Hacking Legend of Heroes Translation

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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2013
United States
I don't know why they had such a poor stock either. I asked the 6 I have in my area and none of them received copies of the PS3 or Vita release. I live in rural east Tennessee. So it is not entirely that strange. But the only place that I found that received copies was 45 miles north of me. People like Flame mentioned why not order off the net and my mail person is a moron and all my packages get thrown on my porch as the crazy woman drives by. I'm old school. I collect stuff and hate to keep sending it back for copies that are not damaged. Companies get a little annoyed with this after the 3rd time. Thankfully some of them understand after I sent them a video of her doing this and reported her to her uncle (the local post master). Yet, she still is my mail person and continues to throw my stuff out. Got to love the government employee unions. Can't get fired even if you kill somebody.
Ah, that's really unfortunate. Bad postal service can be a real pain in the ass. I hate it when people don't do their job properly and get away with it. If you live in a rural area I can easily see why it may have been hard to find a copy though, as its unreliable to send copies of a niche game there. If you preorder it at the store I'm pretty sure they'll make sure they order a copy for you though, so you could always try doing that next time.
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New Member
Feb 17, 2016
No offense but I am gonna completely blow you off. You have 1 post and you registered today to post this. Among fan translations, Nightwolve is respected for his work on bringing Falcom games to the western world before Xseed did. I had enough sense to ask him personally about this and read numerous pieces regarding the situation. Before you suggest this is a conspiracy, how about you head over to his site and ask him about it. I long formed my opinion of this before talking with him about it. I think it is BS to release a game that is already available in a native language for profit after you steal the fore mentioned work from a person's private server and magically forget to credit the person who's hard work went in to making those files available in an editable form. Falcom has been around long enough to know that they need extra work to protect their games from hackers. Their files are nothing to sneeze at (I mean they aren't 80s and 90s Enix quality) but they are still good regardless.

The majority of, if not all respect for Nightwolve has long departed this earth. Someone who has spent years whining that people weren't paying him for a translation patch and nearly as many years complaining that Deuce got hired by XSEED (but not him) is not someone who you should even listen to, let alone respect. His site is plastered with juvenile garbage ('XXXSEED', 'DeuceBag', etc), he runs an anti-XSEED facebook, and has a pirated link to XSEED's Ys VI on his homepage, where hilariously he complains about them charging you for the game. You are citing an imaginary story by a hypocrite who has spent years of his life smouldering with hate, and you are cheapening yourself and your project by even mentioning it.

EDIT - My bad, I just reread your post and saw you were making fun of the suicidal Carpe Fulgur guy towards the end of it. Guess you can't get much lower than that!
Last edited by Buzzandre,


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2014
Gambia, The
If you take a comparison of the tracks on the NISA soundtrack vs the full soundtrack, you'll also notice that the ten tracks are edited. You're basically only getting a soundtrack sampler with just ten tracks of a four disc soundtrack.

NISA's album: http://vgmdb.net/album/56824
Actual OST: http://vgmdb.net/album/42419

Reading this tells me you don't know anything about the Evolution versions. Falcom themselves couldn't afford the amount of voice work that's in Zero no Kiseki Evolution, for one. This is why Chara-Ani and Kadokawa Games is involved. Falcom does not even have the distribution rights for these games- if you look at their online store, you could see this.

Zero no Kiseki Evolution is the only game with this information open, but they had over 150 actors in the game, recording over 20,000 lines of dialogue. This is the *smallest* of the Evolution games, since Zero no Kiseki only does main events. Ao no Kiseki is a larger game period, and the Sora no Kiseki FC and SC Evolution actually included NPCs and side quests.

Adding some more lines for one voice actor is one thing. Handling the process for that many voice actors is something else entirely and a logistical nightmare.

even if it´s only a sampler (i know it, i own it.. but "partial" things seems not to be xseeds thing, better nothing), the whole licencing issue in this case is kinda strange.. let alone for falcom´s music free use policy (and even if there is a problem with a few tracks)

also i own and played the evolution games (since we will never see them).. it´s no huge crossover title with 1000 parties.. it´s chara-ani and the developer, tho i donno if all rights belong to chara-ani (which i guess).. for a sign of good-will ask falcom, since especially zero/ao have no realistic chance for a release otherwise (backport ao? ...................). new contracts with new companies are part of the publishing buisness (and it´s not like kadokawa is unknown territory for them). and i say they should put a part dub on the evolution games, but that´s unthinkable.. it´s just ridicolous to think they would ask for MORE dub in sen.. that makes no sense (those to 2 things are just mildly connected and more points for themselves)

btw i´d really be suprised if we´ll see tokyo xanadu here (at least falcom is saying they are looking into it, makes me hope)
Last edited by Diag,


Aug 19, 2007
Gonna end on a good note.

