Sony has acquired Halo and Destiny studio Bungie


As Microsoft continues to buy up studios across the industry, Sony isn't far behind, as they have their own acquisition to announce. Bungie, known for developing the Halo series and more recently, Destiny, will be joining the PlayStation family. Sony purchased the team in a deal valued at $3.6 billion. While it may not be as staggering as the Activision deal that Microsoft made, it shows that these major studio buyouts won't be stopping any time soon.

Originally, Bungie started out as an independent developer, and would go on to be purchased by Microsoft in 2000, where they created Halo: Combat Evolved. They would stay with Microsoft until the year 2007, when they split and became their own private company. After that, Bungie signed a contract with Activision that lead to Destiny and Destiny 2.

Sony has prefaced the deal with the fact that Bungie, despite the acquisition, will remain an independent studio and publisher, and will continue to work on multi platform releases.

I am absolutely thrilled to announce a new member will be joining the PlayStation family!

I’ve been a fan of Bungie for many years. I have admired and enjoyed the games that they create – and have great respect for their skill in building worlds that gamers want to explore again and again.

Bungie makes games with outstanding technology that are enormously fun to play. They also have unmatched dedication to the communities that play their games, and everyone at PlayStation, and PlayStation Studios, will be excited about what we can share and learn from them.

I have spent a great deal of time with the senior team at Bungie and it is clear their experience and skills are highly complementary to our own.We will be ready to welcome and support Bungie as they continue to grow, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for this incredible team.

:arrow: Source


This is now a Spiderman thread.........
Nov 19, 2008
United Kingdom
Well they made Destiny and they are still releasing DLC for Destiny 2 + Destiny 2 has quite a loyal fan base (much like halo)
People keep saying Destiny this and Destiny that but I honestly don’t know anyone who actually still plays it today…..


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2022
United States
ehh i wouldnt say so-
playground games- has been Microsoft owned since 2018, and is responsible for Forza horizon 4 and 5 since then
ninja theory- acquired in 2018, is at work at making hellblade 2
Bethesda- Acquired in 2021, is currently working on starfield,
Mojang- acquired in 2014, is working on Minecraft (and frankly, the game's been better since for it)
Obsidian- Acquired in 2018, is working on avowed
Double Fine- Acquired in 2019, is responsible for Psychonauts 2 (which was actually improved from the acquisition thanks to MS's funding allowing them to put in content that was initially going to be cut)
I can understand that the rare acquisition sucks, but this misconception that MS does absolutely nothing with their studios other than add their games to gamepass is kind of dumb

I didn't say they do absolutely nothing. I said their track record for doing much of anything isn't good. Forza, Hellblade, Starfield, Minecraft, Psychonauts 2 isn't some gigantic, amazing track record over the course of however long. Especially if we're comparing what Sony has done with their studios within a similar time frame.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2016
United States
If Halo didn't move away from Bungie then this would somewhat cripple Microsoft lol b/c thats their selling point. But this buy out isn't even the same level as Blizzard. Maybe Sony should go after Square Enix and Capcom all together


Dec 24, 2008
United Kingdom
I don't think most people are seeing the big picture. This isn't about console exclusivity, like it was in the past. All these various acquisitions are about content services exclusivity, which means staying multi-platform to maximise profits. The actual console will become less and less significant as time goes by and streaming takes over. The end goal is a Netflix model for gaming.


Professional Nintendo Hater
Aug 1, 2019
United States
I didn't say they do absolutely nothing. I said their track record for doing much of anything isn't good. Forza, Hellblade, Starfield, Minecraft, Psychonauts 2 isn't some gigantic, amazing track record over the course of however long. Especially if we're comparing what Sony has done with their studios within a similar time frame.
true, its not that long but you have to consider that a lot of these studios have been acquired around the mid-late 2010s while sony's had theirs for a while now (polyphony digital, santa monica, naughty dog, etc)
what they've been doing from 2019-now isn't much different from what sony's been doing with the studios they own

