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CNN Opinion Piece About Being Obese


Dec 29, 2014
United States
So, I was fat recently. I weighed close to 300 lbs and it wasn't muscle. I had high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was taking 5 medications just to address the issues. So I decided to start eating healthy and exercising in an attempt to lose weight and after finding the Keto diet and starting to go on 20-30 mile bike rides twice a week I dropped 100 lbs I no longer require the medication and my levels are better than normal. I was never really bothered by what other people thought of my image, but I suppose people notice the change because they are constantly telling me that I look better and I feel better overall - so I guess that's a good thing.

So it sort of makes me sick to my stomach when I came across this opinion piece on CNN that is basically saying that being obese is okay and trying to justify not losing weight due factors like that going to a gym (which isn't required to lose weight) might embarrass you or that actually trying to change your lifestyle would be too hard for the average person. The article is about stores now displaying obese mannequins instead of the normal skinny ones. I'm not sure how long some of you have been around, but when I was growing up people would notice the obese person in the room as they were very rare to come across. Now skinny people are the rarity. While there are some exceptions to being big and healthy (like body builders), simply being fat, eating a poor diet and not exercising isn't healthy and it was literally killing me and will do the same thing to you. I don't see how this article that tries to justify this kind of negative life style and bad choices people are making is in any way helping the situation.

I agree that being as thin as the normal mannequins is probably an unreachable goal for most people in the past or currently, but being obese and promoting acceptable and tolerance for it is just wrong. I understand that some people have disorders, but most of their disorders are caused by being obese and if you remove that sole factor the disorders are no longer disorders. Only a few rare people have actual physical disorders that make them no be able to lose weight - the rest are simply fat fucking lazy people who don't give a shit about their own body or health and are going to die young and I don't think that this is okay or should be supported just because it makes someone feel bad? How will you feel when you're dead?

Once again, another brilliant CNN article. /s



Penguin accelerator
Feb 13, 2015
[...] don't give a shit about their own body or health and are going to die young and I don't think that this is okay or should be supported [...]
I firmly believe any adult*, reasonably informed of the risks, and capable of understanding, should be able to do anything they want with their own person

* quite a bit could be argued on why (the majority of people) get a quite comprehensive set of rights and responsibilities and lose others literally overnight at a fixed age set by their politicians, but that's for another discussion

Now that's a tangential issue too from the one you started on the ethics (which are inherently subjective) of "promoting" being fat (which I intentionally cut out of the quote), but I kinda answered that one too - give everyone access to facts (after giving them a lecture on how science works, namely "fact" really meaning consensus which although extremely improbably could change overnight), even give them access to opinions clearly identifiable as such (I haven't read the article but from the address alone that seems well done, props to your post too), then let them decide for themselves...


Dec 29, 2014
United States
I firmly believe any adult*, reasonably informed of the risks, and capable of understanding, should be able to do anything they want with their own person

* quite a bit could be argued on why (the majority of people) get a quite comprehensive set of rights and responsibilities and lose others literally overnight at a fixed age set by their politicians, but that's for another discussion

Now that's a tangential issue too from the one you started on the ethics (which are inherently subjective) of "promoting" being fat (which I intentionally cut out of the quote), but I kinda answered that one too - give everyone access to facts (after giving them a lecture on how science works, namely "fact" really meaning consensus which although extremely improbably could change overnight), even give them access to opinions clearly identifiable as such (I haven't read the article but from the address alone that seems well done, props to your post too), then let them decide for themselves...

I agree if you want to be obese than you should be able to be obese. I agree if you want to support an unhealthily life style and promote it by writing articles on a website you should also be able to. I also agree that I should be allowed to point out the fact that's it's unhealthy and going to kill you. I don't see any difference with my suggestions to how to lose weight compared to the CNN article suggestions on why not to lose weight are any different. Both are suggestions - you don't have to read them let alone follow them. If you'd like to live longer and feel better (because it's all about "how you feel", right?) then losing weight is the key, but if you don't want to move and just play video games for 8 hours a day while stuffing you face with comfort food and die young so be it. It's not going to make me stop suggesting that you shouldn't do the latter and it's probably not going to stop this particular CNN author from promoting a destructive lifestyle.


RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
I don't see how this article that tries to justify this kind of negative life style and bad choices people are making is in any way helping the situation.

Money, mostly.