Do we plan on doing 3rd? We have no intentions of stepping on anybody's toes. Xseed has not given a confirmation on the status of this that I know of at this point (and I don't follow what they are doing since reading about the cry baby translator holding a knife to his chest. I just lost all respect I had for them when they made that public knowledge as a sympathy plea for what took them so long as a professional company to release SC). If we get Zero and "Ao" done before it is confirmed one way or the other. Then yes "plan" to do this but life can change at a moments notice and we may move on from doing this at anytime. I don't hold my people captive and they are free to do as much or as little as they want at any given time.

We have the tools. We have the scripts. We have the knowledge. (I think it would be pretty cool to do since out of all the games from FC - Ao, I think is looks the cleanest in terms of workmanship with "Ao" a very good second place or tie).

Wow, talk about being utterly rude, and it wasn't even XSEED that made that message public, and you don't even have knowledge of the series to boot (Septum Church? Really? Trails of the void? AO?), or even proper english, "Quartzs"? "Figth"? "Fist Battle"? Really? And you have the gall of asking 2 Million and badmouth other translators and XSEED for this? Yeah ok, I would never want to be associated with your group if I ever translate a game.


Feb 18, 2016
United States
There's problems with the accuracy of translation, and big problems with presenting a readable script. The 2 minute video is filled with awkward line after awkward line until 'Occupation operations' made me chuck it away in disgust. Are they seriously thinking this is anywhere near professional quality? XSeed would set the damn script alight, collect the ashes, then light it up again. Zero G Monkey and Nightwolve are perfect companions, both thoroughly useless.


Feb 18, 2016
United States
The majority of, if not all respect for Nightwolve has long departed this earth. Someone who has spent years whining that people weren't paying him for a translation patch and nearly as many years complaining that Deuce got hired by XSEED (but not him) is not someone who you should even listen to, let alone respect.

Let's get one thing perfectly clear for all the Nightwolve supporters out there. Nightwolve didn't contribute to the translation aspect of the fan-translation. Yes, Nightwolve's hacking DID allow for Deuce to translate the project in much the same way that Deuce's COMPUTER allowed him to establish contact with Nightwolve and facilitate the translation of the project - neither of these events are important because at the end of the day neither Nightwolve nor Deuce's computer did the work XSEED was paying for. If anything Deuce should have compensated Nightwolve for his work, but NW went into complete angst mode targeting XSEED for ludicrous reasons. Reasons ludicrous enough that he's laughed at everywhere almost everywhere he goes.

End of the day - NW has no leg to stand on. End of story.


New Member
Feb 18, 2016
3) See above for anything relating to Nightwolve. Congratulations to them. They found a fan of the series to translate the games. I will admit that I don't know everything about the series. But I am intelligent enough to had people on my team who do and have been fans of Falcom games since the 80s. i do believe that trumps 12 years by a decade or two. I did not want to use Xseed terminology for these games (Zero and "Ao"). But against my wishes and with much consideration for fans of the games, I changed my stance about a year ago. That would probably be the reason I have the scripts for Trails FC, SC (both english and japanese) at my disposal. That is also why I get to chuckle at the stuff that is missing in the localization from the original japanese. I'm not worried about them "buying" it. I am more worried about them stealing it. The spreadsheets were in plain site for a very long time. You know, those things they had such a hard time getting right with SC. The tools were in plain site also, so they would not have had to rely much on Falcom here either (another problem they seemed to have). Trust me, I am not getting by with screwing up proper terms. Every time I make a reference mistake, it is promptly pointed out to me. I don't doubt that 1 quest in 3rd is larger than Brandish's whole script. Brandish is not known to be a text heavy game and I have seen the sheer amount of text in 3rd and Brandish. Not even a real contest there.

Hi Zero, I made an account just to talk to YOU! :D
So first thing your comments directed towards Xseed and Mr Dice were extremely rude and uncalled for. That alone should eliminate any possible professional credence you once had because a mental illness is real and does have serious consequences.