If Halo didn't move away from Bungie then this would somewhat cripple Microsoft lol b/c thats their selling point. But this buy out isn't even the same level as Blizzard. Maybe Sony should go after Square Enix and Capcom all together
Square Enix is a massive nobrainer, the fact they havent acquired them yet is confusing to me tbh
as for capcom- idk, they dont have anything about them that screams especially sony to me
they straight up partnered with nintendo during the 2000s, unlike Square enix who even during the PS3's rocky launch stuck to their guns and made a lot of their games with playstation
the most capcom did with sony was like
have the RE8 demo be exclusive to PS? which even then the game launched on all platforms (barring the switch) anyways so is it that much of a big deal?
Last edited by 64bitmodels,


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Yeah Sony has some very good ips lying idle like KillZone and Resistance Fall of Man. Insomniac has not released a Resistance in 11 years while Guerilla has not released a KillZowned in 9 years, such a waste.

With a bigger budget from Sony, Bungie could definitely go into multi development mode and make KillZowned or Resistance alongside whatever Destiny project they are working on, hear that Sony.

Open world KillZone and Resistance anyone? Or just stick to linear.
Resistance would be a perfect setting for an open world game in the style of Far Cry, just more “urban”. Like a Homefront done right - setting up ambushes, guerrilla warfare, sounds like buckets of fun to me.


Professional Nintendo Hater
Aug 1, 2019
United States
Resistance would be a perfect setting for an open world game in the style of Far Cry, just more “urban”. Like a Homefront done right - setting up ambushes, guerilla warfare, sounds like buckets of fun to me.
Frankly i think they should stick to what works and make the game linear as it's always been
that's just gonna contribute to an even bigger saturation of open world games and we already have too many of them nowadays...


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Frankly i think they should stick to what works and make the game linear as it's always been
that's just gonna contribute to an even bigger saturation of open world games and we already have too many of them nowadays...

I don’t know, I wouldn’t be so sure. The open world treatment, albeit “hybrid”, did wonders for Halo Infinite, which I found thoroughly enjoyable. The reason why there are so many open world games out there is because they’re fun - that’s not necessarily “oversaturation”, that’s catering to your audience.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Whats the point in microsoft and sony wasting shit loads of money to buy out studios when they do fuck all with the studios they already have.

The only reason I can see Microsoft buying Activision is to get exclusive rights and have call of dog shite first on its shitbox.

Because they cant be arsed with halo and like gears, just run it further into the ground.

Rare, well, litrally have done fuck all with them since taking them over.

Now sony are playing the same game, that said, buys studios that are like the leftovers.

Its as if Microsoft say, we bought this ner ner, sony in a panic be like whoa whoa erm hurry hurry...... ah haa! Snap we bought...... darn it!

They should leave these studios alone, just because they have or had made titles that millions for some reason like and buy its shit year after year.

They should take a good look at the studios it already owns and give them more freedom to be creative and make new games rather than buy out other studios and then poison them with your already flawed negative input.

But saying that, sony have had some quality games coming out of its studios, cant really say the same for microshit.

Its obvious the reasons behind Activision is to get first dibs on its future cod games, that been said isnt anything to brag about and Microshit can keep it exclusive for all I care.

Not like cod games are worthy of anyones time these days, just the same old usual recycled bug infested shit that todays sheep blindly throw money at.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Whats the point in microsoft and sony wasting shit loads of money to buy out studios when they do fuck all with the studios they already have.

The only reason I can see Microsoft buying Activision is to get exclusive rights and have call of dog shite first on its shitbox.

Because they cant be arsed with halo and like gears, just run it further into the ground.

Rare, well, litrally have done fuck all with them since taking them over.

Now sony are playing the same game, that said, buys studios that are like the leftovers.

Its as if Microsoft say, we bought this ner ner, sony in a panic be like whoa whoa erm hurry hurry...... ah haa! Snap we bought...... darn it!

They should leave these studios alone, just because they have or had made titles that millions for some reason like and buy its shit year after year.