Don't forget, during 200?-2016, there was a campaign to make people eat healthier....but.....you want some McD's at the Orange House? We got hamburders out the ass with pizza-flavored cofeve.

Other than that, good on you for realizing a goal you set.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2017
I mean, there are people that are rude motherfuckers and bully other for being fat, lets don't try to hide it. BUT it's actualy people that are glorifying and normalizing the state of being obese that in my opinion are hurting overweight people. There's nothing beautiful, good or right in being obese and IT FUCKING KILLS. People normalizing it are responsible for death of multiple people, they are no better than crazy person with a gun ffs.

Also CNN's opinion is probably least correct and reasonable and it's obvious that more and more people are aware of it, considering their ever-dropping ratings. It's their swan song and they are in panic mode before hitting the ground lol.


Dec 29, 2014
United States
I mean, there are people that are rude motherfuckers and bully other for being fat, lets don't try to hide it. BUT it's actualy people that are glorifying and normalizing the state of being obese that in my opinion are hurting overweight people. There's nothing beautiful, good or right in being obese and IT FUCKING KILLS. People normalizing it are responsible for death of multiple people, they are no better than crazy person with a gun ffs.

Also CNN's opinion is probably least correct and reasonable and it's obvious that more and more people are aware of it, considering their ever-dropping ratings. It's their swan song and they are in panic mode before hitting the ground lol.

I'm guilty of fat shaming. Not against other people, but myself. I openly admit I was a lazy, fat, ugly, etc ... When I see obese people (which is every time I leave my house) I do a hella lot of fat shaming in my head though. I'm just not the type of person who would start shit with someone over how they look (well, unless they ask me or it's someone that I care about). As for CNN, they post mostly trash and news they call opinion pieces they don't label as opinions (or "Guess what this person said about this person today")? If I want to read gossip I'll stick with those magazines in the grocery store checkout lines.


RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
There's nothing beautiful, good or right in being obese


I'd stand strong saying, "Beauty is subjective."

Everyone likes different things, but to say that not-one obese person is beautiful is like saying, "Earth is a shining planet, full of fair, just, and wonderful people who will make you feel so good!"--it sounds awesome, but it's not true.

To be fair, I've seen people lose weight, get fat, act like asses and get praised like a god/dess.

People are people.

That whole thing about CNN is a little more objective and I'll agree with you. I'd explain why, but that's literally something I have to wait to comment on....for reasons.


Dec 29, 2014
United States
I'd stand strong saying, "Beauty is subjective."

Everyone likes different things, but to say that not-one obese person is beautiful is like saying, "Earth is a shining planet, full of fair, just, and wonderful people who will make you feel so good!"--it sounds awesome, but it's not true.

To be fair, I've seen people lose weight, get fat, act like asses and get praised like a god/dess.

People are people.

Yeah, well, I don't find obese people attractive. I understand some people might, but I don't. I see more than just their outward appearance. Sort of like how how people who don't smoke look at or treat people who do smoke. I don't find anything attractive about someone inhaling a substance that is killing them. I understand, because I used to smoke, but as of right now I don't find smokers or obese people attractive. So, maybe, stating "I don't find obese people attractive" instead of "all obese people attractive" would be more appropriate in situations were people can't seem to be able to interpret words and need their hands held to make what you said cover every fucking possibility under the sun (aka, they are up tight nitpickers).

"Dude, you know that suitcase you are carrying has wheels right?"

Maybe I wan't to carry it?
Last edited by cots,
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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2017

I'd stand strong saying, "Beauty is subjective."

Everyone likes different things, but to say that not-one obese person is beautiful is like saying, "Earth is a shining planet, full of fair, just, and wonderful people who will make you feel so good!"--it sounds awesome, but it's not true.

To be fair, I've seen people lose weight, get fat, act like asses and get praised like a god/dess.

People are people.

That whole thing about CNN is a little more objective and I'll agree with you. I'd explain why, but that's literally something I have to wait to comment on....for reasons.

