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Let's talk about that federal abortion bill


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Can't wait for the hellworld where people get mad about the race of their baby in a lootbox. Imagine the genetic lottery gachas.

It'd be a good outlet for imaginary racists to outlet their frustrations of not being real.

Why not join the metaverse and find out. We will open your third eye. You will know true truth.
I would but it's Zuckerberg as Chucky offering me the opportunity. Is it safe?


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Oh look, a moved goal post. 99% of all abortions happen before the second trimester, the remaining 1% only happen because the pregnancy becomes unviable during a later trimester. Try coming up with a real argument instead.
Nobody aborts a fetus a day before natural birth, nobody.
Those who speak in absolutes are 99% wrong.
Because that's not how abortions work, at that point it's an induced birth, not an abortion.
I'm confident you will be able to figure out what this means on your own, if not ask planned parenthood.
It's not moving the goalposts when Democrat politicians try to pass laws allowing abortions at 9 months. The left have become too extreme for 75% of the country.
There's enough DNA in every single sperm to make a fully functioning and healthy human, it just needs to be duplicated, it's also distinct from your own DNA and no two of your own sperm have identical DNA strands. And yet even then a full set of DNA inside a zygote doesn't make a human by itself, or right away. Why don't you know how a zygote develops into a fetus and then eventually becomes a person?
A sperm will never grow into anything besides sperm. An egg will never grow into anything other than an egg. An egg fertilized by sperm has all the DNA information it needs to grow.

Once again, what is the difference between a fetus and a person? You can't answer that question and still retain your main argument. That is why you avoid it. You call babies parasites when in reality, babies and the mother live in a symbiotic relationship. Pregnant women have a boosted immune system to protect both mother and child. That is why pregnant women have stronger immune responses to colds and flus. A woman's body will do whatever it takes to protect the life growing inside of her.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
Our forum clown has derailed yet another serious thread. What a surprise.

I'd like to know from pro-lifers and pro-choicers if they would be fine with a limit on the time of the fetus to abort or if you just want to ban/allow any.


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
Keep paddling those waters. Parasite is not a biological term to describe a fetus unless you are being disingenuous and dehumanizing.
Single word confuses person on the internet, causing perceived entitlement to emotional outrage.
Nice back story. I'll wait on a paper describing a fetus as "no more than a parasite that requires a host to exist" from Dr. Fedora. Meanwhile, we can rely on your beliefs.

Haha, you hope.

Not everything you do is from a position of self-loathing. I sincerely believe that you are capable of experiencing bouts of genuine happiness and self-confidence. "Fetuses are parasites" and "I'd forgive my mother for aborting me" are not those moments.
Are you being objective? Did your mother die or live to regret her decision? Feel free to lie to me. Suggesting that you are in a position to react to your mother's decision to abort you bypasses the clear point that abortion does not derive consent from the developing child. By saying you wouldn't be mad, as if you had a choice, you are speaking on behalf of your mother (as if she needed her child's approval, or even worse, your opinion is more important) and yourself as a fetus (and "wholly rational"), and by extension of the argument, other fetuses. You literally aren't being objective, lol. You are trying to bury the more common, and more sincere, talking points.
I wish I could invent meaning as freely from reality as you do from what I say, truly you live in a blessed world of your own creation.
I can live with you thinking that I am "a sad, little man". It's not exactly consistent with how you want to project yourself, but it is totally consistent with the way I have you pegged.
Ah yes, the "No U" defense.
Knowing complex words is different than using them to obfuscate the plain. You don't like the fact that I took issue with specific things that you said, because they are truly embarrassing. Unfortunately, you don't see reward in admitting that you are wrong, and that's not something that I can teach you directly. I have many pearls, but I want to only offer up what would be received. You've already demonstrated that you eat the ones that I do offer.
To you writing in cursive is probably also obfuscation of the plain. If you're happy with making tiny little castles out of small building blocks then by all means, more power to you. Some of us enjoy grander, flowing structures and it's not my fault that it takes you more effort to work your way through it.

Getting to your level is now eating up your pearls of wisdom. Intricacies of language are dead and buried.

