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[POLL] 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

For whom will/would you vote?

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Jan 8, 2016
United States
Well then - lets not examine, that the reason for this was, that the democratic campaign forgot to translate their messaging into spanish, and instead had a big social justice warrior festival, looking like this:

...addressing mostly young white educated voters.

I think thats only fair - as it is exactly what Sanders is pleading right now. Just a bit longer, just a bit longer, until you're desire for change matters.

Just another two years, but then...!

Those apparently easy to acquire (someone just listened to them, and talked to them in their language) latin votes lost over the last months, are far harder to gain back on your side, than to suppress once more. I hope you realize that. NYT spoke about 'non loyal male latin votes' for a reason.

To translate that - thats 'fuck them, they werent supposed to show up'.

You're not wrong. Virtue signaling like this only hurts the cause. It's just pandering, and comes off like they have no interest in actually representing the people. It also doesn't help that the Latin crowd in Florida have a major distrust of the Democratic party because they believe that they're communists or socialists, and they fear they'll get another Castro.
It's still up on the cards for senate no? House will probably be the democrats.

Man you yanks need more parties than two... honestly!
You're preaching to the choir, my friend. We've needed this for a long time. Both current parties are entirely unrepresentative of the working class. Capitalism is their drive, and social issues are the only difference they have. I don't believe Biden will do much (or if he'll even serve a single term), but we're much more likely to get stepping stones toward something we want or need under the Democratic party. Biden's a moderate, corporate shill, but he's not a fascist. That's how everyone has treated this election. If you look at the polls, less voted for Biden than those who were just voting against Trump. So yeah, we are poorly unrepresented in this country.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
It's still up on the cards for senate no? House will probably be the democrats.
Technically, yes.

Here is how well the house election went:

Here is a theoretical challenge. Mess up an election against a Trump this much. You try.

I mean, you would have to - stay at home and dont do any in person events over the last weeks, and Idk, forget to address the latino an black constituency, because you want to spend the rest of your (far larger than republicans this time around) advertising budget on white educated folks, or something..


Too soon?

And you are not getting those votes back. You will - for the next ten years try to supress them, because the same liberal justice warriors are too good to engage in 'populist politics', heck they probably put on gloves before talking to those people. You will not fight for those votes.

This is what kills me, you had that much untapped voter potential. Just ripe for the taking for anyone who even fainted to care. Because those people werent into politics. And you focus - for years - on how Trump was a protest vote of middle class white voters. Wasnt that a lie then? Wasnt it just that democrats had no idea, no direction, no political outlook all along? Wasnt it that as soon as the numbers where there you went back to 'same as it ever was Joe'? Enthusiastically, lovingly?

And you devotedly did it with the vote of white middle america, who you convinced to vote for Biden, but for a republic senator? Werent those the votes you always wanted, not caring in the least about black and latino sensibilities? (See Colbert videos posted, they verge on cultural appropriation.)

And then made up a story about the increadibly hard to beat Donald Trump?

Who are you kidding at this point?

Oh, and congratulations on your president. I hear its announced now.
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007

Biden risks being a lame duck president The real lesson from Tuesday’s hotly contested vote is that the US is almost ungovernable EDWARD LUCE

Joe Biden would be lucky to push through even the incremental parts of his agenda

Damaged liberal hearts may briefly be lifted by the fact that Joe Biden received more votes than anyone in US presidential history — until they find out Donald Trump came in a historic second. He even exceeded Barack Obama’s peak 2008 tally. The real lesson from Tuesday’s record turnout and the continuing vote counts is that America is bitterly, energetically and almost evenly divided. A President Biden would at best have an equivocal mandate. The question is what he could do with it. The answer is much less than even he — the most moderate of Democratic contenders — would have hoped. Barring a serious upset, Republicans will retain control of the US Senate. Mr Biden would be lucky to push through even the incremental parts of his agenda, such as a public option for US healthcare insurance, big investments in green technology and free tuition for middle-class college students. Tuesday night left the epoch-changing hopes of American progressives in tatters, and of course the votes are still being counted in key swing states. There is no chance Mr Biden would be able to abolish the Senate filibuster, add new states to the US, such as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, or expand the size of the Supreme Court. Should a vacancy come due in the 6-3 conservative-majority court, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate leader, can simply block Mr Biden’s nominee. The best for which Mr Biden can hope is a modest stimulus package. In the meantime he would have to contend with the current White House occupant. If Mr Biden confronts the spectre of being a lame duck, Mr Trump threatens to invent a different version of the species — a wounded duck prone to lashing out. The chances that Mr Trump would concede defeat are slim. He could tie up narrowly lost states in recounts and litigation for weeks. And he would be unlikely to extend the hand of co-operation during the 11 weeks of transition. Mr Biden would have to prepare for office sight unseen. This could have material consequences. It is doubtful, for example, that Mr Trump would want to share records of his “operation warp speed” on the coronavirus vaccine. The best for which Mr Biden could hope is that Mr Trump goes quietly having shredded forests of White House documents. US election 2020: Joe Biden urges supporters to 'keep the faith' A Biden presidency risks being caught between two irreconcilable forces — a stubbornly entrenched Trumpian right and an embittered Democratic left. The sobering counterpoint to Mr Trump’s likely narrow defeat is that almost none of his co-conspirators met the same fate. Lindsey Graham, the senator from South Carolina, was comfortably re-elected, as was Mr McConnell. Democrats may well have lost seats in the House of Representatives. The Republican newcomers are more Trumpian than Mr Trump. One of its intake is Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is an avowed supporter of QAnon, the far-right conspiracy group. Any chance this election would break the Republican fever, as Mr Obama once put it, has been dashed. Recommended Rachman Review podcast17 min listen An American chasm So what could a President Biden do? The short answer is that he would strive to find an American middle that no longer seems to exist. Deals struck with Mr McConnell would alienate the Democratic left. Yet in the absence of an attempt at bipartisan co-operation, little can be accomplished. That gives Mr McConnell the upper hand. Some things, such as a federal coronavirus plan, can be done by executive order. Others, such as big appointments, will have to meet with Senate approval. It would be wise for a President Biden to appoint at least one or two Republicans to his cabinet. The left would hate that. Recommended The FT ViewThe editorial board A historic US vote provides few certainties Only in foreign policy will the next president have freedom of manoeuvre. Therein lies a paradox. US democracy has taken a reputational battering on the world stage. The 2020 election is unlikely to reverse that. Foreigners know that US politics is trench warfare in which each side grinds out tiny gains at great expense. Big realignments are a thing of the past. Yet the world would feel America’s change more than most Americans. Mr Biden has pledged to undo half of what Mr Trump has wrought. He would rejoin the Paris accord on climate change, the World Health Organization and possibly the Iran nuclear deal. But his chances of raising the US minimum wage would be close to zero. Higher taxes on America’s wealthy are off the menu. The ghost of Mr Trump would stalk a Biden America.

