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Trump admin looks to fix homeless issues in California


all the world needs is me
Apr 22, 2011
The Fourth Dimension
United Kingdom
Yeah, ok, I don't know what it's like in the Mary Poppin's world you live in, but it, obviously, doesn't have US tv news channels or Youtube. If you watch a portion of the democrat debate from yesterday, your mind will be overwhelmed with leftist chatter and socialism overload.

Is "Mary Poppins World" what you call the United Kingdom? Or perhaps you didn't even bother to look at the country flag under my thumbnail before making that comment? I live in the UK, and access to US tv news channels or YouTube is exactly why I say that the Democrats are hardly left of centre at best.

A lot of the issues that the USA faces as a 'developed country', with the largest economy in the world no less, are literally issues that pretty much every other developed country has figured out. Just this year a mum lost her son because his insulin costs $1,300 a MONTH. There are countless more stories like this in recent times. That's more than I pay for rent and all bills for my entire flat, in one of the biggest cities in the world. The USA is a country that has been beaten and battered by a combination of two things: a largely ignorant, 'closed-off-from-the-world' populace, and the late stage of capitalism. With the latter we see corporate greed en masse: enormous income inequality and a shift in perception of tax money from a personal sacrifice for the welfare of your own functioning society to the illusion that they are the reason you can't afford anything, when the reason, of course, is a hell of a lot more expenses to pay for yourself. THIS is also what's at the heart of the homelessness crisis.

The result is hundreds of millions of people being conditioned to believe that every four years, they have quite a say about who the next leader should be, when the reality is it's just picking between the shitty person and the slightly less shitty person to become President.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2012
United States
Is "Mary Poppins World" what you call the United Kingdom? Or perhaps you didn't even bother to look at the country flag under my thumbnail before making that comment? I live in the UK, and access to US tv news channels or YouTube is exactly why I say that the Democrats are hardly left of centre at best.

A lot of the issues that the USA faces as a 'developed country', with the largest economy in the world no less, are literally issues that pretty much every other developed country has figured out. Just this year a mum lost her son because his insulin costs $1,300 a MONTH. There are countless more stories like this in recent times. That's more than I pay for rent and all bills for my entire flat, in one of the biggest cities in the world. The USA is a country that has been beaten and battered by a combination of two things: a largely ignorant, 'closed-off-from-the-world' populace, and the late stage of capitalism. With the latter we see corporate greed en masse: enormous income inequality and a shift in perception of tax money from a personal sacrifice for the welfare of your own functioning society to the illusion that they are the reason you can't afford anything, when the reason, of course, is a hell of a lot more expenses to pay for yourself. THIS is also what's at the heart of the homelessness crisis.

The result is hundreds of millions of people being conditioned to believe that every four years, they have quite a say about who the next leader should be, when the reality is it's just picking between the shitty person and the slightly less shitty person to become President.

I am an American, living in the Bay Area, and I approve this message.

Big changes need to happen in this country in the very near future, or things are going to go from bad to worse. The main issues being healthcare and education.

How best to solve these issues, I do not know. But I do know that it will take a fundamental change in how this country views itself and the systems we have. Will not be easy.


Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
The problem with UBI is that it won't help anybody. The drug users will buy more drugs, the homeless will buy more booze, etc. These people are not living on the streets because they were good at money management. Why look for a job or place to live when I get free money to do what I please? I'll look for a home next month...yeah right, suckers!! UBI has been tried many times, and everytime has failed to do as it was intended to.
I agree with this to some extent. UBI is more of a solution to the problem of automation rather than the homeless crisis. To fix homelessness, you give people homes. The government used to do just that during the New Deal era.

This is one of those "we're not 100% sure of all the positives or negatives" situations. All the research I could find on long term implementations would seem to indicate alleviating financial burdens creates an environment and culture where greater risk can happen (leading to more startup business creation, taking that dream job you've always wanted, investing, donating, etc). short-term efforts have been helpful, but since it couldn't be relied on to be sustained, it wasn't really helpful in bolstering economic growth.

As far as it only helping folks feed their vices, those who would just laze around and do nothing aren't actually normal. Studies have been done on this. People tend to want to be productive and make something of their lives. It's the hurdle of "there's no way forward" or "too many roadblocks to even try" which generally makes people wallow into doing nothing. Booze and drugs alleviate the pain when they feel they can't go anywhere in life. Removing those roadblocks, which UBI should help with the more fundamental one of basic necessities, would lead to less abuse of vices. Other roadblocks, mainly other basic human needs and rights, would mean the problem still exist...but UBI would go a long way in helping. Really, humans are weird. That's why we have to science to figure things out.

