Kirby and the Forgotten Land is out this March

Announced in a Nintendo Direct last September was the latest Kirby game, Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Offering up a 3D experience this time around, the game also features local co-op and new copy abilities, as confirmed by a new trailer that went live today. Nintendo revealed the release date as well, setting a launch for March 25th.

REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In the Kirby and the Forgotten Land game, join the powerful and cute hero, Kirby, as he gains new abilities in a 3D platforming adventure for the Nintendo Switch system that’s filled with wonder, wilderness and Waddle Dees. If that sounds intriguing, take a deep breath, because the game launches on March 25.

Kirby has a flair for inhaling air, so he’ll have his work cut out for him when he arrives in an unknown land and discovers that Waddle Dees are being kidnapped in droves by the Beast Pack! To rescue the Waddle Dees, Kirby heads out on a journey with the curious Elfilin, whom he meets in the new world.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2018
Idk, I am waiting for games to actually be released before judging them. I am hyped for both of these games and kind of tired of the anti-hype around Legends. I honestly hope the game is a good one and that we finally see some change in GameFreak. If I am disappointed, then I want that to come from the experience of playing the game and not just from watching trailers.
Well good thing you don't see it as a waste of money then. I just don't want to show support to Game Freak, I don't buy anything from them anymore since I fully support having Pokémon games developped by someone else


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
Well good thing you don't see it as a waste of money then. I just don't want to show support to Game Freak, I don't buy anything from them anymore since I fully support having Pokémon games developped by someone else
yeah because brilliant diamond and shinning pearl came out so good... the cartridge the game wasnt even complete, you have to download patches to get the complete product(just like most games today i guess), then they did the bare minimum with new stuff, didnt include platinum content, the over-world graphics are a joke even lets go looks 10 times better...

Say all you want about gamefreak but at-least we got a finished game not needing a patch for even music or intro or credits and such...

It wasnt made by GF and its the worst pokemon remake of all time did it do any good to give it to an outside studio? i dont think so.

Almost every game ip when it goes from the home studios to outside studios it goes to shit, very very rarely an outside studio that had nothing to do with the previous games ever produces anything worthy.
Last edited by pedro702,


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2018
yeah because brilliant diamond and shinning pearl came out so good... the cartridge the game wasnt even complete, you have to download patches to get the complete product(just like most games today i guess), then they did the bare minimum with new stuff, didnt include platinum content, the over-world graphics are a joke even lets go looks 10 times better...

Say all you want about gamefreak but at-least we got a finished game not needing a patch for even music or intro or credits and such...

It wasnt made by GF and its the worst pokemon remake of all time did it do any good to give it to an outside studio? i dont think so.

Almost every game ip when it goes from the home studios to outside studios it goes to shit, very very rarely an outside studio that had nothing to do with the previous games ever produces anything worthy.
That's funny because you think you made a point.
Did I said that the remakes were good ? I didn't. They are beyond disappointing. I just said that I support having the mainline games being developped by some other studio other than Game Freak, not saying that I would support them if they are garbage and made by an inexperienced studio who just made mobile games or stuff like that.

Because yes, Sword and Shield are garbage. People just buy Pokémon games because they want their dose of Pokémon. People can do whatever they fuck with their money but I'm tired of pretending like it wouldn't get better if people weren't buying the games despite Masuda blatantly lying to our faces, like « they didn't had the time to remake the models » or shit like that, or his talk about how kids don't like hard games or they'll play on their phone so they make the game even easier so they stick to Pokémon. People got angry at the pokedex thing and yet they still bought it day one, what a shame. Spending money is basically a vote. You spend money on something ? Even if you don't like it, it doesn't matter, you still bought it. That's why there are still so many Call of Duty games and they are still going to sell one « new » game every year filled with MTX despite people it's always the same, because people are still buying because they need their dose of Call of Duty, just like fans of Pokémon do.

