Online identity


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Guess I have to dox myself then. I will use my memory of my posts (I recall the vast majority of them) in such a way that I would be akin to one of the poor bastards that gets to search my entire post history if I attracted the attention of an intelligence service or something (not sure how much of that is computerised now, I imagine it is not much different to legal discovery/disclosure and some types of accounting forensics and that is all seriously automated).

I know I have not posted myself in temper pics, save but one time when the google street view car happened to be in a place I was at (and blurred me). I think that post got lost in a shuffle somewhere and the street view for there no longer shows it anyway. I think might be in some pictures for motorbike shows/camp in a field things (I will be the one with a beard, black tshirt and long hair), possibly a concert or two (same description as before), and I dare say some well meaning friend might have tagged me on facebook if I was caught on camera when on holiday with them or a stag night or something.
There might be a picture of the lower half of my face someone on IRC (we were having a beard showing) might have seen but I doubt anybody can find that, I certainly can't.
I am indeed on GBAtemp, the EZFlash forums, filetrip and there might be a post or two (or a quote) in similar forums and sites.
There is a youtube account others have mentioned but it is not mine.
Someone mentioned an old French language translation I did for New Super Mario Brothers on the DS -- it was out in French in a couple of weeks I think but that was more to test of my new fangled text editing skills on the DS. To that end oui, je parle français. Add Latin to that as well if you want ( ). Languages are fun so I have a working knowledge of at least the mechanics and fundamentals of quite a few more, however I would struggle to move there tomorrow where aside from certain accents (I caught a French detective show and the guy that was the lead was almost incomprehensible, similarly I was playing with a long wave radio the other day and there was a French station and I could not understand the host at all where the others on the program were fine) I could probably move to France and get along happily enough.

If you look hard enough you can probably find the time I was on a GBAtemp podcast with Thug and sonicslasher. That is probably the only time my voice has been on the public internet.

To save you all the trouble I do not have facebook, twitter, myspace, bebo, habbo hotel, instagram, pinterest, tumblr, tripadvisor, ebay, livejournal, blogger, twitch, youtube, google+, AIM, MSN messenger, compuserve or ICQ (I could carry on with things from but I won't) or really anything like that, either under FAST6191 or something more general. No mobile phone either. I figure I have nothing to say so why bother.

Protip. I apparently have some 20K posts here, more if you add EOF, which is a very long and boring thing to click through. However every forum will tend to have pictures thread ( ), a pets thread (so many people use pet names for passwords), music sharing thread ( ), introduction thread ( , thank you for sparing me a search there TheKawaiiDesu) and a share about yourself thread
On music then I post often enough in the rate the song thread, the whole motorbike thing above probably tracks quite well.

Similar story for words like birthday, university (remember the UK English thing -- college is what 16-18 year olds go to sometimes if they do not attend sixth form), police, hospital...
"Currently doing a forensic engineering postgrad course at the open university." I mention a university strike while I was there. This could narrow down a time (I actually tried to see what strikes were going on but basic searches did not find it, and it was supposedly a nationwide one), though I also mention having just finished university in 2007
Depending upon gap years, whether I was doing a bachelors (3 years) or masters (4 years), something longer (part time is an option), changed courses, doing a foundation year or was just a "mature student" it could narrow things down. Gap year is probably not going to make it through the search for being too short or too common. You would have to be 18 to start and 2 year university is not really a thing in the UK, unless you drop out in which case at the time you might have been given a bachelors without honours (they give honours just for passing in the UK, nobody applying for US positions is in too much of a hurry to mention that though as apparently it means something there).
More searching on engineering and me would get you
"My experience has been the best one happens to be the one that the person you are speaking to does (as a disclaimer mine would be materials engineering/metallurgy)."
So yeah I am a materials engineer/metallurgist, with forensic engineering (read reverse engineering ) as speciality. More searches would reveal phrases like electronics bias and probably me doing things with electronics on the forums. I have basically no formal computer training though -- university taught me microsoft office and matlab, also semiconductor fabrication and basic electronics (for those that know they got to Karnaugh maps but stopped before Quine Mccluskey, also did pretty for analogue stuff and motors) as part of it all.
Job wise I probably mention clients and such at times and being self employed at others. has such a mention. My particular business setup is modelled after builders that know somebody in every trade (funnily enough I would be the materials/rapid manufacture/power electronics/failure analysis/reverse engineering component of that) and barristers chambers ( ). Science that is not medical in nature and engineering is basically dead in the UK so I tend to opt for the engineering for the everyman approach -- engineering might be dead but physics is still alive and kicking you in the nuts if you try to defy it, to that end everyday people and businesses do well for knowing people like me. It is not a lucrative endeavour but the prospect of working in a shop, restaurant front of house, insurance, sales or on a phone is enough for me to say poke it I am going on the dole.

