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Do you find Communistic symbols offensive?


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Re learning. Self teaching is a thing. Internet has some wonderful resources for all manner of things, and many things you can learn on your own time for next to nothing and show up with at least a basic understanding when they are merely after someone with a pulse. Might be hard work but hey. The idea that you need to go to university merely means you have bought the propaganda (your parents, teachers, politicos and more lied to you, can hardly be the biggest shock if you are reading this). It is certainly useful for some things, though not necessarily what many would expect, but so many other options exist.

Anyway apologies if it is in the first few pages but something to ponder.

If we are doing the boring left-right system of political analysis then many have noted the right wing will police their wackadoodle types (whether that is historically the nazis or not we could debate, even without horseshoes, but the current set, all three of them, mostly find themselves there), the left however has seemed far more reluctant to do the same for their wackadoodle set (this would be the communists for those needing it spelled out). Might that be the source of the apparent contradiction in lack of or degree of revulsion despite both routinely being responsible for more than enough atrocities to go around?

All I know at this point is at least the utterly tame TV networks gave me the history channel that basically did wall to wall world war 2 before they went in for aliens and ghost hunting. Trying to watch history channels on youtube gets to be a right chore since they decided to try to have nobody offended by anything, ever. Mind you they are also doing it for USSR figures as well leading them to speak in code too

One example of history channels being messed with
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
So, applying this example to both capitalist and communist societies, what should one do when there is no opportunity to learn said skills? Should they, in America for example, take a chance and put themselves into debt going into a college of any kind to learn a skill that's not guaranteed to get them a job?
Yes, that’s correct, and it doesn’t necessarily need to be college either (see above). Success is based on risk, not security. If you’re not willing to take risks in life, you’re not in deservement of any rewards. Fortune favours the bold - if you don’t have the guts to put what you’ve got towards something uncertain, but possibly lucrative, you can continue coasting away on the bare minimum. Your indecision, or lack of ingenuity, entrepreneurship or research is not my problem.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Forcing anyone to work regardless of profit margin through government coercion is indentured servitude, whether you’re talking about medical professionals, law enforcers or educators. What you’ve just described is closer to slavery than what you’re complaining about.
Totally disingenous to suggest that separating these things from the profit motive is the same as not paying workers in those industries. We underpay many of these positions in the US despite privatization anyway.

Darth Meteos

Jan 6, 2015
The Wrong Place
United States
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2015
United Kingdom
What the Soviet Union and China had/has is not comparable to Karl Marx's philosophy. As much as Lenin idolised Marx, he loved his own power and wealth much more
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Totally disingenous to suggest that separating these things from the profit motive is the same as not paying workers in those industries. We underpay many of these positions in the US despite privatization anyway.
Seems to me that they’re extremely overpaid, particularly in the UK where I reside, and where all that money comes from public funds, public funds being a euphemism for my money. What’s disingenuous is you pretending that removing the possibility of choice doesn’t turn a voluntary labour into involuntary labour.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Seems to me that they’re extremely overpaid, particularly in the UK where I reside, and where all that money comes from public funds, public funds being a euphemism for my money.
Probably overestimating your contribution in taxes if you think it's enough to keep every hospital in the country afloat, lol. It's public money (taxes), and we have to pay those in the US too, but we get a lot less in return for them. Our doctors aren't underpaid, but our nurses and our educators are.

What’s disingenuous is you pretending that removing the possibility of choice doesn’t turn a voluntary labour into involuntary labour.
Pretty sure people still get to pick their own career field in your country, as well as every other country that has public healthcare/education.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
If you expect a doctor to treat a patient regardless of whether or not the patient has means of payment for the services rendered, that’s indentured servitude - you expect someone to perform work without any remuneration. They can do that pro bono if they choose to do so, which is perfectly fine and common, but if you force them to do so, you’re one step removed from slavery. If you then expect me to give you a portion of my income, which is completely unrelated to this matter, in order to pay said doctor somehow with public funds, you’re appropriating my property, which is theft. Everything else is feel-good fluff. I don’t care how doctors call themselves in systems with socialised medicine - I’ve lived under two such systems at this point, the NFZ and the NHS, and so far the only things I’ve observed were inefficiency, wasteful spending and long queues. Have fun waiting four hours to see a practitioner, I’ll go privately if I ever need to and get seen to on schedule. Shame that I still have to pay for the crappier alternative anyway despite not using it. The only advantage of a public health service is accessibility, nothing more. I was always of the opinion that people who *can* afford to go see the doctor should be asked to pay at the till, any excess from those transactions should be used to fund a small, very limited service for those with no income or savings whatsoever. That’s a far more equitable and fair distribution model, with “the rich” paying “their fair share” for services rendered and the poor still being seen to. Unfortunately that solution makes too much sense, so it will never be enacted. Governments will always lean towards large molochs like the NHS instead, riddled with inefficiency, because it enables them to control every aspect of them and skim anything they can off the top. Thinking anything less is naive idealism.
No, just no. Seriously, are you deliberately trolling? The idea of socialized care is that the SOCIETY pays for the care, not an individual at point of service. After this, I have to consider that you're once again unwilling to debate in good faith, or at the very least, I can no longer presume you're any measure of a decent human being if you can espouse such nonsense with a straight face. Considering your prior trolling comments, I'm really having to lean towards the former.