They should take a good look at the studios it already owns and give them more freedom to be creative and make new games rather than buy out other studios and then poison them with your already flawed negative input.

But saying that, sony have had some quality games coming out of its studios, cant really say the same for microshit.

Its obvious the reasons behind Activision is to get first dibs on its future cod games, that been said isnt anything to brag about and Microshit can keep it exclusive for all I care.

Not like cod games are worthy of anyones time these days, just the same old usual recycled bug infested shit that todays sheep blindly throw money at.
Various reasons to buy companies out beyond taking the long view, or gamble in the case of game industry*, on return on investment from projects (traditionally such things were measured in terms of income/profits and number of years, today the overinflated share price tends to be more commonly considered though even those will have people discuss PE ratios aka price to earnings which right now are insane but different discussion).

*the game industry is noted as huge potential returns to money in, however as we can probably all name 50 bankrupt companies with smash hits to their name then it is also very risky. This is also why publishers buy them up -- the cost of 20 duds being made up for, and then some, by 1 mega hit so get enough in and you are bound to make something.

1) Technology. So you don't want to pay Epic's fees for Unreal engine. "if you don't like it then make your own" and all that. Epic have been doing this now for decades but you can probably skip a fair bit of that as you don't need to make it 3dfx compatible or run on a pentium 3 in current space year. Assuming you have a team (more on that shortly) that is still going to be years of you developing something, possibly training people in its use, and then making a game to use it, all the while Epic have had another 5 years do polish their craft and rake in profits all the while.
Buying a company that already did all that might then be cheaper and quicker, or at least quicker which can be all you need.
Does not have to be engines -- can be network code ( and for all else that might be said Bungie's network code is tight where Sony does not really have much here), shaders, compression, audio handling, physics simulations...

2) While I do normally quip about game devs being replaceable with freshly minted students ( reckons some 47000 graduates in computer science per year, wind in a few more for physics, maths and electrical engineering and yeah), hence why pay and conditions are so awful (don't like it, we will get someone else in and there are 47000 more kids this year that think game development is sexy vs corporate programming job**), it does still represent a cost of acquisition vs finding a new cleaner. If you can buy in a company with an established setup and people that have proven themselves (vs some kid you have no idea if they will perform) you can dodge recruitment costs***, and probably gain a nice building and some computers while you are at it.

**never mind that it is solving the exact same sorts of problems, just for a lot more money in a 9-5 with a lot nicer environment.

***Sony and MS probably have their own in house stuff but costs for other places that might hire in a recruiter to find new devs will usually be measured in significant percentage of final salary per person found (this is not your high street recruitment firm that hires warm bodies to do things anybody with a pulse could probably do, and those are costly too), never mind if you also pay relocation.

3) Competition killing. So someone has indeed built a better mouse trap, your billion dollar mousetrap empire does not want to retool for this new upstart. Right now they are only worth some pocket change so buy them out (founders and early investors can retire tomorrow with the sum, having presumably been starving and sticking their life savings in before, which is less than a 10th of what you will lose if their product comes to market) and bury them, or deny your competitors the chance to get in on the action (for games this gets into discussion of exclusives -- if MS take a 30% cut of anything released to their shop then 30% of many millions plus console sales is nothing to sneeze at)

4) Some kind of tax writeoff. There are all sorts of ways to structure it so you don't have as much in the way of assets or profit when the tax man comes looking.

There are a few others (Bungie then getting to plug holes if one of their other projects is going sideways or suddenly needs to ramp up to finish where before it was a slow burn) but those are the big ones, and most others are combinations and variations on those themes. Said combinations could also make sense to the financial analysts whose whole job is to analyse such scenarios/purchases and say yay or nay. I don't know that I would pay billions but I was also surprised by this development so... yeah.
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Resident Robot Hoarder
Mar 25, 2021
The Best State on The Best Coast
United States
I don't think most people are seeing the big picture. This isn't about console exclusivity, like it was in the past. All these various acquisitions are about content services exclusivity, which means staying multi-platform to maximize profits. The actual console will become less and less significant as time goes by and streaming takes over. The end goal is a Netflix model for gaming.
MS/Phil Spencer has mentioned on record before about this and their approaching Sony/Nintendo about offering Game Pass as a service on their platforms with both of them outright refusing the idea. This however was long before they snagged up Bethesda even.