Also that last paragraph is complete non-sense. Remember Street of Rage 4 ? Developped by people who literally didn't had anything to do with the whole franchise. Metroid Prime ? Same thing and somehow they managed to make one of the greatest games ever made. Prey ? Great reboot honestly. Didn't played Demon's Souls remake but I've heard some good stuff about it. Metroid Dread is also freaking great and that's just a few examples. So it's as stupid as saying that keeping a franchise to a single company will prevent them from doing shit, that's just bollocks.

So yeah, Sword and Shield, finished games ? Eh, not too sure about that honestly. Barely any content, cut « classic » pokémons just to drop a few in dlcs in order to make it feel like the dlcs are more worth than they really are, runs so poorly it's actually insulting, I wouldn't call that finished and polished. But yeah the remake of DP is shameful, glad to see that some are aware of that, actually the game data between Diamond and Pearl are the exact same except for a single flag which will depend on the version you have bought. So technically ... Diamond and Pearl are the exact same game, when you bought a Diamond cartridge, you also bought the Pearl cart.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
That's funny because you think you made a point.
Did I said that the remakes were good ? I didn't. They are beyond disappointing. I just said that I support having the mainline games being developped by some other studio other than Game Freak, not saying that I would support them if they are garbage and made by an inexperienced studio who just made mobile games or stuff like that.

Because yes, Sword and Shield are garbage. People just buy Pokémon games because they want their dose of Pokémon. People can do whatever they fuck with their money but I'm tired of pretending like it wouldn't get better if people weren't buying the games despite Masuda blatantly lying to our faces, like « they didn't had the time to remake the models » or shit like that, or his talk about how kids don't like hard games or they'll play on their phone so they make the game even easier so they stick to Pokémon. People got angry at the pokedex thing and yet they still bought it day one, what a shame. Spending money is basically a vote. You spend money on something ? Even if you don't like it, it doesn't matter, you still bought it. That's why there are still so many Call of Duty games and they are still going to sell one « new » game every year filled with MTX despite people it's always the same, because people are still buying because they need their dose of Call of Duty, just like fans of Pokémon do.

Also that last paragraph is complete non-sense. Remember Street of Rage 4 ? Developped by people who literally didn't had anything to do with the whole franchise. Metroid Prime ? Same thing and somehow they managed to make one of the greatest games ever made. Prey ? Great reboot honestly. Didn't played Demon's Souls remake but I've heard some good stuff about it. Metroid Dread is also freaking great and that's just a few examples. So it's as stupid as saying that keeping a franchise to a single company will prevent them from doing shit, that's just bollocks.

So yeah, Sword and Shield, finished games ? Eh, not too sure about that honestly. Barely any content, cut « classic » pokémons just to drop a few in dlcs in order to make it feel like the dlcs are more worth than they really are, runs so poorly it's actually insulting, I wouldn't call that finished and polished. But yeah the remake of DP is shameful, glad to see that some are aware of that, actually the game data between Diamond and Pearl are the exact same except for a single flag which will depend on the version you have bought. So technically ... Diamond and Pearl are the exact same game, when you bought a Diamond cartridge, you also bought the Pearl cart.
funny you only see the good games when they switch devs but not the dozens of them that failed for each of those case in point just recently gta trilogy.

GF already allowed lots of companys do those spin off experiments with pokemon, heck it has been like 20 years+ of spin offs not made by game freak and barely anyone cares about them, i would say the only renamed ones that people wanted more of were, Pokemon colosseum/XD,Snap(and the sequel was pretty meh by namco bandai tbh) and some mystery dungeon games, the rest of them people preety much forgot about by now and made no impact.

Again letting another company do it brings no guarantees that it would be better at all, alt east we know gf has some track record of sorts even if they dropped the ball on 2 or 3 games.