With the coming automation replacing many many jobs (from some lawyer and musician work to cook and truck-driver), we'll have to have some sort of system in place or else have massive issues in every area of life. UBI addresses all the issues automation brings up. But we need to figure out what issues UBI creates and create a system which can negate or accommodate issues.

UBI would ultimately remove a great deal of governmental red-tape and unnecessary management. Smaller government, less bloat, and more direct support of economic growth. Definitely the path forward, it's just a matter of figuring out the shape and form of it. A fun discussion to have.
Last edited by osaka35,


RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
After years of Democrat leadership failing to come up with (or maybe even look for) any working solutions for the homeless issues in the state of California
Truthfully, they make more money from people being homeless--how? It's usually because these people have "issues" and the cost of dealing with those "issues" costs more than just letting them "be" or let them become "violent" "criminals" to make money from their labor.
Of course, sometimes, the individual can become "rehabilitated", though, not often.

I had people just give me money or offer a place to stay for the night, but this was only enabling my problems
Personally, I'd have given you the path to walk on your own, but you live in an area that doesn't have people like me--I'd have given you the truth of what will better you over what will fill you for a night.

This is life, I apologize you didn't know me when could have helped you.

Regardless, I hope you do for others, now, what those would not do for you, from the kindness of your heart with the understanding of how hard life on Earth has become.

Both Los Angeles and San Francisco have struggled with efforts to build housing for the homeless

Too bad your "emperor" is building a wall, rather than building infrastructure and homes for Americans.

I don't really feel like nitpicking, but, seriously, I would have made America more forgiving for people down on their luck (which it is, ultimately--the cards that have been drawn at birth can define everything; as well as the people in charge of the "table"), while simultaneously empowering those who could/would take charge to keep the momentum at a peak.....unlike your "emperor", who chooses to act like a seven-year-old entitled, mentally retarded child at every chance "his" asshole can open.
No offense for the people who take offense to the harsh words; I profusely apologize.
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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
First, there was no mention of this in the article you linked.
Well, I'll give you this one. I read several articles on a subject to make sure it isn't too biased for some readers *cough*you, xzi*cough* or too long to read. I thought this was the one that mentioned some early brainstorming from the Trump admin. Ooops.

The government has guaranteed annual income in the form of taxes, and it's the government that's meant to be taking care of its own citizens.
In a way, government is supposed to offer a "safety net" for those whom have fallen on hard times, but it's main responsibility is to protect us from dangers inside and out. The US government was never meant to coddle its people to keep them poor.

If relying on charity hasn't solved the problem yet, it isn't going to in the future, either.
Charities would work if the government didn't tax everyone so excessively. Maybe, if we were allowed to keep our money to use on the services we deem necessary, more people would donate. Plus, like I mentioned before, too much bureaucracy hinders people from starting charities or making them as helpful.

It's as simple as repealing Trump's corporate tax cuts to fund it.
Wrong, this may help, but that is not an end-all solution. Chances are that the most it will do is chase more corporations away from the US and cause more unemployment, thus making more homeless.

erhaps you didn't even bother to look at the country flag under my thumbnail before making that comment?
Yes, I saw it. I thought you were kidding, so I replied back with a "bad?" joke.

This is one of those "we're not 100% sure of all the positives or negatives" situations. All the research I could find on long term implementations would seem to indicate alleviating financial burdens creates an environment and culture where greater risk can happen (leading to more startup business creation, taking that dream job you've always wanted, investing, donating, etc). short-term efforts have been helpful, but since it couldn't be relied on to be sustained, it wasn't really helpful in bolstering economic growth.
I need to make a clarification to my previous reply. Where I said UBI won't help anybody, I should have said it may help few people. The problem with giving people "free stuff" is that when we receive something without earning it, we don't value those things as much. Take section 8 housing, I have seen multiple occasions where the tenants absolutely destroyed the house. Most likely because they didn't have to pay or pay much for it. Granted, some people are homeless for making a bad decision and may need a hand up, but hand outs are more likely to hinder the person's recovery than help.
You have valid points, but unfortunately, UBI is not the best solution.