Just to hit the two systems you mentioned starting with the NHS, their health care has also been hit by the profit motive, as the conservative party has consistently slashed costs and even proposed switching to private health care. The NFZ has also been consistently at the bottom of the rankings list of health care outcomes in the western world, and... drumroll please... it has, what very few might argue, the most US-inspired health care in the region, offering private insurance side by side with a nationalized health care system that is quite sabotaged in their market. Once again, Xzi's point rings quite true, and all you can reply with is literal fear mongering. This is very disappointing.

Yes, that’s correct, and it doesn’t necessarily need to be college either (see above). Success is based on risk, not security. If you’re not willing to take risks in life, you’re not in deservement of any rewards. Fortune favours the bold - if you don’t have the guts to put what you’ve got towards something uncertain, but possibly lucrative, you can continue coasting away on the bare minimum. Your indecision, or lack of ingenuity, entrepreneurship or research is not my problem.
Easy to say, for somebody who doesn't have to lose everything in order to even have a chance at long term survival, let alone the chance to thrive. An issue with capitalism is that the risks are not the same for everyone. You can call it jealousy and envy and whatever else you want, and it isn't untrue to a point, but it also isn't without cause. Many individuals smarter than you have died at the wayside, even having taken bigger risks and even in defense of the very freedoms you take for granted where you're from. Sorry pal, I might not know your life story, but you make your privilege and ignorance easy to spot in your posts. Please, just stop.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
No, just no. Seriously, are you deliberately trolling? The idea of socialized care is that the SOCIETY pays for the care, not an individual at point of service. After this, I have to consider that you're once again unwilling to debate in good faith, or at the very least, I can no longer presume you're any measure of a decent human being if you can espouse such nonsense with a straight face. Considering your prior trolling comments, I'm really having to lean towards the former.

Just to hit the two systems you mentioned starting with the NHS, their health care has also been hit by the profit motive, as the conservative party has consistently slashed costs and even proposed switching to private health care. The NFZ has also been consistently at the bottom of the rankings list of health care outcomes in the western world, and... drumroll please... it has, what very few might argue, the most US-inspired health care in the region, offering private insurance side by side with a nationalized health care system that is quite sabotaged in their market. Once again, Xzi's point rings quite true, and all you can reply with is literal fear mongering. This is very disappointing.

Easy to say, for somebody who doesn't have to lose everything in order to even have a chance at long term survival, let alone the chance to thrive. An issue with capitalism is that the risks are not the same for everyone. You can call it jealousy and envy and whatever else you want, and it isn't untrue to a point, but it also isn't without cause. Many individuals smarter than you have died at the wayside, even having taken bigger risks and even in defense of the very freedoms you take for granted where you're from. Sorry pal, I might not know your life story, but you make your privilege and ignorance easy to spot in your posts. Please, just stop.
Of course private industry steps in when the inefficient and god awful public option sucks - what are you going to do about it, come in from on high and tell people that they *can’t* open a private practice and do a better job if they’re qualified to do so? Oh, wait, that is what you’re saying, since your side always ultimately devolves into authoritarianism. Nevermind, I shouldn’t have asked.

Quick question, is there anything else that I can send “the society” a bill for? Can “the society” pay for my McDonald’s? Jokes aside, I know what the idea is - you establish an involuntary system of labour working on the premise that you’ll be able to pay all those workers using the funds you’ve seized from everybody else through taxation. You then wish to remove the private alternative to remove the element of competition from the equation since you, for some reason, believe that healthcare is an industry exempt from all the normal rules governing the market. By doing so you effectively force all doctors to work for your public option, removing the possibility of choice, and thus their agency. That doesn’t make it any less indentured, you’re the one who’s trolling by pretending that this isn’t the case. Fast forward a couple of years when the inefficiency starts being too obvious to ignore and you’ll start talking about price and wage control, and let’s not forget about rationing. Long story short, I just boiled it down to the core components for you to demonstrate the point, and the point is valid, whether you like it or not.

We’re broadly okay with the system working in this way because, generally speaking, we don’t like seeing dead people in the streets. It works poorly, but at least it works. That doesn’t mean that the system can’t be reformed or made better, I believe that was brought up in this thread earlier, so it’s funny to see you resist the notion.