The only reason a company lets another studio take an IP is when the ip is failling to sell and isnt generating revenue.
Why would GF stop making pokemon games when they sell over 20 millions? that would be a very bad business strategy since its basically their only income, they make a few tiny games here and there but those dont pay the bills.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2018
funny you only see the good games when they switch devs but not the dozens of them that failed for each of those case in point just recently gta trilogy.
Nice strawman. You are the one claiming that « Almost every game ip when it goes from the home studios to outside studios it goes to shit, very very rarely an outside studio that had nothing to do with the previous games ever produces anything worthy. »
I just proved you wrong. I never said that it would always go right. And again, you use a shitty example : GTA Trilogy got handled to a society experienced in making mobile ports, not remasters or original games. It's literally the problem with the DP remakes, they were handled to a company who wouldn't have the skills to make it right to basically make it ez and cheap and grab all the money they could with it. Please stop trying to put words into my mouth, it won't fool anyone.

GF already allowed lots of companys do those spin off experiments with pokemon, heck it has been like 20 years+ of spin offs not made by game freak and barely anyone cares about them, i would say the only renamed ones that people wanted more of were, Pokemon colosseum/XD,Snap(and the sequel was pretty meh by namco bandai tbh) and some mystery dungeon games, the rest of them people preety much forgot about by now and made no impact.
I think people do care about Pokémon spin offs. Pokémon Ranger did pretty good, mystery dungeon did too since they remade the original on Switch and it's been there for a while, never really liked Snap tbh but seems that it got a lot of fans, Stadium and the one on Wii have many many fans but now that the games are on Switch there's not the dichotomy between handled RPG games and home consoles with good graphics and animations but people are still asking for a Stadium-like game or at least good graphics and animations in a Pokemon game just like it felt great to see your favorite Pokemon battling in 3D on Stadium
But I'm only talking about pretty old spin-offs. There's Pokemon Unite atm which yes, nobody talks about it anymore because ... it released, but I'm sure there are a shit ton of kids playing this pay to win thing on their console. Pokken is a misfortune, they really missed the mark and the story behind the game is a bit weird but it had it's fans and could have done better but it didn't, true.
Oh and your mom probably played Pokémon Go on her phone and caught some Pokémon while sitting on the toilets. You are only talking about Colosseum, XD and Snap because those are only what you know.
Basically, saying that nobody cares about spin-offs is just ... wrong. Idk what else to say. That's bollocks. Otherwise they wouldn't make so many spin offs with so many developpers wanting to make Pokemon games because it would sell easily.
Again letting another company do it brings no guarantees that it would be better at all, alt east we know gf has some track record of sorts even if they dropped the ball on 2 or 3 games.
Yeah that's basically what I've said. There's no guarantee on it but you know, when you give a franchise to a company and make sure they can do something good, then they'll probably do something good. If you do it like Game Freak did with the remakes and Rockstar/T2 with GTA Trilogy, or even Blizzard with Warcraft 3 Reforged, a.i make it cheap as fuck in order to get as much money as you can because it'll sell thanks to it's title, then yeah it's going to be shit.
The only reason a company lets another studio take an IP is when the ip is failling to sell and isnt generating revenue.
Idk what to say, that's just bollocks.
Why would GF stop making pokemon games when they sell over 20 millions? that would be a very bad business strategy since its basically their only income, they make a few tiny games here and there but those dont pay the bills.
Well yeah they absolutely shouldn't stop because so far it's the only way for them to keep getting away with doing shit games. We saw what they could do with Little Town Hero or something, and nobody bought it despite the « oh it's made by Game Freak, they aren't making a Pokémon game this time !!! And there are music from Toby Fox !!!!! Please play it !!!!! » and nobody played it because it was garbage and didn't had the Pokemon logo on it.

I'm saying that as a consumer, we have an incentive to have Pokemon games being developped by a game studio who doesn't produce shit games. Matsuda is an incompetent and do not understand why people like Pokémon, why kids like video games, his interest isn't to make good pokemon games for kids nor adults, it's to make things easy to keep things afloat and run away when it'll be over. Saying that « kids would stop playing if it was too difficult and play on their smartphone » would genuinely feel insulting if I was a parent.

