Know your Temps: Densetsu

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Pubic Ninja
Former Staff
Feb 2, 2008
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United States
Hum.. Another one. =O

Do you know Santa's real identity?
Of course I do. We're all part of a ninja network, and Santa is one of the greatest ninjas of all time. I don't know of any other ninja who can infiltrate any building, leave an assload of stuff, escape undetected, and do it to every single home in the world, all in one night. He does it while wearing a bright-ass red suit and he still doesn't get caught. It's like he's saying "look at me, I don't even have to try to hide because I'm AWESOME like that!" That's speed, efficiency, and skill rolled up into a ball of jolliness. That' :ninja:

His Japanese name is ??.
? = san = "coming," as in "He's coming to town."
? = ta = "plump," as in "He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf."
What's your real city in Japan?
I lived in Kamiishizu (???). It's not a city, but a small town with about 6000 people in it. If you've seen My Neighbor Totoro or any of Miyazaki's films, my town looked exactly like how Miyazaki depicts them. Here are some pics I took while walking around my neighborhood when I first moved there (you can also see a pic of me at a tea ceremony somewhere in that album). The awesome thing about this town is that it's close to Nagoya, which is on the Tokaido line. Using the Tokaido it's easy to get to Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka and Kobe with the bullet train. A few pics of the house I used to stay in.

Do you like pizza?
Yep. I like grilled chicken with fresh or sundried tomatoes, either with green pesto sauce or white garlic sauce.

Can you fallen asleep while standing? (well, you're a ninja) o.O
I did that once while standing in a train. And I sleep a lot while sitting because I get so little sleep.

Do you know how to use sai?
No, but you should ask @Phoenix Goddess. If I'm Michaelangelo, she's Raphael.

Whats your fave genre in games?
I used to love JRPGs back in the day, but now I'm liking the more open-ended WRPGs like Fallout and Skyrim. I also love survival horror and tactical espionage action.

Whats your fave game series?
That's a tough one. I love Mass Effect, MGS, Resident Evil, Elder Scrolls, GTA and Zelda. For retro series it would be Final Fantasy, Golden Sun, Megaman and Dragon Warrior. For the DS I like Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright.

Doesn't it feel awesome being able to play any game that comes out in Japan without needing to wait for a translation?
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Tom Bombadildo

Dick, With Balls
Jul 11, 2009
I forgot
United States
What do you think of me?
Umm...really all of the questions I've had have been already answered...hmm...
Favorite fruit?
Favorite vegetable?
Favorite English word?
Favorite Japanese word?
Hrrm...I suppose that's all for now.


Pubic Ninja
Former Staff
Feb 2, 2008
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United States
Konnichiwa! :ninja:

What do you think of me?
You're a funny guy :D

Umm...really all of the questions I've had have been already answered...hmm...

Favorite fruit?
Mikan. But only the really juicy and sweet ones with a peel that comes off easily.

Favorite vegetable?
Daikon. If you shred it with a grater, squeeze some goma dressing on it, sprinkle some shredded nori and crispy noodles on top of it...*drools*
Daikon salad is absolutely my favorite salad.

Favorite English word?
Does "jabberwocky" count? What about "jambalaya?" If not, then I guess..."petechiae."

Favorite Japanese word?
Hmmmm, that's a toughie. I like "dekoboko" because the kanji looks like Tetris blocks that fit together 凸凹. It means "rough" or "bumpy." I also like the kanji 政 because when you write it, it feels very...symmetrical. I don't know, the stroke order for that character just flows really well. I can't really explain it what I mean, but anyone who knows anything about kanji stroke order would understand exactly what I'm talking about. Not just Japanese people, but Chinese as well. I know there are a bunch of others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

Hrrm...I suppose that's all for now.
Thank you, come again :)

Bye :)

Chhotu uttam

Dec 6, 2010

Who are you -
A doctor?
A ninja?
A ninja who uses Alien laptops?
or someone else?

Is your katana a toy? :tpi:
have you ever tried using it scratch your back :ninja:
If yes,how does it feels :creep:
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Vulpes Abnocto

Not Dead Yet
Former Staff
Jun 24, 2008
United States
What prompted you to begin studying medicine?

What animal do you most identify with?

Given absolute freedom of choice, where would you live? (Not only a place, but also a terrain.)

What words of wisdom do you live by?

If you were to be granted a super power of your choosing, what would it be?

What are some things you find to be breathtakingly beautiful?

If you ever find yourself in North Georgia, are we going to go sing karaoke?


Dec 8, 2010
Kuala lumpur?
What do you think of me?