I’m sorry that not everything always works out for everybody. In fact, the gross majority of businesses close their doors within the first few years of operation. Which part of “risk” was unclear? You don’t have to take the risk, nobody’s forcing you to do so, and that’s not the point of contention. The point of contention is that the system you endorse *removes* the option of taking a risk - it abolishes private property and enterprise. If that’s not an egregious infringement of liberty, I don’t know what is.


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
Yes, that’s correct, and it doesn’t necessarily need to be college either (see above). Success is based on risk, not security. If you’re not willing to take risks in life, you’re not in deservement of any rewards. Fortune favours the bold - if you don’t have the guts to put what you’ve got towards something uncertain, but possibly lucrative, you can continue coasting away on the bare minimum. Your indecision, or lack of ingenuity, entrepreneurship or research is not my problem.

Why though? Why should life be a constant push and pull of risk taking and possible reward? I don't want to divulge into this too deeply and stray off topic, but it seems kinda terrible to enforce a system where your citizens need to, essentially, fight to the eventual death more often than not in order to just provide basic needs. It's common era Roman gladiators, if you will.

You say bare minimum, but capitalism thrives off the exploitation of those living off bare minimum. How is that fair, or even competent? Not to mention, once the bottom class finally rises, it boosts everything above it, and considering sh*t rolls downhill, it became a never ending vicious cycle.

You keep mentioning other peoples' inabilities aren't your problem, but the basic idea behind capitalism, and the foundation of the states, was that of solidarity.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Why though? Why should life be a constant push and pull of risk taking and possible reward? I don't want to divulge into this too deeply and stray off topic, but it seems kinda terrible to enforce a system where your citizens need to, essentially, fight to the eventual death more often than not in order to just provide basic needs. It's common era Roman gladiators, if you will.

You say bare minimum, but capitalism thrives off the exploitation of those living off bare minimum. How is that fair, or even competent? Not to mention, once the bottom class finally rises, it boosts everything above it, and considering sh*t rolls downhill, it became a never ending vicious cycle.

You keep mentioning other peoples' inabilities aren't your problem, but the basic idea behind capitalism, and the foundation of the states, was that of solidarity.
If you refuse to take risks and refuse to pursue any kind of qualifications, or do anything to improve your circumstances, you are not being exploited - you’re just not that valuable or special. Capitalism provides some of the best incentives for self-improvement. Solidarity is a great principle, but you can’t eat it. The fact that some people have more than you doesn’t mean that any kind of unfairness is taking place - they’ve enacted to take risks that you didn’t, or perhaps their family did, in the hopes that it will improve their living standards in the long run. If someone’s not willing to take risks and sacrifice in the present for the prospect of prosperity in the future, they can have porridge, I don’t see that as unfair in any shape or form. It is not my responsibility to prop strangers up, I have my own family to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
If you refuse to take risks and refuse to pursue any kind of qualifications, or do anything to improve your circumstances, you are not being exploited - you’re just not that valuable or special. Capitalism provides some of the best incentives for self-improvement. Solidarity is a great principle, but you can’t eat it. The fact that some people have more than you doesn’t mean that any kind of unfairness is taking place - they’ve enacted to take risks that you didn’t, or perhaps their family did, in the hopes that it will improve their living standards in the long run. If someone’s not willing to take risks and sacrifice in the present for the prospect of prosperity in the future, they can have porridge, I don’t see that as unfair in any shape or form. It is not my responsibility to prop strangers up, I have my own family to worry about.
I am awestruck by your lack of empathy, which seems to be venturing into 80s cartoon supervillain territory at this point. Still, you may have played up one of the biggest issues of capitalism, by stating that "or perhaps their family did". Generational wealth is a major part of the problem, in that those who have wealth hoard it and then pass it on to their kin, who do so again in turn. For those with nothing, your "risks" to improve their lives often are gambling against any future wealth they might ever inquire, resulting in something far closer to indentured servitude than the trumped up insanity you prattle on about. Meanwhile, those with familial wealth can risk far, far more without worrying about anything other than maybe not being able to afford another trip to Tahiti this fiscal quarter. Even if Party A in this scenario can produce something of higher quality, or perform better, or cure cancer, Party B can afford more chances, and even afford to impede Party A if they become a threat.

Should all of society work together, every single person could be housed, fed, and given ample medical care and vocational training, while still supporting a number of exceptional people as millionaires. Should things continue as they are, the planet will continue to warm and civilization could end. Folks misusing the idea of communism in the past might have done terrible things, but the path the world is on presently might end us all, and is already damaging the planet to the point where ecosystems are being ruined, lives and livelihoods are being impacted through no direct fault of their own, and species are rapidly going extinct.


Sep 13, 2009
United States
Because homelessness and poverty under capitalism isn't an egregious infringement of liberty.

