Anyone here believe a ghost?

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Custom Title
Sep 14, 2011
500 years from now on, people would have a rather primitive opinion about us.
Using phones to make conversations, using screens to watch things, believing we're alone in the universe.

So... You spend a good amount of your time, here and in other threads, criticizing people for believing in ghosts and religion based, very reasonably, on the premise that there's no proof of their existence. Then you suddenly slip in an insinuating that you're absolutely sure of the existence of extra terrestrials?



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jan 4, 2017
Mt. Celeste
United States
Assuming we are trying to use some translation of a the Christian bible to establish some truths for those that might want to use it as a guide to the universe, a backwards way of setting about things if you ask me but an established one and a game we can play, then that says nothing about printing DNA and creating a life form from that, which has been done ( ). It also says nothing about evolution or human directed alteration of life forms.
Unless that is some "ninja king begat humanity which begat said printed microbe therefore" type thing you are going for, in which case that would seem to go against free will and if I have not got that (and if I am supposed to choose my actions to be righteous that would imply I do have that) then this is all pointless.
They've spliced genes. No one has "created life." The amount of data in one DNA strand can contain the entire library of Congress, all the movies, and more. Man can't create this. They can modify it but man cannot create life


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2014
The treacherous and deceiving god Yahweh is no creator, for Jews have suffered since the birth of Jesus, and their old pantheons cast out, forgotten, replaced with the venomous bible.
Asherah and El would like to have a word, false god.
Last edited by Yil,


Active Member
Mar 27, 2011
United States
I don't believe in what we can't see. So many people that I know claimed that they saw ghost, why am I the only one who's missing out? The brain is a powerful thing, so I think the brain just processed what we believed or what we think that we are seeing, then relay that image to us.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2014
I don't believe in what we can't see. So many people that I know claimed that they saw ghost, why am I the only one who's missing out? The brain is a powerful thing, so I think the brain just processed what we believed or what we think that we are seeing, then relay that image to us.
I am not too keen on that part either, especially considering ghost don't seem to demonstrate property of charge (easily proven with the argument of tangibility, which at large scale can be mostly attributed to chemical bounds), which means they should never collide with a photon in the first place. So what is it that we see? Of course if some what to mess with us creating a hologram or directly injecting information to eyes or a camera is not out of the realm of possibility.


Apr 14, 2017
here idk
United States
I do believe in ghost as in passed-on mortals. Ancestral worship is actually very common until Christianity ruined everything, and Biology then get sweet revenge on Christianity, causing atheism to raise. Ghosts typically are not entirely pleasant but remember they were mortal once so you can trust them more than say other spirits.
Personally I believe you get claimed by a deity you go to their afterlife (remember in Christianity all other gods are demons when they say you go to hell for not believing in god, which is just Christianity demonizing other religions), otherwise your current existence gets torn down and recycled.
Ok, I think you're thinking of Catholicism...
Real people are definitely more threatening than an average spirit. There are many ways to resist a spirit but the only to deal with a psycho is kill them.
That's quite true.
Sure I do in Holy Spirit, but not only, however I think most popular paranormal phenomena can be simulated by evil spirits.
I don't have to worry about this, but if someone don't feel safe one thing I can suggest is try to pray for the souls in Purgatory you let them close to God and they need that. Purgatory is not a place but state. You are doing angelic stuff trying this. You can intentional offer your time, work, abandon halloween. It's good pray to God through Virgin Mary. Rosary is best.
You're talking about Catholicism. I'll be honest here, most non-catholic denominations really don't know what to think about half of what you believe, aside from knowing that some beliefs in the Roman Catholic church were created as side effects of a power grab in the Middle Ages. I find some of the theology here... dubious.
I think that's just some religions. Greeks were well aware that earth is round and rotates around the sun (with relatively accurate numbers, say within 10% using very outdated equipments), and they never rejected mysticism.
--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------
And who is it that denies the existence of other things out there? Aetheist.
That does not mean the past is absolutely false and we have no foundation.
I'd like to second that.
That is okay. We can make mistake understanding the bible.
One word. Exegesis. Try it.
No, many churches keep Virgin Mary...
in present time and bible mention that Virgin Mary is no more for she had 4 sons after first son Jesus was born total of five sons and the bible mention that she had several daughters but didnt say how many, thought. She was just Jesus's mother that God choose her to give a birth baby Jesus. Jesus himself said that we shall worship his God father through Jesus's name and no idols including Rosary are allowed according to God's law of Ten Commandments. Many churches ignored God's law and have many idols as well as Jesus idolatry in the churches including worship "Virgin Mary" idolatry also. That's incorrect. :)
That's Catholicism. Again.
There's plenty of passages implying that they should hate and kill. Deuteronomy 17 commands christians to kill non-believers by stoning them to death.
Context. It's important. Christians weren't around yet. Deuteronomy was part of the Torah, written to the Jews. Deuteronomy 17 was specifically telling the Israelites to kill those among their own that were hateful towards the judge or priest in the court case. It never spoke of the Gentiles.

