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Everything wrong with the Texas Republican Party Platform


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Imagine thinking any political party cares about you
The left as a whole and many on the right are so heavily invested in this Democrat vs Republican team sport bullshit that it prevents them from seeing the bigger picture. They can't grasp that 90% of those in DC and in the state governments are nothing but puppets enriching themselves at our expense. They fail to see that the politicians create emergencies so they can pass laws to strip away our freedoms. How quickly people became accustomed to being searched at airports by nude scanners, forced to only carry small bottles of bathroom items, taking off your shoes, belts and hats, and hour long queues through security. They don't mind that you have to throw away your bottle of water in the security line and if you want another, you have to buy it at a business in the terminal for $6.50. How convenient for the airport businesses. They say nothing about the government actually encroaching on them personally. It's always, "Govern me harder, daddy" with these people.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
Imagine thinking any political party cares about you
Oh don't get me wrong. Both Republicans and Democrats are backed by companies. They don't give two shits.
The problem is that one of them instead of not giving a shit on a specific issue, decided they should, and treating certain human beings as lesser because they saw it as politically viable to rile up their base.
So I'll repeat myself. At least one of them didn't treat certain human beings like shit, and want to say...
Make their lives as miserable as possible through law just to rile up their base.
So no. Democrats don't care about people. It's just that Republicans care about the people who go against their idealogy and rather do everything they can to proscute them.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
It's just that Republicans care about the people who go against their idealogy and rather do everything they can to proscute them.
You really think that is a unique trait to them? Seems to be a standard modern political tool regardless* which is a bit sad really but got to play human psychology and most people (aka enough voters to cancel out others) are susceptible to it.

*some of the libertarians are a bit more permissive but I can't imagine for a moment that if they came to power in a basically two party system (can't imagine the US is going to be anything but any time soon) that they would not drop it like a hot potato. Or for the more flip side see all the fun and games the US democrats and the business democrats that are still nominally in charge are having with the democratic socialists not bowing to the whip and tanking agendas all over the place because maths.

That said I am curious. If they gain the perception of such things (whether justifiably or not -- perception is reality after all) if that will have an impact on things (whether votes for, switching sides/swing votes in US parlance or those that would have stayed at home turning up aka most of the potential youth vote and we will pretend it is in a place that matters for such things -- stay home/do whatever California youth as not much is going to change regardless). It was noted that the Roman Catholics suffered a bit of problem here when being all "ew gays" and the youth being "that is my mate Billy, he is not bad" and something similar could happen.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Oh don't get me wrong. Both Republicans and Democrats are backed by companies. They don't give two shits.
The problem is that one of them instead of not giving a shit on a specific issue, decided they should, and treating certain human beings as lesser because they saw it as politically viable to rile up their base.
So I'll repeat myself. At least one of them didn't treat certain human beings like shit, and want to say...
Make their lives as miserable as possible through law just to rile up their base.
So no. Democrats don't care about people. It's just that Republicans care about the people who go against their idealogy and rather do everything they can to proscute them.
The Democrats are bad, but the Republicans are worse argument is so lazy and ignorant of history. Yes, both parties suck. One party is currently allowing criminals to roam the street hurting and killing people by releasing them immediately after arrest. One party is sending our strategic oil reserves to China, India and Europe while we pay $5/gallon. One party has opened our border allowing an active slave trade of brown people to take place.

I'm not sure what certain human beings are being treated as lesser, but if you look around, we are all being treated as lesser now.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
The Democrats are bad, but the Republicans are worse argument is so lazy and ignorant of history
"Ignorant of history"
Republicans: commonly the KKK, proud boys side with them even now.
You had a president who did an attempted arm coup in the middle of a federal election process.
You have the politicians supporting gerrymandering.
You just had that same party remove abortions regardless of circumstances. Resulting in severe disfigurement or trama of women.
You have the same party going after gay marriage.
The same party now looking into completely overturning the will of the people through independent legislature theory. Which also they refused to fix gerrymandering. As a result Republicans are less in favor of a democracy.
The same party wanted to go build a expensive ineffective wall, and instead it hurt Americans since they had to pay up for it.
The same party I should add, added into the baby formula issue, through a trump era policy of putting sanctions on imports. Which we ended up paying.
A party who rather have a private commercial healthcare. The same one everyones been dealing with for the last 30+ years.
Oh right! The same party that continues to believe "trickle down economics" works. You know. Part of the reason the pay disparity is so absurdly high.