Some taxation is theft,
How do you make the distinction? What taxes are OK?

Some taxation is theft, particularly the income tax, which stands in direct opposition to capitalist principles and functions as a penalty on productivity. It’s the socialist-minded political wing that came up with that chestnut, not the capitalists one, so no - I don’t have a problem with capitalism on the basis of a policy that capitalism doesn’t endorse. Capitalists are perfectly fine with paying for services rendered, they’re not okay with punitive taxation.
How it is a penalty or punitive when it is going to services that you just admitted you are OK with?

Great topic for a thread about taxation - I wonder if people realise that the income tax wasn’t introduced to fund the well-being of the citizens, but rather to fund various war efforts over the years, not to mention that historically speaking it’s a fairly recent development.
That just makes it more apparent to redirect some of the money into services that actual help people.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Free enterprise is successful because the consumer ultimately dictate's the market: what is produced, how much is produced, and the cost. Naturally, the consumer is in the best position to decide what will enhance their quality of life. Communism has always been sold as a "fair and equal" approach to governance, but history shows it is a way to maintain class separation for people holding power.
Ah, another example of be aware of people throwing around the world naturally. Which usually means they havent understood how stuff works, but wanna sell it to you.. ;) (More often found in stuff like "natural cleaning solutions on water basis", but this works also.. ;) )

Maintaining class separation never was the issue. :) I mean, sure, on the PR front, maybe - but not on the system level. The issue there more often than not was misallocation of resources and central planning always working less well, than decentralized planning with a better incentive structure. (As in "if I good at something, I get filthy rich in the process, potentially".)

The trouble with communism is fairly obvious to me; government claims full ownership of all production and resource, yet is incapable of producing resource.
If you look at the chinese model currently, they still hold the more or less sole ownership of resources, and give rough planing goals on the regional level, then let the regions compete against each other on metrics, using capitalism. Because allocation of resources is better under capitalism. Resource flow is managed via paybacks into the political elite and to not make it that obvious, you hold an anti corruption campaign once in a while, usually aimed at internal opponents in the one party system. But you make sure, that industry titans never get ownership over resources. They only get them, if they pay the state.

State in itself then does all the longterm planning, and the social services stuff, which unlike in the US cant be financed, by always pronouncing that "if people are about to rebel" we raise the debt ceiling. ;) There is a certain kind of working logic to that as well.. ;)

In capitalism that tends to produce oligopolies the logic usually goes, at one point you cant ignore societal needs anymore, because the people will rebel, so even if you sell out power to uncontrolled power centers, people will somehow fix it through political movements. (Exchange the political elite, new elite gets bought (maybe not straight out bought, but "adviced by, without a direct exchange of money") by a different subset of industrialists, but that produces new economic activity, and...)

That said, the concept of communism is just going be more outdated as technology moves forward anyway.
I've got bad news for you. Surveillance capitalism (not a slant against capitalism, its just the name for that kind of innovation :) ), kinda good at keeping systems stable. And central planning capacity is always increasing.. ;)
As for China, the only reason why the Chinese are not starving while trying to share a grain of rice among everybody in the village is specifically because they’ve embraced some (not all) principles of the free market.
While true, you also have to look at the feedback loops. Your logic always goes exactly as far as "industrialist making money - and then lives happily ever after". :) Feedback loops in capitalism are messy as heck. Take climate change as an example. What do you do to fix "misallocations". Or a crisis.

US usually prints large amounts of money ("Moonshot projects") and creates new sectors and opportunities, if needed. To be able to do so, you have to keep the output of your education system still somewhat egalitarian, and at "best minds succeed" levels).

If you cant do that (printing money) - you try to drum up buzz for new industrial sectors, via activist movements, impact investment, cofinancing startup scenes, and the education sector. But its messy.

The issue is, that whole regions under capitalism can spiral into regressive loops (self enforcing), and telling people that they are now poor for a while, until the next development comes along doesnt always work. (Again, climate change f.e.) because f.e. resources might be allocated by the market 'wrongly' f.e. (short term profit perspective, not taking limits of growth into account, not taking into account that switching planning concepts 5min before a systemic issue occurs might be too late, ...). Feedback loops.

They should be considered as equal to Nazi symbolism - it’s just another failed ideology from the past that was entirely based on hate and led to untold suffering.
No and yes. :)

The ideology wasnt wrong. It (Karl Marx - "The capital") was probably the single most influential economic theory (also in the capitalist world) since its inception. Regardless, that it got people wrong, but so does capitalism (rational actors). ;) But this is a fluffy battle around concepts and what they mean.

The political system born out of this ideology (has to do with what groups form when, and who killed/imprisoned what leader, and who held a speech when, with fluffy orange hair), very much was flawed. And failed hard. Partly because of a failure to allocate resources as efficiently, partly because of the power imbalances mentioned - but the atrocities usually always had been sufficiently covered up. :)

Does this mean, that 'communism wasnt wrong and with different people at the helm, and the technology we have today and..' no, not at all.