As for the whole NightWolve fiasco, Xseed purchased scripts translated by Deuce. These scripts BELONG LEGALLY TO NIHON FALCOM Corporation. Nightwolve does not get money for creating tools to extract this work. Yes you could argue that translation wouldn't have been possible without him but that's irrelevant because what Xseed bought is the translation of words written and held legally by Nihon Falcom. Unless Xseed uses NightWolve's tools they owe him nothing.

Lastly, let's talk about this project as a whole and the amount of money you amusingly asked for each translator. It's ludicrous. The work this project has put out has been so badly written and poorly localized that you'd be lucky if someone paid you $100 for it as a whole.
Now I understand it's not finished but if it ends up anywhere near the level of the Nayuta no Kiseki fan translation it will not only be an offense to the players you are supposedly doing this for. It will be a great a offense to the people who originally created it that you would butcher their work so badly.
To wrap this up, Zero, baby, don't ever translate for fun. Doing it for fun or practice is not okay. This is a big series with a lot of love put behind it by it's creators. It requires a certain level of expertise and commitment to render the text in a way that can be ready by the audience as well maintain all levels of meaning it once had.
Using google translate or a dictionary is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
I can guarantee you that Xseed would do a better job than any of could ever dream of. They have several members that actually do love and respect the series. Not only that they have connections directly with the people who made it. So they can ask questions about translating certain things to get the best possible result they can. Something you can't do.

Goofy Time

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
United States
I'm gonna chip in and ask a small question.

Who in the world gets paid for $250,000 for a translation of a game that even if it were officially localized, would sell less than 40,000 units? That's a crazy amount of money for a niche product, especially in an industry known not for paying their employees well in the very first place.

That's the only thing I can really talk about, because that number stood the fuck out for me. :P


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2009
United States
2 Japanese characters is about 1 word. That seems a bit high, but whatever. And a good translator can do 3,500 words per day so it would be 1750 Japanese characters per day. I'm an idiot, math fail. So it's 7,000 characters per day. There we go. For a script this size (1.4M Japanese characters for Zero), I get 800 days. Hmm... Something's got to be off. That doesn't seem right. It's either the 3,500 per day number or the 1 word per 2 characters number. I understand the Sen translator did the whole script (1.2M) in about a year. Can a good translator really do around 10,000 words per day!? So calculating again, it would take 200 days for a pro to do the entire script. This passes the idiot check (where you check the order of magnitude of the answer to ensure the answer makes sense).

I could count the number of words I used in the Nayuta script to see if the 2-for-1 number is accurate.

Going the other way, $.07 per character or $.13 per word seems like a standard TL rate. If you multiply out you get $100,000 (approx.). That's about what a translation is worth.

And obviously, he is saying "I won't sell, no matter what." It's a tortured reading if you're getting something else. I just thought it might be fun to think about how much it might cost if you wanted to hire-done a translation like this.
Translation isn't the only cost, see here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=186431762&postcount=24 TLDR: There are a lot of costs, but it doesn't tell you what each thing costs. Some of them can be figured out, but others are secret.

The reason XSEED won't localize them: There's no Japanese PC version of Ao. If Falcom ever creates one, I think we can expect them both to be localized eventually. I also see its creation as unlikely in the near term. Falcom is busy with other stuff.
Last edited by flame1234,


Feb 19, 2016
United States
As an old, retired translator I'm going to give an advice about how you're feeling, and I'll be blunt.

If you're afraid of your work being misused for monetary purposes, I'd suggest you stop this project and translate something else.

I'd always talk to my other friends about translating this series, and the answer was always 'no' for many reasons, this one included. One of them mentioned about this project and I'm really posting this because I sympathize with how you feel, and for what happened to Nightwolve.
The script of the games aren't that big to translate in comparison to other games that were fan translated.
The biggest reason I would never touch this besides script size, was that Xseed might pick them up, and this is a problem exactly because of what happened to Nightwolve.
Zero and Ao are still up for them to get localized, they just need an Ao PC port and they'd do it, and when they do, don't fool yourself thinking they won't scrap whatever they can out of your work to use on their project and sell it to people. They will.

It's why you'd only see crazy people fan translating these games. No one would like to take the risk of having their hard work sold without given credit or paid for it. It's just nuts. When I heard of you doing this project I was surprised you didn't think this through about how you feel if this scenario were to happen.

