Know Your Temps: SignZ

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Tyrant R. of ye olde Prinny Squad
Nov 10, 2010
Wherever Yakity sax plays

Do you know me?
Do you know the sweet euphoria of being hit in the face with a custard pie?
Favorite animal?
Has anything weird/supernatural ever happen around you?
Game/s you're currently playing?
Favorite movie?
Is it too late to have this question answered?
Do you hate it when people scrape their fingers on a chalk board?
Favorite topic of discussion?
Tea or Coffee?
"Tales of"?
"Breath of Fire"?
"Seiken densetsu 3"?
Is time travel possible, and if so, why won't this fortune cookie tell me something useful?!
Why do hobos smell funny?
Thoughts on classical music?
Most annoying thing in the world?
Worst game you've played?
Have you ever vowed revenge against a door?
Console/handheld you've spent the most time playing?
Most addictive game you've played?
Is this too many questions?

Why is superglue so sticky?
Do you agree that muffins need to grow on trees?
Rice, noodles, or giant enemy crab?
What are you most proud of accomplishing?
Do I seem insane to you?
Do you like answering questions?
Why are bug zappers banned on the basis of animal cruelty?
Bright orange costume?
Aurora wave?
Expired milk?
Ichy poweder?
It's me from the future, we need to go back, back before my questions stopped making... sense?
Am I being tenacious with the questions here?
Why won't the blender blend blenders?
What happend to the flux capacitor?
And where is my coffee dammit ?
And why is the blender a portal?
What happened to my coconut's milk?
Why don't coconuts take initiative?!
Why is lemon?
Chimmy cherry, or cherry chonga?
What do you think of the moon?
Why won't you let me run with scizors?
Pickleberry kumquat?
Have I given you a headache?
What would happen if you put two black holes within a close proximity of each other?
And what if they had identical properties?
( Heads =H ) ( Tails =T ) HTH or HHT, does one pattern take less coin tosses on average or do both have the same chance?
T_T derp?
Favorite polygon?
Sharp objects?
Do you like explosions?
Wub cannon?
Have you seen the exit?
Am I unoriginal for repeating questions?

Is this the end?


GBAtemp's Flygon Fan
Oct 11, 2010
Know me
How's life
Do you like Japan
If you ever rule a country:
What would you call it?
What currency will it use?

Bye :P


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
Cleveland, OH
United States
Origin of your username?
Bagels or scones?
Catboy or Brian117? (say both and you instantly fail the question)
3DS or WiiU?
Catboy or Dog?
Pizza or Lizards?
Umbrellas or Catboy?
Favorite DS flashcart?
Turtles or Catboy?
Hard candy or gummy candy?
Favorite color?


Jul 16, 2008
Heya~ yo

Do you know me? I think I've seen you a couple times, yeah
Do you know the sweet euphoria of being hit in the face with a custard pie? Apple pie, yes, custard pie, no
Pets? 2 cats, Minka and Maria, both 7 years old and damn, I love them :)
Favorite animal? Cats, because they are so lazy sometimes, just lying around, sleeping, without any worries
Has anything weird/supernatural ever happen around you? Weird, oh yeah. Supernatural, maybe? - It was a couple years ago, during school. We were in the computer room, looking for some song texts to sing (sounds silly and believe me, it was). Anyway, 5 minutes before school was over, we were standing in front of the door, waiting to get outside. Then it suddenly happened. A big meteor was falling down, almost- Nah, just kidding. As we were standing there, it suddenly became black before my eyes and I fell. But not to any side, noo, that would be boring. I fell forward, literally on my nose. Then I was lying there, unconcious but being able to hear my classmates and also, now the weird part comes, seeing them from above. But I didn't just see the others, no. I saw myself, lying there, not moving. It was really strange, almost like my "soul" leaving my body. Hell, one of my classmates even asked "is he dead?". Well, luckily he was wrong. I kinda "got back" into my body and stood up, my nose was hurting and bleeding and I was a bit dizzy. Sat down, drank something, waited for my dad to come get me. Later that day I went to a doc, told him what happened, he took a look and then told me something I'll never forget.. I was damn lucky, he said that my nose bone(?) could as well have shoved itself into my brain. If that happened, I probably wouldn't be here, answering your question. Just thinking about it makes my nose hurt a bit.
Game/s you're currently playing? Megaman Starforce 3: Black Ace (really great game, btw is here anybody who would add me as a brother so I get more link power? I'm not that far in the game, but it would be nice :P)
Favorite movie? That would be the Back To The Future series (if only one of them, I'd pick Back To The Future 2)
Is it too late to have this question answered? It's never too late
Do you hate it when people scrape their fingers on a chalk board? No, I interestingly like it
Favorite topic of discussion? Videogames
Tea or Coffee? Neither (don't like coffee that much (ok, I tried it a years ago, maybe it tastes different nowadays) and I only drink tea when I'm sick)
"Tales of"? the Abyss (simply because of Luke and Asch, I kinda love stories like those, with clones and stuff)
"Breath of Fire"? 3! It was my first Breafh of Fire game and since then my all-time favorite BoF (I know, my avatar is Ryu from BoF 4, also a great game)
"Castlevania"? Tough question, only played the GBA and NDS ones. But from those... No idea
"Seiken densetsu 3"? Nice game, wish it would have been released in a proper language as well. :(
Is time travel possible, and if so, why won't this fortune cookie tell me something useful?! It is, you probably travelled in time but forgot about it. Btw, I LOVE time travel stories - books, movies, TV shows, games, hell even animes
Why do hobos smell funny? Because they sleep under newspapers. Those smell really strange
Thoughts on classical music? Well, if I like it, I like it
Most annoying thing in the world? Bees! I fucking hate bees (and wasps and all similar fuckers). When I was 10 years old, I stepped on an earth wasp nest while playing hide and seek with a couple friends.
Worst game you've played? Good question, I probably erased my memory of it
Have you ever vowed revenge against a door? Yes... AND ONE DAY REVENGE WILL COME
Console/handheld you've spent the most time playing? Console: PS1, handheld: NDS (sadly those are also my "newest" systems)
Most addictive game you've played? Pokemon. I don't know why but I could play it all the time. Loving it since Red and Blue
Is this too many questions? Nah, I love many questions. ASK MORE GUYS, KYT IS ENDING SOON!