Now the question for you - Is what makes her beautiful is her weight or tons of makeup, tatoos, expensive costume and way too much photoshop? Exactly - without these things she would be just another not so pretty blob, saying that it's her obesity being beautiful is rather misunderstanding. But yeah, it's subjective because even with these things i don't fancy her...
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Deleted User

Some people do like round and not skinny... Not saying it's healthy. *because it's definitely not* But... if the person themselves truly believe that they look better fat then let them. It's their body they are putting at risk.
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RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
Sort of like how how people who don't smoke look at or treat people who do smoke.
Holy fuck! That's a thing? Seriously? Wow....I literally never knew.

o, maybe, stating "I don't find obese people attractive" instead of "all obese people attractive" would be more appropriate

Oh, you--lost 100 lbs, moved to a new place, and then you treat everyone like shit....how nice.

Errnyway, what you said was a subjective thought--should I hold your hand to show you why you have to watch what you say? If I really wanted to nitpick you, I'd go after your grammar and syntax, but I don't care.

What I do care about, is the feelings others may have towards people you don't find attractive, rather than let your shitty-ass blanket ideas cover the land.--See, that's something I didn't have to do, like
more appropriate in situations were people can't seem to be able to interpret words and need their hands held to make what you said cover every fucking possibility under the sun (aka, they are up tight nitpickers).

Now the question for you

Sorry, bro--none of that really appeals to me. I like people for who they are.
I really,really like no-makeup women--I really dislike fake things and fake people.

Talk to more people outside of "who" "you think" you "should" talk to and you'll realize that there are a multitude of people, of all backgrounds, but generally, there are straight-up pieces of shit, jerks, wanna-bes, cool people, smart-asses, etc,.The important part is: everyone is different.

You know, I wrote a blog titled, hersona--read it if you think I made these beliefs up on-the-spot to make you look like shit.

Both of you guys......are odd with respect to life lessons. Remember, the world is funny, and I'm right 99.99%--not because I want to, but because everyone else is so damn stupid. No offense.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
On the one hand "my body, my rules", same as many other debates.

On the other I have a very big issue with a lot of the fat acceptance stuff, especially the "healthy at every size" variation on the theme. Chat whatever bollocks you like but even more than usual don't be upset when people come down on you hard.

Lines get a bit blurrier with regards to workplace discrimination here -- two otherwise identical people show up and for most things I am involved with, not all of which require physical strength or stamina, I will not pick the fat cunt. I don't see a problem with that one, and could even justify it with regards to work done, sick days taken and so forth. Also happy for workplace initiatives as far as bikes to ride to work, afternoon off to go do some exercise and so forth.

The article in question. Does seem to be a position in search of a justification, and though they do label it an opinion piece that is not a great shield. At one point in the article they mention the current mannequin standard, one that is apparently likely to be too thin to be healthy, and then leap immediately to the average American. If they wanted to ditch the too skinny one and go for a healthy one then that is one thing, however if the average American is overweight then that is a different matter. As much as I detest BMI they say the average US female is 5 3 and 170 pounds (can't visualise either really as it is stupid measurements but I can still look it up on a chart), looking at a BMI chart then that is well into the obese range for that height -- I somehow doubt the US has a hidden crop of muscle bound body building women.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
Visit site
[..] the rest are simply fat fucking lazy people who don't give a shit about their own body or health [..]
I agree with most of your opinions, but here's where I think you're wrong. Those people are not lazy, they are dopamine addicts. Or, if you prefer, simply addicts - as all addictions seem to be about dopamine dynamics after all. Food becomes the favorite source of "satisfaction" (experts could provide a better definition) and through the vicious circle of addiction, it tends to become the only viable source. Overeating is a behavioral addictions which happens to have obvious, visible consequences - as such it's a strong source of shame, which itself is part of the addiction cycle.
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RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
I somehow doubt the US has a hidden crop of muscle bound body building women.

Yes, you'd be surprised--they even make porno. It's mostly women lifting dudes, but....don't knock it till you try it.

not all of which require physical strength or stamina, I will not pick the fat cunt.
You might want to--it could be a catalyst for change. Maybe that will be the day they say, "No more! I'm gonna bike 10-20 miles and eat healthy so Fast picks me for dodgeball work."


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Yes, you'd be surprised--they even make porno. It's mostly women lifting dudes, but....don't knock it till you try it.

You might want to--it could be a catalyst for change. Maybe that will be the day they say, "No more! I'm gonna bike 10-20 miles and eat healthy so Fast picks me for dodgeball work."

They could, however it does not seem a great bet to make. Seldom do I see employees gain skills at more than the baseline repetition rate.