I'd say either settle for worst-case scenarios and they use your work in some form without giving you proper compensation, or just stop this and work on something else. I'd say something that has 0 chance of ever seeing a localization or translation...something like the metal max games perhaps? In my opinion, some of them are better than any game from the Kiseki series.
If you by all means must work on falcom titles, then maybe work on the ghagarv games like shiroki majou which is really good as well.

In case you feel bad about "wasting your time", you really didn't. Whatever you gained from the work you put on this project is experience you can use on your next project. This goes for any translation you work on, regardless of whether you see it through the end, and there aren't many things more frustrating than someone scraping your work for money while you see nothing of it. Nothing.

Just a thought.

Edit: I just read what Velesk had to say
Those are some big words for a company that did that horrible work with FC, and Xseed's translations are really just average to bad, so holding this company to such high standards is a bit weird...
If you're not an employee, shame on you for thinking they would fare better than a guy with a dictionary and google translator on their hands. After all, PSP's version of FC show that Xseed does use google translator and dictionaries to translate their works (it was really awful), so holding them up on that high pillar is quite odd. As far as I can see on this angle, Xseed is actually lower than the leader of this project, because they try to sell you google translated games. I wouldn't go running my mouth like that and risk sounding like an hypocrite, but you just did exactly that.
Last edited by yurayurato,


Aug 19, 2007
Edit: I just read what Velesk had to say
Those are some big words for a company that did that horrible work with FC, and Xseed's translations are really just average to bad, so holding this company to such high standards is a bit weird...
If you're not an employee, shame on you for thinking they would fare better than a guy with a dictionary and google translator on their hands. After all, PSP's version of FC show that Xseed does use google translator and dictionaries to translate their works (it was really awful), so holding them up on that high pillar is quite odd. As far as I can see on this angle, Xseed is actually lower than the leader of this project, because they try to sell you google translated games. I wouldn't go running my mouth like that and risk sounding like an hypocrite, but you just did exactly that.

I don't know where you got the idea that FC's translations are as bad as what these guys did, and I have no idea where you got the idea that using dictionaries are actually a bad thing, which is funny (and ironic) since you called yourself a "retired translator", and if this is better than what XSEED did with FC, then I can really understand on why you have retired as a translator (or not one to begin with)


Feb 19, 2016
United States
Let's forget for a second that we're talking about a work in progress (like you, so gracefully did), and let's compare it to FC's finished product that was made to be sold as an actual product
I actually had to dig up a bit to find this picture
Which is quite comparable to what you posted.

But my gripe with that translation was mainly moments like this. I have this picture from maybe 4 years ago, maybe more I don't care to remember.


I'll probably have people asking why this can't even be called a translation.
自分もお前のような不器用な男は嫌いではない。 This translates to "I don't really dislike clumsy men such as yourself"

And look at that, this is the one situation where the translator was obviously relying on a dictionary and just made up the rest. Using a dictionary isn't in itself bad, if you do it once every couple of thousand words or more, but relying on it and translation tools to do the work for you like this example clearly shows is just hilariously pathetic.

And let's not forget, this is something that was sold to you unlike OP which is doing it out of the kindness of his heart. I remember playing this and I would really scratch my head wondering what the hell were they thinking in releasing the game on this state. Xseed lost my respect there, and I honestly don't see much reason to look up to them as anything more than average publisher.


Feb 18, 2016
United States
Let's forget for a second that we're talking about a work in progress (like you, so gracefully did), and let's compare it to FC's finished product that was made to be sold as an actual product

The 'work in progress' is borderline unreadable in places, and plain awkward to read in many others. If he wants to show off work in that state, that's his problem and there's no evidence he will be able to produce a readable script by the end.

If you want to pretend his junk compares favorably to XSeed's work, that's your delusion *shrugs*


Feb 19, 2016
United States
If i'd be paying for it, it better be.

It doesn't excuse the trash it was, though.

I'd re-emphasize my advice and ask the leader to reconsider this project.

If Xseed has so many great translators and this work is so poor, then let them do it.
People just don't realize how difficult translation projects can be.


Aug 19, 2007
Let's forget for a second that we're talking about a work in progress (like you, so gracefully did), and let's compare it to FC's finished product that was made to be sold as an actual product
I actually had to dig up a bit to find this picture
Which is quite comparable to what you posted.

But my gripe with that translation was mainly moments like this. I have this picture from maybe 4 years ago, maybe more I don't care to remember.


