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[POLL] 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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We just had to get Trump out because he's a fascist and a threat to everything America stands for.
I’ve never understood this argument, considering he was trying to pull troops out of the Middle East which is a left-wing position, first President in over 40 years not to start a new war, which used to be a left position.
He didn’t renew the patriot act (unlike Obama ) which was hated by the left.
Well in the beginning of his presidency he kept up The previous administrations drone strikes until he got rid of Bolton, Once Trump loyalists were installed, those went down to near nothing so cumulatively he did fewer in his four years by far than Obama did In his 1st 4 and Obama did more than Bush did because Obama for all of his rhetoric was really bush Jr. 2.0, just as assuming Biden follows the Obama administration‘s path it’s gonna be bush Jr. 3.0.

You can argue about the economy pre-Covid, but I can see from the Canadian perspective trump did a good job for his country with the new USMCA because Canada got royally screwed on it, it heavily favors the US

was the left lying About these supposed left-wing positions being bad through all the Bush years and then the Obama years or are they actually pro war, pro big business etc.?
Because Trump has a lot of problems, and even with his good policies he’s in a-hole, But he was an anti-establishment a-hole which is why you had all the Crony big business RINO Republicans against him.

realistically the far left should’ve sided with Trump because they already put up with it for 4 years, what’s another four because it leaves the door open for them to do a clean Progressive sweep in 2024.
Instead they sided with the crony Democrats who are going To lock up the ivory tower again and make sure that no populist on either side left or right gets back in.

congratulations far-left you set your cause further back.
unless of course, as I say it was all a lie and the far left are actually pro war, pro crony politics, pro big business etc.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I’ve never understood this argument, considering he was trying to pull troops out of the Middle East which is a left-wing position, first President in over 40 years not to start a new war, which used to be a left position.
He didn’t renew the patriot act (unlike Obama ) which was hated by the left.
Well in the beginning of his presidency he kept up The previous administrations drone strikes until he got rid of Bolton, Once Trump loyalists were installed, those went down to near nothing so cumulatively he did fewer in his four years by far than Obama did In his 1st 4 and Obama did more than Bush did because Obama for all of his rhetoric was really bush Jr. 2.0, just as assuming Biden follows the Obama administration‘s path it’s gonna be bush Jr. 3.0.

You can argue about the economy pre-Covid, but I can see from the Canadian perspective trump did a good job for his country with the new USMCA because Canada got royally screwed on it, it heavily favors the US

was the left lying About these supposed left-wing positions being bad through all the Bush years and then the Obama years or are they actually pro war, pro big business etc.?
Because Trump has a lot of problems, and even with his good policies he’s in a-hole, But he was an anti-establishment a-hole which is why you had all the Crony big business RINO Republicans against him.

realistically the far left should’ve sided with Trump because they already put up with it for 4 years, what’s another four because it leaves the door open for them to do a clean Progressive sweep in 2024.
Instead they sided with the crony Democrats who are going To lock up the ivory tower again and make sure that no populist on either side left or right gets back in.

congratulations far-left you set your cause further back.
unless of course, as I say it was all a lie and the far left are actually pro war, pro crony politics, pro big business etc.
Most of the information here is incorrect. I'll address some of the incorrect points:
  1. Trump has talked about pulling troops, but he hasn't done so. He has also deployed additional troops into the Persian Gulf. Pay attention to what he does, not what he says, because usually what he says is nonsense. In fact, Trump lawyers recently argued in court that Trump's tweets don't mean anything, since Trump would have otherwise had to declassify items related to the Mueller Report like he tweeted he'd do. A judge was about to force him to do so before Trump's own lawyers argued Trump's tweets are bullshit.
  2. Trump is not the first president in over 40 years not to start a new war.
  3. Trump and the Republicans in the Senate attempted to renew the Patriot Act. The Democratic House blocked it.
  4. Drone strikes and civilian casualties have spiked under Trump.
  5. The rate of economic growth was unchanged between the time Obama left office and just before COVID-19 hit. Trump inherited a booming economy from a Democratic president and took credit for it. Trump then ran the economy to the ground with his pathetic COVID-19 "response." In other words, the only Trump economy is the COVID-19 economy.
Last edited by Lacius,


