Homebrew CaVE Database Manager - A SNES, NES, N64, Genesis Switch Online modding App


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2018
The directions you're talking about are for atmosphere, not sxos, and it says that "you may need restart" the app, not that you have to. If it works, don't restart. If it doesn't, restart.

Have you actually tried using the cheat on SXOS? Extract the Full Unlock file to the correct place in your SD card, and do the same things you would do to activate any other cheat for any other game. I do not use SXOS but I am sure it has a way to manage cheats and to make it remember whether those cheats should always be on or off.

Like darkakuma said, making an ips patch for this hack would complicate things unnecessarily for everyone. Going through about 20 different steps that require using complicated, convoluted methods and external tools that are largely undocumented and sometimes hard to find, just to avoid applying a cheat is not something a sane person would do.

A Switch that's not running on custom firmware can't use LayeredFS or activate cheats, both of which are needed for this. So, like everything else in the Homebrew section of this forum, this cannot run on a Switch that's not running a CFW.

If by "safe" you mean that you're going online with a CFW while using hacks like this, then you're already dead, man. It's as safe as using LayeredFS on any other game: you'll probably get banned if you go online. So don't go online or don't care about a possible banned since the end result is the end either way.
I can forgive @DarkAkuma for not having even a switch but maybe you don't know what you are talking about. Make ips patches will make the things easier and immediate for everyone. After making the ips patches you only have to put them in exefs_patches directory, just like putting cheats in titles folder and you are good to go, atmosphere will take care of auto applying them and you will not have to apply the codes at each boot of the app making the process even easier and clean. From atmosphere's doc (the same applies to sxos):
When an NSO is loaded, the stratosphere implementatin of loader will search for IPS patch files on the SD card in the following locations.

sdmc:/atmosphere/exefs_patches/<patchset name>/<nso build id>.ips

This organization allows patchsets affecting multiple NSOs to be distributed as a single directory. Patches will be searched for in each patchset directory. The name of each patch file should match the hexadecimal build ID of the NSO to affect, except that trailing zero bytes may be left off. Because the NSO build ID is unique for every NSO, this means patches will only apply to the files they are meant to apply to.

Patch files are accepted in either IPS format or IPS32 format.

Because NSO files are compressed, patch files are not made between the original version of a compressed NSO and the modified version of such an NSO. Instead, they are made between the uncompressed version of an NSO and the modified (and still uncompressed) version of that NSO. This also means that a patch file cannot be manually applied to the compressed version of an NSO; it must be applied to the uncompressed version. The Stratosphere implementation of loader will correctly apply these patches while loading the process regardless of whether the NSO it finds is compressed or not.
Obviously I appreciate your work I'm only trying to help and learn at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
I can forgive @DarkAkuma for not having even a switch but maybe you don't know what you are talking about. Make ips patches will make the things easier and immediate for everyone. After making the ips patches you only have to put them in exefs_patches directory, just like putting cheats in titles folder and you are good to go, atmosphere will take care of auto applying them and you will not have to apply the codes at each boot of the app making the process even easier and clean. From atmosphere's doc (the same applies to sxos):

I only recently learned of ips support with yuzu. I did not know atmosphere supported it too. That definitely does change some things. In such a case, an IPS would definitely be easier for people! Thanks for the info.

To be fair on RadMcFist, he wasent well versed in the cheat stuff either. When I first entered this scene, everyone was manually hacking addresses in HxD, and a couple were using cheats. No one mentioned the .ips option for him, me or others to be aware of. Simply, you dont know about something until you do. Now we do. its just a shame it was not sooner...


The directions are sadly kind of vague. But I think I got it.

From what I can tell, these should be the format.

Available on the homepage.

For anyone who wants to test, the folder in the correct archive for your app should be placed in.
  • SD:/atmosphere/exefs_patches/
So you would end up with this for SNES Online:
  • SD:/atmosphere/exefs_patches/SNES Online - Full Unlock/842a18eba41dafb7ef3508e46030f8ba88224c61.ips


Please redownload the SFC Online Full Unlock if you have already downloaded it prior. This effects both the cheat version and the new IPS version.

RadMcFist found out for himself that it was not working, so I investigated it byte by byte and found that the Preset ID Unlock part of the hack was incorrectly ported from the SNES version. Thankfully, the update has been proven to work by me first hand!

Combined with the manual Unicode fix and .sfromsig workaround, I suspect this should fix @yyoossk's issue.