We are not sure where I went for undergrad right now though. I actually do not mention it a lot. Anybody with access to site posting IP logs could find it easily enough. Likewise engineering is not the most popular subject ( right now says 14 universities offering 64 degrees) and universities are not in every town. I do actually mention various places and as I would likely not have been a world traveller you can probably a figure out it was Liverpool, I do also recall posting a picture of when someone (a tiny woman with some kind of bulldog cross thing, recall the long hair, beard and looking like I should ride a motorbike thing from above... go people) tried to mug me in one of the poorest parts of town (students and low income housing) on a Saturday afternoon at a distance I could have probably broken a window of a police area station in with a decent overhand throw. So yeah it was also no coincidence that pictures of my recent engineering annual saw a university advertisement from one of them (and actually I did kind of want the ones on the page before as they had better art).
I don't know if universities here publish anything like US schools like their yearbooks (US education is a terrifyingly strange thing), however a materials engineer/metallurgist that graduated in 2007 is not a long list and without tracking everybody on it down to see if process of elimination works (if they are all variously on linkedin or facebook or something and I am not...) then there would probably be easier ways. Any kind of government agency would easily be able to match that to the OU course as well and I doubt there were any people I went with doing it at the same time (I am not sure how many there were, most did not speak on the hidden forum thing they gave us but after the exam and where a few mistakes within the exam were found there were a few more speaking).

So yeah this is also why I am often around to help with maths, physics and chemistry homework.

in 2012 I wrote
"Age... has not really mattered for over a decade for me save perhaps a drop in vehicle insurance prices (not that I feel the need for one) so I do not really pay attention to it.
Location- here, there and everywhere but for the most part somewhere in the M11 corridor/London commuter band, running around mainland Europe or occasionally the Northwest US."
25 is the age at which vehicle insurance prices drop (there is a good reason ) and in the UK 18 is the age at which I you can buy as much booze as you have money for or watch any film that is not banned/"denied a rating". That could infer things.
Of course I mentioned birthdays above
There are others. It reckons I was 21 in 2007. Going by other things that could work.
For what it is worth yeah I have a 0 on the right hand side of my age as of just over a week ago. Despite the best efforts of family and friends I did nothing for it, for some reason they seemed quite upset.

Pictures of rooms and such is also fun to find in this. Of the stuff I found for burning desire I could not see much of note in the background, though I was considering seeing if it was on street view and then if I could peer through a window and try to match wallpaper or something. I did something similar to a friend once and found their house (albeit in a small village) by date and time stamping them (the picture was taken late in the day as the sun went down (so I know directions), I know there was a field in the west and his old man had a business registered there so I had a postcode and thus divined where it was).
Some years later
Others on IRC might have seen more. Likewise you can probably see part of it in things like
My dining room many years ago, the back garden and a very close up view of the old workbench freezer, my mum's kitchen ( ) and a back garden ( ) are probably visible at times.

Yes I deliberately blurred or otherwise made sure the the business cards on my pin board were illegible. is indeed a site I run. You can probably find things I stuck there on the forums from time to time. It is a good guess for a business name, I am not sure if it is on companies house and such like ( ) as they mainly deal in limited companies and such like. I would sooner not earn anything for the rest of the year than register for VAT or go limited, fortunately that is £82000 turnover ( ) and if I came close to that in labour (I tend not to sell anything or have expenses) then I would be living even more of a life of leisure than I do (I mentioned post times for trying to determine location in an earlier post -- there is a reason I regularly post at all times of day and night). Speaking of limited then should I manage to screw up hard enough that indemnity insurance does not carry me then bankrupt me would get my toolbox containing not an awful lot , some nice old textbooks I mainly get from charity shops and car boot sales for next to nothing and a pretty decent collection of gamecube, xbox, xbox360 and PS3 games.. oh and some N64 games in a box somewhere.

Anyway I will tell you the domain is mainly for my emails so I do not really have anything there, probably should but eh.
A character on the good wife said something along the lines of I am good because I just imagine whatever I would do and then think it is what they would do. I am not going to do the hacker workup on my own site/hosting though, mainly as I lack a who else on this IP site that works for free right this second and I am not going to pretend I paid for it. Suffice it to say though that the contact info and whois would give a fair guess as to my location... though actually it might be slightly misleading at times.
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from (
Hostpapa is indeed a cheap and cheerful hosting company and I have such a thing (you might see me refer to it as toy hosting).
So while my whois has domain privacy I know several clients that I gave hosting for a "here I am, click this to email me, here is a gallery of my work" do not, if they do not outright state addresses and phone numbers (area codes are still a thing in the UK as mobile phone numbers are different). You might also see my preferred theme setup for wordpress.

