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Trump admin looks to fix homeless issues in California


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
If all it took for you to get out of homelessness is some "tough love," then you were never really in much trouble to begin with. What, were you living in a dumpster behind a gourmet restaurant?
Shoot, I wish I was fancy enough to have a dumpster to live in. No, I lived in several places such as underpasses, parks, and sometimes stayed with old friends. It wasn't until I realized that I was causing my own problems (with the help of a true friend that refused to coddle me) and found a little thing nobody seems to know much about today - "Personal Responsibility", that I was able to overcome my problems. He let me stay in the basement as long as I helped out around the house, gave me a month to clean up my act and find work to pay rent or else I was back out in the cold. If it wasn't for him caring about me in the right way, I wouldn't be where I am today. Everybody else just gave me a few bucks to get rid of me like I was just any homeless person on the sidewalk.

You truly can not understand this; you haven't dined with both sides--even when you "agree" with the "right", you cannot comprehend what all of "this", "is".

You do not/can't understand "how and what", when you haven't been at the "top" and "bottom" feel.
It goes deeper than you're willing to dive in to.

Sexual jokes arise.

I don't know what it is, but I have this urge for "anus pounders" right now. Hmm.

And it's still barely enough to fund the operation of soup kitchens. Like I said, if charity could have solved the problem, it never would have been a problem to begin with. Veterans are on the streets while corporations make record profits. It's completely asinine.
Ok, if you say so. I guess you didn't catch the line I said earlier (not to you, I don't think) about how the food line never ends because people keep lining up at the end. We need to fix our immigration issue before we can truly start fixing our poverty/homeless issues. If we keep letting in people who won't work for themselves or sneak in with no intention of assimilating, and the democrats keep giving them priority over our own citizens, we will never put a dent in this problem.

It has nothing to do with the demand for a living wage. Automation will save corporations money even in parts of the country where minimum wage is at its lowest. That's why they're pushing for it.
Yeah, of course, corporations are made to make money. The problem with increasing the minimum wage too fast is that these corporations just have to move quicker in their "plans".

Here is an example of what raising the minimum wage can cause from 3 years ago. It is a reality today and only getting worse:

Ex-McDonald's CEO suggests replacing employees with robots amid protests
Ed Rensi mentions bringing in robots as thousands of McDonald’s workers demand a union and $15 an hour minimum wage at the shareholders meeting.
As thousands of low-wage workers plan to protest at McDonald’s annual shareholder meeting in Chicago on Thursday the company’s former US boss has warned them: if the minimum wage goes up, McDonald’s is likely to replace them with robots.
Last edited by morvoran,
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RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
I have this urge for "anus pounders"

I fuck everything, but in a way so loving, the world begs for it. Seriously, I make the world better because I am the chosen.

I have literally been at the top and the lowest of the low; I feel what every single human cries out for...I even have a way planned that everyone gets what they want without giving up what they hold dear.

The time isn't right...I understand what "this" actually is.
I really feel like you probably know me, in a way, and therefore, we know each other....-"ish"-ish.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Ok, if you say so. I guess you didn't catch the line I said earlier (not to you, I don't think) about how the food line never ends because people keep lining up at the end. We need to fix our immigration issue before we can truly start fixing our poverty/homeless issues. If we keep letting in people who won't work for themselves or sneak in with no intention of assimilating, and the democrats keep giving them priority over our own citizens, we will never put a dent in this problem.
Homelessness, automation, and immigration are three entirely separate issues. Though I do agree we need a better system for legal immigration, I don't see the Trump administration as poised to solve any of these problems. They've only helped to exacerbate them.

Yeah, of course, corporations are made to make money. The problem with increasing the minimum wage too fast is that these corporations just have to move quicker in their "plans".
They can't possibly move any quicker on automation than they already are. If the technology was ready and user-friendly enough in the 1980s, they would've automated in the 1980s. It's still not quite ready now, though it's very close.