As for the original question; I believe there are things outside of the physical realm. I don't know if you'd call what I believe in "ghosts" per se, but I'm sure demonic interactions/encounters are often thought to be "ghost encounters" by the individuals involved.
They tend not to appear in first-world countries. If they were appearing right and left in the streets of D.C., people would be freaking out. Most people have forgotten about the possibility of a God. If you were the devil, why would you want to remind these people that there could be a God when most of them think they're perfectly fine without one?
I have heard stories of these things happening in third-world countries. Very few of them (could count them on my fingers), but the ones I can remember hearing about were eyewitness accounts from otherwise quite mentally stable individuals.
Now, I do think there are plenty of incidences of people using "ghosts" or "demons" to explain away simple ignorance. I wouldn't be surprised if almost all recorded "ghost/demon encounters" were just ignorance-induced. But using this as proof against the existence of spiritual beings is an example of "the fallacy fallacy."


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2014
Ok, I think you're thinking of Catholicism...

That's quite true.

You're talking about Catholicism. I'll be honest here, most non-catholic denominations really don't know what to think about half of what you believe, aside from knowing that some beliefs in the Roman Catholic church were created as side effects of a power grab in the Middle Ages. I find some of the theology here... dubious.

I'd like to second that.

One word. Exegesis. Try it.

That's Catholicism. Again.

Context. It's important. Christians weren't around yet. Deuteronomy was part of the Torah, written to the Jews. Deuteronomy 17 was specifically telling the Israelites to kill those among their own that were hateful towards the judge or priest in the court case. It never spoke of the Gentiles.

As for the original question; I believe there are things outside of the physical realm. I don't know if you'd call what I believe in "ghosts" per se, but I'm sure demonic interactions/encounters are often thought to be "ghost encounters" by the individuals involved.
They tend not to appear in first-world countries. If they were appearing right and left in the streets of D.C., people would be freaking out. Most people have forgotten about the possibility of a God. If you were the devil, why would you want to remind these people that there could be a God when most of them think they're perfectly fine without one?
I have heard stories of these things happening in third-world countries. Very few of them (could count them on my fingers), but the ones I can remember hearing about were eyewitness accounts from otherwise quite mentally stable individuals.
Now, I do think there are plenty of incidences of people using "ghosts" or "demons" to explain away simple ignorance. I wouldn't be surprised if almost all recorded "ghost/demon encounters" were just ignorance-induced. But using this as proof against the existence of spiritual beings is an example of "the fallacy fallacy."
In ancient times, long before the old testament and before they ever reach Egypt, Jews used to be Polytheist. Then someone (presumably Moses, who was in line with Yahweh) wrote the old testament and Abrahamic religions devolve into today's hyper masculine state. Asherah, the wife of Yahweh, are shown to possess all traits of Jesus and a powerful Goddess, over 1500 BCE, and the skyfather of Jewish Pantheon El was the one associated with Genesis, and Asherah/ Yahweh are more inline with Adam and Eve. This ancient religion is called Canaanite, once common in Israel.
Last edited by Yil,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
They've spliced genes. No one has "created life." The amount of data in one DNA strand can contain the entire library of Congress, all the movies, and more. Man can't create this. They can modify it but man cannot create life
Says "531,000-base, 473-gene"
A lot but plenty doable from what are essentially basic chemicals, ones which don't meet any definition of life commonly accepted, or certainly have no greater claim than plain old carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in the air.

A living creature, one which never knowingly evolved naturally (don't know if it ever likely would either but I have not read the full analysis of this one) was then assembled and seen to do life type things. Seems like man created a life form from whole cloth as it were.
If you want to try arguing that it followed a blueprint then you can try, don't know if I can accept that though.