I did indeed have a 4shared account on at one point in time. Would still have it but someone thought my text list of game names and a skin I made for an old flash cart was piracy material (or pressed the report button accidentally) and 4shared wanted full name and info to unblock it. Various recruitment divisions for IT security people were complaining recently because they can not get the people, part of that wondered if asking would be security people to fork over social security numbers (which for some bizarre reason the US treats as something to keep secret, if I was not too lazy to get my wallet out of my pocket I would give you my national insurance number in the UK which is what the social security number started out as) to random websites would be a sign that you are a poor security person -- a few years prior companies liked to ask people for facebook logins, it never happened to me but "assuming I have not passed some kind of test" would be the start of my response there.
4shared did also give away one of my email addresses for a while which annoyed me (I think it is the main reason I get any spam these days). Staff could look up and email and a few other users (mainly fellow mods/admins on other forums) might have it still.
Username + big email providers, ISPs (OK maybe not that for me), domains I am associated with is a good bet.
You could figure out an email for me, a search does half confirm something, and with it probably get a skype address that might make some vague sense. Neither would get you especially far though as I deliberately dead end them.

I do indeed like video editing, probably giving the game away. I am less fond of graphics but I will muck in with it at times
Other hobbies would include skateboarding ( ), even despite my status as old man, woodwork (learned by building ramps) and machining (I at least pretend to be an engineer so it presumably follows). I mention magic and psychology/social engineering and there are probably any number of posts over the years that would back that up ( , ), and if nothing else then social engineering is a favourite tool of the would be hacker so that is not a great stretch of the imagination.

Is that where the VPN I was using pops out from, @BurningDesire? Thought it might have gone further than that (it is a place I know well), though BT (the main telco in the UK) do have a massive research place there and quality connections to match it so who knows. After I typed the thing about google and my IP I thought it best to load porn mode and a VPN. That said if you are on IRC when I joined (see the IRC stuff I found for kelton2 a few pages back) and before I tickle nickserv you can probably see an IP as I do not cloak it.
Looks like you have a decent geolocation service as well. Most are terrible for the UK.
Location then. Again coming on IRC before my vhost/nickserv kicks in would tell you an IP. From the who are you thread
"here, there and everywhere but for the most part somewhere in the M11 corridor/London commuter band, running around mainland Europe or occasionally the Northwest US."

"M11 corridor/London commuter band" is a fairly limited area. Likewise if you saw the northwest US thing then yeah some of my family live there so I go see them at times
Also "My brother" from that last one so I probably have at least one sibling, I have more.

And I consider myself a pretty private person, not as a major part of me but I would detest being famous or well known, even for something I like doing. Maybe a couple of staff know a real world address I have access to, and that was only because they have sent me review items or been middlemen in that. Fewer would know my name and I think I have purchased a couple of things on the selling section so I might have a paypal address if I was not rinsing one of the throwaway ones (I got into throwaway paypal a bit later than some).

Assuming you did find the name on my birth certificate (real name is a nice term, however it is real to me therefore if you ask for it then I can give you it happily) then doing a vanity search for myself brings up where I let myself be located for the electoral roll (when they spelled my name correctly anyway) and census. Anything I did that made the newspaper was probably more of the "crime wave sweeps place FAST6191 happens to be in" variety.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
I've posted more personal stuff (still not identifying though) since the last time FAST tried me.
They aren't in English though.

Avoid fb and the likes if you value your privacy (against others)
Last edited by Duo8,
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
From profile dizzyclippwnii
Full name BubsyTM GBCtemp
no location worth noting
Back to profile
UK in profile.
26 March, 1998 (Age: 17) according to profile (also ). 98 in various user names, again I am not sure why people do that but hey. I am not one to speak as I do it myself here.