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
if he (trump) want's to fix homelessness maybe fix the programs (section 8, Social security) fix those would help the homelessness problem by a lot and not just in california but nation wide, for instance I'm on SSI myself but the wage earning rule of $60 a month before they throw you under the bus i admit some people are abusing SSI but those who need it cant make anything or they'll get penalized, yes you need to take it away eventually if too much is made but to have your check cut to a third just on 7.25/hr 20hr's a week (PERSONAL EXPERIANCE) i only made 230 or so bi weekly and well thank god i still lived at my parents who lowered my rent during the lowered period of my check I am not at home now I have a real landlord who doesn't give a shit,basicly i work (unless it's a 6 figure salery) i would be homeless by next month the system is broken


RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
You might need to sign in with an adult's account as it may be restricted. :rofl:

The 1st amendment protects that, thankfully, of a D lover, lel.
Serously, just add "repeater" to youtube_____.com/ to skip that. YW.

I agree, and I agree with your sense of humor...which is why lost a few friends.

This is life.
One day, you'll understand everything, soon™
Alt+0153 for the non-coded.


Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
This is a problem with a certain party's policy on taxing the rich at a higher rate than other people when it should be a flat tax for all. Why try to achieve in life when you're just going to be cut down when you reach the top?

...wut. I don't think you understand how tax brackets work. Or how graduated taxes work.

Just a personal, theoretical question for you and without giving any personal details, what would you do if the government gave you $1000, and you knew you would get another $1000 next month. Try to be truthful. You don't have to answer that here, but at least think about it.
Just guessing, you would either make a credit card/house payment, buy yourself or family member a gift, and/or go out to eat at a nice place. How much of that would you save? If your credit card bill was for $900 at a high interest rate, would you pay it off or just the minimum? A lot of people end up poor because they can't manage money or have fallen into credit debt hell.

The thing is, you WANT people to spend the money. You WANT people to invest into new enterprises. This is how you grow an economy. You DON'T want people to just put it into a savings account and spend no money. We want people to spend that money to grow the economy. That's why "trickle-down economics" doesn't work. The rich just put it away and pull it out of the economy. Once you become rich enough you could never actually spend all of it, getting more money hardly helps the economy. Give the money to the middle class and the poor, they actually spend it and grow the economy. UBI would help bolster a lot of new businesses and ventures.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
United States
The thing is, you WANT people to spend the money. You WANT people to invest into new enterprises. This is how you grow an economy. You DON'T want people to just put it into a savings account and spend no money. We want people to spend that money to grow the economy.

And this is the key part about how the economy works which is stopped by some people. The republican trickle-down economics can be a viable model if it is done right. the problem is, it puts liability on the top of the company to trickle down their profits to the lower part, as its the lower part that invest back into the economy. The problem of why I think there is a schism between people who take the tax brackets offensively and don't is that in an ideal situation, we want people who spend. Yeah its okay to get rich, but by not spending the money if you're up there and storing it into an account(especially if its hidden/not being taxed) just puts the economy in a worse position than it is. It's arguably as bad as outsourcing labor as all it does is funnel money to places that wont get spent back into the economy.

to take an old example to a modern front. the internet infrastructure money that was given to ISPs to make internet lines faster and better. If they actually spent that money and upgraded lines, more people would have had jobs(installing the new lines), and these workers would have had extra income to spend on other goods. Instead ISPs pocketed the money which more or less wont see the light of day in the economy.
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RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
just puts the economy in a worse position than it is.

I FUCKING HATE the song, the beat makers, the performers, and the technology behind it, but the hidden truth is one of _____. Can you dissect the "higher" meaning of the future? Can you see what "they" have created? Do you see why?

In any event, the future only cares for itself, while the past cares for everyone it couldn't understand--the present isn't a gift--it's an opportunity in-between.

You'd be mildly-surprised by my role in this "life"...and why I'm pretty anger-y why it was "given" to me.

If they actually spent that money and upgraded lines, more people would have had jobs
You'd be surprised by this, as well...or maybe not, but those jobs, as well as training, are out there, waiting for people, but there are "reasons" why all of this isn't "advertised".

The world is so fucked beyond comprehension for ridiculous "purposes" and ridiculous "reasons"; you're meant to not see it and diligently "live your life", although, "that" is coming to an End.