If I want to be wrong I'll adopt your stance, I can promise you that much.
That being said, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder share similar genetic etiology. In many forms of diagnoses (keep in mind I provided none), it can be a competition of which is prevalent. Calling a human stage of progeny "parasitic" is plainly sociopathic.
Right, you listened to Jordan Peterson once and saw the inside of a psych 101 classroom in passing and now think the secrets of the human psyche are unraveled to you. Next you'll probably tell me what my lobster birthstone is.
Don't lie. Everyone wants pearls.
You can dispose of your mollusc trash yourself, this is a flint household only.


Objectively the most infuriating woman ever
Jun 26, 2022
Sneed's Feed and Seed
United States
Our forum clown has derailed yet another serious thread. What a surprise.

I'd like to know from pro-lifers and pro-choicers if they would be fine with a limit on the time of the fetus to abort or if you just want to ban/allow any.
I don't really think a hard time limit can actually be set, but ultimately I'd draw the line at the later term. That said, I also know that there's plenty of exception cases, and I don't really feel like it's right for me to restrict when and where someone can have an abortion just because I'm not comfortable with it. That also said, I don't feel right letting people terminate something that's fully grown and a month or so away from delivery.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Single word confuses person on the internet, causing perceived entitlement to emotional outrage.

Yes. The word parasite is so confusing and it traumatizes me. In case you didn't know, I used to be a parasite, but I am happy with my mother not aborting me. She saved my life from her own decisions.

I wish I could invent meaning as freely from reality as you do from what I say, truly you live in a blessed world of your own creation.

You realize you have something to learn. That's progress I guess.

Ah yes, the "No U" defense.

Just a bit more than that. More like, "yes, and..."

To you writing in cursive is probably also obfuscation of the plain. If you're happy with making tiny little castles out of small building blocks then by all means, more power to you. Some of us enjoy grander, flowing structures and it's not my fault that it takes you more effort to work your way through it.

Ah this is where "I wish I could invent meaning as freely from reality as you do from what I say" becomes recursive and unironic.

Getting to your level is now eating up your pearls of wisdom. Intricacies of language are dead and buried.

If I want to be wrong I'll adopt your stance, I can promise you that much.

If you don't remember, it was me who addressed what you said; not the other way around. You set the standard.
You have not yet to explain my stance btw. The best you did was equate me loving babies to hating mothers.

Right, you listened to Jordan Peterson once and saw the inside of a psych 101 classroom in passing and now think the secrets of the human psyche are unraveled to you. Next you'll probably tell me what my lobster birthstone is.

That's interesting. Who is Jordan Peterson? It sounds like you are offended by him (her?). I suppose it would be convenient to you, that traits of the human psyche were a secret.

You can dispose of your mollusc trash yourself, this is a flint household only.

Lol. Even when you jest you reveal your superiority complex.

Now tell me how real you are in your fursona voice.

I like this post specifically because it really shows how bad tabzer is at debate. Pedantry, optics, and personal attacks are the trifecta of his style, no real arguments or rationality though.

You are just jealous. I admit that "snip" really consolidates the message. Pile on coward.
Last edited by tabzer,


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Our forum clown has derailed yet another serious thread. What a surprise.

I'd like to know from pro-lifers and pro-choicers if they would be fine with a limit on the time of the fetus to abort or if you just want to ban/allow any.
I was fine with the way things used to be. Then the left started pushing abortions up until the moment of birth and they lost me and 75% of the country. Even Europe has more limits on abortion than many states here do and the left always say they want to be more like Europe.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
With the left going one extreme and the right going the other, it seems like a good time for a third party.

Nah. I'll just keep voting democrat and pretend democrats will eventually warm up to me.


Objectively the most infuriating woman ever
Jun 26, 2022
Sneed's Feed and Seed
United States
I was fine with the way things used to be. Then the left started pushing abortions up until the moment of birth and they lost me and 75% of the country. Even Europe has more limits on abortion than many states here do and the left always say they want to be more like Europe.
No you weren't, you can't even name five leftist positions you actually had.


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
Those who speak in absolutes are 99% wrong.
Mate, I need you to look up how abortions are actually performed at any respectable abortion clinic.

Do you think they stick a fucking blender up a woman's uterus to get rid of the fetus? Once the fetus is viable to survive outside of the womb (inside a NICU for example) any abortion is literally just being introduced either via medicine that causes the water to break and a natural birth to be performed or via c-section. The then born baby is stuck into the NICU and the date of birth is noted down.