What do you think of Black Rock Shooter?

What do you think You will do in the next few years?

What do you think is your purpose in life?

What do you think about?

What do you think about your Prowler? :P

What do you think about Money?

What do you think about Costello?

What do you think about anime in general?

Which one would you rather see Ben 10 or Ultraman?


Pubic Ninja
Former Staff
Feb 2, 2008
Wouldn't YOU like to know?
United States

Who are you -

A doctor?
Not yet. I wish.

A ninja?

A ninja who uses Alien laptops?
Yes. Alien technology.

or someone else?
Is your katana a toy? :tpi:
It's not authentic, but it's still sharp and dangerous.

have you ever tried using it scratch your back :ninja:

If yes,how does it feels :creep:
See above.
What prompted you to begin studying medicine?
My mom has two care homes, one for the the developmentally disabled, and another for the elderly. Since I was 10 years old I have helped out at both care homes. I can't even tell you how many adult diapers I've changed, how many bedpans I've cleaned, how much vomit and drool I've had to wipe up, but taking care of people was just something I was raised to do. I've also seen my fair share of death (not just among family and friends, but also among residents in the elderly care home), so I always wished there was something I could do to preserve life. Medicine has given me the opportunity to do so. I'd like to be able to come home from work knowing that "I saved someone's life today" or "I really made a difference in someone's life for the better." The pay is good, too, but that's really just the icing on the cake. People who go into medicine for the money usually find themselves jaded after several years.
What animal do you most identify with?
You know, I've never really given it much thought. I guess I would identify with the honey badger. Because honey badger don't care, honey badger don't give a shit.

Given absolute freedom of choice, where would you live? (Not only a place, but also a terrain.)
It's a toss-up between a private lodge in a mountain forest or in a house with an oceanfront view. I love being surrounded by nature.

What words of wisdom do you live by?
Hmm...never pick your nose while driving. First, you're essentially in a transparent bubble and everyone can see you. Second, and even more compelling, is that if you were to get involved in a collision, your finger could end up in your brain.

If you were to be granted a super power of your choosing, what would it be?
I mentioned three of them in my answer to Hydreigon's "three wishes" question (see above). Of the three, I'd probably choose the first one (the ability to instantly absorb knowledge through touch).

What are some things you find to be breathtakingly beautiful?
You mean besides the female form? :creep:
I mentioned nature above, but just to give you another insight to my thoughts:
The more I learn about the different physiological systems of the human body, the more amazed I am at how everything just works. I think it's beautiful how it all comes together. If only there were a way to overcome the Hayflick limit, it would be nearly perfect.

If you ever find yourself in North Georgia, are we going to go sing karaoke?
Hell yeah!
What do you think of me?
You're pretty coo' :)

What do you think of Black Rock Shooter?
I've never seen it.

What do you think You will do in the next few years?
I'll be finishing up school and interviewing for residency positions at hospitals.

What do you think is your purpose in life?
To save lives without having to engage in combat :ninja:
Sure, ninjas are trained to fight, but they'd rather avoid confrontations if possible.

What do you think about?
I think about lots of things. You'd have to be more specific than that.

What do you think about your Prowler? :P
I don't own a Prowler.

What do you think about Money?
It's good stuff, but as long as you've got your basic needs covered there certainly are plenty of things more important (and more enjoyable) than money.

What do you think about Costello?
Awesome guy, and after learning something @The Catboy told me recently, I've gained even more respect for Costello.

What do you think about anime in general?
I watched it a lot back in the early 1990's before it became mainstream. Now I don't watch it much anymore. All of the anime that I really like are based on manga that I've already read a long time ago.

Which one would you rather see Ben 10 or Ultraman?
I've never seen Ben 10 before so I guess I'd give it a try. Ultraman is a little too 60's-campy for my tastes.
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Dec 8, 2010
Kuala lumpur?
What? Why does everyone doesn't know about Black Rock Shooter???

Well other than that like your answers.
Just one more question I forgot to ask behold a serious one towards a wise man, What do you think can prevent war from happening on earth?


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2008
The internet
Are you in secret a ninja turtle together with phoenix Goddess? :D

Also you have a lot of 3DS's, why?

Would you like to add me on your 3DS with the friendcodes stuff?