I dislike being so secretive a person, but there are ramifications to the truth.
That, and people don't believe you with as many facts as gravity, yet they believe a fraudster to the point of physical violence, so I have an April fool's joke to myself.


Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
I don't see the Trump administration as poised to solve any of these problems. They've only helped to exacerbate them
That's been the whole problem with your side, you don't, and refuse to, see what the Trump administration IS doing to solve these issues, but yet, you somehow know they exacerbate them, hmm.

if he (trump) want's to fix homelessness maybe fix the programs (section 8, Social security) fix those would help the homelessness problem by a lot and not just in california but nation wide, for instance I'm on SSI myself but the wage earning rule of $60 a month before they throw you under the bus i admit some people are abusing SSI but those who need it cant make anything or they'll get penalized, yes you need to take it away eventually if too much is made but to have your check cut to a third just on 7.25/hr 20hr's a week (PERSONAL EXPERIANCE) i only made 230 or so bi weekly and well thank god i still lived at my parents who lowered my rent during the lowered period of my check I am not at home now I have a real landlord who doesn't give a shit,basicly i work (unless it's a 6 figure salery) i would be homeless by next month the system is broken

I completely agree these systems need reworked. They were intended as safety nets for the few who are unable to work or just need some temporary help. Instead, they have been abused by too many able bodied people which puts a damper on their real purpose of helping the ones that really do need it.

..wut. I don't think you understand how tax brackets work. Or how graduated taxes work.
Uh, yeah, I know. I took 2 semesters of tax accounting, so I'm an expert now.

The thing is, you WANT people to spend the money. You WANT people to invest into new enterprises. This is how you grow an economy. You DON'T want people to just put it into a savings account and spend no money. We want people to spend that money to grow the economy.
I thought this thread was about the homeless, not the economy. I had to check the thread title to make sure.

This is the problem with threads going off topic as we run way off track. Geez, there's never a mod around when you need one.

(:rofl2: yes, I'm kidding. We are all having a good time here. I hope.)

The fact that spending does improve the economy isn't the main focus of UBI. It's too keep people out of poverty by giving them a "living salary" in other terms. It is hard to know without giving everybody a UBI, oh wait a minute, Obama did something similar in 2008 with the tax rebate stimulus. How did that turn out for the economy?

Did the 2008 Tax Rebates Stimulate Spending?
Because of the low spending propensity, the rebates in 2008 provided low "bang for the buck" as economic stimulus. Putting cash into the hands of the consumers who use it to save or pay off debt boosts their well-being, but it does not necessarily make them spend.

Hmm, just like the test runs for UBI, it failed horribly as will Yang's plan(s) to help the economy and the poor.

It failed in Finland - Finland would have been forced to raise their income tax by nearly 30% to keep such a program alive. And when the personal income tax rate in Finland already maxes out at more than 50%, another increase would likely prove unsustainable. (Just as our tax rates will be with medicare for all and UBI together)

In Canada, Ontario's government decided to launch a UBI experiment in July of last year. But a few months ago, they decided to end the experiment — two years ahead of schedule. Upon the conclusion of the trial, a Canadian official called the experiment "quite expensive" and said "it was certainly not going to be sustainable."

Even here in the United States, a form of universal basic income has already been tested. From 1968 to 1980, the federal government ran a "negative income tax" experiment — meaning that a minimum income is guaranteed, but phased out as earnings increase. The goal was to incentivize work, but the policy ended up encouraging just the opposite.

Source - here

Just because a plan looks good on paper, does not mean it will work when applied to the real world.

I dislike being so secretive a person, but there are ramifications to the truth.
That, and people don't believe you with as many facts as gravity, yet they believe a fraudster to the point of physical violence, so I have an April fool's joke to myself.
And you talk about how the way I respond to people needs work?????? I really want to like you (I think I secretly might already), but I just can't see through your secretive facade. I can't tell if you're with me or just on my side. I guess time will tell in time.
Last edited by morvoran,
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RxTools, the ultimate CFW machine.
Nov 2, 2016
Earth, bro-dude.
United States
(:rofl2: yes, I'm kidding. We are all having a good time here. I hope.)