New York Magazine:


The Economist:
(slightly different spin)
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States

here's an interesting take, the VP is able to recognize someone other than the senate majority leader. so in theory if Harris recognizes the senate minority leader, they can pull up bills for vote. while this will probably not result in bills passing, senators will have to vote publicly on record on particular bills. this means that senators in close areas cannot sit behind Mitch and claim "they would if they could".
Last edited by omgcat,


Sep 13, 2009
United States
here's an interesting take, the VP is able to recognize someone other than the senate majority leader. so in theory if Harris recognizes the senate minority leader, they can pull up bills for vote. while this will probably not result in bills passing, senators will have to vote publicly on record on particular bills. this means that senators in close areas cannot sit behind Mitch and claim "they would if they could".
I read about that. The precedence is not to do that, but it is clear republicans don't care about precedence.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
All those shenanigans would potentially be refuted by 2024 (depending on the vote), which is exactly what Biden will do with Trumps legacy of presidential decrees.

On cases of international importance, this means what ever the US decides on in the next four years, cant be depended on to 'stick'.

Its bad. And its not only the looks. Also, you cant solve this by 'being clever'. ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
All those shenanigans would potentially be refuted by 2024 (depending on the vote), which is exactly what Biden will do with Trumps legacy of presidential decrees.

On cases of international importance, this means what ever the US decides on in the next four years, cant be depended on to 'stick'.

Its bad. And its not only the looks. Also, you cant solve this by 'being clever'. ;)

the USA will never not be "less than 4 years away from fucking itself".
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
because the same liberal justice warriors are too good to engage in 'populist politics', heck they probably put on gloves before talking to those people.

It's probably is a good idea to wear masks and gloves when going to talk to Trump supporters, they are high risk for catching covid19 and all the shouting they do will spread it.

The problem with populism is you incite rage and it shuts peoples rational thinking down. It literally people dumber. Not that they'll admit it, some people also think alcohol makes them a better driver.

That isn't to say that republicans don't have some good policies, but then so do democrats.

You can engage in politics without the division that Trump has promoted. He had a great responsibility to lead, but he abused his position.
Last edited by smf,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
It's probably is a good idea to wear masks and gloves when going to talk to Trump supporters, they are high risk for catching covid19 and all the shouting they do will spread it.

The problem with populism is you incite rage and it shuts peoples rational thinking down. It literally people dumber. Not that they'll admit it, some people also think alcohol makes them a better driver.

That isn't to say that republicans don't have some good policies, but then so do democrats.

You can engage in politics without the division that Trump has promoted. He had a great responsibility to lead, but he abused his position.
Better metric: https://covid19risk.biosci.gatech.edu/

Also meeting =/ being infected. On average infection rate per person is 1-3 (other people, over several weeks).

Also, as soon as you reach an event with 1000 attendees, you are at 100% risk pretty much throughout the US. ;)
Last edited by notimp,


Nov 8, 2020
United States
It's probably is a good idea to wear masks and gloves when going to talk to Trump supporters, they are high risk for catching covid19 and all the shouting they do will spread it.

The problem with populism is you incite rage and it shuts peoples rational thinking down. It literally people dumber. Not that they'll admit it, some people also think alcohol makes them a better driver.

That isn't to say that republicans don't have some good policies, but then so do democrats.

You can engage in politics without the division that Trump has promoted. He had a great responsibility to lead, but he abused his position.

I think you need to talk to your party about social distancing, because he seems because Joe Biden is projected to win now they have all stopped social distancing and their government has stopped enforcing social distancing.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I think you need to talk to your party about social distancing, because he seems because Joe Biden is projected to win now they have all stopped social distancing and their government has stopped enforcing social distancing.
While there are many cases of people who should be farther apart than they are, people are generally continuing to social distance and wear masks, as they should.

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    @Xdqwerty there is health behaviour you can add to your character, then to use a health bar is lil more complicated, google n watch a few tutorial video on it, be too hard to explain here.
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    @BigOnYa, the character has the health behavior
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    I know you have to create a health and health max variable. Then there is a calculation you use in code to subtract width size of the health bar. Google few vids.
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    @BigOnYa, the "greenflatbar" is one of the preset health bars btw
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    Yea you can use any bar/sprite. It will just change the width. Ok good luck and have fun. I'm off to go shoot some pool at the bar. Talk to you later.
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    @BigOnYa, why does the health behavior exist if you can just use a variable?
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    nvm i think i fixed it
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    @BigOnYa, I fixed it
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkjpCNa6vlY