The only doctors that kill the child in a case where this is possible will lose their medical license in every single place abortion is illegal.

Hell, even if the fetus dies in the uterus it's still just either getting born normally (via induced medical birth or naturally induced), or c-section.

This is literally the most basic knowledge about pregnancies and termination thereof that exists. The only deviations happen when there are further complications for the health of the woman and if the fetus is proven unviable.
It's not moving the goalposts when Democrat politicians try to pass laws allowing abortions at 9 months. The left have become too extreme for 75% of the country.
This needs so many [Citations Needed] it's like an entry on encyclopedia dramatica.
Also, the left perfectly represents more than 60% of the population in the US, your far right beliefs are fringe everywhere but in rural areas.
A sperm will never grow into anything besides sperm. An egg will never grow into anything other than an egg. An egg fertilized by sperm has all the DNA information it needs to grow.
Man you are going to hate our already existing ability to make functioning embryos out of two unfertilized female eggs, one unfertilized female egg, and soon out of just a sperm.
Once again, what is the difference between a fetus and a person? You can't answer that question and still retain your main argument. That is why you avoid it. You call babies parasites when in reality, babies and the mother live in a symbiotic relationship. Pregnant women have a boosted immune system to protect both mother and child. That is why pregnant women have stronger immune responses to colds and flus. A woman's body will do whatever it takes to protect the life growing inside of her.
A fetus is not a person precisely because the brain isn't developed enough to actually function beyond basic response stimuli, as well as that it can't survive outside of the womb until after the second trimester. You, as a person, only exist because you have consciousness and are, at large, an independent being. Hence why you can be pronounced dead once your brain stops working beyond a certain threshold.

With a fetus this point where it's capable of supporting itself enough to function independently for nothing but basic survival (heart beat, basic breathing reflex) is only achieved late into the pregnancy. Before that point it's a clump of cells, and if unwanted should be free to remove based on the mother's wishes, after that point the law already makes it clear that the fetus will be born early and placed into an NICU where the child can then grow safely until it's able to be part of the outside world. An abortion after the fetus is viable for basic survival in a NICU is always a birth.

As an aside, the "stronger immune system" can kill woman and often directly leads to the loss of the fetus as it can trigger a cascade reaction that destroys enough of the placenta that the scarring prevents nutrient uptake.
The woman's body will "do whatever it takes to protect the life growing inside of her" because the fetus's hormones override the mother's in large swaths. In fact, did you know the uterus is actually testing the embryo for viability and is happily killing them if able to? The only blastocysts that successfully implant are the ones capable of overcoming the immune system of the mother, by force. The mother's immune system has to be manually rewritten to allow the blastocyst to attach, and stay attached. There is a reason an estimated


An estimated 50% of all pregnancies are terminated naturally by the mother's body, many won't even know they had a pregnancy starting because it fails shortly after implantation of the embryo. Your assertion that it's "symbiotic" is naively outdated.

Yes. The word parasite is so confusing and it traumatizes me. In case you didn't know, I used to be a parasite, but I am happy with my mother not aborting me. She saved my life from her own decisions.

You realize you have something to learn. That's progress I guess.

Just a bit more than that. More like, "yes, and..."

Ah this is where "I wish I could invent meaning as freely from reality as you do from what I say" becomes recursive and unironic.

If you don't remember, it was me who addressed what you said; not the other way around. You set the standard.
You have not yet to explain my stance btw. The best you did was equate me loving babies to hating mothers.

I've put everything right in front of your nose, plain as day, and yet it just eludes you. Or goes in one ear and right out the other, either or.
That's interesting. Who is Jordan Peterson? It sounds like you are offended by him (her?). I suppose it would be convenient to you, that traits of the human psyche were a secret.
Of course you don't know about them, of course you do. And of course you're thinking I'm offended by them, any other right wing platitudes you want to share?
Lol. Even when you jest you reveal your superiority complex.
And here we are at the fremdschämen.
Now tell me how real you are in your fursona voice.
I thought the clowns are meant to make the imitation? Go on, do it yourself, I believe in you.
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Reactions: LainaGabranth


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
I've put everything right in front of your nose, plain as day, and yet it just eludes you. Or goes in one ear and right out the other, either or.


You assume high confidence trumps your lack of an argument. I don't accept.