Half-a-joke can be a whole truth.

but it does not necessarily make them spend.
Cash4clunkers :toot:
I hated that name so very much.

yet, you somehow know they exacerbate them
It's a form of panderonizing (pandering/patronizing) to those they feel are in the target sight.
It's nearly malicious, but the other side is doing it to balance the problem at-hand, or so they believe.

I thought this thread was about the homeless, not the economy. I had to check the thread title to make sure.

Hahaha and a hadry-har, that's life. We want to stay on-topic, but there are so many curve-balls and split-second decisions that you sometimes swing for the foul ball.

This is the problem with threads going off topic as we run way off track.

You've got to have the power, my dude.

it does not necessarily make them spend.
LOL, because the problem was one of many in the US at that time--being responsible and paying your bills.
If anything, most people I knew were putting the money in a savings account for their child, seeing as most of the people who voted for Obama, were in their early years of adulthood, with children.
The biggest winners of that were alternative people who chose to live a D.I.N.K life.
Last edited by H1B1Esquire,


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
United States
watch trump clean up that shit to. The liberal agenda does not support cleaning it up. they want the homeless to rely on the government, while the working class pays for it. We dont have those liberal dumps here in Florida.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
That's been the whole problem with your side, you don't, and refuse to, see what the Trump administration IS doing to solve these issues, but yet, you somehow know they exacerbate them, hmm.
Paying lip service to homelessness accomplishes nothing, and it's ridiculous to treat an issue that affects all 50 states as a political football. On immigration, criminalizing the process of seeking asylum has undeniably made things worse, as has allowing ICE detention facilities full of minors to go unsupervised. Automation is an inevitability, so I can't say Trump has done anything to make that problem worse, but nor do I expect him to tax automated production in the manner that will be necessary.


Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
Did the 2008 Tax Rebates Stimulate Spending?
Because of the low spending propensity, the rebates in 2008 provided low "bang for the buck" as economic stimulus. Putting cash into the hands of the consumers who use it to save or pay off debt boosts their well-being, but it does not necessarily make them spend.

Hmm, just like the test runs for UBI, it failed horribly as will Yang's plan(s) to help the economy and the poor.

It failed in Finland - Finland would have been forced to raise their income tax by nearly 30% to keep such a program alive. And when the personal income tax rate in Finland already maxes out at more than 50%, another increase would likely prove unsustainable. (Just as our tax rates will be with medicare for all and UBI together)

In Canada, Ontario's government decided to launch a UBI experiment in July of last year. But a few months ago, they decided to end the experiment — two years ahead of schedule. Upon the conclusion of the trial, a Canadian official called the experiment "quite expensive" and said "it was certainly not going to be sustainable."

Even here in the United States, a form of universal basic income has already been tested. From 1968 to 1980, the federal government ran a "negative income tax" experiment — meaning that a minimum income is guaranteed, but phased out as earnings increase. The goal was to incentivize work, but the policy ended up encouraging just the opposite.

Source - here

Just because a plan looks good on paper, does not mean it will work when applied to the real world.

And you talk about how the way I respond to people needs work?????? I really want to like you (I think I secretly might already), but I just can't see through your secretive facade. I can't tell if you're with me or just on my side. I guess time will tell in time.
I'm pretty sure I already explained what you just said (just without examples), why it failed, and what things UBI needs to be in order to avoid the short-term negatives you say. Canada and Finland, for example, were planned short-term experiments. They also didn't pay that much or do away with/replace any other current government social programs. When you know money you're getting is something you're only getting for 6 months to a year or two, know what you do? You don't take risk and you don't change your spending habits. You focus on debt, generally. These are to be taken as things to avoid with UBI and to try and create a system which works.

As a side note, be on the lookout for politicians who throw numbers around for health-care-for-all. The big scary numbers assume our current system AND healthcare-for-all will operate at the same time. Which is obviously not how it's going to work. Once you remove the bloat and several layers of unnecessary middle-men (which is why lobbyist don't like health-care-for-all), you wind up with a cheaper system. Should have better coverage and less hassle. And what you would pay in fees to an insurance company, you'll just pay for in taxes. But the taxes taken out will be far less than what you'd pay the insurance company. So while on paper it looks like "higher taxes", it's really just "lower insurance cost" in a different form. Compare dollar to dollar and we all come out ahead.