Also I left some space for your answers. ;P


Pubic Ninja
Former Staff
Feb 2, 2008
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United States
[title:Densetsu says:]
What? Why does everyone doesn't know about Black Rock Shooter???
Well since you mentioned it, I'll give it a watch sometime. When I have more time :unsure:

Well other than that like your answers.
I'm glad you approve :)

Just one more question I forgot to ask behold a serious one towards a wise man, What do you think can prevent war from happening on earth?
Honestly, I don't think war will ever stop. As a species we're driven by greed and ambition, no matter how altruistic people think they are. It's how we've survived, but it will also lead to our demise. The only thing that would stop humans from fighting each other and have them start seeing each other as the same, would be if we were threatened by a different species of intelligent lifeform. You see, we can't get rid of our hatred, but we can at least divert it towards something else. Probably won't happen in our lifetime, if ever.

My theory is that this is why there are no other Homo species left on this world besides us. If you thought Hitler was bad, I'd bet my money that before humans learned how to write, Homo sapiens actively hunted down and exterminated all other Homo species in a mass "cleansing" the likes of which has never been recorded in history. They would have done this because they deemed the other subspecies "smart" enough to be a "threat."
Because it's you, I decided to post :)
D'awwww, thanks :wub:

There's really only one question I can think of right now: What would make you quit or give up doing Japanese to English translations?
Well, lack of time is a huge hindrance to doing any translations. But I'm assuming you're asking me what would it take for me to lose my love for translating? If that's the case, I think I would have to stop loving the Japanese language. The only way that would happen is if they started incorporating more and more foreign words and if the Ministry of Education continued to make cuts to the official list of kanji.

Just one of many examples of what I'm talking about: one time, I was teaching some Japanese kids the colors in English. I showed them the color purple, and one little girl said パープル (paapuru) and I said "That's right! Murasaki." And the kids asked me "What's murasaki?" I facepalmed. Japanese people use the word "paapuru" so much that kids in Japan are forgetting that "murasaki" is the actual Japanese word for "purple." Why would they use an English-sounding word when they already had a perfectly-functional Japanese word for the same thing? I'm worried about Japanese words being increasingly replaced by foreign words.

After WWII the Ministry of Education struck tons of kanji from the official kanji education list, so they don't exist anymore except in old historical documents and books written before WWII. I don't want them to make anymore cuts like that--it would just be sad. I believe that with every kanji that dies out, a tiny piece of their culture and history dies along with it. And I really hope they don't follow China's example and adopt "simplified" kanji in an effort to "streamline" the language even further.

My greatest fear is that in 100 years the Japanese language will be so diluted with foreign words and so few kanji (and maybe even contain simplified kanji) that it won't resemble anything like it is today. But that wouldn't happen in my lifetime so I don't think there's anything that would make me stop loving the language.

Also, as long as there are people who think it's OK to use machine translators to "translate" games, I'm going to want to prove them wrong.

So there's nothing that would make me stop wanting to translate :P
No worries ^_^
Are you in secret a ninja turtle together with phoenix Goddess? :D

Also you have a lot of 3DS's, why?
Most of them belong to my friend (the red one and four Zelda ones). I opened one for myself, and I'm still deciding what to do with the other two. Maybe I'll give them away and/or hold on to them for a while to sell later.

Would you like to add me on your 3DS with the friendcodes stuff?
Sure, but I don't have my 3DS with me. I took those pictures in CA when I was home for the holidays, and I had a lot of fun hanging out with friends and family so when it was time for me to fly back to start school, I kind of...forgot to pack until the last minute. I was rushing to pack and I completely forgot to bring my 3DS back with me. It's still at home :cry: But I guess that's just as well. It would have been another thing to take my time away. In fact, the reason my 3DS games are still sealed is because I can't play them anyway.

Also I left some space for your answers. ;P
Thanks, I made my own spaces :P

Gundam Eclipse

True Demon Route
Sep 23, 2008
Vortex World
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Can you ninja snatch a copy of Skyrim on Steam for me? : D

What kind of food do you like best? If you are non vegetarian, are you comfortable with vegetarian stuff as well?
Ever eaten Indian fewd? :3

Phoenix Goddess

The Ninja's Protégée
Apr 25, 2009
Away from civilization.
United States
Ohohoho, my turn! :ha:
There isn't much to ask you here that I haven't asked you via PM, but since it's you, I'll ask you some questions here!

Did you ever get frustrated when you were learning or improving your Japanese?

What annoys you the most about being in the medical field and why?

What makes you proud to be in the medical field?

What are your thoughts on doctors who cares more about the money than the patients?

What made you want to be a ninja?

What's your favorite thing about the Japanese culture?

Should people who use machine translators call themselves translators? Why or why not?

If there was one thing during your Japanese studies that you wish you spent more time on, what would it be?

What is the best way for a person to study Kanji(in context, in isolation, etc.), grammar, and slang?