Too bad your "emperor" is building a wall, rather than building infrastructure and homes for Americans.
So let's say your house was on fire on one side. Would you start to rebuild on the other side before putting the fire out to keep it from destroying more of your home? I hope not.
We have to slow the destruction caused by our loose borders and immigration laws before we can really start to fix the other internal issues. The food line never ends when more mouths to feed keep lining up at the end.


RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
So let's say your house was on fire on one side. Would you start to rebuild on the other side
That analogy was bad; I want to show you alternative views, but I know you won't see it from the side I want to show you.

To directly answer your question in a hypothetical scenario, I would have paid for home insurance, so I would not mind.
I would make sure my neighbors were informed (this is hypothetical), called the appropriate bodies, and slowed the fire to the best of my ability.

As for "immigration", I have a plan, just like I have a counter to those who intentionally "mislead people"--if you mislead those who have "trust" in you, you lied, regardless of which wording you prefer.

Although, just like your "emperor", my plan is a "secret".


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
In a way, government is supposed to offer a "safety net" for those whom have fallen on hard times, but it's main responsibility is to protect us from dangers inside and out. The US government was never meant to coddle its people to keep them poor.
Homelessness is what keeps people poor. You need a permanent mailing address to apply for nearly any job.

Charities would work if the government didn't tax everyone so excessively. Maybe, if we were allowed to keep our money to use on the services we deem necessary, more people would donate.
This doesn't make any sense. Charitable organizations are already tax exempt, and in most cases, donations to charity are tax deductible. Also, tax rates are about as low as they've ever been right now, and it hasn't improved the homeless situation at all.

Wrong, this may help, but that is not an end-all solution. Chances are that the most it will do is chase more corporations away from the US and cause more unemployment, thus making more homeless.
The vast majority of jobs in the US fall under the service industry, they can't be outsourced. Additionally, at the customer-facing level, most businesses already run on skeleton crews to maximize profit. The threats of corporations "leaving" the US have always been hollow, as they can't afford to let another business fill that gap.


Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
I need to make a clarification to my previous reply. Where I said UBI won't help anybody, I should have said it may help few people. The problem with giving people "free stuff" is that when we receive something without earning it, we don't value those things as much. Take section 8 housing, I have seen multiple occasions where the tenants absolutely destroyed the house. Most likely because they didn't have to pay or pay much for it. Granted, some people are homeless for making a bad decision and may need a hand up, but hand outs are more likely to hinder the person's recovery than help.
You have valid points, but unfortunately, UBI is not the best solution.

That's an assumption that isn't really seen when it's researched properly. I've seen loads of people pay for an over-priced apartment and completely destroy the apartment. Reasons can be varied and vast. Though there is a reason for what you're observing. When we look at affordable housing and other related programs, we find while it keeps people from being homeless, it doesn't really set them up for success.

To quickly cover a complex topic: under our current system, if you work harder to better your condition, which most everyone will want to do naturally as humans, your situation and income actually decline. To get affordable housing or any other assistance, your income generally has to be under a certain amount. And even then, it's pretty difficult to qualify and jump through all the hoops. Making over that amount and you get nothing. If you start making just over that amount, you are not making enough to get the same kind of (or any) place, or getting the same kind of quality of life. So why get a job and work hard at a part-time job when it's just going to make your life worse? Most people just get trapped and find it impossible to get out of the situation.

UBI would remove this problem, partly or completely, as any increase in work would add to your benefits. In other words, our current system traps people in a downward cycle, which can lead to depression, anxiety, apathy, etc. I mean, why try when it's just going to make life worse? Remove that hurdle and you're going to find most people will try harder to make money, contribute more, and have better outlook in life. This is what the research indicates. So it's more about understanding the whole picture rather than just seeing governmental support leading to apathy and assume any governmental support would have the same result. We Just need a better system. UBI may be it.
Last edited by osaka35,
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RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States

Mai du, you wouldn't be "in this situation" if you had "diplomacy"skills--you need to understand the "wording" is more than "grammar" because it relates to what others "interpret".

You can't blame it on anything other than, "You opened it for yourself to be attacked"--which is why I word things in a certain way, pertaining to grammar, because, there are members of GBAtemp who will view it as such--you need to have a world-view that is inclusive to all peoples.