I literally do not know any person who wouldn't be interested in playing a great Pokemon game, an ambitious one, with a lot of talented people invested in it, with lot of means put into it. A triple A Pokémon game if you will. And most of the people I know are gamers, with very varied interests. Some are more into Playstation, others into PC games, more or less casual, some very competitive, some Nintendo stuff or into japanese things. Literally, NO ONE said no to a hypothetical triple A Pokemon game up to the standards of today.
No, instead Game Freak prefer to work on multiple titles instead of doing something that would make anyone speechless. They literally have the biggest crossmedia franchise ever, on their hands. It turns shit into gold, they could just do something so much better. But nope, if you can make shit and turn it into gold, why would they bother trying even harder ? Well actually there are reasons to bother ... But it takes efforts that Game Freak doesn't really seem to be able to pull off.
I'm kinda harsh, because obviously they seem to try harder with Legends Arceus, and I do hope it's genuinely good, but the game still looks like horse shit, it's washed out, it's so ugly and that's not even because the Switch isn't powerful, it's because they don't know how to work with the lights, or colors. Breath of the Wild looked way better and it had an amazing art style, and in comparision it doesn't even compete because they don't have the actual human ressources and talent to work properly and make a genuine great game, they just make something that's good enough to sell and keep trying to push the boundaries even further to see how far they could go. Cuz you know .... Getting those 3D models into the cartridge in SWSH is pretty damn hard, or maybe they wanted to cheap out on the cartridge, that's unlikely but who knows.

Now I'm not going to argue further. That's already SO FUCKING LONG and I don't know if you know about Brandolini's law, but basically whatever you say I'll have to take 10 times the time and energy to contradict it and honestly I don't wanna bother taking this shit any longer, strawmen aren't hard to take down but it takes time.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
Nice strawman. You are the one claiming that « Almost every game ip when it goes from the home studios to outside studios it goes to shit, very very rarely an outside studio that had nothing to do with the previous games ever produces anything worthy. »
I just proved you wrong. I never said that it would always go right. And again, you use a shitty example : GTA Trilogy got handled to a society experienced in making mobile ports, not remasters or original games. It's literally the problem with the DP remakes, they were handled to a company who wouldn't have the skills to make it right to basically make it ez and cheap and grab all the money they could with it. Please stop trying to put words into my mouth, it won't fool anyone.

I think people do care about Pokémon spin offs. Pokémon Ranger did pretty good, mystery dungeon did too since they remade the original on Switch and it's been there for a while, never really liked Snap tbh but seems that it got a lot of fans, Stadium and the one on Wii have many many fans but now that the games are on Switch there's not the dichotomy between handled RPG games and home consoles with good graphics and animations but people are still asking for a Stadium-like game or at least good graphics and animations in a Pokemon game just like it felt great to see your favorite Pokemon battling in 3D on Stadium
But I'm only talking about pretty old spin-offs. There's Pokemon Unite atm which yes, nobody talks about it anymore because ... it released, but I'm sure there are a shit ton of kids playing this pay to win thing on their console. Pokken is a misfortune, they really missed the mark and the story behind the game is a bit weird but it had it's fans and could have done better but it didn't, true.
Oh and your mom probably played Pokémon Go on her phone and caught some Pokémon while sitting on the toilets. You are only talking about Colosseum, XD and Snap because those are only what you know.
Basically, saying that nobody cares about spin-offs is just ... wrong. Idk what else to say. That's bollocks. Otherwise they wouldn't make so many spin offs with so many developpers wanting to make Pokemon games because it would sell easily.

Yeah that's basically what I've said. There's no guarantee on it but you know, when you give a franchise to a company and make sure they can do something good, then they'll probably do something good. If you do it like Game Freak did with the remakes and Rockstar/T2 with GTA Trilogy, or even Blizzard with Warcraft 3 Reforged, a.i make it cheap as fuck in order to get as much money as you can because it'll sell thanks to it's title, then yeah it's going to be shit.

Idk what to say, that's just bollocks.