I'll probably have people asking why this can't even be called a translation.
自分もお前のような不器用な男は嫌いではない。 This translates to "I don't really dislike clumsy men such as yourself"

And look at that, this is the one situation where the translator was obviously relying on a dictionary and just made up the rest. Using a dictionary isn't in itself bad, if you do it once every couple of thousand words or more, but relying on it and translation tools to do the work for you like this example clearly shows is just hilariously pathetic.

And let's not forget, this is something that was sold to you unlike OP which is doing it out of the kindness of his heart. I remember playing this and I would really scratch my head wondering what the hell were they thinking in releasing the game on this state. Xseed lost my respect there, and I honestly don't see much reason to look up to them as anything more than average publisher.

So, you're comparing something that came out at 2011, something that we all knew was flawed in translation and already fixed by XSEED, to something that's very recent and still filled with errors, alright. And "out of the kindness of his heart?" that's debatable at best, not to mention that OP and his team doesn't know a thing about the series, changing terminologies as they please, not to forget that the one who handles Kiseki terminologies has already left the team from that XSEED slander post OP gracefully did. Hell, OP said it himself, he is not interested in following the "XSEED" terminology of the series (which is funny, because that's basically Falcom's terminology for Eiyuu Densetsu) few posts back, so I would still stick to XSEED and Carpe Fulgur's translation for FC and SC when given the choice.
Last edited by Robert10,


Feb 19, 2016
United States
Yeah, I'm comparing something some people are doing to help others who can't play the games (completely non-profit, this isn't even debatable given OP's posts), to something which was made to sell to others.

Again, the types of mistakes in the original FC translation was hilariously bad, some worse than the examples I've posted. Some looked like the guy didn't even know what the hell he was doing and just made up on the spot.
This is unforgivable given the standards one should expect from professional localizers.

It's not even a fair comparison, given how OP isn't even in the translation check part (which mind you, can take a long time), but the fact that OP's project's translation is even remotely comparable to a "professional translation" such as that of Xseed (as examples were provided), shows how they're really bottom of the barrel publisher not really worth one's respect.

As far as terminology goes, if I was playing a fan translated kiseki game I wouldn't even bother with that. If you do, just learn japanese. As far as I remember from FC back when I played, it's not like their terminology was anything special, and if you care about consistency, I'd also just learn Japanese.

I honestly don't blame OP for bashing Xseed. They're really just average-to-below-average localizers.


Feb 18, 2016
United States
If Xseed has so many great translators

There's no question XSeed has problems in some of their works, I wouldn't know I'd call it great.

and this work is so poor

His work isn't poor, it's borderline abysmal. I honestly don't care if the work never sees the light of day, how can you enjoy something in that state? That you're a veteran fan-TL and you're trying to defend it makes me think you haven't been following the project very closely. Keeping that in mind, to then have the arrogance to not only rant at other translators in the community but to blatantly inform people his 'team' is worth 250k each has got the community collapsing with laughter.

XSeed may not be perfect but a) they were perfectly within their rights to act the way they did to Nightwolve and Deuce
b) Deuce should have been the one to compensate Nightwolve, as Deuce was the one to use the tools NW provided, NOT XSeed, and
c) They dish out entertaining and acceptable translations. Translations which enable the Western audience to actually enjoy the game.

That you would feel sympathy to Nightwolve at the beginning of the saga is understandable. That you would feel sympathy for Nightwolve during his childish tantrums and his lashing out at people who did nothing wrong is not understandable, and NW's behavior was not excusable. That you would sympathize with this idiot who came on here lashing out at people who did nothing to him, mocking someone who was in a bad place a couple of years ago, means you have questionable priorities.

but the fact that OP's project's translation is even remotely comparable to a "professional translation"

It's not. The OP's translation has basic writing errors right through the script, which means they show no evidence to handle one of the two key aspects of translation (conveying the idea in the target language) at even a basic level. Thus, automatically XSeed's is far superior.

And once again, if they want to advertise a product then they should check it. I'm not going to discuss whether something is 'fair' or not, if you release it for public scrutiny it's fair game. End of story.


Feb 19, 2016
United States
It's a finished product.
It'll definitely be superior. It has to be, if they have some dignity in them.

But there are still mistakes in it that you wouldn't expect from a finished product from a decent group of localizers, mistakes that should've been completely squeezed out during QC/translation check parts of it, and weren't.
And those were still sold to people in that awful state that was PSP's FC.