Sorry for the trouble. CaVEs issues have been fixed and are awaiting proper full testing before being released.
Last edited by DarkAkuma,


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
United States
I can forgive @DarkAkuma for not having even a switch but maybe you don't know what you are talking about. Make ips patches will make the things easier and immediate for everyone. After making the ips patches you only have to put them in exefs_patches directory, just like putting cheats in titles folder and you are good to go, atmosphere will take care of auto applying them and you will not have to apply the codes at each boot of the app making the process even easier and clean. From atmosphere's doc (the same applies to sxos):
Obviously I appreciate your work I'm only trying to help and learn at the same time.
Great to hear that an ips patch can work here! I was told by people who know far more than me about these things that it wouldn't work. I haven't had absolutely any need or interest in using cheats or patches on my Switch outside of this, and still don't, so why I would have to be well versed in both is beyond me. The hacks were given to me since the very beginning as a cheat file and I just test them. Please let us know how the patches work!

(Applying the cheats is extremely easy, by the way, and do not have to be toggled every single boot. It's a one time deal, after atmosphere can remember the toggle just fine.)

Now, at the risk of sounding preachy, don't you think that if you had approached this trying to be helpful instead of whatever it is you're doing, we would have gotten here much faster? You're coming of a bit too strong there. The pedantic tone is not necessary, specially since I never needed nor asked for your "forgiveness". Instead of starting things off like that, couldn't you have simply informed us from the start of the possibility of an ips patch working? It would have worked better for everyone, yourself included.
Last edited by RadMcFist,


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2018
Great to hear that an ips patch can work here! I was told by people who know far more than me about these things that it wouldn't work. I haven't had absolutely any need or interest in using cheats or patches on my Switch outside of this, and still don't, so why I would have to be well versed in both is beyond me. The hacks were given to me since the very beginning as a cheat file and I just test them. Please let us know how the patches work!

(Applying the cheats is extremely easy, by the way, and do not have to be toggled every single boot. It's a one time deal, after atmosphere can remember the toggle just fine.)

Now, at the risk of sounding preachy, don't you think that if you had approached this trying to be helpful instead of whatever it is you're doing, we would have gotten here much faster? You're coming of a bit too strong there. The pedantic tone is not necessary, specially since I never needed nor asked for your "forgiveness". Instead of starting things off like that, couldn't you have simply informed us from the start of the possibility of an ips patch working? It would have worked better for everyone, yourself included.
In fact from the first post I made in this thread I kindly asked why cheats were used in place of ips patches and clearly said that it was a more opportune way of doing the job. Then I answered again to explain more in detail and you still haven't understood that sxos doesn't save cheats status across restarts of a game so they have to be enabled each time. My "forgiveness" was just ironic, I'm not a priest and I don't forgive anyone. You also were not too kind answering me despite your ignorance on the matter. But stop OT completely unnecessary and time wasting
Edit: last part removed my misunderstanding here sorry
Last edited by lisko,


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
In fact from the first post I made in this thread I kindly asked why cheats were used in place of ips patches and clearly said that it was a more opportune way of doing the job.

From earlier in the thread.

Why the full unlock is a code and not an ips patch?
For this reason I think that an ips patch would be more opportune for the purpose.

Neither of those 2 mentions of IPS conveyed the idea of the feature you later mentioned. At the time, I, and I guess RadMcFist, could only assume you meant using a .ips patch in the normal way of applying it to a file. Which is NOT new user friendly in the slightest. You have to extract the files from a .nsp down to the point that you get a main file, decrypt it using nx2elf, would then have to apply the ips, then convert it back to an NSO using elf2nso. Outside of the ips part, this is what I do for yuzu so I can test things. So I definitely know how complicated that process is.

Anyway. Moving on. So far tests with the IPS patch idea have been negative. I can't get them to work on yuzu at all, despite yuzu having a similar setup to the above posted atmosphere instructions. And the patches I posted have been reported to not work on atmosphere. I have double checked the hack for mistakes, and there are none. I even had tested variations of the the IPS's that ignore the 0x888 byte elf header, thinking that may be a issue of confusion. I've verified that the build id is correct, and that the "patchset" folder is fine. The patch gets applied on atmosphere... it just doesn't work, and instead breaks stock games.

I have no clue what to do/think from here. The cheat option still remains the most viable. Well. I may try ips32 before I give up exploring alternatives.