Marx was a depressed loner looking at society from the outside (and it was a good critical view), who in a period of industrial change (moguls against aristocracy, with moguls ultimately winning) could bundle enough interest to create an ideology based political movement, which in an instance was taken over by other people ("drive for power") and ideologs (people with an opinion), and well connected people who were probably more influencial in making it a popular movement than Marx himself.

This differs from current politics, where everyone acknowledges (also an ideology btw.) that societal systems are so complex, that a simple ideology (what you tell the voter) should not drive political decision making anymore. But we still do the song and dance (feedback loops), just without the constant measuring process of "do I have correct ideology". Because the answer is always "it depends".

Next step is to look into feedback loops failing. Like f.e. "capitalism winning" against Roosevelt new deal concept (he only shifted power from one industrial elite to new growing one - he wasnt the anti capitalist devil you are painting him as, by a long shot.. ;) ) having to do with, that trade unions were basically broken up, which also has to do with a drive towards an export oriented economy. And that if you are producing anything for america specifically at this point in time, you must be stupid... ;) Or the feedback loops with 'externalities' (stuff outside the corporate logic, that always thinks in 15 year cycles max.) like climate change.

So capitalism is reinventing itself many times over (Bretton Woods? We are financing your shortterm growth for a stake in your longterm growth?) Communism was as well - and yes they did it by partly embracing the free market. But then what does partly mean...

Leading into the final point I want to make which is -- talking about ideologies, and is mine truer than yours, and which one did win - and...
ultimately is useless. Talking about symbols (they are just emotionally charged "thingamajiggs") ultimately is useless, because try anticipating how the system will develop over time - and fail every time (in anticipating it.. ;) ).

Talk about ideologies and symbols becomes important, if the PR level of politics is important to you (and sometimes rightfully so) - so if someone has told a bunch of people a nice story again, and they have created symbols, and simplified it enough, so that it could become popular -- and someone thinks, that there might be a problem with that.

Then talking about symbols becomes important.

Or on the other side of the PR spectrum. If you've got to unify people because of internal pressures and sell them hopium (not necessarily meant negatively), then talking about symbols becomes important. Usually more so in painting an enemy to "unite against".

But deducing out of symbols and ideologies, why one societal concept is better than another one - usually is done by historians. So PR people writing about the past. ;) (In this instance.) Usually necessity trumps ideology and ideology is good for rallying people, but not much else. But its also needed, because people need to have a vision of the future, to get to acting towards it. Or even just a feeling of something thats developing.

Communism or capitalism pretty much struggle with the same issues that both would acknowledge and in a sense (we also have national 'champions' that are too big to fail, so the state bails them out...), having competing systems isnt the worst thing that could happen. From a problem solving perspective.

Now is "China taking over" - well, yes to a certain extent. They have won the battle of minds (political ideologies) in many developing countries, but mostly because the IMF and world bank failed so hard and they were good in allocating a BUNCH of moneys (during their capitalism driven extreme growth period), they invested in said markets much like Bretton Woods did. (Instead of producing failed economies, which pretty much was the goal of the west (but everyone always, ... ;) ) in resource rich countries, that werent your own. :) ). And suddenly those countries like the Chinese model better, because its connected to progress.

But then comes the messy part again where the US is fighting to keep world reserve currency and limited chinese growth at a period where its most inopportune for them, and they dropped all "world trading route systems" like a hot potatoes, except those "in the region" and switched their economy to internal growth (at least pro forma), because they had to. (Growth rates werent as high as before.)

Is that US and capitalism being bad for doing that? No - its entirely understandable.

Why cant the US switch to an internal growth period? Because the US 'owns' the world economy via its reserve currency, stupid. As in - the US is always profiting more from gaining rewards based on the worlds economy than on its own. Despite this kind of being the end goal, try to change that, and see how you fail. ;)

At which point you should have understood very distinctly how much ideology is worth. :) (And symbols which stand for ideology.)

Very last point. Why is Nazi special and more evil than all other thingies? Well - first, because its so easy to get people hooked and active in said ideology. Three points.

1. We against them (ingroup vs outgroup), based on race. You master race, because you born right, you are better, no one can take that away from you, you just betta. Talking about hopium. People are now so flipping sure that they are better, and no one can take that away from them, that they follow leader to the end of the world. Thats very potent stuff.
(Nowadays reframed to "ultranationalism" (Amurica to the amuricans), and other stuff.)

2. Industrialists become rulers of the state. Industrialists like very much. Very compatible with capitalism and everything else.

