I'm not as happy as I should be

I don't want to stress anyone who knows me out, or cause anyone who's friends with me to look at me any less. My job is in shambles, I'm still in debt, and I'm just not happy as I should be. I'm trying to figure out what the hell is causing all this, why I'm not happy at my job, why I set myself up to failure when a challenge is presented before me. Just recently, I had an offer to get more hours at my current job, it would involve me working two seven-hour shifts in a row. My job right now entails of me driving around to stores and counting our bread (for only our brand), and the number of loaves in stock. See, the extra shifts would have required me to drive to eleven stores scattered throughout the state, with the last stop being 150 km away from where I live. Well, on Monday, when it started, I complete the work, but I felt like utter shit, and had a near-migraine headache, the pain was intense. I got myself worked up, talked myself into getting super stressed and frustrated at the driving I had to do, and the drivers who didn't know how to drive, cutting me off, and so on. I was not happy, and I told my boss how that work went, he has since put me back to working three days a week, 4 hours each. Not much at all. The problem with merchandising, is the hours are never constant, and for someone like me, who has Asperger's (yeah, I need to mention that too, but I imagine people may hate me or lose respect for me, see me in another, bad way for saying it), I need structure, and consistency in my work. I hate working all over the place, I need something constant, predictable, hell, 9-5 job would be better, but I've had rotten luck finding one that isn't an effing call center. But that's the other thing, I've been setting myself up to fail, when I know I've done hard things before, like earning my license, learning Japanese, living abroad, etc. So why the hell can't I even hold down a job properly? I also need to mention that I'm overweight, weighing 250 lbs (or 110 kg), and the fact I lack the motivation to consistently work out. Yeah, I'm not where I should be, and I want to be happier as constantly as I can. Granted, a saving grace for me is that I love animals, and that interacting with foxes heals the heart, but sadly I can't see them as often as I'd like to. In the end, though, I feel that I owe everyone an apology for my foolish and livid behavior, this isn't me at all, and I can't help but feel like crying as I try to beg forgiveness to those I've wrong :cry: :sad: I need to get my life in order, I need to stop being so damn negative, I need a change of jobs, something that doesn't require long distance driving and is within city limits. And I need help to getting myself to exercise five days a week. Thank you all.
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Interesting, someone on here just read my blog and tried to attack me lol. I have, but I don't know where to start, truth be told, as call center jobs aren't my thing. Also, does anyone know a user by the name of The_Fandango by chance? If so, can someone please tell him to get a life? Thanks :P

Yeah, diet/food will be quite the hurdle for me at first.
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no idea who that is, What is he attacking you about? This post? Must be something you written here on gbatemp right?
Yes, he is attacking me, calling me fat, calling me out on my asperger's, etc, I'm getting the mods involved, I'm sure they know who has been reading this blog. If I ever find out who it is, I will fuck them up. Not really, but still.
Sounds like he must have really jumped the opportunity to bully someone.
I pity him/her whoever it is. Must be very insecure about himself/herself...
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Indeed, and I may know who it is, his speech sounds familiar to what someone said to me earlier the other day, *sigh* anyways.
Change/progression is the only thing that will give you persistent, long term satisfaction. And there is one very important rule in commiting change in your life: baby steps.
Never try to change everything you would like to change in your life at once, because you most certainly will fail. You will feel exhausted very quick and have a fall-back pretty fast.
So, try to change very minor things day after day, or even week after week. For example, just skip some tiny part of your meal every day, day after day. Or go walk around you block for 5 minutes, and add 1 minute every day, or increase your tempo a little bit every day or every week. The important part is, that you do it regularly.