CaVE has been updated to v1.0.2.0. Changes include the various SFC Online fixes, and the newly added feature of supporting editing of the game descriptions.
Last edited by DarkAkuma,


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2018
From earlier in the thread.

Neither of those 2 mentions of IPS conveyed the idea of the feature you later mentioned. At the time, I, and I guess RadMcFist, could only assume you meant using a .ips patch in the normal way of applying it to a file. Which is NOT new user friendly in the slightest. You have to extract the files from a .nsp down to the point that you get a main file, decrypt it using nx2elf, would then have to apply the ips, then convert it back to an NSO using elf2nso. Outside of the ips part, this is what I do for yuzu so I can test things. So I definitely know how complicated that process is.

Anyway. Moving on. So far tests with the IPS patch idea have been negative. I can't get them to work on yuzu at all, despite yuzu having a similar setup to the above posted atmosphere instructions. And the patches I posted have been reported to not work on atmosphere. I have double checked the hack for mistakes, and there are none. I even had tested variations of the the IPS's that ignore the 0x888 byte elf header, thinking that may be a issue of confusion. I've verified that the build id is correct, and that the "patchset" folder is fine. The patch gets applied on atmosphere... it just doesn't work, and instead breaks stock games.

I have no clue what to do/think from here. The cheat option still remains the most viable. Well. I may try ips32 before I give up exploring alternatives.


CaVE has been updated to v1.0.2.0. Changes include the various SFC Online fixes, and the newly added feature of supporting editing of the game descriptions.
From earlier in the thread.

Neither of those 2 mentions of IPS conveyed the idea of the feature you later mentioned. At the time, I, and I guess RadMcFist, could only assume you meant using a .ips patch in the normal way of applying it to a file. Which is NOT new user friendly in the slightest. You have to extract the files from a .nsp down to the point that you get a main file, decrypt it using nx2elf, would then have to apply the ips, then convert it back to an NSO using elf2nso. Outside of the ips part, this is what I do for yuzu so I can test things. So I definitely know how complicated that process is.

Anyway. Moving on. So far tests with the IPS patch idea have been negative. I can't get them to work on yuzu at all, despite yuzu having a similar setup to the above posted atmosphere instructions. And the patches I posted have been reported to not work on atmosphere. I have double checked the hack for mistakes, and there are none. I even had tested variations of the the IPS's that ignore the 0x888 byte elf header, thinking that may be a issue of confusion. I've verified that the build id is correct, and that the "patchset" folder is fine. The patch gets applied on atmosphere... it just doesn't work, and instead breaks stock games.

I have no clue what to do/think from here. The cheat option still remains the most viable. Well. I may try ips32 before I give up exploring alternatives.


CaVE has been updated to v1.0.2.0. Changes include the various SFC Online fixes, and the newly added feature of supporting editing of the game descriptions.
But are the patches made between the original uncompressed nso and the modified uncompressed nso (main executable) and not between elfs?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
But are the patches made between the original uncompressed nso and the modified uncompressed nso (main executable) and not between elfs?

They are made for the elf, which is the uncompressed nso as I understand it. As mentioned, I tried patches for the headerless elf too.

Generating a ips for the compressed file should be stupid, since due to compression, the whole file should be seen as different.

As I understand, thats not needed though. The patch should be for the uncompressed version.

If there's a difference between a uncompressed nso and a elf in this case, I'd like to know. The only tools I have convert directly from compressed nso to elf, and elf to compressed nso.

IDK. Maybe theres a option in hactool? I havent explored everything it lists in its help output. I've just been using nx2elf and elf2nso.


Ok. I found a couple nso decompressers... barely. They are really obscure! The only one that was at the most only a mild headache to setup was a python script. I decompressed the normal and patched main files, and made a ips from them, and.... it still doesnt work in yuzu. In fact, looking at the ips in a hex editor... its EXACTLY the same as my headerless elf test patches. So it wont have any better luck on real hardware with atmopshere, as that headerless elf version of the IPS was already tested. So... I'm out of ideas for now.


I decided to explore the ipswitch/pchtxt option too. And... no luck with that either so far. At least on yuzu.

I've tried everything I can, and it just refuses to boot. In that effort, I atleast found out I had the wrong build id for the SNES Online main nso. So that IPS patch has been updated. But that still doesn't work for me either.