3. All that is needed from you, grunt, is weapon power and wearing uniform. Oh, you will be loved by your girlfriends, girlfriend. Lets go - lets make our own state. And while we are at it, kill off the former intellectual elite, and then when we have growth problems start invading neighbor countries. Talking about growth potential. Oh, and who do we blame? Jewish world conspiracy?

It doesnt take much. Also its a flipping well established concept -- that ended in the worst atrocities humanity was capable of producing to this day offering entirely new perspectives on "human detachment" and "dehumanization".

(Ok, maybe the Incas were worse in terms of their blood cult, but who is writing that ranking...)

Meaning - the risk of this happening is a little higher, than you getting another Karl Marx, who convinces people on the power of egalitarianism as an ideology, which then repopularizes central planning, and then you are having a rough winter, at which point the atrocities spike through the roof, because you cant have anyone see whats really happening. (As a political system.) Kind of hard nowadays also, because - internet.

And to understand that all - in terms of a more educated ideology (because what are we without ideologies, really.. ;) ) all you have to do is to watch two movies. But you have to watch both of them.

Mr. Jones (2019) ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr_Jones_(2019_film) )
Office (2015) ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_(2015_Hong_Kong_film) )

Both of them are propaganda to some extent, but also go a little deeper into concepts.

In the first one you see communism from the western perspective.
In the second one you see capitalism from the chinese perspective. (But that isnt enough, so maybe you have to watch a third movie -
Kaili Blues (2015) ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaili_Blues ) )

And if you then just want to watch a good movie about "growing up" the human spirit and some of the drives "society" tries to contain - may I recommend Wong Kar-Weis Days of being wild (1990) ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Days_of_Being_Wild ).

The chinese movies might be harder to source, but they are worth it.
(And yes, you will be watching them with subtitles on.)

That should help you stop obsessing about political concepts, even if just for the moment. :) You can get back to it later. :)

But please dont be stuck in the state, where you dont want to hear what https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism was - and that it probably has more to do with your concept of communism, than communism itself. :)
Spoken as someone thats unlikely to embrace a "I for one welcome our new chinese overlords" mentality. :)
Last edited by notimp,
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Because homelessness and poverty under capitalism isn't an egregious infringement of liberty.

How do you make the distinction? What taxes are OK?

How it is a penalty or punitive when it is going to services that you just admitted you are OK with?

That just makes it more apparent to redirect some of the money into services that actual help people.
Answering paragraph by paragraph since I can’t be arsed to slice the quote up.

Homelessness and poverty are not an infringement of liberty, they’re a consequence of poor decisions and/or unfortunate happenstance. Under capitalism you are free to make your own decisions, including bad ones which lead you to become empoverished or homeless. The same cannot be said about communism - under communism it is encumbent on the government to centrally redistribute resources, so any homelessness or poverty is a direct result of government mandate.

I already made the distinction - payment for services rendered is a fair tax. Not to look too far for an example, a portion of the cost of fuel funds the road tax. If I purchase fuel, I pay that fuel tax proportionally to my use of the road, as reflected by my consumption of fuel. With the NHS I pay regardless of whether I use it or not, and the amount of National Insurance tax (NI tax) I pay is not a reflection of my use of services, it is a reflection of my income. That is an unfair tax, by definition.

It is unfair and punitive because it increases with income bracket. It directly disincentivises climbing the income ladder as it effectively means that if I get paid more, a higher percentage of my money will be seized by the government. It is a penalty on productivity - the more I work the more I have to pay, especially across brackets. If the income tax were to exist at all, it should be a flat tax across the board, but even that is punitive since it affects low income earners the most. For all intents and purposes we should get rid of it entirely and adjust other taxes to compensate, in the interest of fairness. Let’s circle back to the tax on fuel - you know who uses a lot of it? Large mega corporations with enormous fleets of transport vehicles and other fuel-dependent machinery. You know who doesn’t? Joe Shmoe with one tank to fill every few days. We don’t *need* a tax on income - we should incentivise climbing up, not penalise it.

I have a better idea - how about redirecting my money from services that don’t help people back to me, since I’m the guy who worked for it? I can assure you that I have some great ideas on how it could be spent to improve the life of some citizens, namely me. I would *much* prefer if all that money was injected into the economy through participation in commerce than on government boondoggles.

I am awestruck by your lack of empathy, which seems to be venturing into 80s cartoon supervillain territory at this point.
Thank you, I do my best.