Equally the "a lot of work" principle falls flat on its face time and time again, perhaps not as much as the related god of the gaps principle (we don't know how this works with current science therefore some god did it) but often enough -- merely sequencing a genome was once considered if not impossible than horrendously expensive, now it is cheap enough that you or I could probably have it done for money we could afford as individuals. Science is replete with similar examples across measurement, tolerances, computing power and more besides too. Earlier I gave an example of how mere organic chemistry was considered impossible outside of having life forms do it (a concept called essential vital force, also vitalism, see someone called Berzelius in the early/mid 1800s) and while in some ways it is still cheaper or more effective (my nanobots don't appear to be beating crispr) and this seems like a cousin to it.


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
So... You spend a good amount of your time, here and in other threads, criticizing people for believing in ghosts and religion based, very reasonably, on the premise that there's no proof of their existence. Then you suddenly slip in an insinuating that you're absolutely sure of the existence of extra terrestrials?


Even microbial life is extra terrestrial life.
Besides, judging by the number of stars in the universe that have planets that are just right to support life, it would be hard to think that we're alone in the universe.

We just haven't found it yet.
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Custom Title
Sep 14, 2011
Even microbial life is extra terrestrial life.

That's just splitting hairs for the sake of it..

Besides, judging by the number of stars in the universe that have planets that are just right to support life, it would be hard to think that we're alone in the universe.

Just in the same way for it would be hard for some people to reason that there isn't a god or ghosts don't exist.

We just haven't found it yet.

If just seems extremely odd to see somebody who persistently knocks religion, based on the premise that there's a lack of evidence to support them, being able to just as blindly state "well there must be alien life out there... there just must be."


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
That's just splitting hairs for the sake of it..

Just in the same way for it would be hard for some people to reason that there isn't a god or ghosts don't exist.

If just seems extremely odd to see somebody who persistently knocks religion, based on the premise that there's a lack of evidence to support them, being able to just as blindly state "well there must be alien life out there... there just must be."

Multiple scientists back it up that it's unimaginable for earth to be the only planet to support life.
The vast majority of the human population immediately thinks that it must be intelligent and highly advanced in order for it to count as extra terrestrial life.
Plant life, grass, microbes.
Basic forms of life on other planets already is extra terrestrial life.

The probability of us being alone judging by the number of stars is low.

As for ghosts and gods.
I'm sorry but believing in higher powers is something out dated.
I've repeatedly said "If god exists, he may strike me down right now", I'm still alive and not struck down.
It's just something made up by people.


Custom Title
Sep 14, 2011
Multiple scientists back it up that it's unimaginable for earth to be the only planet to support life.
The vast majority of the human population immediately thinks that it must be intelligent and highly advanced in order for it to count as extra terrestrial life.
Plant life, grass, microbes.
Basic forms of life on other planets already is extra terrestrial life.

Yes but when you said "we are not alone in the universe" you weren't referring to plant life. Has any plant life even been found outside of earth, anyway? Plus I'm sure that multiple scientists back up the opposite theory...

The probability of us being alone judging by the number of stars is low.

The probability of winning the lottery is also very low; but people still win.
And you can play with stats all you like. You say that the number of starts out there make the probability of us being alone is very low. Somebody could easily counter that based on the number of stars we've encountered already that haven't featured any real form of life, the probability of us being alone is in fact actually very high.

As for ghosts and gods.
I'm sorry but believing in higher powers is something out dated.
I've repeatedly said "If god exists, he may strike me down right now", I'm still alive and not struck down.
It's just something made up by people.

As are all current examples of alien existence. Fiction.


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
Yes but when you said "we are not alone in the universe" you weren't referring to plant life. Has any plant life even been found outside of earth, anyway? Plus I'm sure that multiple scientists back up the opposite theory...

Humans forget that simple life is life.
It doesn't have to be complex.

The probability of winning the lottery is also very low; but people still win.
And you can play with stats all you like. You say that the number of starts out there make the probability of us being alone is very low. Somebody could easily counter that based on the number of stars we've encountered already that haven't featured any real form of life, the probability of us being alone is in fact actually very high.

We only searched a tiny part of the universe.
All we do now is simple scans on planets.

As are all current examples of alien existence. Fiction.
As are all examples of gods and ghosts, fiction.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
This entire thread is making my head hurt. Do people seriously believe in ghosts? Please say you're under 18.
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