate. As I've said, you're right - about some drugs. But you can't group them all together, because not all drugs are created equal.

By my admission to being a pothead, I have officially been grouped in with heroin addicts and crackheads, at least by your apparent line of thinking. I know this to be far from the truth, because I've lived it - and I've known more crack heads and meth freaks than I care to admit. I even ended up trying each of them - just once - due to pressure from friends (I was more easily influenced in my younger years - I'm sure most of us were).

Yes, I tried crack once. And I didn't die, or get addicted. I didn't enjoy it either... well, maybe a little, but not enough to want to do it again. It was the same thing with meth - I rationalized and convinced myself to try it, thinking that the bright side would be that I would finally clean up my apartment. Instead, I spent 18 hours straight in front of my computer playing Diablo. So you see, the drug actually gave me the energy and focus I needed, but the video game provided the distraction that got in my way.

Don't get me wrong - I don't recommend crack or meth to anyone... in fact, if it weren't for the risk of legal trouble, I would tell anyone to leave even the alcohol alone, and just stick to weed - for all the reasons I've mentioned in my previous posts, and many more that I don't feel like typing out at the moment - but I will certainly write you a full essay on the subject, if you'd like.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Filter said:
I made this thread to debate not to try to troll or just to piss people off or just to rant and argue. I want to share my opinions and hear others and say what I believe in return of theirs. Everyone in this thread including me are not correct about the subject its all opinions. I got no hard feelings between anyone here because of what they choose do or their opinions and I hope you don't towards me.

I have to go at the moment but I will read others post when I can.

Nobody is accusing you are trolling (yet) and thus far we have had a fairly good debate (lots of reason rather than slagging matches).

I would argue there is a correct answer but it is so complex (hands up he who totally understands biology from atoms up to full working machine and even then hands up who has enough data to predict what comes next) that limits are defined according to various methods (I say good science, others say magic book, others say a sky fairy told them, others base it on personal experience, others base it on the personal experience of others, others flip a coin.....). There are negatives and positives to all approaches (good science is hard to do, sky fairy is easy) but it seems that the current methods are less science than might be ideal.

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