The gameplan formulates the tools of Game Pass being an end all, be all option for all Console and PC users. That concept pf Netflix for gaming is exactly their endgame, and PS/Nintendo will have no choice but to consider the option if they want their platforms to thrive in any way (well, more so Sony than Nintendo).


Dec 24, 2008
United Kingdom
MS/Phil Spencer has mentioned on record before about this and their approaching Sony/Nintendo about offering Game Pass as a service on their platforms with both of them outright refusing the idea. This however was long before they snagged up Bethesda even.

The gameplan formulates the tools of Game Pass being an end all, be all option for all Console and PC users. That concept pf Netflix for gaming is exactly their endgame, and PS/Nintendo will have no choice but to consider the option if they want their platforms to thrive in any way (well, more so Sony than Nintendo).

Yes, Nintendo seems almost immune to such things. Sony has been forced to consider a revamp of their streaming platform but it does seem a little too late to catch up now, unless they make some very significant acqusitions (on the level of a Take Two or an EA). They lost MLB but gaining FIFA would be huge.

They went in the wrong direction when they decided to give up console exclusivity for their best games, and ended up playing right into Microsoft's hands. A total reversal is unlikely, so they may have no choice but to allow Game Pass eventually if they don't want to give up market share.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
MS/Phil Spencer has mentioned on record before about this and their approaching Sony/Nintendo about offering Game Pass as a service on their platforms with both of them outright refusing the idea. This however was long before they snagged up Bethesda even.

The gameplan formulates the tools of Game Pass being an end all, be all option for all Console and PC users. That concept pf Netflix for gaming is exactly their endgame, and PS/Nintendo will have no choice but to consider the option if they want their platforms to thrive in any way (well, more so Sony than Nintendo).

Personally i think the likes of Sony/Microsoft and eventually Nintendo, should not restrict game studios to have them locked into their online service in order for them to allow the customers to play their games online.

You as a customer also, should not have to pay extra in order to play the game you have just purchased, online.

It is part of the product that you have purchased, you should then not have to be forced to pay extra or subscribe to an annual service in order to have access to the entire product you have paid for.

Sony had the perfect idea when it came to the PS3 by allowing gamers to play their games online for free, Microsoft was greedy in the fact that they knew they could milk more money out of gamers by forcing them to pay to play their games online.

Unfortunately Sony saw the potential loss profits they are getting by allowing gamers to play online for free, and then joined the likes of Micro$hit and now you have to pay to use a games feature you paid for already.

Sony dont need to accept anything that Micro$hit offer, to be fair, Micro$oft isnt exxactly reliable when it comes to providing its online products/services, its taken them years to finnaly start scratching the surface when it comes to online cloud products/service, they have tried to clone Apple in the way that they have had one platform that everything runs upon....... iOS, pretty much everything runs on...

So here we have Micro$hit that comes up with Win8, in the hope it could be used for its mobile products, office/home PC users, gamers and what a load of bollocks it was.

Then we see them again, washed down Win10 in the Xbox, now looks like Win10 (slowly phasing to Win11) for its next shitbox.

now they think others should follow them and use its online service for gamers.......

not a chance, and no one company should be forcing others to be locked to their service, especially when theyre shit at it.

game devs should be the ones in charge and sony/ms/nintendo/pc gamers could all have a seamless "game pass" if the game devs hosted their online gaming on their own servers.

this would easily allow cross play across all platoforms, but no, Micro$hit wants to monopolise it and reap in all the profits.

but on one side, nintendo should take up on the offer, nintendo are always dragging behind, its actually shocking how far behind nintendo are when it comes to the likes of todays gaming..... innovative my arse, maybe so if we go back in time.