For IPSwitch/pchtxt I have boiled things down to 2 variations. 1 for a .elf patch, and one for a decompress nso patch. And yea. neither work...
Last edited by DarkAkuma,


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2017
They are made for the elf, which is the uncompressed nso as I understand it. As mentioned, I tried patches for the headerless elf too.

Generating a ips for the compressed file should be stupid, since due to compression, the whole file should be seen as different.

As I understand, thats not needed though. The patch should be for the uncompressed version.

If there's a difference between a uncompressed nso and a elf in this case, I'd like to know. The only tools I have convert directly from compressed nso to elf, and elf to compressed nso.

IDK. Maybe theres a option in hactool? I havent explored everything it lists in its help output. I've just been using nx2elf and elf2nso.


Ok. I found a couple nso decompressers... barely. They are really obscure! The only one that was at the most only a mild headache to setup was a python script. I decompressed the normal and patched main files, and made a ips from them, and.... it still doesnt work in yuzu. In fact, looking at the ips in a hex editor... its EXACTLY the same as my headerless elf test patches. So it wont have any better luck on real hardware with atmopshere, as that headerless elf version of the IPS was already tested. So... I'm out of ideas for now.

success to lunch tha game jp snes online with V1.0.2.0, 11-7-19
thank you a lot!
great job!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
success to lunch tha game jp snes online with V1.0.2.0, 11-7-19
thank you a lot!
great job!!!

Glad to hear it! I figured I'd have solved all the issues leading to your troubles with that release and the updated Full Unlock. =)


I have been able to make a ipswitch/pchtxt version of the unlock. I've tested it in yuzu, and it works.

Available on the homepage

I'm not entirely sure of how to install it on the real switch. But if I had to guess, based on my experience with yuzu...

SNES Online:
  • SD:/atmosphere/titles/01008D300C50C000/exefs/FullUnlock.pchtxt
  • SD:/sxos/titles/01008D300C50C000/exefs/FullUnlock.pchtxt
  • SD:/reinx/titles/01008D300C50C000/exefs/FullUnlock.pchtxt
Super Famicom Online:
  • SD:/atmosphere/titles/0100E8600C504000/exefs/FullUnlock.pchtxt
  • SD:/sxos/titles/0100E8600C504000/exefs/FullUnlock.pchtxt
  • SD:/reinx/titles/0100E8600C504000/exefs/FullUnlock.pchtxt
Naturally, I have no clue if/how these CFWs support the format. I think atmosphere does. Maybe sxos too. reinx? Who knows.

If those folders are incorrect/dont work, I'd suggest looking into how to use a ipswitch or pchtxt patch with your CFW. I get confused to easily looking into finding information about things I have zero experience/knowledge of, so you are better off finding it on your own and informing me.


It seems I have gotten the IPS patch versions to work now too. At least with yuzu.

Available on the homepage

Please, someone test and let me know if these patches work on real hardware, and with what CFW.

Again, install paths should be:
  • SD:/atmosphere/exefs_patches/
  • SD:/sxos/exefs_patches/
  • SD:/reinx/exefs_patches/
So you would end up with this for SNES Online:
  • SD:/atmosphere/exefs_patches/SNES Online - Full Unlock/8025A0DF4699C23C29317992DA01D2D1B60A10F2.ips
  • SD:/sxos/exefs_patches/SNES Online - Full Unlock/8025A0DF4699C23C29317992DA01D2D1B60A10F2.ips
  • SD:/reinx/exefs_patches/SNES Online - Full Unlock/8025A0DF4699C23C29317992DA01D2D1B60A10F2.ips
If not that, maybe "SD:/[Your CFW here]/exefs/SNES Online - Full Unlock/8025A0DF4699C23C29317992DA01D2D1B60A10F2.ips"

  • SD:/[Your CFW here]/exefs/SNES Online - Full Unlock/8025A0DF4699C23C29317992DA01D2D1B60A10F2.ips
  • SD:/[Your CFW here]/exefs/8025A0DF4699C23C29317992DA01D2D1B60A10F2.ips
As thats closer to what I've gotten to work on yuzu.


Well. I decided to not wait for a response any longer, and looked into things myself, and... it seems sxos and reinx are garbage CFWs? I've really tried to support them. I figured "surely at least the ips format would be supported by them, and be loads better than the cheat option". I made those IPS/IPSwitch versions primarily to improve sxos/reinx support. But no. Neither support either of them. Atmosphere supports both though. They are better options for atmosphere at least, so not completely wasted effort. But IDK.