As for muscle bound women I know they exist, however enough to influence the average? I have wandered around many states, cities and rural, rich and poor areas, at all times of day and night. Did not see enough to offset things. As for knocking it before I have tried it then that would be poor form. I imagine it would however be more enjoyable than the bag of spanners approach, and almost certainly more than the give it a slap and ride the wave in approach.


RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
Seldom do I see employees gain skills at more than the baseline repetition rate.

This is a sad fact, but you can't make people change--you can only make them realize they need to change.

As for muscle bound women I know they exist, however enough to influence the average?

Soon™. It's still niche, but it's gaining. Check xvideos or other porno sites.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
United States
There are two different extremes: Fat shaming and fat encouraging. CNN and a lot of other leftist outlets tend to do the second quite a bit these days. People in Western societies didn't get fat overnight, but it did certainly happen fast. Over the course of thousands of years, we've had to work to survive. Now we really only work to pay bills and make our lives more convenient when we're not working, and much of the work out there involves sitting at a desk. It's not necessarily a bad thing that have reached such a point in society, but there are consequences to being physically idle and eating processed and/or greasy food. I realize that for some people, it's harder to lose weight than others (I would know, my family has the same issue). But people who use that as an excuse aren't justifying anything, and calling obesity a beautiful thing does more harm than good, especially given the harmful outcomes to that person's health. Another sad truth is that a lot of poorer families have to resort to whatever's affordable, which is often lacking in any significant nutrition, apart from calories, so kids become obese at a young age as a result, especially when they're not encouraged to go outside and run around or ride their bike.

All said, you shouldn't shame people about it, but encouraging others to be healthy and be the best person they can be also shouldn't be viewed in a negative light. Sadly, we live in a world where expressing any concern about someone's health is now considered "fat shaming", and for the first time in a while, between high depression rates and high obesity, the average lifespan of people in western society is actually going down. In the end though, it all comes to people's life choices the moment they become adults.

Maybe Bill Burr has the right idea about letting dogs go un-neutered and un-fixed. More wild dogs in the streets chasing people would be good for all of us - encourage us to run a lot more anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
United States
though they do label it an opinion piece that is not a great shield. At one point in the article they mention the current mannequin standard, one that is apparently likely to be too thin to be healthy, and then leap immediately to the average American.

This is basically my problem with it. People have an opinion? Sure. People push hard that opinion on others, like demanding others accept them as they are? Uh, yea, that doesn't always work. I don't accept serial killers "as they are". Same with using "the average American" as a basis for anything. When did it become the ideal of America to strive for "average" or use "average" to justify things? Either you're a healthy weight or you're not. Either the mannequins are displaying an unhealthy weight (over or under weight) or they're not. At least with the mannequins I'd buy the idea that one should display an unhealthy weight for some because that's what many customers are like, but that's not really an argument of accepting the overweight as much as spelling out that overweight people buy clothes too.

Really, this reminds me of just how much the story of Hunter McGrady was pushed and totally missed the point.

Some people do like round and not skinny...

Yea, most men like "round". "Round" != overweight. As just invoked above, it's normal that most women have wider hips. Having a roundness that inherently disqualifies you from modeling is insane. That doesn't mean any weight is healthy or attractive. It does mean that an attractive weight is one that considers a certain amount of roundness that conforms to each person. That's a large part of the reason "healthy" weight is actually a pretty bit range. Yes, some few people will be overweight because of specific reasons that aren't unhealthy, but it's very rare--invoking the incredibly tiny number of people who engage in professional sports is the exact opposite of invoking "average American".

Of course at its core, most people aren't models. They shouldn't be worrying so much about being attractive or not. They should be worried about health. They shouldn't be worried if the mannequins never well represent how the clothes on them. Yes, that's definitely an opinion too, but it's also an opinion that one should strive to not suffer an early death or the strains of being overweight. It's not an opinion, though, that an unhealthy weight does very often lead to those things, the latter of quick with a much lower quality of life for many by mere fact of carrying around and dealing with that excess bulk. No amount of societal acceptance will fix that.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Well, firstly, it's an opinion piece, you don't have to agree with it. Secondly, I struggle to see the relevance of this in relation to 'world news, current events and politics.' At best this seems to be self-congratulatory, at worst it seems to be thinly-veiled fat shaming. Losing weight is not incredibly hard, but keeping yourself from gaining it back can be. Keep that in mind.
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