The worst thing democrats has done is sit on their asses and stick up a finger up their nose. By that I mean the worst thing they've done is literately the act of doing nothing. Outside of overturning some polices that were genuinely bad. Outside of also doing war crimes. But both parties share that one via drone strikes and casualties
Last edited by Deleted member 586536,

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
Oh and let's not forget this image either.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Modern Conservativism is literally just "anything Liberals are doing or we think they are doing, we are against. Their entire idea of "small government" makes no fucking sense. How can you have a small government, while also wanting a government that limits the rights of everyone you don't like/agree with? Then there are the mental gymnastics justifying these positions, which mostly boils down to wanting to force everyone into being as shitty as they are. So It's an entire movement of being the shittiest people you've ever met.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
"Ignorant of history"
Republicans: commonly the KKK, proud boys side with them even now.
You had a president who did an attempted arm coup in the middle of a federal election process.
You have the politicians supporting gerrymandering.
You just had that same party remove abortions regardless of circumstances. Resulting in severe disfigurement or trama of women.
You have the same party going after gay marriage.
The same party now looking into completely overturning the will of the people through independent legislature theory. Which also they refused to fix gerrymandering. As a result Republicans are less in favor of a democracy.
The same party wanted to go build a expensive ineffective wall, and instead it hurt Americans since they had to pay up for it.
The same party I should add, added into the baby formula issue, through a trump era policy of putting sanctions on imports. Which we ended up paying.
A party who rather have a private commercial healthcare. The same one everyones been dealing with for the last 30+ years.
Oh right! The same party that continues to believe "trickle down economics" works. You know. Part of the reason the pay disparity is so absurdly high.

The worst thing democrats has done is sit on their asses and stick up a finger up their nose. By that I mean the worst thing they've done is literately the act of doing nothing. Outside of overturning some polices that were genuinely bad. Outside of also doing war crimes. But both parties share that one via drone strikes and casualties
False. The Dems traded the KKK because they have zero influence for KLANtifa as their foot soldiers
False. Nobody was armed except for Capitol Police. The only people who died that day were Trump supporters
NY Supreme Court dismissed gerrymandered Dem Congressional map and drew one themselves
A party did not remove abortions. It's not in the Constitution, therefore, it is the purview of the states
We live in a constitutional republic, not a democracy
The wall wasn't finished and there are a flood of illegal aliens being trafficked across the border
The factory that makes baby formula here in the US was shut down by Biden
I like my private healthcare insurance. Works better than the Obamacare plan I was forced on in 2011
Pay disparity is so high because blue states shut down their economies and people couldn't work

You're not very good at this are you?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2014
Damn, Texas' law system will be going to hell if they even consider allowing all that crap. Which afaik is a contradiction as their arguments are clearly influenced by a religious connotation, which again is pure crap.

Welcome to Inquisition, Season 2, or is it Season 3?.

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
False. Nobody was armed except for Capitol Police
This is false if you listened to the hearings. Republicans witness and police stated there was weapons.