What made you go into the medical field?

Would you use robotic equipment made for medical use?

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GBAtemp's Kpop lover!
Mar 15, 2009
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Can you give the best and funniest picture you have avaible on your computer right now? Like right naw!

Your opinion of him? vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv


Pubic Ninja
Former Staff
Feb 2, 2008
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United States
Can you ninja snatch a copy of Skyrim on Steam for me? : D
Ninjas are mercenaries. They offer their services to the highest bidder. If it's going to cost you more for me to ninja a copy of Skyrim than it would for you to just buy it, there would be no point.

What kind of food do you like best? If you are non vegetarian, are you comfortable with vegetarian stuff as well?
I love all kinds of food, so it's difficult to say which one I like best. I answered "Probably sushi" in a previous question on this KYT, but that's because it was the first thing that came to mind that I really love. A close second would be dim sum. You dim sum, you win some. But I do love pizza, fried chicken, and various ethnic cuisines. I am not a vegetarian, but I eat vegetarian foods. I recently had a vegan burger, and surprisingly it was really good. I was impressed.

Ever eaten Indian fewd? :3
I love Indian food. I like vegetable pakoras, paneer pakoras, sag paneer, chicken makhani, and all that good stuff. Oh and I love kheer. Like tapioca. Yum. If I had to become a vegetarian, Indian food would definitely be the way to go.
Ohohoho, my turn! :ha:
It would seem it is :ha:

There isn't much to ask you here that I haven't asked you via PM, but since it's you, I'll ask you some questions here!
Ok :ninja:

Did you ever get frustrated when you were learning or improving your Japanese?
Countless times. I still do, but at least I have all the resources I need to figure out whatever isn't immediately apparent to me.

What annoys you the most about being in the medical field and why?
Oh wow, that would be a giant rant in and of itself. Just ONE of the many things I can talk about, is how annoyed I am by the way (US) administrations run their (US) hospitals like businesses. Sure, they have to make money to keep the hospitals running, but the board of directors make a ridiculous amount of money for what they do. They turn away people who need life-saving treatment because even if they can save the person, it would come at such a great cost to them (the hospital, not the patient) that they won't be able to buy that extra Ferrari that they wanted, or they'd have to wait another year to get it. So they essentially sign death sentences and get paid tons of money to do it. And doctors can't do a damn thing about it because they're peons. The only way to fix our broken-ass system is to get some actual MDs to run for Congress so they can make more educated decisions than the stupid, greedy old fucks who currently run it. Medical ethics is the subject of a lot of my rants and I could spend all day writing about all the things that piss me off about the medical field and its politics, but I won't for lack of time.
What makes you proud to be in the medical field?
Well, there's nothing like medicine. If you think about it, it's pretty crazy what a doctor is allowed to do. They're allowed to stick needles in people and cut them open. Anyone else would go to prison for assault with a deadly weapon. Physicians are allowed to prescribe medicine. Anyone else would be locked up for sale of illegal narcotics. People will take off their clothes, bare their souls to their doctors, tell them their innermost secrets, and are willing to allow the doctor to see them in their most vulnerable state. Anyone else would go to jail for sexual harassment or worse. And yet people go to doctors all the time and allow them to do these things. The reason why is that they trust doctors. It's a privileged position to be in, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility.

The idea that you can go to see a complete stranger, and that stranger tells you "Alright, we're going to cut you open, dig around your insides, sew you back up, give you some potentially poisonous chemicals to ingest, and you're going to be ok," and for it to be safe--no other profession in the world will allow you to do any of that legally. So I'm proud of the training that I'm receiving and still have yet to receive, and I'm proud of the fact that a stranger will be able to trust me with his life because he knows that I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure it's safe. It's a pretty good feeling.
What are your thoughts on doctors who cares more about the money than the patients?
Well, I can't judge them for wanting to make a good living. After all, doctors do undergo some of the most rigorous academic learning in the world. Not to mention they get treated like shit by more experienced doctors during residency. Residents (doctors in training) work 110 hours a week, sleep 3-4 hours a day and get paid $45,000 a year, for up to 6 years, while being screamed at and threatened by their attending physicians (basically their teacher/boss) every day. It's easy for someone who just went through that kind of program to feel like they deserve to be paid well. The people who care more about money go into surgery (especially orthopedics), radiology or anesthesiology because their patients are usually out cold (or they never see the patient) and they don't have to actually deal with the patient other than treat their specific problem. To each his own, I guess. I'm going into primary care, which is the lowest-compensated field of medicine. But I'm willing to take a pay cut because my knowledge will be much broader. I want to have a broad knowledge and not specialize because I want to be able to give medical advice to anyone who asks--you know, like my friends, my parents, family members, etc. I can't help my friend with his high cholesterol if I'm a neurosurgeon. Sure I'd get paid more as a neurosurgeon, but I'd prefer to be able to keep more people alive with general preventive medicine. It's easier to prevent a problem than to fix it once it's started.
What made you want to be a ninja?
Why wouldn't I want to be a ninja? They're awesome! But to tell you the truth, @Toni Plutonij was the one who built my ninja persona up on the 'Temp. He made the avatar I'm using now, and he's the one who suggested to the other staff to give me a custom GBAtemp Ninja group and icon (which has since been removed due to too many n00bz PMing Costello "i can haz speshuhl group too?" Fuck you very much, n00bz :glare:) But if you're reading this Toni, thanks buddy. For everything.

