UK to start Brexit process before March 2017.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2007
Yorkshire, UK
I personally feel that control is passed from one set of self-interested manipulators in Brussels to another set of self-interested manipulators, this time at Westminster. I can't see how any of them have the interests of the people as their main motivation. Cameron only called the referendum because he used it as an election pledge; his actual belief was in Remain. Johnson and Gove clearly were in it for themselves. Johnson treated the referendum like an Eton debating contest; he had no real conviction either, it was a game to be played and won or lost, a gamble for the primeministership. What it does show is that we have some superb politicians. Unfortunately, being a superb politician makes a person a detestable and untrustworthy human being. Most of the claims on both sides were untrue. This isn't really a victory for democracy, more a victory for politicking.

Pretty much this, I don't believe many at Westminster have the best interests of the average person on their mind. Just look at the expenses scandal.

It will never happen but I really would like to see us elect someone who has come from a normal working class background, not someone who's come from a wealthy family, been privately educated and will never have to worry about money.

The brexit campaign from both sides was a total joke too. Now we have to go through many more years of crap just to get back to where we were at the start of 2016.

I'm sure the UK will be ok in the long run, however i don't think anything will really change for the average person. The generations from the mid 80's / 90's have already been through a recession, now we have years of messing about leaving the EU and recovering from that ahead.

People from the younger generations are struggling to get on the property ladder as it is, we're certainly not going to be any better off anytime soon sadly.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2016
England I guess
United Kingdom
It's funny, this could of been a great union, but it is just a corrupted and unfair way of governing countries and trapping the freedom of the EU members.
I see some people like, "W-well, your alone now hahahahhdifdfiobd" But they just don't get what the EU is. We are not talking about NATO or Europe, because some people are obviously confused with that.


Aug 18, 2015
Saint Kitts and Nevis
It's funny, this could of been a great union, but it is just a corrupted and unfair way of governing countries and trapping the freedom of the EU members.
I see some people like, "W-well, your alone now hahahahhdifdfiobd" But they just don't get what the EU is. We are not talking about NATO or Europe, because some people are obviously confused with that.
Well, yeah, the EU is far from being perfect. I think that the EU can and WILL be reformed, but to do that we must be inside the Union. (this is what M5S, the main party in Italy, wants to do in the EU.) fun fact: M5S is allied with the UKIP in the Europen Parliament.

PS: Destroying the Union and then recreating a new one could be a solution? No, the actual EU had a lot of troubles to get where it is right now.
Last edited by Phantom64, , Reason: sum shit


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2016
England I guess
United Kingdom
Well, yeah, the EU is far from being perfect. I think that the EU can and WILL be reformed, but to do that we must be inside the Union. (this is what M5S, the main party in Italy, wants to do in the EU.) fun fact: M5S is allied with the UKIP in the Europen Parliament.

PS: Destroying the Union and then recreating a new one could be a solution? No, the actual EU had a lot of troubles to get where it is right now.
I have to agree with you there, reforming one will be a lot of frustrating work. The reason that I have voted out, is because of the failure of the union and how it takes away our right to 100% control our country. But, I still think we are better off out, and it is better if it collapses.
I really don't want to start another war, but I respect your opinions.


Custom Title
Sep 14, 2011
Smartest move the British people ever made, it's time to ditch the doomed EU experiment.

The "experiment" that has led to the longest period of peace within Europe in modern history?

We did it to control our borders

I suggest you read up on the Scgengen Agreement, and how the UK isn't currently part of it. The UK is currently the only country within the EU that actually has control of it's borders. If 'we' don't play our cards right, then Brexit could even force the country into the Scehengen agreement and end border control in the county in order to retain access to the single market.

If we ever want back *in* then we will absolutely have to join the Euro. Which will be even worse.


Aug 18, 2015
Saint Kitts and Nevis
I have to agree with you there, reforming one will be a lot of frustrating work. The reason that I have voted out, is because of the failure of the union and how it takes away our right to 100% control our country. But, I still think we are better off out, and it is better if it collapses.
I really don't want to start another war, but I respect your opinions.
Yeah, the 'war' before wasn't absolutely needed, i'm sorry for that \:
Anyway at this point is just a matter of P.O.V. We can just wait and see what will happen in future. (I'm not one of those people that hopes in a collapse of the UK or what, i hope the best for both UK and EU.) :)
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Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
I thought my generation was going to be able to live through and witness unity in the world. When people put their politics, religion, race, and overall differences aside in order to to help each other and grow as a species. Thought we would finally share the over abundance of resources so no one would need to suffer or do without and come together and maybe do some cool shit like terraform other planets and explore space and shit.