Well yeah they absolutely shouldn't stop because so far it's the only way for them to keep getting away with doing shit games. We saw what they could do with Little Town Hero or something, and nobody bought it despite the « oh it's made by Game Freak, they aren't making a Pokémon game this time !!! And there are music from Toby Fox !!!!! Please play it !!!!! » and nobody played it because it was garbage and didn't had the Pokemon logo on it.

I'm saying that as a consumer, we have an incentive to have Pokemon games being developped by a game studio who doesn't produce shit games. Matsuda is an incompetent and do not understand why people like Pokémon, why kids like video games, his interest isn't to make good pokemon games for kids nor adults, it's to make things easy to keep things afloat and run away when it'll be over. Saying that « kids would stop playing if it was too difficult and play on their smartphone » would genuinely feel insulting if I was a parent.

I literally do not know any person who wouldn't be interested in playing a great Pokemon game, an ambitious one, with a lot of talented people invested in it, with lot of means put into it. A triple A Pokémon game if you will. And most of the people I know are gamers, with very varied interests. Some are more into Playstation, others into PC games, more or less casual, some very competitive, some Nintendo stuff or into japanese things. Literally, NO ONE said no to a hypothetical triple A Pokemon game up to the standards of today.
No, instead Game Freak prefer to work on multiple titles instead of doing something that would make anyone speechless. They literally have the biggest crossmedia franchise ever, on their hands. It turns shit into gold, they could just do something so much better. But nope, if you can make shit and turn it into gold, why would they bother trying even harder ? Well actually there are reasons to bother ... But it takes efforts that Game Freak doesn't really seem to be able to pull off.
I'm kinda harsh, because obviously they seem to try harder with Legends Arceus, and I do hope it's genuinely good, but the game still looks like horse shit, it's washed out, it's so ugly and that's not even because the Switch isn't powerful, it's because they don't know how to work with the lights, or colors. Breath of the Wild looked way better and it had an amazing art style, and in comparision it doesn't even compete because they don't have the actual human ressources and talent to work properly and make a genuine great game, they just make something that's good enough to sell and keep trying to push the boundaries even further to see how far they could go. Cuz you know .... Getting those 3D models into the cartridge in SWSH is pretty damn hard, or maybe they wanted to cheap out on the cartridge, that's unlikely but who knows.

Now I'm not going to argue further. That's already SO FUCKING LONG and I don't know if you know about Brandolini's law, but basically whatever you say I'll have to take 10 times the time and energy to contradict it and honestly I don't wanna bother taking this shit any longer, strawmen aren't hard to take down but it takes time.
damn what a huge reply damn, and i did read the whole thing lol, and the only thing i gotta say is you need to give time for GF to adapt to making 3d games, they are new to it and i bet understaffed for such ambitions that you are calling out, do remenber gf was manly a portable game developer up until 5 years ago, which means they did have small teams and did stuff with lower quality due to being at the mercy of handhelds.

They will take their time to adapt, im sure by switch 2 they will have the hang of it, and they were trying like you said to focus on only one project, that is why they outsourced the dp remake instead of doing it themselves, i see them trying alot to make legends be their best work, i dont see how the game is ugly on any way, its probably the most detailed 3d official pokemon game ever made(not that is saying much) but its better than swsh by alot.

i just think you are too unfair to a company that up until 5 years ago only made portable games for more than 20 years and want them to get it right on their first attempt on a more ambitious game style they never tried before.heck this will be their first open world 3d game, so their engine probably still needs alot of tweaking, i hope this game outsells swsh, so they choose a diferent root for the franchise going forward and keep on working on that open world 3d engine and improving it.

Deleted member 577889

Active Member
Dec 31, 2021
United States
This looks pretty bad, to be honest. Kirby games were always this way, but putting Kirby in 3D just makes it so much more noticeable - the world is empty, lacks interaction, full of scripts and the AI is dumb. It looks alright, nothing special visually.

Pokemon Arceus, on the other hand, did impress me. It looks bad technically, but they're trying. Gameplay is something new and the devs seem to be fully aware of the limitations. If they'll figure out a way to make the game seem less lonely (maybe the online ghosts again?), it'll be even better.

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