What's your favorite thing about the Japanese culture?
That's another hard question. I can tell you one thing I love about Japanese culture is how they incorporate the four seasons into everything. Every time Japan enters a new season, everything changes. The fashion changes, the music on the radio changes (hot beats in the summer, lonely ballads in the winter), Starbucks puts out different seasonal drinks (sakura and matcha drinks in the spring), the mood and the whole atmosphere changes along with the temperature and the colors of nature. It's great. But honestly I could write a whole novel answering this question.

Should people who use machine translators call themselves translators? Why or why not?
Hell no! :angry: As a fellow 'Temp translator put it, "If those people are using machine translators and saying they're "translating," what the hell are WE doing then?!"

If there was one thing during your Japanese studies that you wish you spent more time on, what would it be?
I spent so much time on the input skills (listening and reading), but not nearly enough time on output skills (speaking and writing). I'm OK with speaking, but I wish I could be more fluid with it. And my writing has gone to crap. I won't be able to do anything about it until I finish school.

What is the best way for a person to study Kanji(in context, in isolation, etc.), grammar, and slang?
I can't recommend studying kanji in isolation. Context is the way to go. In fact, rather than study vocabulary words, I would say study entire sentences. But in order to get to that point, you have to have a somewhat firm grasp of kanji, so start with vocab and then make your way to sentences. For slang just read a lot of current manga in Japanese, then watch anime in Japanese so you can get used to hearing what it sounds like (without subs--you really need to train your ears and not cheat by looking at subs). The only better thing than that would be to make friends with Japanese people and hang out with them all the time. For grammar, you just need the basics down, and then you can pick up new grammar as you encounter it. When you do encounter new grammar, just look it up in any textbook and make a note of it. And read, read, READ! I'm talking about actual physical copies of Japanese novels. Start with something like Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia in Japanese.
What made you go into the medical field?
I chose medical school because they told me "ninja" is unrealistic.
[title:Densetsu says:] :tpi:
See my answer to Vulpes' question above.
Would you use robotic equipment made for medical use?
Absolutely! Make me a robot that can diagnose patients with 99.99% accuracy and I'll give you half of my income for 10 years!

ありがとう ^_^
Can you give the best and funniest picture you have avaible on your computer right now? Like right naw!
[title:Densetsu says:]It's probably not THE funniest pic I have right NAO, but it's just what I have on hand at the moment (it was on my Desktop):
Your opinion of him? vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

I heard he's not dead; the great illustrious leader just entered a sleeping contest.


Oct 8, 2010
Anywhere you think of me.
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Boobs man or ass man?
The game you've spent the most time playing is?
What is the most inspirational song you ever heard?
Any quirks that you don't like about yourself?
What is your greatest regret?
What fascinates you the most?
What do you do for a living?
Are you good at what you do?
Your desired career?
Favorite sport?
A movie you'll never forget?
If humans could develop 'powers', how would they go about doing so?
Do you think if we truly believed in magic, we would be able to harness it?
What do you hold dearest to you?
What do you think will happen to us when we die?
Do you believe time bears it all away; the hatred, the sorrow, the regret?
What makes you happy?
What is your dream?
What do you think is your reason for living?
Your philosophy on life?
How many of my questions have already been asked?
Do you think i should read this entire thread?
Do you feel contented with my questions?
What do you want from me?!?


executioner angel
Apr 20, 2010
Tucson, AZ
United States
If you could time travel with your nonphysical consciousness only, to other people's minds... which three people would you go to visit for 24-hour periods of time?
(Rules: You can only talk to them but you cannot control their bodies -- They will hear you as if it is their own voice in their head. Otherwise you are only an observer.)
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