Why is superglue so sticky? It's super
Do you agree that muffins need to grow on trees? Trees, bushes, they need to grow everywhere
Rice, noodles, or giant enemy crab? Giant enemy crab with noodles, filled with rice
What are you most proud of accomplishing? Having found the friends I have (real life and internet)
Do I seem insane to you? Not yet
Do you like answering questions? I kinda love it
Why are bug zappers banned on the basis of animal cruelty? wha? Seriously? Wow... I guess because they think bugs are animals, too. Or because birds and other animals zapped themselves
Bright orange costume? Too bright
Riboflavin? What?
Gargle? Do you need something to drink?
Aurora wave? If you mean what I think, then it looks awesome
Expired milk? If it causes diarrhea, sure. (I know, it sounds freaky, but I like having it. Sitting on the loo, shitting the shit out of you)
Polypeptide? huh?
Ichy poweder? No idea what that is
Dodecahedron? ok
It's me from the future, we need to go back, back before my questions stopped making... sense? Alright, hop into my DeLorean and we travel back to warn you
Am I being tenacious with the questions here? You surely are strange but it's ok. I'm having quite some fun answering your questions
Why won't the blender blend blenders? Because blenders don't fit into a blender
What happend to the flux capacitor? I swallowed it
And where is my coffee dammit ? Your future self drank it
And why is the blender a portal? What do you- AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
Meme? Can't say I like them but some sure are funny
What happened to my coconut's milk? That coconut is from the future. It travelled back in time to steal the milk but accidentally vaporized it.
Why don't coconuts take initiative?! Look above, it could go wrong
Why is lemon? Because it
Chimmy cherry, or cherry chonga? Chimmy chonga
Sardines? Mmmmh, love them
What do you think of the moon? I hope it never falls down.. But maybe it was often about to, but someone rewinded the time
Edit? Quick edit
Chimmicherrychonga? Boobies?
Why won't you let me run with scizors? So you don't stab me
Pickleberry kumquat? Whatever you like
Have I given you a headache? No
What would happen if you put two black holes within a close proximity of each other? I guess they [TOP SECRET] and [TOP SECRET]
And what if they had identical properties? Whoosh
( Heads =H ) ( Tails =T ) HTH or HHT, does one pattern take less coin tosses on average or do both have the same chance? Both have the same chance, unless H or T got marmalade
T_T derp? I hate that herping and derping and hurring and durring
Muffins? There should be infinite muffins for everyone
Randomness? This is quite random, yeah
Favorite polygon? [/_/}
Maths? Could come in handy
Do you like explosions? Yes :D
Wub cannon? Anti-wub shield, active
Have you seen the exit? Yes, it's over you
Am I unoriginal for repeating questions? Did you repeat any?