Small Homebrew Dev
Jan 23, 2016
47 4F 54 20 45 45 4D
United States
realistically the far left should’ve sided with Trump because they already put up with it for 4 years, what’s another four because it leaves the door open for them to do a clean Progressive sweep in 2024.
Instead they sided with the crony Democrats who are going To lock up the ivory tower again and make sure that no populist on either side left or right gets back in..
I remember back when Biden was chosen in the primary that briefly ran through my head.
Biden imo is one of the most lukewarm democrats and wasn’t pushing for a lot of the progressive policies I’m interested in. But I’d be damned if I threw my morals away by voting for Orange.

Very dumb scenario where I realized that, if I vote for Biden and he wins their group may end up saying “oh people want this and it works, keep doing it” staying as close as possible to status quo instead of embracing progressive ideas later.
Already some more recent comments made by Pelosi and Spanberger have me thinking this is the exact conclusion they’ve drawn from this election.

That being said I still don’t think it was the wrong move for progressives to back him, considering the alternative is an authoritarian that rejects science.
Last edited by 8BitWonder,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Oh, please. Is that the best you can do? We can all post hundreds of videos of Trump backtracking and saying/doing the most retarded shit anyone has ever heard a President say in their lifetime.
Hey - guy - this is not "my console is better than yours", this is FLIPPING democrats not addressing vast amounts of untapped voter potential with ANY political messaging, because they had this f*cking idea, that they voted like a monolith, for them to be picked up with 'US will be like Cuba PR from Republicans' subsequently.

(We talk about how flipping unreal that PR angle is another time. (Hey, turns out having sponsored the Chicago Boys ("The US need a villain") can pay off even today...))

THE F*CKING outrage, of Dems spending money on young white suburban voter grooming instead, just because QUOTE "they turn out to be more loyal, over the years" or NOT A QUOTE Missy in the social justice warriors department set up a PR agency for her and her friends, and they want to mostly target white young folks, not to get their hands dirty, will have long lasting impact on the US voting system.

So what do you do next? Lull down those voters so they dont matter again in the future, because your entire campaign behavior was based on "that they dont go to the polls in large numbers"?

This is more than Trump vs Biden.

This is the Democrats gifting away political power for years to come (hey if you are a politician, and you are the first person to talk to me in my language, caring about me - I might vote for you as well), and gifting away ANY chance to change something in this country for the next 4 years FOR WHAT?

The more loyal young educated white demo? Empty ad spending, to fluff your own staffers?

You had the money this time arround - now you went and spent it on BS? So you could just narrowly win?

And Reps got out of it what they wanted as well. No loss of face. Ample opportunity to berate you for the next four months. Get rid of Trump. Get all the justices in on "for life" engagements. What else could they have wanted for christmas?

While the US is so amped up on 'looking at the guy in charge' - lets ask the more serious question, do you think opportunities like these come often?

The other party has a pandemic on hand which it mishandled, your political opponent dogwhistles to radicals and talks about the genes of his voters, is half a billion USD in debt due next election period, fantasizes about leaving the country if he loses - only has Adelson and the Mercers in his backpocket, which is hardly the US financial establishmant, nor the international elite. Borderline flirts on destroying the planet (but going all in on that - doesnt work, because no one listen to Chomsky - what a surprise) -- and then you OVERLOOK the fact, that people hate virtue signaling and dont care about issues that dont represent what they can see in their own life - and gift a whole new subset of voters to your pollitical opponents because QUOTE 'the educated white vote would still be enough to win'.

Are you mad? I mean, honestly.

*bellyclap* for sitting duck Biden. Who announced, that he wanted to be president to be a sitting duck, for his whole life. Not to have to change too much.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I mean what - people in here spent hours of their free time disabling right wing conspiracy memes. And then the democratic party forgets, that there are people in the US that speak spanish?

Here is your conspiracy narrative of the week.

Sponsors didn't want change. So they ensured, that Biden didnt win by too much. By banking on having that money gifted to spending on 'whatever demographic you like most' PR agencies, you decide. Then they made sure Republicans addressed latinos very efficiently - because HEY, thats the long term play.