Resident Robot Hoarder
Mar 25, 2021
The Best State on The Best Coast
United States
Yes, Nintendo seems almost immune to such things. Sony has been forced to consider a revamp of their streaming platform but it does seem a little too late to catch up now, unless they make some very significant acquisitions (on the level of a Take Two or an EA). They lost MLB but gaining FIFA would be huge.

They went in the wrong direction when they decided to give up console exclusivity for their best games, and ended up playing right into Microsoft's hands. A total reversal is unlikely, so they may have no choice but to allow Game Pass eventually if they don't want to give up market share.
I can't see Sony being able to push that kind of money around to absorb something as marketable as T2 or EA, both of them have streams of revenue large enough that they can remain to be independent and benefit from being so. Plus MS has a contract with EA for their games to be on the Game Pass which is probably the best MS was able to swing with them on. As for T2, the best Sony might be able to pull is a timed exclusivity similar to how they has it back in the old days of PS2. A contract of a year or two exclusivity to the console before releasing it to all platforms. It will be a very shit move to do that but not an unlikely move by Sony to try and do. That is of course if this does not somehow harm T2's bottom line, which since that bottom line is now the money flowing in from GT Online the idea exclusivity deals would only poison their potential bottom line. I doubt T2 or Rockstar will want to see any more negativity from fans especially after recent events happening. The other interesting thing to point out too is Sony going into the PC gaming market with some of their titles, this is something I do not think anyone expected of them and the outcome of that could spell something both troubling but also promising in Sony's future of the platform.

Personally i think the likes of Sony/Microsoft and eventually Nintendo, should not restrict game studios to have them locked into their online service in order for them to allow the customers to play their games online.

You as a customer also, should not have to pay extra in order to play the game you have just purchased, online.

It is part of the product that you have purchased, you should then not have to be forced to pay extra or subscribe to an annual service in order to have access to the entire product you have paid for.

Sony had the perfect idea when it came to the PS3 by allowing gamers to play their games online for free, Microsoft was greedy in the fact that they knew they could milk more money out of gamers by forcing them to pay to play their games online.

Unfortunately Sony saw the potential loss profits they are getting by allowing gamers to play online for free, and then joined the likes of Micro$hit and now you have to pay to use a games feature you paid for already.

Sony dont need to accept anything that Micro$hit offer, to be fair, Micro$oft isnt exxactly reliable when it comes to providing its online products/services, its taken them years to finnaly start scratching the surface when it comes to online cloud products/service, they have tried to clone Apple in the way that they have had one platform that everything runs upon....... iOS, pretty much everything runs on...

So here we have Micro$hit that comes up with Win8, in the hope it could be used for its mobile products, office/home PC users, gamers and what a load of bollocks it was.

Then we see them again, washed down Win10 in the Xbox, now looks like Win10 (slowly phasing to Win11) for its next shitbox.

now they think others should follow them and use its online service for gamers.......

not a chance, and no one company should be forcing others to be locked to their service, especially when theyre shit at it.

game devs should be the ones in charge and sony/ms/nintendo/pc gamers could all have a seamless "game pass" if the game devs hosted their online gaming on their own servers.

this would easily allow cross play across all platoforms, but no, Micro$hit wants to monopolise it and reap in all the profits.

but on one side, nintendo should take up on the offer, nintendo are always dragging behind, its actually shocking how far behind nintendo are when it comes to the likes of todays gaming..... innovative my arse, maybe so if we go back in time.
For starters, the plague of pay to access online was a plague that started even before Xbox, it was a concept taken from subscription services such as WoW at the time, seeing how people would pay to play a MMO at the time MS saw the principal of doing the same for XBL. Was this a good thing? Hell no, and honestly by this point they should have abandoned the concept. But back then it was seen as somewhat acceptable since their services were seemingly the most solid and ahead of the curve in the console market when it came to gaming (Plus getting a console was still easier and more user friendly than a PC was for gaming at this time). Also consider that MS was still trying to justify the department that was Xbox by trying to reap as much profit as they could since otherwise it would be considered too much of a loss in revenue/profit to consider operating into the future, a scenario that almost actually happened in the early 2010's when the release of the Xbone caused a massive push back by fans and soiled the name for awhile before they were able to win people back (and fired some execs who thought those ideas were good in the first place).