And this is the same thing for the tax rebate as short-term UBI experiments. When people are hurting, they tend to save or pay off debt. These things do not stimulate the economy. Just re-read what I said to begin with. This is one of the hurdles of UBI. It requires dedication and long-term commitment.

For a long-term look at things, take a look at Alaska. They give their citizens a certain amount of cash every year just for living there. It's not UBI, but it's also another piece of the puzzle to look at and figure out how it works.

UBI might help with the issue of homelessness I think is how we got on this track. So still relevant :P
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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
Paying lip service to homelessness accomplishes nothing, and it's ridiculous to treat an issue that affects all 50 states as a political football. On immigration, criminalizing the process of seeking asylum has undeniably made things worse, as has allowing ICE detention facilities full of minors to go unsupervised.
This is why we can't be friends. :ha: I ask you where you're going, and you tell me where you've been. I ask you where you've been, and you tell me where you're going.

When you talk about lip service and treating issues like political footballs, I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not. In this case, you must be agreeing with me as the dems have been tossing this issue back and forth while republicans actually make touchdowns and the issue goes away (of course, I don't know what the repubs do with the homeless, but they are out of sight and out of mind).

With the ICE detention centers, the dems are like firefighters who start house fires then blame somebody else for the fire while they watch the house burn down. Repubs had been begging the dems for months to send support to the border while the dems were claiming there was no issue. Then when the issue blows up, its the Repubs and CBP's fault? AOC refused to allow funding for beds and supplies to go to the ICE centers, then screams that the illegals have to sleep on the ground while drinking from toilets.

Oh, but this is Trump's fault... hmm, GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! (if you hadn't noticed, that's my catchphrase here)

I don't know if your tv picks up channels from another dimension where the dems rule the world and everyday they eat cake and dance with unicorns while everybody punches nazis, but that is not this world we live in now.

Canada and Finland, for example, were planned short-term experiments. They also didn't pay that much or do away with/replace any other current government social programs.
What programs should they have cut? Their immigration program or the universal healthcare? The main point that you may be missing is that even in a short term plan, they had to stop them before the set period of time was up because they were too expensive, and the Finland test could have damaged their economy. Canada had to stop its test after the first year, with a set amount of money going into the program, which wasn't affected by other programs.

Alaska has a low population for its size and is mostly rural where people live very simple lives. I'm sure that Alaska is a very bad example to use since it does not even come close to the same criteria that UBI faces in all 50 states.
Last edited by morvoran,


Self proclaimed Pog champion
Aug 25, 2011
A concrete Igloo
In Canada, Ontario's government decided to launch a UBI experiment in July of last year. But a few months ago, they decided to end the experiment — two years ahead of schedule. Upon the conclusion of the trial, a Canadian official called the experiment "quite expensive" and said "it was certainly not going to be sustainable."

I know you are trolling us but as an actual canadian allow me to give you the truth on this point you brought up: The basic income project was actually helping many struggling families find a way out from their poverty. some bought a much needed newer vehicle, some went back to school, some were able to afford their heating bills in the winter buy making upgrades to their homes.

It failed only because our new government (we voted in the conservative party, a right leaning party) decided it was wasteful spending without looking at the mountain of data collected that showed it was saving tax payers money.
Last edited by J-Machine,
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
When you talk about lip service and treating issues like political footballs, I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not. In this case, you must be agreeing with me as the dems have been tossing this issue back and forth while republicans actually make touchdowns and the issue goes away (of course, I don't know what the repubs do with the homeless, but they are out of sight and out of mind).
This very thread is on the topic of lip service. The article you posted states that pretty clearly. Trump doesn't solve anything simply by saying he's going to solve it, and you never bother following up to hold him accountable for his broken promises. Like so many other Republican voters, you've got the memory and attention span of a goldfish. Perhaps I'll bump this thread in a year to remind you that the homeless problem remains unchanged and the administration still hasn't announced any specifics about their plan to fix it.