If you want a country always closely divided on what inactive figuerehead to pick next.
Last edited by notimp,


Sep 13, 2009
United States
False narrative. Even though that was part of the angle, that was not the decider.
I didn't want to imply that was the only reason, but I have seen videos of people saying that they voted for Trump because of socialism.

I remember back when Biden was chosen in the primary that briefly ran through my head.
Biden imo is one of the most lukewarm democrats and wasn’t pushing for a lot of the progressive policies I’m interested in. But I’d be damned if I threw my morals away by voting for Orange.
Democrats aren't perfect, but they have done good when they get power, especially when they are not getting blocked all the time. At the very least, can reverse some the harm he did without congress. I did pick Bernie, but honestly, now I don't think he would have made it in such a politically charged landscape.

Very dumb scenario where I realized that, if I vote for Biden and he wins their group may end up saying “oh people want this and it works, keep doing it” staying as close as possible to status quo instead of embracing progressive ideas later.

Already some more recent comments made by Pelosi and Spanberger have me thinking this is the exact conclusion they’ve drawn from this election.

That being said I still don’t think it was the wrong move for progressives to back him, considering the alternative is an authoritarian that rejects science.
Eh, I think people like that are going to come to that conclusion regardless. That just means more progressives need to take more seats.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
I’ve never understood this argument, considering he was trying to pull troops out of the Middle East which is a left-wing position, first President in over 40 years not to start a new war, which used to be a left position.
He didn’t renew the patriot act (unlike Obama ) which was hated by the left.
Well in the beginning of his presidency he kept up The previous administrations drone strikes until he got rid of Bolton, Once Trump loyalists were installed, those went down to near nothing so cumulatively he did fewer in his four years by far than Obama did In his 1st 4 and Obama did more than Bush did because Obama for all of his rhetoric was really bush Jr. 2.0, just as assuming Biden follows the Obama administration‘s path it’s gonna be bush Jr. 3.0.

You can argue about the economy pre-Covid, but I can see from the Canadian perspective trump did a good job for his country with the new USMCA because Canada got royally screwed on it, it heavily favors the US

was the left lying About these supposed left-wing positions being bad through all the Bush years and then the Obama years or are they actually pro war, pro big business etc.?
Because Trump has a lot of problems, and even with his good policies he’s in a-hole, But he was an anti-establishment a-hole which is why you had all the Crony big business RINO Republicans against him.

realistically the far left should’ve sided with Trump because they already put up with it for 4 years, what’s another four because it leaves the door open for them to do a clean Progressive sweep in 2024.
Instead they sided with the crony Democrats who are going To lock up the ivory tower again and make sure that no populist on either side left or right gets back in.

congratulations far-left you set your cause further back.
unless of course, as I say it was all a lie and the far left are actually pro war, pro crony politics, pro big business etc.

You echo my sentiment entirely. However you have to understand, americans are just as fundamental in their views as the middle easterners. This is true for both the left and right. As soon as trump was labelled anti-feminist, anti-gay, and the modern day lynch tool "anti-black" and "anti-semite", he basically had no hope.

The sad truth is Trump did more for the american black community than Obama ever did (introduced initiatives which let out black prisoners from their long sentences early who had committed smaller crimes - ironically due to laws supported by Biden and Kamala). Same for the Economy. He did not go into another war with the middle east AND he opened an embassy in Israel. He also brokered a deal with Korea and calmed things down on that front.

BUT, blah blah blah, against immigrants, against black people against women.

P.s: Have you seen Biden's track record on black people and kamala harris'? Both are responsible for incarcerating more black youths than anyone and destroyed more black families than katrina. The plight of american Black community will never change because they are so easily preyed upon and fooled by virtue signalling.

You can't throw pearls before swine, especially pearls of wisdom, and americans are the most ignorant sort of swine. They have just landed themselves a hellish 4 years, but let's be honest, do they not deserve it? They spent the past 20 years destroying other nations, its time to pay the piper.
Last edited by MadonnaProject,
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
I’ve never understood this argument, considering he was trying to pull troops out of the Middle East which is a left-wing position, first President in over 40 years not to start a new war, which used to be a left position.
He didn’t renew the patriot act (unlike Obama ) which was hated by the left.