I give up on SXOS/reinx. I'll still continue supporting the cheat version for SXOS, but reinx is a lost cause. All it has its rxp patch format support, which I cant find any information on. So I'm not going to attempt to care about reinx support anymore.
Last edited by DarkAkuma,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
United States
Is it possible to delete the stock games from the SNES Switch Online app?
No, I'm pretty sure that it isn't possible, that the app expects those games there and won't boot if you delete them. But you can try if you want. Just open the lclassics.titlesdb file in a text editor, delete the stock games (should be at the top unless something went very wrong), make sure the formatting is correct and you didn't delete any extra lines, and then try that. Report back if you get it to work.

I'm replying to this post by you from the other thread here as well because I don't want to bump that thread anymore:

Please, I need help. Which is the easiest way to remove signature checks on the Super Famicom Online (JAP) version?
If you're on atmosphere, use the ips patch in the very first post in this thread. It's very straight forward to set up and it works very well. If you're on sxos, I think you have to use the cheat version of the hack because despite what lisko was saying before, sxos seems to not support ips patches. There are instructions on the first post of this thread for both versions of the hack. Make sure you use the correct hack for the SFC version, of course.
Last edited by RadMcFist,
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2009
No, I'm pretty sure that it isn't possible, that the app expects those games there and won't boot if you delete them. But you can try if you want. Just open the lclassics.titlesdb file in a text editor, delete the stock games (should be at the top unless something went very wrong), make sure the formatting is correct and you didn't delete any extra lines, and then try that. Report back if you get it to work.

I'm replying to this post by you form the other thread as well because I don't want to bump that thread anymore:

If you're on atmosphere, use the ips patch in the very first post in this thread. It's very straight forward to set up and it works very well. If you're on sxos, I think you have to use the cheat version of the hack because despite what lisko was saying before, sxos seems to not support ips patches. There are instructions on the first post of this thread for both versions of the hack. Make sure you use the correct hack for the SFC version, of course.

Thank you! also... Is it possible to delete the stock games from the SNES Switch Online app?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
No, I'm pretty sure that it isn't possible, that the app expects those games there and won't boot if you delete them. But you can try if you want. Just open the lclassics.titlesdb file in a text editor, delete the stock games (should be at the top unless something went very wrong), make sure the formatting is correct and you didn't delete any extra lines, and then try that. Report back if you get it to work.

Actually... I just tested this. I didn't expect it to work.... but it does!

You obviously cant delete the stock games from your system, but you can remove them from the database if you wanted it seems.

@tatundria : CaVE does not allow deletion of the stock games because I've been advised that, at least with past versions of the NES Online app, doing so causes issues. I may make a change to it in the future now that I know about the SNES app, but I also may choose to just leave it up to the user to manually do so in a text editor.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2018

Well. I decided to not wait for a response any longer, and looked into things myself, and... it seems sxos and reinx are garbage CFWs? I've really tried to support them. I figured "surely at least the ips format would be supported by them, and be loads better than the cheat option". I made those IPS/IPSwitch versions primarily to improve sxos/reinx support. But no. Neither support either of them. Atmosphere supports both though. They are better options for atmosphere at least, so not completely wasted effort. But IDK.

I give up on SXOS/reinx. I'll still continue supporting the cheat version for SXOS, but reinx is a lost cause. All it has its rxp patch format support, which I cant find any information on. So I'm not going to attempt to care about reinx support anymore.
Very very sorry, I thought that I already answered but I didn't. I tested ips patches on sxos putting them in /sxos/exefs_patches and they definitely work. I tested it converting an sfc with sfromtool and added to the database using cave and the game ran fine. Just for curiosity I deleted the patches and the added title didn't even start, pressing "A" on it did nothing. The ips patch surely works in SXOS.
Last edited by lisko,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
United States
Very very sorry, I thought that I already answered but I didn't. I tested ips patches on sxos putting them in /sxos/exefs_patches and they definitely work. I tested it converting an sfc with sfromtool and added to the database using cave and the game ran fine. Just for curiosity I deleted the patches and the added title didn't even start, pressing "A" on it did nothing. The ips patch surely works in SXOS.

Hmm. Interesting...

When I looked into it, I found a few results saying they don't support it. At least one of those results as recent as early last month.

The confusion is frustrating, but at least that's good to know now. That should now be the better option for SXOS users!

Reinx users are probably still SOL...

Thanks. I'll update the guide.
Last edited by DarkAkuma,

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