Of course you don't know about them, of course you do. And of course you're thinking I'm offended by them, any other right wing platitudes you want to share?

I suppose if you agree with everything, you could never be wrong. Bravo.

And here we are at the fremdschämen.

I know, right?

I thought the clowns are meant to make the imitation? Go on, do it yourself, I believe in you.

Oh. You are calling me a clown now. Is that the same as an impressionist? Don't care.

"Hi, I'm RAHelllllord. Please take me seriously. Being human is unpleasant. Grrr."

Did I do good?
Last edited by tabzer,


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Mate, I need you to look up how abortions are actually performed at any respectable abortion clinic.

Do you think they stick a fucking blender up a woman's uterus to get rid of the fetus? Once the fetus is viable to survive outside of the womb (inside a NICU for example) any abortion is literally just being introduced either via medicine that causes the water to break and a natural birth to be performed or via c-section. The then born baby is stuck into the NICU and the date of birth is noted down.
If a baby is born, it is no longer called an abortion.
The only doctors that kill the child in a case where this is possible will lose their medical license in every single place abortion is illegal.

Hell, even if the fetus dies in the uterus it's still just either getting born normally (via induced medical birth or naturally induced), or c-section.

This is literally the most basic knowledge about pregnancies and termination thereof that exists. The only deviations happen when there are further complications for the health of the woman and if the fetus is proven unviable.
Say you've never heard of partial birth abortions without saying you've never heard of partial birth abortions.
This needs so many [Citations Needed] it's like an entry on encyclopedia dramatica.
Also, the left perfectly represents more than 60% of the population in the US, your far right beliefs are fringe everywhere but in rural areas.
Provide your own citations that the left "perfectly represents more than 60% of the population. If that was true, Democrats would win every single election by landslides.
Man you are going to hate our already existing ability to make functioning embryos out of two unfertilized female eggs, one unfertilized female egg, and soon out of just a sperm.

A fetus is not a person precisely because the brain isn't developed enough to actually function beyond basic response stimuli, as well as that it can't survive outside of the womb until after the second trimester. You, as a person, only exist because you have consciousness and are, at large, an independent being. Hence why you can be pronounced dead once your brain stops working beyond a certain threshold.
So you admit that the difference between a fetus and a baby is location. Finally, somebody admits it.

How do you know that fetuses do not have consciousness? Is there a study proving this? Sounds a little religiony to me.
With a fetus this point where it's capable of supporting itself enough to function independently for nothing but basic survival (heart beat, basic breathing reflex) is only achieved late into the pregnancy. Before that point it's a clump of cells, and if unwanted should be free to remove based on the mother's wishes, after that point the law already makes it clear that the fetus will be born early and placed into an NICU where the child can then grow safely until it's able to be part of the outside world. An abortion after the fetus is viable for basic survival in a NICU is always a birth.
Infants can't support themselves independently either. They need to be breast fed. I was even having to feed my kids solid food because baby's eye/hand coordination is still developing.
As an aside, the "stronger immune system" can kill woman and often directly leads to the loss of the fetus as it can trigger a cascade reaction that destroys enough of the placenta that the scarring prevents nutrient uptake.
Abortions can kill women too and they have.
The woman's body will "do whatever it takes to protect the life growing inside of her" because the fetus's hormones override the mother's in large swaths. In fact, did you know the uterus is actually testing the embryo for viability and is happily killing them if able to? The only blastocysts that successfully implant are the ones capable of overcoming the immune system of the mother, by force. The mother's immune system has to be manually rewritten to allow the blastocyst to attach, and stay attached. There is a reason an estimated
Imagine nature doing what it is supposed to be doing. Wow, what a revelation.

An estimated 50% of all pregnancies are terminated naturally by the mother's body, many won't even know they had a pregnancy starting because it fails shortly after implantation of the embryo. Your assertion that it's "symbiotic" is naively outdated.
Got any sauce for that stat? So because miscarriages happen, it's ok to force miscarriages? That's like saying people die naturally so murder is ok. My assertion is outdated by whom? You? :rofl2:

I can't even take you seriously since you think babies are a parasite. The classic leftist fascist argument of dehumanizing people in order to kill them. Reminds me of that short German guy with the funny mustache who used to yell and shake his fists all the time.

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