His trade war with china, poking north korea & mexico, the war on the environment, siding with the white supremacists & the war on the truth.

It's not just about troops.

Trump is a disaster of a person, let alone a president. He is a really really sore loser, his dads money must have bought a lot of getting his own way. That is why he thinks the election is a fraud, he's never learned that it's possible to lose & so he just can't cope when he can't buy his way.

I wonder if he booked four seasons total landscaping for his lawyers press conference by mistake?

He tweeted the location and time – 11:30 a.m. ET – after posting then deleting an earlier tweet that said a "Lawyers Press Conference" would be held at 11 a.m. at "Four Seasons, Philadelphia," which seemed to suggest it would be held at a hotel.

"To clarify, President Trump's press conference will NOT be held at Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia," the hotel tweeted Saturday. "It will be held at Four Seasons Total Landscaping- no relation with the hotel."

Lawyers will say what they are paid to say, as long as it's not illegal (and some will try to ignore that), so don't believe anything they say either.
Last edited by smf,
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Dec 6, 2008
United States
Hey - guy - this is not "my console is better than yours", this is FLIPPING democrats not addressing vast amounts of untapped voter potential with ANY political messaging, because they had this f*cking idea, that they voted like a monolith, for them to be picked up with 'US will be like Cuba PR from Republicans' subsequently.

(We talk about how flipping unreal that PR angle is another time. (Hey, turns out having sponsored the Chicago Boys ("The US need a villain") can pay off even today...))

THE F*CKING outrage, of Dems spending money on young white suburban voter grooming instead, just because QUOTE "they turn out to be more loyal, over the years" or NOT A QUOTE Missy in the social justice warriors department set up a PR agency for her and her friends, and they want to mostly target white young folks, not to get their hands dirty, will have long lasting impact on the US voting system.

So what do you do next? Lull down those voters so they dont matter again in the future, because your entire campaign behavior was based on "that they dont go to the polls in large numbers"?

This is more than Trump vs Biden.

This is the Democrats gifting away political power for years to come (hey if you are a politician, and you are the first person to talk to me in my language, caring about me - I might vote for you as well), and gifting away ANY chance to change something in this country for the next 4 years FOR WHAT?

The more loyal young educated white demo? Empty ad spending, to fluff your own staffers?

You had the money this time arround - now you went and spent it on BS? So you could just narrowly win?

And Reps got out of it what they wanted as well. No loss of face. Ample opportunity to berate you for the next four months. Get rid of Trump. Get all the justices in on "for life" engagements. What else could they have wanted for christmas?

While the US is so amped up on 'looking at the guy in charge' - lets ask the more serious question, do you think opportunities like these come often?

The other party has a pandemic on hand which it mishandled, your political opponent dogwhistles to radicals and talks about the genes of his voters, is half a billion USD in debt due next election period, fantasizes about leaving the country if he loses - only has Adelson and the Mercers in his backpocket, which is hardly the US financial establishmant, nor the international elite. Borderline flirts on destroying the planet (but going all in on that - doesnt work, because no one listen to Chomsky - what a surprise) -- and then you OVERLOOK the fact, that people hate virtue signaling and dont care about issues that dont represent what they can see in their own life - and gift a whole new subset of voters to your pollitical opponents because QUOTE 'the educated white vote would still be enough to win'.

Are you mad? I mean, honestly.

*bellyclap* for sitting duck Biden. Who announced, that he wanted to be president to be a sitting duck, for his whole life. Not to have to change too much.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I mean what - people in here spent hours of their free time disabling right wing conspiracy memes. And then the democratic party forgets, that there are people in the US that speak spanish?

Here is your conspiracy narrative of the week.

Sponsors didn't want change. So they ensured, that Biden didnt win by too much. By banking on having that money gifted to spending on 'whatever demographic you like most' PR agencies, you decide. Then they made sure Republicans addressed latinos very efficiently - because HEY, thats the long term play.

If you want a country always closely divided on what inactive figuerehead to pick next.