The Dems traded the KKK because they have zero influence for KLANtifa as their foot soldiers
Not even sure wtf your trying to say. Because antifa littearly stands for anti fascists, and antifa is decentralized. There isn't a leader. Capital rioters themselves stated that antifa wasn't there. And the KKK aligns with Republicans today.
The wall wasn't finished and there are a flood of illegal aliens being trafficked across the border
It's not "illegal aliens" since you and I both know what you really mean. "Mexicans" even though it's not Mexicans but more likely El Salvadorans due to the gang crisis going on over there. You know, the one we help created? Littearly gang members are hunting people down and killing them.
As for the trafficking part. Blame Republicans. No seriously. Instead of maybe creating a path to citizenship, they rather criminalize them, deport them, and essentially have them killed since said gang members just have to wait for them to get thrown out. They instead choose to profit off it. Ever thought that companies looking for super cheep labour is the reason why they get hired? Because if they do get them hired. They can use deportation as a threat. Keeping their pay low. And getting a lots of profits.
I might as well also state they can't vote. I swear if I hear the "but they manage to vote anyways because stolen social security and hogging benifits" shumuck that I had to crawl out from. I am not even going to entertain responding to you for your own blatent stupidity of being unable to think of how they could possibly do that without getting busted. We have a deceasist record. A birth record. And your name written on that social security record. And commonly photo id records from state ids. Let's not forget your address is also recorded. So having everything smoothly and perfectly line up to get social secruity benifits isn't very probable. But then also assuming they are here illegally. Why the hell would they try to contact the goverment? They'll just risk getting deported.
And a shitty wall that doesn't even last for a full year would somehow be less shitty? Go on.
A party did not remove abortions.
So republicans passing abortion bans that would otherwise be unconstitutional unless they had sway in the supreme court to make a decsion like that, is not banning abortion? Okay go on.
We live in a constitutional republic, not a democracy
No, we live in a representive "democracy."
(Heavy air quotes when the supreme court isn't actually representive. Or the existence of gerrymandering)
But if your party wants to force everyone into a constitutional republic we're going to fuck off and leave. Since no one wants to live in that kind of system.
Pay disparity is so high because blue states shut down their economies and people couldn't work
Do you have the attention span of bug? Because you could look at pre covid pay disparities and they were just as high.

You're not very good at this are you?
If good is supposed to define changing your mind? Heavily ineffective. It's impossible to debate your brain rotting level of koolaid since none of your arguments are fact or logic base. Since they fly in the face of any reasoning.
Thanks for the reminder though
Last edited by Deleted member 586536,


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
United States
This is false if you listened to the hearings. Republicans witness and police stated there was weapons.
Imagine taking the kangaroo court of the Jan 6th committee seriously and as facts in any stretch of the imagination when no proof has ever been shown outside of hearsay, which amounts too, "I heard this from my cousin's sister's brother's uncle twice removed indefinitely."

In other news, Seabears and fairy tales are real.
Not even sure wtf your trying to say. Because antifa littearly stands for anti fascists, and antifa is decentralized. There isn't a leader. Capital rioters themselves stated that antifa wasn't there. And the KKK aligns with Republicans today.

The dems created the KKK, antifa, and helped BLM, founded by communist ideologists, grow into what it is, all radical domestic terrorist groups hell bent on destroying America. And just a group is called "Ant Fascist", doesn't mean they themselves are fascist themselves and their tactics. It's like an oxymoron (emphasis on moron lol). A serial killer can claim he never killed a soul, but if the hard and concrete evidence is there that he did kill multiple people, will you take their word for it and just let them go?

I know this is hard to wrap your head around and it won't go through, but this mostly for others so they don't get confused by your bullshit misinformation tactics you claim the right likes to use.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
This is false if you listened to the hearings. Republicans witness and police stated there was weapons.

Not even sure wtf your trying to say. Because antifa littearly stands for anti fascists, and antifa is decentralized. There isn't a leader. Capital rioters themselves stated that antifa wasn't there. And the KKK aligns with Republicans today.