You also need to understand, we are people, all of us. We interact in real-time; account for that.

Peccadilloes are one thing, but you shouldn't make a "big thing" (like, replying to an answer you left), only for you to "edit" your feelings, which a mod may deem "offensive", while you edit your post.
Last edited by H1B1Esquire,


Dec 6, 2008
United States
"The administration didn’t make clear what types of action it is considering. Nor is it clear what type of measures the administration legally can take." Sounds just like everything else, big plans with no action. Like his amazing health care plan that to this day still has zero details. Yet I'm supposed to believe stable genius has some magic trick up his sleeve for the Cali homeless problem? And what about the homeless problem in the rest of the US?
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Homeless people in Cali are just ridiculous. When I say ridiculous I mean try going to los angeles. Walk around for a minute and you'll see several hundred homeless people in some areas. It's a big problem
As I pointed out earlier in the thread, most homeless people in California aren't from California. The homeless rate in Florida is also very high. It's because it's warm enough to sleep outside year round in these states.


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
That analogy was bad; I want to show you alternative views, but I know you won't see it from the side I want to show you.
They way you think and talk, it's almost like you could be my lost twin brother, except I got all the good genetic material, and you got the rest.

Here's what a family photo would look like if we ever met. I'm the one on the right:

Homelessness is what keeps people poor. You need a permanent mailing address to apply for nearly any job.
SMH, no, no, no..... come on, guy! The can get mailing addresses at shelters that offer mail boxes like that of an apartment complex. Try again.

This doesn't make any sense. Charitable organizations are already tax exempt, and in most cases, donations to charity are tax deductible. Also, tax rates are about as low as they've ever been right now, and it hasn't improved the homeless situation at all.
Ok, so I want to give money to charity, but I had to give most of my disposable income to taxes. Now I can't donate.

The vast majority of jobs in the US fall under the service industry, they can't be outsourced.
Other than by illegal aliens, you mean? Service jobs like customer service are going overseas, fast food restaurants are replacing humans with robots, etc. I have robots that vacuum my floors and massage my neck (not the same robots, just to clarify). I could go buy a robot that cuts my grass, so service jobs are not safe at all.


Mai du, you wouldn't be "in this situation" if you had "diplomacy"skills--you need to understand the "wording" is more than "grammar" because it relates to what others "interpret".

You can't blame it on anything other than, "You opened it for yourself to be attacked"--which is why I word things in a certain way, pertaining to grammar, because, there are members of GBAtemp who will view it as such--you need to have a world-view that is inclusive to all peoples.
Ok, "victim blame" much? I share my opinion, people reply with hate, it's my fault... hmm, ok. Maybe, when somebody bashes me, I should just say "thank you, sir. May I have another?"

As I pointed out earlier in the thread, most homeless people in California aren't from California. The homeless rate in Florida is also very high. It's because it's warm enough to sleep outside year round in these states.
Don't forget about all the free stuff they get in those states, too. That attracts them, also.

To quickly cover a complex topic: under our current system, if you work harder to better your condition, which most everyone will want to do naturally as humans, your situation and income actually decline. To get affordable housing or any other assistance, your income generally has to be under a certain amount. And even then, it's pretty difficult to qualify and jump through all the hoops. Making over that amount and you get nothing. If you start making just over that amount, you are not making enough to get the same kind of (or any) place, or getting the same kind of quality of life. So why get a job and work hard at a part-time job when it's just going to make your life worse? Most people just get trapped and find it impossible to get out of the situation.
This is a problem with a certain party's policy on taxing the rich at a higher rate than other people when it should be a flat tax for all. Why try to achieve in life when you're just going to be cut down when you reach the top?

UBI would remove this problem, partly or completely, as any increase in work would add to your benefits.
Just a personal, theoretical question for you and without giving any personal details, what would you do if the government gave you $1000, and you knew you would get another $1000 next month. Try to be truthful. You don't have to answer that here, but at least think about it.
Just guessing, you would either make a credit card/house payment, buy yourself or family member a gift, and/or go out to eat at a nice place. How much of that would you save? If your credit card bill was for $900 at a high interest rate, would you pay it off or just the minimum? A lot of people end up poor because they can't manage money or have fallen into credit debt hell.
Last edited by WeedZ, , Reason: Reply to trashed post


RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
it's warm enough to sleep outside year round in these states.