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Democrats aren't perfect, but they have done good when they get power, especially when they are not getting blocked all the time.
Look this isnt about 'my camp is best, because my camp is moral'.

Here - watch this:

If all you are today - until today is the party for social justice warrior careerists who want to spend money on their young white educated friends. Up to the point where you entirely forget, that you could address a demographic thats untapped yet (easiest, most cost effective way to gain votes). To the point where you forget, that you might need spanish messaging out there as well. And this then results in you loosing another opportunity to instill any effective change as a result of it (lame duck president). Then first - "f*ck you" (not you personally), and second - its more than apt to think about the US as a political system stuck in perpetual inactivity at this point - and maybe to even philosophize if thats wanted.

Because that IS what gets sold to the donor class. Vers betum.

Also - your claim that, well this time it was an honest oversight, but normally, when we are in power - we do good, but this time it was so hard to win, is flipping BS. You've done nothing for decades. You've messed up even the Obama presidency, twice - making it all about a wallstreet bailout, and your opponent this time around was a flipping joke. Just ask your international friends.

Its a miracle how you could have won the election only by three percent, loosing the senate race.

Well, how about not doing any in person events in the last few days, and not talking to latinos? Well - that would certainly do it... Great, lets do that then.

Ah, personal ostracizing. :) Without arguments. The favorite move of the social justice warrior class whenever they hit social media.

Sorry, I have Andrew Yang and the NYT on my side of the argument this time around. Just that they pull punches... :)

What I'm saying is not ridiculous. Its what happened.

And you are shills for actively pretending to not see it. Ideologically coopted. Trying to win the argument with platitudes of 'but we are so moral, when we are in power'. BS. Or with 'but Trump is worse' so what? Now you can be entirely incompetent?

Suck on this win - that will prolong the status quo for another four years. (At least the republicans got judges being appointed out of Trump.) Which to be honest, was always the goal of the left.

Or what was your messaging to the voter classes you didnt address?


Damn it - the Prince of Bel Air, and the Cosby Show where more honest that this. ;)


Arent those just lies?
Last edited by notimp,


Deck head
Jan 28, 2009
United Kingdom
It's official now. Hello President Biden!

Edit: you guys seriously need to get rid of the EC, it's an insane way of electing a president, Seriously, runoff systems make much more sense. It's almost as if this system was setup by some slave owners or something.
Last edited by emigre,


RIP Yuzu. "It is always morally correct..."
Jun 22, 2007
United States
I'm just here for the reactions:

Last edited by stanleyopar2000,


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
It's official now. Hello President Biden!
President-elect Biden.

It's official now. Hello President Biden!

Edit: you guys seriously need to get rid of the EC, it's an insane way of electing a president, Seriously, runoff systems make much more sense. It's almost as if this system was setup by some slave owners or something.
The Electoral College is 100% a joke; we know. But, since one political party shamelessly and unapologetically benefits from it, it's not going away anytime soon.
Last edited by Lacius,
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
It's official now. Hello President Biden!

Edit: you guys seriously need to get rid of the EC, it's an insane way of electing a president, Seriously, runoff systems make much more sense. It's almost as if this system was setup by some slave owners or something.
It is ridiculous, isn't it? We had to wait breathlessly for four days to find out if the candidate leading by over four million votes was the winner.


GBAtemp's residential attorney
Editorial Team
Feb 28, 2014
Grand Line
It is ridiculous, isn't it? We had to wait breathlessly for four days to find out if the candidate leading by over four million votes was the winner.
At least this time around the person who won the popular vote actually wins the election.

Thank. God.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
Oh, I dunno, probably everyone else who isn't resorting to desperation to continue an argument from two weeks ago. The seethe is real, man.

I never really engaged you on your comment mass-labeling all Trump supporters as racists. The closest I came was THIS responding to where you called all blacks, latinos, and Indians who supported Trump "Uncle Toms." You certainly do have a tendency for name-calling. Maybe some others directly engaged you at length about your 'racists' shit-fling, but except for that one response I did not. Considering your tendency to throw the ad hominem and labels around at whole groups of people though (i.e. you people) no surprise you'd include me.

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