It's not "illegal aliens" since you and I both know what you really mean. "Mexicans" even though it's not Mexicans but more likely El Salvadorans due to the gang crisis going on over there. You know, the one we help created? Littearly gang members are hunting people down and killing them.
As for the trafficking part. Blame Republicans. No seriously. Instead of maybe creating a path to citizenship, they rather criminalize them, deport them, and essentially have them killed since said gang members just have to wait for them to get thrown out. They instead choose to profit off it. Ever thought that companies looking for super cheep labour is the reason why they get hired? Because if they do get them hired. They can use deportation as a threat. Keeping their pay low. And getting a lots of profits.
I might as well also state they can't vote. I swear if I hear the "but they manage to vote anyways because stolen social security and hogging benifits" shumuck that I had to crawl out from. I am not even going to entertain responding to you for your own blatent stupidity of being unable to think of how they could possibly do that without getting busted. We have a deceasist record. A birth record. And your name written on that social security record. And commonly photo id records from state ids. Let's not forget your address is also recorded. So having everything smoothly and perfectly line up to get social secruity benifits isn't very probable. But then also assuming they are here illegally. Why the hell would they try to contact the goverment? They'll just risk getting deported.
And a shitty wall that doesn't even last for a full year would somehow be less shitty? Go on.

So republicans passing abortion bans that would otherwise be unconstitutional unless they had sway in the supreme court to make a decsion like that, is not banning abortion? Okay go on.

No, we live in a representive "democracy."
(Heavy air quotes when the supreme court isn't actually representive. Or the existence of gerrymandering)
But if your party wants to force everyone into a constitutional republic we're going to fuck off and leave. Since no one wants to live in that kind of system.

Do you have the attention span of bug? Because you could look at pre covid pay disparities and they were just as high.

If good is supposed to define changing your mind? Heavily ineffective. It's impossible to debate your brain rotting level of koolaid since none of your arguments are fact or logic base. Since they fly in the face of any reasoning.
Thanks for the reminder though
Nothing from the J6 hearings is true. Name one person who has been charged with possession of weapons. You don't be able to.

Illegal aliens is the legal term for people who cross the border illegally. There is a path to citizenship. People do it every day. These illegal aliens are dying in semi trucks while being trafficked into the country because of the Resident's open border policies and the cartels are getting richer. Women and children are being sold into sex slavery and you support it. You are no better than Jeffrey Epstein.

The Supreme Court ruled that abortion is not a protected right. If you can find it in the Constitution, I'll stand corrected. The right to life is protected.

We live in a constitutional republic. That is what the Founders called it when the states created the federal government.

Pre-Covid, pay disparities were the closest they have ever been. Look it up.

And the personal attacks because you do not have facts on your side. Typical brain dead leftist.


Objectively the most infuriating woman ever
Jun 26, 2022
Sneed's Feed and Seed
United States
"Both parties are bad!" say a bunch of people who, strangely, continue to either vote republican, or don't vote and back their talking points anyways. Remind me again, what are you guys doing to actually change the system? Any uh, local politics you're involved in? Canvassing for grassroots campaigns maybe?

Or uh, do you just whine about the left online and call it centrism?


Objectively the most infuriating woman ever
Jun 26, 2022
Sneed's Feed and Seed
United States
Imagine taking the kangaroo court of the Jan 6th committee seriously and as facts in any stretch of the imagination when no proof has ever been shown outside of hearsay, which amounts too, "I heard this from my cousin's sister's brother's uncle twice removed indefinitely."

In other news, Seabears and fairy tales are real.

The dems created the KKK, antifa, and helped BLM, founded by communist ideologists, grow into what it is, all radical domestic terrorist groups hell bent on destroying America. And just a group is called "Ant Fascist", doesn't mean they themselves are fascist themselves and their tactics. It's like an oxymoron (emphasis on moron lol). A serial killer can claim he never killed a soul, but if the hard and concrete evidence is there that he did kill multiple people, will you take their word for it and just let them go?

I know this is hard to wrap your head around and it won't go through, but this mostly for others so they don't get confused by your bullshit misinformation tactics you claim the right likes to use.
communism is when you hate racism, apparently.

Literally the dumbest post in this thread.

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