As for generational wealth, I’m not working my ass off so that some thieving lot can seize the fruits of my labour and spend it on nonsense - I do it so that my family is well-off when I’m gone. I’ll be damned if I let people like you take it from my loved ones - I’d rather burn it moments before I die. What are you going to do, put a dead man in prison? Don’t think I won’t - I will. I burn money on the stock market quite regularly, at this point I’m used to it, may as well burn it for real and enjoy my time on the death bed. The scenario you’re describing is not “society working together”, it’s a bunch of boogeymen taking things that belong to me for themselves and spending my money recklessly. Sorry pumpkin, they’ll be burying me with my gold.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Homelessness and poverty are not an infringement of liberty, they’re a consequence of poor decisions and/or unfortunate happenstance. Under capitalism you are free to make your own decisions, including bad ones which lead you to become empoverished or homeless. The same cannot be said about communism - under communism it is encumbent on the government to centrally redistribute resources, so any homelessness or poverty is a direct result of government mandate.
Lets get philosphical for a moment, and also - no.

Your position is called Randian (Ayn Rand: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_Rand ) who was a poor immigrant writer who had all the drive and ambition to jumpstart an entire political movement based on self actualization ("you are what you make of your life") got adopted by very high up establishment people who saw in it a way to pay less for society as a whole - simply because of two lousy books she wrote (overly romanticised BS, where on the next page you always saw her being taken by one of her protagonists and enjoying it), then fell in love with a husband of one of the followers she by then hosted in talk circles, ruined her life, got served, then died bitter and depressed.

But to this day, her ideology lives on. :)

So yes, lets say its what you've said it is, but its also circumstance, and luck, and upbringing, and the social networks you usually were taught to accumulate, if you were in the right schools - and if you depend only on intelligence, or cleverness, chances are you arent gonna make it.

So society drummed up a bunch of systems that are supposed to make sure you can fall back onto your feet. In the US historically it has been an easy to get job, where you could find your footing again, and thats the reality of many more people than those that can tell their "from rags to riches" story -- solely out of their own volition.

And even if you arent biting there (you are missing a huge part of society, btw.. :) ) then you have to acknowledge, that what you learned in school, and public infrastructure are necessary for the system to exist. If you had any concept of what role a built out waterway plays (think china buying up the commercial harbors in greece), or a motorway...

And those projects are beyond the scope of any company. Largely because of investment height, but also because of the nature of the project. So lets say you spend trillions, to then get back tens of trillions over 100 years, but in general worth to others.. No self actualizing individual ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-actualization ) will ever be fullfilled managing a waiting list at a company waiting for 100 years for the investments to recoup.

And its even worse. Companies fail at a rate of afair 50/50 at generational handovers ("founder to successor"). So lets say you build a road. And recoup investments in 100 years. Statistically your company has failed by then (two generational handovers). And your heirs will be in the middle of a legal battle over who reaps the rewards, during which your roads probably wont be very well maintained... ;)

Corporate logic dictates, you want to make money in your lifetime. Thats the span of time, where your investments have to pay off. And if they dont, you dont care so much... So nationwide roadnetworks? How about that?

You had that in the US. San Francisco even had public transportation. Then a hedgefund decided, that if they buy the public transportation companies, and shut them down, people would pay more for gas, where they had a higher profit margin on. :)

Its not all about individual tales about making it - there is a whole ecosystem around individual success stories - and that needs to be financed.

While the first option of "making it" still needs to be an option for the people so inclined. (Thats what drives progress.)

This is what you are not getting. If you are at a higher income level, societies concept of you is, that you

A - are an intelligent human being and know what to do with your investments to also produce societal value - in which case you might as well pay no taxes at all. (Prop up a foundation, see what options you have.)


B - you are just a sociopath who got lucky, in which case you are now financing more of society than other people, thank you very much.

Its also a linear progression thing - where your logic fails. So "covering your base needs" three times over is just excess.

If you are buying and maintaining five homes, you might be thinking about your children, or about your own leisure - but the tax rate on that should be higher that the one on a person covering their base needs.

That way you get cheaper work. Which you benefit from.

So essentially the "person in the middle" that complains about "progressive tex rates" (higher taxes the more you make) is just and idiot that has no idea how the system works, but has a conservative tag line plastered into their had for no reason.

Because the wealthier people mostly lobby for tax exemptions (which makes them richer than their neighbors, which is all that counts ;) ) - but even they dont want to end progressive taxation.

The whole small government thing is just a play on "reducing regulation". In which case the "stronger guy" always wins.

If thats your model of society, we have a problem. Not necessarily we, but you, because the people with the pitchforks will demand higher pay, become less disposable, ultimately hurting yourself by pitchfork and in your hiring practices. As well as security costs.

There is also a linear progression fallacy in that to double your income you had to work twice as hard. Thats etirely BS. The more money you've got, the easier it becomes to make money.
So think of progressive taxation just as "taxing your work capability correctly". ;)

Also the "in soviet russia state is responsible for homelessness" analogy is wrong. So from a european perspective.

The highest "driver" of homelessness, is a negative event in your life, and things spiraling out of control. Or to put it more bluntly - if its not drugs (which is a whole separate debate), being a result, or a cause of it, a high driver of homelessness is mental illness. So people falling out of 'easy jobs' or 'state care' systems.