I also would recommend you to read some self-awareness/psychology books. I learned the hard way, that almost everything in your intrinsic life is a result of your sense of self-worth. I'd recommend you to read begin with a book from Nathaniel Branden called "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem". Also, no one is going to help you improve your life aside from yourself, that's the golden rule.
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Dude, join the Federal government. Most jobs are cake and you can make a very decent salary. They also barely have any standards. Additionally, a bunch of jobs offer the civilian fitness wellness program where you get 3 hours of paid time off per week to exercise in the middle of your work day. There are also tons of jobs where you can work from home. There are also different work schedules, so you can work the standard 9 - 5:30 (lunch is not paid, so 30 minutes is added on), or you can work credit hours (work as much as you want, as long as it hits 40 by the end of the week), compressed schedules (4 10 hour days with 1 day off every week, or nine 9 hour days and one 8 hour day with a day off every other week).

GS scale goes from 01 to 15. It is extremely easy to get a GS-07 job straight out of college. They increase by 2s.

GS-07 Job = Need Bachelor's degree in anything or 1 year experience at 1 level lower (GS-05)
GS-09 Job = Master's degree in anything or 1 year experience at 1 level lower
*GS-11 Job = Ph.D in anything for certain jobs or 1 year experience at 1 level lower. Not many hire at 11 strictly for education.

I'd also like to recommend National Guard or Reserves. When you first start, depending on your education or other things, you go to Basic Training with like a 20k salary. Food and board is taken care of. It may not seem like much, but it's free money basically. Additionally, you are basically forced to exercise and will lose weight no problem. I've seen plenty of 250+ pound guys go to Basic and come out at 180ish. The best part? You can quit at any time during Basic if you don't want to continue. Just quit near the end so you can take advantage of it as much as possible. Even if you decide to complete Basic, there are plenty of benefits. After 3 years in service, you can get the coveted Veteran's preference, as well as the GI Bill. The rules for Reserve and National Guard duty are also wayyyyyyyyy more lenient than Active Duty. You can have 9 no-shows, which is technically Absent Without Leave (AWOL), but they don't really hold it against you. Even after you ignore those phone calls to report to duty after the 9th absence, they just fill out paper work and *******HONORABLY********* discharge you (extra emphasis on the Honorable). Some people even get honorably discharged after positive drug tests. Active duty is a way different ball game, and there is a reason I won't recommend it lightly. To add icing on the cake, there are tons of student loan forgiveness programs in the Guard and Reserves if any of your debt is from that. If it isn't just declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy and call it a day. Tons of people strategically use bankruptcy as a means to clear their debt. It's only on your report for 10 years, and after that nobody cares.
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If I ever find out who it is, I will fuck them up.

How are you being attacked by someone but don't know who it is???

As for the job thing... You complain that you don't get enough hours... Well can't you get a second job? There must be a Walmart or something nearby that you could work stacking shelves or something for a couple of days a week?
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@Pleng I know it's someone on the Temp who did it, as he read my blog and then proceeded to bring up that fact, and other defamatory things on YT, I've since deleted the comments and blocked the user on YT. Back to the blog, @DinohScene I wish to apologize to you as well, the last thing I want to is to lose friendship over mishaps and my recent behavior, so, I wanted to say that I was sorry.

The hours for my job would make a second job near impossible, because the hours are so inconsistent. If they were the same everyday, I'd do it, but this job hasn't given me room to grow or even move up.

@GameSystem I appreciate the suggestion for government jobs, unfortunately, I was forced to drop out of college in mid 2013 due to not being able to afford tuition, and being stuck with a loan from even earlier. So, I never even got my Bachelor's or two year degree, so that limits my options to high school/some college education. Not sure what I can find, but right now, anything with 30-40 hours would be better than 12-13/week, not ideal given my circumstances. Granted, I'm glad my family is supporting (moral) me in all that they can, but I have to dump this job and get another soon, you know?
You still qualify for a ton of stuff. Experience is mostly preferred over education anyway, so you are probably still eligible for some of the higher grades like 7 or 9. You just have to word your current position correctly on your resume.

At GS 05 and lower, they only require a high school degree. Having credits toward a degree still counts as a positive mark. Base pay for GS-05 is $29,000, not counting locality pay, which can go up to like $10,000 extra depending on the area you live in. Average locality is probably around $5,000 or so, so $34,000 starting salary.