With the ICE detention centers, the dems are like firefighters who start house fires then blame somebody else for the fire while they watch the house burn down. Repubs had been begging the dems for months to send support to the border while the dems were claiming there was no issue.
More problems exacerbated by the Trump administration. They cut off aid to South American countries in the midst of economic and governmental crises, knowing full well the result would be a flood of immigration. Then they called them all Mexicans in a further attempt to gaslight the nation, just like you're trying to gaslight this forum.

Then when the issue blows up, its the Repubs and CBP's fault? AOC refused to allow funding for beds and supplies to go to the ICE centers, then screams that the illegals have to sleep on the ground while drinking from toilets.
Conditions have not at all improved since funding was passed, it's all getting redirected to pet projects like the wall. Meanwhile, children are still going without vaccines or basic necessities, and they're still being raped by ICE officers in unsupervised detention facilities perfect for attracting pedos. AOC was smart enough to see through all the bullshit to this end result from a mile away. Pelosi was either incompetent, malicious, or both for signing on to McConnell's bill.
Last edited by Xzi,


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
USA MTN timezone
Visit site
United States
It wasn't until I realized that I was causing my own problems (with the help of a true friend that refused to coddle me) and found a little thing nobody seems to know much about today - "Personal Responsibility", that I was able to overcome my problems. He let me stay in the basement as long as I helped out around the house, gave me a month to clean up my act and find work to pay rent or else I was back out in the cold. If it wasn't for him caring about me in the right way, I wouldn't be where I am today. Everybody else just gave me a few bucks to get rid of me like I was just any homeless person on the sidewalk.

How is free rent for a month not coddling, and how are you being ungrateful for someone giving you a few bucks? How many other homeless people have friends that would give them that kind of leg-up? Where you get access to a real address, indoor plumbing, relatively private shelter, etc etc. And you're complaining about people who gave you a few bucks???? Does not compute
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Dec 19, 2010
MAGA Country
United States
I know you are trolling us but as an actual canadian allow me to give you the truth on this point you brought up: The basic income project was actually helping many struggling families find a way out from their poverty.
Me: Pastes the results of Canada's UBI test found on a website.
You: What a troll! I will give you my opinion because I live in Canada and act like it's a fact.
Every sensible person alive: Wait... what?

The article you posted states that pretty clearly. Trump doesn't solve anything simply by saying he's going to solve it, and you never bother following up to hold him accountable for his broken promises.
What broken promises? You only look at what he posts on twitter and never what he has actually done.

They cut off aid to South American countries in the midst of economic and governmental crises, knowing full well the result would be a flood of immigration. Then they called them all Mexicans in a further attempt to gaslight the nation, just like you're trying to gaslight this forum.
He was punishing them for sending their citizens to us while taking our tax dollars. Once they straighten up, we start giving them money again.

Conditions have not at all improved since funding was passed, it's all getting redirected to pet projects like the wall. Meanwhile, children are still going without vaccines or basic necessities, and they're still being raped by ICE officers in unsupervised detention facilities perfect for attracting pedos. AOC was smart enough to see through all the bullshit to this end result from a mile away. Pelosi was either incompetent, malicious, or both for signing on to McConnell's bill.
Do you have a direct line to Pelosi and "the squad"? Where are you getting your lies, or in your brainwashed mind - information?

How is free rent for a month not coddling, and how are you being ungrateful for someone giving you a few bucks? How many other homeless people have friends that would give them that kind of leg-up? Where you get access to a real address, indoor plumbing, relatively private shelter, etc etc. And you're complaining about people who gave you a few bucks???? Does not compute
Wow, and people accuse me of being a troll? How about you wait for my autobiography to come out. That will explain everything.
Maybe, once you move out of your grandma's basement (or attic?), you'll learn how the real world works.


hardware monkey
Aug 10, 2014
y0uR m0mz b0x
United States
"The administration didn’t make clear what types of action it is considering. Nor is it clear what type of measures the administration legally can take."

So this story is a waste of the electricity used to create it. Nothing will happen.
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