Been on the net for a few hours now, and all Ive seen is islamic terrorists attacks, black lives matter, trump preaching about border patrol, the brexit and all its retarded selfish reasons for segregation, left wing/right wing hate speeches.. I could go on.

I'm about out of hope for this species.


GBATemp's Resident Evangelion fanboy.
Jan 4, 2016
United Kingdom

Picture is relevant


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
United States
I thought my generation was going to be able to live through and witness unity in the world. When people put their politics, religion, race, and overall differences aside in order to to help each other and grow as a species. Thought we would finally share the over abundance of resources so no one would need to suffer or do without and come together and maybe do some cool shit like terraform other planets and explore space and shit.
That will probably never happen, or would require a lot of wars to happen.

Steve Antony Williams

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2016
I thought my generation was going to be able to live through and witness unity in the world. When people put their politics, religion, race, and overall differences aside in order to to help each other and grow as a species. Thought we would finally share the over abundance of resources so no one would need to suffer or do without and come together and maybe do some cool shit like terraform other planets and explore space and shit.

Been on the net for a few hours now, and all Ive seen is islamic terrorists attacks, black lives matter, trump preaching about border patrol, the brexit and all its retarded selfish reasons for segregation, left wing/right wing hate speeches.. I could go on.

I'm about out of hope for this species.

I'm a pragmatist, such unity is virtually impossible to achieve and highly unlikely, because someone always comes along and ruins things.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
It is great that we are out and get to control our country the way we want it, not follow laws by an unelected government.

The people who sold you that lie know that there is no difference between the way the EU makes laws and the way the UK makes laws. Laws are always written by unelected governments and then voted on and changed by the elected representatives. That happens in the EU as well as the UK. You really don't want your elected representatives writing laws, they are useless at it & don't understand themselves what the consequences are (their only skill is being able to get elected and siphoning money for themselves).

But seriously, how would you like the country to be? Because the only thing I've heard from the "I'm not racist but...." is they want less foreigners to be here. Which is rich from a nation that has a history of exporting our people to other countries. Or are you saying that british people are good immigrants and non-british people are bad immigrants?

The EU is mostly responsible for us having clean beaches and any workers rights that were introduced in the last thirty years, both of which the UK government spent a lot of time fighting against the EU.

Not all leavers are racist, but only the racist leavers will get what they want (the ability to walk their dangerous dogs while collecting the doll and abusing immigrants). The cheap cigarettes and alcohol they've been getting from Europe will stop though.

Everyone else who voted for what they think were logical reasons, is going to be really disappointed by the outcome when they realise the consequences. You think life will be like before but with no immigrants, or maybe even better with no immigrants. The leave campaign distanced themselves from their lies after they suckered you all to vote for them, but I don't think it's sunk in quite yet. Hard brexit is coming and so is the return to pre EU Britain (which if you're not old enough to remember, it was really really shit).

It doesn't matter much either way for me, but then I think that with votes like this you should think more about how it affects others. Parents who say they voted to leave for the sake of their children have done the complete opposite.

It will never happen but I really would like to see us elect someone who has come from a normal working class background, not someone who's come from a wealthy family, been privately educated and will never have to worry about money.

My father told me a saying that was common in the building industry.... "The working class can kiss my ass, I've got the foremans job at least". There is a paradox that anyone who wants to be elected, is truly unworthy of being elected. It's a flawed system and the EU kept them in check. We've just shot our nose off with a twelve bore shotgun, to spite our face.

Making it 'another slum'? How does anywhere evolve backwards? What in God's name are you on about?

Evolution is about the people who survive being the ones that best adapt. So you could easily "evolve backwards" when anyone intelligent realises that leaving the UK is in their best interest, leaving all the scrotes and their wall around the UK (which we'll need soon to stop people leaving).
Last edited by smf,


all the world needs is me
Apr 22, 2011
The Fourth Dimension
United Kingdom
They will end up making the UK another slum,

Will do yeah if nothing is done. However, were I grew up as a kid, it's a disgrace now (like the Gaza Strip) and unrecognisable. I shake my head everytime I visit, since my mother still lives in the area.