Also on profile
Putting that name into skype
Diggt Mc Calpollington live:dizzydiggy98_1 and has the same image as matches some things from other dizzydiggy98, tumblr comes up a lot in later searches
Interests there
Favorite visual artist I don't have a favourite. Favorite movies "The Aristocats" I guess. Favorite TV shows Breadwinners and Rick & Morty are the only things I currently watch. Favorite bands / musical artists I don't really any muscial tastes. Favorite books HAHA! Reading is for smelly babies. Favorite writers Writing is also for smelly babies. Favorite games Bubsy, Splatoon, Smash Bros., Cubic Ninja and all Source Engine Games. Favorite gaming platform Atari Jaguar, Sega Saturn & Dreamcast, Wii U & PC. Tools of the Trade mspaint (I'm cheap!) Other Interests Video game and console hacking
Also links me links me to with a username of DiGGY.
So scanning through because I can.
this video has a shot of what I presume to be your thumb and hand and has another. I probably should go through GBAtemp posts first before I go all CSI GBAtemp and start doing hand measurements relative to the 3DS screen (a known size thus I can measure the hands in that which are right next to it and parallel to it) or digit ratio ( ) or some nonsense. Alas you seem to favour a dark room or a crap camera so I am not going to be able to pull a nice reflected image of your face or something. Some time later I finally bothered to scan the gbatemp posts and you had posted in the pictures thread
Feeding that into the exif viewer
Camera Model Name Nintendo 3DS
Software 4.0.9
Modify Date 2016:02:21 22:57:28
25 days, 21 hours, 9 minutes, 41 seconds ago

One of the uploads links to , sadly unlike the hotmail equivalent it does not give names out.
That said opening the file in question gives
C:\Users\Jamie Wright as part of a history/internal file locations or something. Also Sony Vegas is mentioned, I do not know Sony Vegas well enough to spot the default fonts or anything though so I can not go through the videos to infer if they used Sony Vegas to subtitle something.
Also in that is Goomi Kari youtube and torchbrowser, I noticed reddit has a comment with "Just installed Torch browser to give it a go" in it

I do not know if the people in the "gross" channels linked on the side are anything to do with you, both seem to be few subscriber channels with similar content ( ) and which comment on yours. Do I have some footage of a rabbit you might have met?

Continuing on with the dizzydiggy98 search and removing tumblr from the search results lest it link everything liked by dizzydiggy98. mentions some people you had issues with.

Duckduckgo dizzydiggy98 which leads to mentions it.
Guessing for the dizzydiggy98 name in skype brings me back to the original skype name.
Searching for that
07-04-2010 at 19:27

I want this ROM....." Intro and there are fair few hits for dizzydiggy98 on other music remix and game boxart and whatever sites.

This Jamie Wright lark, the name is too common to do much with, however Jamie Wright diggy leads me to
On that it mentions being in circles with

Carrying on with that line of thought I get https://webcache.googleusercontent....34084224869/reviews+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk
It has a review for a place is North Lincolnshire.
Searching for gets me some profile stuff with nothing of merit, though a link to three to some furry porn.

Anyway it is 2am and I never actually watched the cheesy medical shows I was planning to watch. Oh well.
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Touko White

Jan 12, 2016
United Kingdom
Welp, I cleaned up all the stuff that I thought was too personal and most of the old stuff from when I was 12-13. Gotta love how Google+ automatically slaps where I live though on my main Google+ thing I don't use. <3
Google are about as understanding about privacy as I understand machine language: they don't know shit.
Still awful to see them committing this shit.

(100th post yay)

Bubsy Bobcat

funny rabbit
Jul 8, 2015
norf of ingerland
Well @TotalInsanity4 , here's what I could dig up about you.

YouTube: (found on your "information" section on your profile.)
(Those are some nice MIDI files you got there. ;) )

Searching your name on Google gives me these:
Your mGBA profile:
Your Tumblr:
PhotoSugar (whatever the hell this is):

Searching your name on DuckDuckGo gives me these:
Various posts on the OoT 2D forums (eg )
Alot of stuff from Tumblr you've liked and reblogged (eg )
And this
Threads from WiiUHax and PlayStationHax

That's all I could dig up, really.


GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
Well @TotalInsanity4 , here's what I could dig up about you.

YouTube: (found on your "information" section on your profile.)
(Those are some nice MIDI files you got there. ;) )

Searching your name on Google gives me these:
Your mGBA profile:
Your Tumblr:
PhotoSugar (whatever the hell this is):

Searching your name on DuckDuckGo gives me these:
Various posts on the OoT 2D forums (eg )
Alot of stuff from Tumblr you've liked and reblogged (eg )
And this
Threads from WiiUHax and PlayStationHax

That's all I could dig up, really.
Interesting, there's stuff there that I didn't know about (WiiUHax article)
It looks like PhotoSugar is a real-time thing that keeps track of internet posts?... I don't appreciate that I'm on that, but I don't know how to get rid of it. I didn't even know what it was until you found it...
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