Is this the end? This is the end, you know. Lady the plans we had went all wrong
Hai Oh, hey
Know me Yup
How's life Great
Do you like Japan It's ok
If you ever rule a country: I hope I will
What would you call it? Signland
What currency will it use? Signs

Bye :P bye
Origin of your username? Drunk evening with a friend. My previous nickname was $h@d0w (I know), but since it was sooo normal and used by 238439 people, we thought and thought and thought.... Then, we had an idea. Since I made the logo for his and another friend's "band", he said I should name myself Signzet (sign set). So I took that name, had it for a couple days and then it evolved into SignZzeD. But then people just called me SignZ, since it was shorter, so I took that name.
Bagels or scones? Bagels
Catboy or Brian117? (say both and you instantly fail the question) Brian117
3DS or WiiU? 3DS
Catboy or Dog? Catdog
Pizza or Lizards? Pizza
Umbrellas or Catboy? I doubt Catboy could keep me dry when it rains, so umbrella
Favorite DS flashcart? Acekard 2
Turtles or Catboy? You don't seem to like Catboy
Hard candy or gummy candy? Gummy candy
Favorite color? Green
Penis? Yes, I have one. Thanks for asking
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Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2009
p1ngpong's dream
like me?
hate me?
little fighter 2 or lego racers or red alert 2?
Am i weird?
am i stupid?
am i annoying?
am i absent or missed?
why the fuck the lazy nick signz?
Does phoenix goddess think you are cool?
wheres old temp?


Dec 8, 2010
Kuala lumpur?
To be honest I never knew you till know :P, plz don't be mad!

So, if you were to rate my existence in Gbatemp in %, what would it be?

How long did you waited for this KYT session?

Which is more important Dreams or Ideals?

A Show/anime or Video that made you cry before?

Would you make me one awesome Sig If i asked you? (Not that I want though :P)


Completionist Themer
Mar 7, 2009
United States
SignZ SignZ:
Love me?
Love me now?
Love anime?
Love manga?
Love 2D?
Any fetishes?
What are they?
Are you weeaboo?
Favorite computer OS?
Favorite phone OS?
Favorite temper?
Favorite moderator?
Favorite Costello?
Like DS homebrew?
Current favorite technological device?
Favorite gaming console?
Favorite NES game?
Favorite SNES game?
Favorite N64 game?
Favorite PSX game?
Favorite Atari game?
Favorite Gameboy game?
Favorite Gameboy advance game?
Favorite DS game?
Am I a tsundere?
If you had to sum me up in one word, what would it be?
If you had to sum you up in one word, what would it be?
Favorite computer program?
Favorite computer game?
Most visited website?
What would you consider yourself (tsundere/yandere/kuudere/dandere)?


Jul 16, 2008
Hi Hey j- Chaosruler!
like me? Yup
hate me? Nah
Herp? harp
derp? dart
merp? mart
little fighter 2 or lego racers or red alert 2? Little Fighter 2
Am i weird? Yeah, but...->
am i stupid? No, you seem to be quite intelligent
am i annoying? ...-> no
am i absent or missed? I wish you'd finish the army soon
why the fuck the lazy nick signz? Dunno, people called me SignZ instead of SignZzeD so I chose that nick
gfs? what
Does phoenix goddess think you are cool? Apparently she does, but why shouldn't she. :P
wheres old temp? In the past, here. Take my time machine
What do you think of my new profile picture? Be honest. You look shocked
To be honest I never knew you till know :P, plz don't be mad! No problem, I mean. Do we know anybody? Does anybody know us?

So, if you were to rate my existence in Gbatemp in %, what would it be? 69% (sry, but who are you)

How long did you waited for this KYT session? Months... Many months. BUT HERE IT IS

Which is more important Dreams or Ideals? Ideals

A Show/anime or Video that made you cry before? There are quite a few, mostly when someone important died (or in Doctor Who, when David Tennant quit :( - the regeneration of the 10th Doctor was really sad... Mostly his "I don't want to go")

Would you make me one awesome Sig If i asked you? (Not that I want though :P) Maybe
SignZ SignZ: JP JP
Love me? Kinda
Love me now? Less than before
Love anime? "love" is a strong word, but yeah. I like them
Love manga? Same as anime
Love 2D? YES (gaming wise, but knowing you, you probably meant something else, eh :P)
Any fetishes? Nah, almost everything's ok
What are they? Look above
Are you weeaboo? No
Favorite computer OS? Windows XP (but using 7 makes me like it more and more and more and more)
Favorite phone OS? Doesn't matter, as long as it works
Favorite temper? Another World
Favorite moderator? FIX94
Favorite Costello? Kostello
Like DS homebrew? Yup, especially emulators
Current favorite technological device? My DS
Favorite gaming console? SNES
Favorite NES game? Good question.. Ice Climbers
Favorite SNES game? Terranigma
Favorite N64 game? The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Favorite PSX game? Breath of Fire 3
Favorite Atari game? Pong
Favorite Gameboy game? The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
Favorite Gameboy advance game? Phew, good question.. If I have to decide... Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Favorite DS game? Radiant Historia
Am I a tsundere? No idea what that is
If you had to sum me up in one word, what would it be? weeaboo
If you had to sum you up in one word, what would it be? strange
Favorite computer program? mIRC
Favorite computer game? Morrowind
Most visited website? GBAtemp
What would you consider yourself (tsundere/yandere/kuudere/dandere)? /
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