Assuming that OP's translations were to improve after QC/Tl check, whatever product that would be for free and was properly translated (and not made up), then for me, that would be superior than what Xseed tried to sell for however much money they asked out of their piss poor job. If there was a typo or 2 in a fan translation, that's fine, it's a free project that nobody's getting paid for.

As far as Nightwolve goes, I said I sympathize for what happened to him, not to how he reacted to it which honestly can be frustrating. How people deal with their frustrations is not really up for me to judge. I haven't been in the translation scene in a long time so I didn't really keep up with what happened, but I don't completely doubt NW's side given how XSeed actually tried to sell FC the way it was, and the whole SC translation which was a joke on it's own level. They're just not a publisher worthy of one's respect, if you have any kind of self-value.


Feb 18, 2016
United States
Assuming that OP's translations were to improve after QC/Tl check, whatever product that would be for free and was properly translated (and not made up), then for me, that would be superior than what Xseed tried to sell for however much money they asked out of their piss poor job. If there was a typo or 2 in a fan translation, that's fine, it's a free project that nobody's getting paid for.

Agreed. But until then it's an unknown. People have been reacting to the OP's rant and (over)evaluation of his own worth, and with only the progress vids to go by ... cue laughter.

but I don't completely doubt NW's side given how XSeed actually tried to sell FC the way it was,

Well, there's no reason to doubt NW's story, it just doesn't contain a reason to believe what XSeed did was wrong. If anyone was to blame it was Deuce. NW's main complaint was that he contributed to the fan-TL and didn't get compensated but you CAN'T use that rule as a reason to expect compensation. Does the developer of the spreadsheet that was used also expect compensation for aiding the project? The developer of the operating system Deuce's computer was running? The manufacturer of his computer? All aided in the translation process, but only one person specifically did work XSeed wanted. NW has absolutely zero leg to stand on, even going by his account. In fact I've just visited 'Boycott XSeed' the FB page which has a list of 8 points which are supposed to be indicators of how horrid XSeed was. Let's summarize - NW helped the fan-TL project, was ignored by both Deuce and XSeed. So even by their own account, he didn't deserve any attention by XSeed. XSeed ignored him because he was irrelevant, they wanted the actual translations, and XSeed didn't compensate him because his work wasn't needed by the company. Now, whether Deuce was justified in acting the way he did is another question, but the whole 'boycott XSeed' because 'they wronged him' is a load of trash. His partner may have wronged him, but otherwise ... nup.

But anyway, NW went crazy after his attempt to put his patch behind a paywall failed (he needed money,) so he wasn't in exactly a good frame of mind to react appropriately. Dodgy stuff in the first place, btw ... patches and paywalls.
Last edited by Syth,


New Member
Feb 17, 2016
It's a finished product.
It'll definitely be superior. It has to be, if they have some dignity in them.

But there are still mistakes in it that you wouldn't expect from a finished product from a decent group of localizers, mistakes that should've been completely squeezed out during QC/translation check parts of it, and weren't.
And those were still sold to people in that awful state that was PSP's FC.

Assuming that OP's translations were to improve after QC/Tl check, whatever product that would be for free and was properly translated (and not made up), then for me, that would be superior than what Xseed tried to sell for however much money they asked out of their piss poor job. If there was a typo or 2 in a fan translation, that's fine, it's a free project that nobody's getting paid for.

As far as Nightwolve goes, I said I sympathize for what happened to him, not to how he reacted to it which honestly can be frustrating. How people deal with their frustrations is not really up for me to judge. I haven't been in the translation scene in a long time so I didn't really keep up with what happened, but I don't completely doubt NW's side given how XSeed actually tried to sell FC the way it was, and the whole SC translation which was a joke on it's own level. They're just not a publisher worthy of one's respect, if you have any kind of self-value.

I don't know if it will matter to you, but they did recognize the issues, with Tom saying 'To be fair, these were/are some pretty grievous errors. Definitely among the worst translation snafus we've let slip by in our entire history as a company. We quite deserve the lambasting here, and are determined to keep mistranslations of this severity from ever creeping into our games again.', and apparently they did fix everything up when they released the PC version. Topically enough, the errors were caused by bringing in fan translators on short notice and the editing process failed to catch them.
I certainly do agree with you that they should've gotten on top of those errors whether they had their original translators or some guy that wandered in off the street, but I don't consider those mistakes to have completely poisoned their entire library, or even just FC. There was mismanagement on part of the project, they recognized it, they fixed it, and that's really the best you can ask for. Reasonably, anyway.
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