A literal solution to a literal problem that actual animals face--they migrate.

I have a solution for everything, aside from the trust we hold "dear to "us".

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

except I got all the good genetic material, and you got the rest.

Buddy, you have no clue.
You literally and factually have no idea and I did this on purpose.

I could tell you the saddest story on Earth, but I realize Hollywood would either steal it, underpay me, or kill me for it.

I really can save every human from suffering, while helping every mammal at the same time--I'm not like 99.99999999999999999999% of people; I am on a different level that most human begins can never comprehend. Ever.

Think of me as "It", but instead of killing people and using fear, I use logic and compassion as a source of "food/sustenance".

Btw, I accounted for shallow human behavior--I make those panties wet......and I guess I give dudes boners....but I never really asked a dude if I have him a boner.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
SMH, no, no, no..... come on, guy! The can get mailing addresses at shelters that offer mail boxes like that of an apartment complex. Try again.
Permanent mailing addresses. Most businesses will not accept a PO Box or other temporary addresses, they'll just throw the application out.

Ok, so I want to give money to charity, but I had to give most of my disposable income to taxes. Now I can't donate.
It's almost as if you didn't read a single sentence you quoted. And all you're doing by suggesting that charity should pay to house the homeless is shifting the burden away from the people who could most easily afford it. One of the richest people in this nation could afford to house them all and still be a billionaire. You can't expect capitalists to just give away money like that, however. A social safety net funded by taxation is a necessity.

Other than by illegal aliens, you mean? Service jobs like customer service are going overseas, fast food restaurants are replacing humans with robots, etc. I have robots that vacuum my floors and massage my neck (not the same robots, just to clarify). I could go buy a robot that cuts my grass, so service jobs are not safe at all.
Eventually we will need a UBI paid for by taxing automation, otherwise the consumer economy crashes due to consumers losing all their buying power. That's a different issue that needs to be addressed IN ADDITION to the homeless issue.
Last edited by Xzi,


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
I am on a different level that most human begins can never comprehend. Ever.
Well, can't argue with you on this fact. ;)

Permanent mailing addresses. Most businesses will not accept a PO Box or other temporary addresses, they'll just throw the application out.
Just like apartment complexes, they don't have mailboxes at every door, so they use those mail slot doohickeys.

You can't expect capitalists to just give away money like that, however. A social safety net funded by taxation is a necessity.
I don't expect them to, but they do it anyways. Look at Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, how much of their wealth did they donate? They sure are not socialists.
A safety net is necessary, true. I said that in one of my previous replies, also.

Eventually we will need a UBI paid for by taxing automation, otherwise the consumer economy crashes due to consumers losing all their buying power. That's a different issue that needs to be addressed IN ADDITION to the homeless issue.
I believe this also. The only thing I can't figure out is why corporations are trying to destroy themselves by getting rid of potential consumers. Who is going to buy their stocks, their goods, or their services? Robots sure are not since they don't get paid (unless they become sentient and revolt against their creators). Oh, maybe because people are demanding a higher wage than what the job is worth?
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RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
The only thing I can't figure out is why corporations are trying to destroy themselves by getting rid of potential consumers.

You truly can not understand this; you haven't dined with both sides--even when you "agree" with the "right"; you cannot comprehend what all of "this", "is".

You do not/can't understand "how and what", when you haven't been at what the "top" and "bottom", feel.
It goes deeper than you're willing to dive in to.

Sexual jokes arise.
Last edited by H1B1Esquire,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
I don't expect them to, but they do it anyways. Look at Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, how much of their wealth did they donate? They sure are not socialists.
And it's still barely enough to fund the operation of soup kitchens. Like I said, if charity could have solved the problem, it never would have been a problem to begin with. Veterans are on the streets while corporations make record profits. It's completely asinine.

I believe this also. The only thing I can't figure out is why corporations are trying to destroy themselves by getting rid of potential consumers. Who is going to buy their stocks, their goods, or their services? Robots sure are not since they don't get paid (unless they become sentient and revolt against their creators). Oh, maybe because people are demanding a higher wage than what the job is worth?
It has nothing to do with the demand for a living wage. Automation will save corporations money even in parts of the country where minimum wage is at its lowest. Machines don't need breaks or days off, you don't have to pay them ANY hourly wage, and they don't get sick or require healthcare coverage. That's why they're pushing for it.
Last edited by Xzi,

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