As for Sony's and Nintendo's online services, they simply followed what MS was doing, but with Sony it really was not worth it, and Nintendo...Nintendo jumping into online play is doing it with the mindset and the hardware of someone doing this back in 2005. Its abysmal and the fact that they charge for it is a laughable offense to anyone that knows how bad their service actually is (not to mention also ass backwards when it comes to simple features like voice chat).

Also when it comes to MS and the cloud, they were ahead of the game with a lot of cloud services. The like of Azure had existed since 2008 where as anything even remotely cloud based for Apple did not surface until 2011 with the latter being more towards consumers and the former being a back end for enterprise services. Unless you are of course confusing Cloud systems with a walled garden scenario of synced products, which is not the same as a cloud but MS had experimented with this as well before Apple. Apple was just more successful in marketing it where as MS was not so much (anyone remember Media Center?).

As for the finality of things and the push for MS using Xbox as a brand for gaming and the game pass being a service on all platforms. Its not the worst case scenario, its a matter of other companies taking the truth that they need to accept a service so that their platform exists for fans. If MS kept Game Pass to Xbox alone I feel like that would be very limited of a use case for them, but offering it to other platforms expands its reach for everyone which is a good thing. Maybe not for Sony or Nintendo but its going to be worse if they refuse the service and potentially lose money in return fans because of their refusal to accept them as a service. Its not a worst case scenario.

The worst case scenario we could have had is if Facebook bought Activision, and forced everyone to use FB accounts to even access their games, or just wall them off to their own platform. I'll gladly trust MS anytime over Zuck any day.


This is now a Spiderman thread.........
Nov 19, 2008
United Kingdom
While the PS3 was free to play online, it did suffer massively with hackers and cheaters. IMO because it was free and was only costing Sony money they skimped a little on security and keeping hackers out. Meanwhile MS were earning large from the Live subs so had to try and keep on top of such things on their service. They were not and are still not immune to these things but when people are paying for a service they EXPECT the company to do all they can to keep things fair and secure.
If the service is free then well you should expect some hackers, downtime etc…

Anyone remember the massive PSN outage in the days of the PS3?? If it was a paid service then that may not of happened and if it did then personally I think it would of been back up and running much quicker than it was..


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
While the PS3 was free to play online, it did suffer massively with hackers and cheaters. IMO because it was free and was only costing Sony money they skimped a little on security and keeping hackers out. Meanwhile MS were earning large from the Live subs so had to try and keep on top of such things on their service. They were not and are still not immune to these things but when people are paying for a service they EXPECT the company to do all they can to keep things fair and secure.
If the service is free then well you should expect some hackers, downtime etc…

Anyone remember the massive PSN outage in the days of the PS3?? If it was a paid service then that may not of happened and if it did then personally I think it would of been back up and running much quicker than it was..
Was most of the hacking and cheating Sony's fault or the fault of the game developers? After the big C3 presentation and things getting spun up there many of the devs were shown to be far behind what was being done in the PC space for basically free (I say noting a lot of things will buy in anti cheat software rather than spending a little while to figure it out or create some nice counters themselves). That said same things work (cheat and save game editing approaches are not radically different -- not like one has crazy ASLR, cycling hashes, trips and all the fun anti cheat) on MS' offerings when people managed to get through that.

Sony certainly had some howlers on the security front (see said C3 presentation actually*) and I am certainly open to exploring incentives and results obtained for things (it is normally where I look) but I don't know how explanatory it is in this case -- might be free but Sony still faced massive PR backlash, and were in the business of showing themselves to be a viable competitor so might even have been a loss leader, were still beholden to the companies that put stuff on their platform...

*save people a search. Console hacking 2010 at 27c3 if this link is down in the future

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