At which point it becomes increasingly more expensive to get them on track again.

So in europe at some point in time, we decided - wait a minute -- if capitalism inherently means "bubble and bust" (at least in some instances), and if this results in people becoming homeless, dragging down the value of other businesses in the region, and increasing their cost of societal reintegration --- how about we pay living costs for a few months in their lives, and then not have a Detroit at our hands? That said, it might also be because we have fewer large cities we can just squander, because we are funny.

Do you know the reason why there arent any railroad tramps in Scottland? You can move through the entire country in 30 minutes. (To say it with a Craig Ferguson setup.)

Here is another illustration - I googled:

What are some examples of regressive taxes?

Among many others, examples of a regressive tax include; sales tax, property tax, excise tax, tariffs, and government fees.

  • Sales Tax. ...
  • Property Tax. ...
  • Excise Tax. ...
  • Tariff. ...
  • Government Fees. ...

So literally anything you can do with your money to make more money (reinvest) has regresive tax rates attached to it.

Buy a thing, regressive taxes. (Boosts economy) Own more land, regressive taxes (decreases your risk of simply moving on to a different country.) Be a manufacturer, regressive taxes. Fees - lower as a percentage of your income...
src: https://boycewire.com/regressive-tax-definition/

But then they also bring the argument that more people would like to become high percieved value people, which would make them work harder, if only their taxes would be lower!

To which the answer is - nope, not true at all:
See: https://archive.ph/euUaF (Financial Times commentary)


The next step then is to ask to what extent Foxi4's ideology is true or not so lets do it:

And lets do it by being a little thorough.

1. To what extent is is true, that the more money you earn, the more money you make?


2. So because of this being progressively so, for generations, you are now more likely to inherit your wealth than to gain it (america the land of free markets and capitalism for all...).


This breaks incentive structures and thereby innovation. Meaning your societal system is kaputt.

3. Trend analysis says, that federal revenue has been consistently low:

4. US already is one of the least taxed countries in the developed world:

5. Infrastructure is crumbling:

6. The US frankly doesnt even have an effective progressive tax rate at all:

7. Effective Tax rates are almost regressive (so this is where Foxi4 does his crying hour for having to pay 5% points more than middle income americans):

8. Why do rich people dont care about progressive taxes, but taxbreaks?


9. Not only capital gain taxes, but also business gain taxes:

10. Federal Income taxes declined since the 1970s:

11. Here are 60 Companies that didnt pay any taxes at all in 2018:

12. And here are the results of all tax cuts from 2001 to 2018:

src: https://itep.org/the-case-for-progressive-revenue-policies/


But nothing beats Foxi4s obsession with a foreign female philospher that can just substitute for any argument anyone brings at all - because he knows, society in the US, is alway at risk of holding him back personally - from inheriting his chances in life to his children. Who probably will be even less rhetorically versed, and not even be blessed with a gbatemp Moderators badge.

At some point you have to ask yourself --

What is the goal here societally?

And if my position is something I've copied from a philospher at the turn of the century - that died broken and depressed, who made me do that.

But then the US has an entire party that has no other stance apart from lower the taxes. And save the babies. And deport the illegal migrants.

If that, and orange hair captures peoples imaginations, hey - why not I say. This is America, for gods sake. The country of the blessed and the free.
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
Thank you, I do my best.

As for generational wealth, I’m not working my ass off so that some thieving lot can seize the fruits of my labour and spend it on nonsense - I do it so that my family is well-off when I’m gone. I’ll be damned if I let people like you take it from my loved ones - I’d rather burn it moments before I die. What are you going to do, put a dead man in prison? Don’t think I won’t - I will. I burn money on the stock market quite regularly, at this point I’m used to it, may as well burn it for real and enjoy my time on the death bed. The scenario you’re describing is not “society working together”, it’s a bunch of boogeymen taking things that belong to me for themselves and spending my money recklessly. Sorry pumpkin, they’ll be burying me with my gold.
Wow, okay, so you are just gonna flaunt being M. Bison then. Cool, I guess. All I can say is thank you for being honest about your destructive and parasitic dynasty building mentality, it really helps the cause... COMMUNISM! Because you can either pool resources for the greater good of humanity and the world at large, or trust some lazy jerks to burn some on random investments without care, burn some on establishing clan hierarchy, and burn some on their death bed because WINNING! @.@
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
I have more respect for you then this poor reference you have provided. Please don't use lazy, low-effort approach with our discussions, thank you.
It actually makes some good points, I could make them myself but it kinda hits home more when it's not just me saying it.

I'm enjoying all the pwning going on in this thread though (and the people doing it are probably not the ones who would like to be doing it)
Last edited by smf,
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