Making it 'another slum'? How does anywhere evolve backwards? What in God's name are you on about?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
I'm a pragmatist, such unity is virtually impossible to achieve and highly unlikely, because someone always comes along and ruins things.

I still hold out hope that one day we'll get rid of this racism and bigotry and actually work together, rather than be arrogant thinking that we're superior and need to protect our interests from each other.

But you're right, someone will always come along and spread lies that tap into peoples hidden racial hatred. Maybe one day the majority will be mature enough to see through them.

All I want to do is live long enough that we lock up Nigel Farage & Boris Johnson for crimes against humanity.

I was just saying that the "mass fear" of migrants makes sense in this period.

No, it doesn't make sense at all. It only makes sense if you've let yourself be manipulated by someone who has their own motives (which are based on them making money by you losing money). But if you let yourself be manipulated then anything can make sense.

There are a lot of Syrians fleeing their country sure, but those are non EU citizens & so that makes little difference whether we leave the EU or not. What they didn't tell you was that we have to take the Syrians anyway, unless we leave the UN. We set up the EU and the UN because the old protectionist way of running the world kept leading to wars. They may not have told you, because the leave campaign are just carpetbaggers and don't really know anything about politics or the law.
Last edited by smf,
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all the world needs is me
Apr 22, 2011
The Fourth Dimension
United Kingdom
Nobody said evolve, devolve is more the relevant term.
The implication that letting immigrants enter the country 'devolves' it is, without the shadow of a doubt, highly racist.

I was brought up by a Muslim family in the Middle East and live and work in London alone now. I don't ascribe to any faith and am highly leftist politically, and hope that what I do every contributes positively to the community I am surrounded by. There are thousands of others with the same story to tell. I don't see how this converts the lands we live in into 'slums', unless seeing a high population density of (typically) brown hairy people makes your skin crawl.

Leavers left the economy in shambles to the point where non-UK residents are looking to invest in property because the Sterling is so cheap. It isn't inherently a bad thing, but it must be well unsettling to think that a piece of land you pass by is owned by someone who doesn't reside in the continent, let alone the city. Meanwhile people from other countries within the EU who've helped the UK's economy flourish are being told to pack their bags and leave, as if "stealing our jobs" was ever a real issue when globalisation helped only to create them. But hey, I guess the NHS will benefit from additional funding, am I right?

TL;DR human genetics and ethnic proportions are in flux because of the way mankind is progressing. It is inevitable and trying to create a tiny bubble that remains unaffected by change is unrealistic. Let it go.


The implication that letting immigrants enter the country 'devolves' it is, without the shadow of a doubt, highly racist.

I was brought up by a Muslim family in the Middle East and live and work in London alone now. I don't ascribe to any faith and am highly leftist politically, and hope that what I do every contributes positively to the community I am surrounded by. There are thousands of others with the same story to tell. I don't see how this converts the lands we live in into 'slums', unless seeing a high population density of (typically) brown hairy people makes your skin crawl.

Leavers left the economy in shambles to the point where non-UK residents are looking to invest in property because the Sterling is so cheap. It isn't inherently a bad thing, but it must be well unsettling to think that a piece of land you pass by is owned by someone who doesn't reside in the continent, let alone the city. Meanwhile people from other countries within the EU who've helped the UK's economy flourish are being told to pack their bags and leave, as if "stealing our jobs" was ever a real issue when globalisation helped only to create them. But hey, I guess the NHS will benefit from additional funding, am I right?

TL;DR human genetics and ethnic proportions are in flux because of the way mankind is progressing. It is inevitable and trying to create a tiny bubble that remains unaffected by change is unrealistic. Let it go.

If you don't like it, sod off to Europe.
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    ^^ This :rofl2:
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    I totally get that.
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    Pro ultra tip: eat a bunch of Skittles or imitation gold flakes before leaving a duece in the shower for girlfriend, makes it flashy and classy.
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    Lol that guy is funny! Following.
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    im back. i had to help my mom with some documents
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    You gotta practise, and know the tone of your farts, then you can master the skill, grassfarter
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