A bunch of jobs have automatic career progression where you automatically go to the next grade level EVERY YEAR. You are talking 25%+ salary raises yearly, not counting annual 3-5% inflation adjustment raises. A ton of entry level GS-07 jobs automatically promote to GS-12 after 3 years. A person working in DC fresh out of college with whatever degree they felt like getting goes from $45,972 to $81,548 in 3 years.

Many GS-05 positions auto-promote to at least 9. From there, it's easy to get a new job that pays and promotes better.

With National Guard and Reserves, you can both do tuition repayment / loan forgiveness and tuition assistance stuff, so you can pay off your old loans and take new courses at the same time. With GI Bill after 3 years of service, you go to school for free and get paid extra money for whatever.
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With National Guard, Reserves, etc, would I ever have to actually go out in the field? I don't want to have to end up doing that if I can avoid it. A lot I need to think about, and research to see what I can find and the sooner, the better.
It depends on what military occupational specialty you go for. Aside from Basic, where I think it's mandatory to do some sort of field exercise, most other jobs just have you go to the one weekend a month get-together for some light exercise or an annual fitness test. The yearly events are a toss-up based on your job. Some guys spend it in the woods, some spend it in an all-inclusive hotel stay taking language courses at a language Institute down the street. If you pick something very desk-job-esque, you'll probably never go to the field.

If you meant deploying overseas, then that's also another toss-up. Some people never deploy ever, and if you have a desk job and you deploy, then odds are you will go to one of the super-bases where the chance of anything exciting happening is borderline 0%.

The easiest military branches ranked from easiest to hardest, according to popular opinion, are Air Force, Coast Guard, Navy, Army, Marines. Completing Basic training in the Air Force automatically awards you with an associate's degree. The other branches do not do that.
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Currently I run a few miles every day and lift weights. I feel really great after that. Things like bed sheets feels more comfortable. Especially relaxing after you are sore, best feeling ever.

Exercise can be more than just loosing weight. Even if you don't loose weight with exercise, there are other benefit's to it.
And none of that weak stuff either, like you running for a bit and thats it. You have to feel the burn. You have to start feeling sore, then you push forward, even when you are feeling tired, thats what a good work out feels like.

A big motivation is to get someone that'll scream at you. Thats what my coach did in High School. He would yell at us to do better. Being around others for some competition also helps. Nothing can be a better motivation to exercise than some good old competition. The motivation to beat them.
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You have to keep in mind where he's starting at. When you are young, that might be fine, but at certain points, overuse injuries become a real threat. Running is something you should absolutely take slowly when you don't have any background in it.
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According to his profile he's 32. He's not that old.
But he says he is overweight, so I would take it a bit easier if I was him, and work my way up.
I would have exercise days, and break days where you don't exercise. This also works well when you are lifting weights so you don't over work yourself and cause injury. Stretching your muscles is a must, before and after your work out.
Start eating right. Thats the first thing to get control of your body, but I am sure you already knew that.

You have Aspergers too? Join the club. We never actually have meetings anywhere for the club because our social anxiety causes us to not leave the home, or even talk...

...not much of a club then. LOL

I know the feelings man. Life is always dragging you down.

Take up a new hobby like making models, baking, gambling, drinking, or armed robberies.

Shit. I dont know what to say, but hopefully I made you smile.
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I have high functioning Depression, one of the best things about online, is no one gives a crap about what you have, black, white, No one really cares, so don't fuggin apologies for things you can't really change.
I feel you, I am sorta in the same situation, cept little younger, and don't have any debt.
I'm behind in school, Little bit over weight, I hate my "Job", etc etc.
I've learned the best way to start losing weight, is to try to stop snacking as much, and Always have a bottle of water with you[drink when you are hungry, if it takes care of it, good, if not, whatever]. (I can't really commit to a workout aswell)
I'm going vegan as long as I can, and I feel the same if as I was eating meat. If you can't stop snacking, Eat healthier.
Now Jobwise, I can't say much about this, I tried quitting, but Basically I can't(not them, but my mom .-.). all I can say, is look at it different, Try different hours.
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