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Where do you fall on the political spectrum?


GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
Oh yeah, because I'm totally a nazi for opposing undocumented immigrants to enter the country illegally. It's not like your kind is purposely overusing this serious accusation. Not at all!
"My kind", ok

And look. You've defended yourself. It's not that bad. Somehow I think you'll recover from this heinous, heinous accusation of being aligned with a fascist political party who's entire mantra is opposing immigration in order to preserve a Master Race on a particular issue


Member of GBAtemp's shadow district
May 4, 2016
United States
I'm honestly not sure. politicalcompass.org says this:
But there were a lot of questions that I felt unsure or in the middle on or would answer differently depending on the specifics. For example, the question on if weed should be legal if it's for personal use. I do agree with that, but with restrictions on being able to do so depending on the circumstances. I would like to find a more in depth quiz. But generally I don't really like politics, or either of the two main candidates of the 2016 US presidential election.
Last edited by WiiHomebrew+Snes,
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Never quite sure.

Born in the wrong century techno utopian would be my normal approach to the world. I would like to believe a certain amount of pragmatism is also at play there. More science/engineering, understanding of the universe and such doing well here.

In no particular order

Any country even vaguely with the means that does not do cradle-grave healthcare for their poorest residents and at least emergency for those passing through I find to be disagreeable. Free is better but I can see having some chuck something in the pot as acceptable. The US approach to such things is not one I care for at all and would possibly call extremely callous. While it is probably whatever passes for huggy-feely in me that primarily wants that I also note the huge practical benefits of it.

While universal basic income might be a bit much for today (though depending upon the extent of automation and trend towards skills it may happen sooner than later) I would say a fully developed welfare system is good stuff. The UK and Nordic countries having a lot of ideas I like here. I similarly don't see work as virtuous in and of itself and

Schooling wise. I once heard it said that the ultimate goal of academia is to produce more professors and it would be something I agree with. To that end while I would push for maximum educational availability I would reform it a lot from what it is today. I would also say to have a specialist without a broad base is to really have missed a trick. I think I will go with a Robert Heinlein quote I was once reminded of "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." for while it does not entirely encapsulate what I want it gets closer than the rote memorisation for military and factory workers that so much education presently seems to be.

Environment wise. There are many ways to be a dick but I find many ideas from the same people that bring us "carbon credits" to be moronic. Similarly as a great song once said "never trust a hippy".

"inclusion wise". Don't give a fuck what place you hail from, skin colour you have, sex you are, whether your sex matches your gender... all are useless as predictors in the meeting a person on the street test. Age might have some bearing but fairly limited after about 14. Religion on the other hand can go fuck itself and while I will happily do business, live with, talk with... Seeing religion slowly die has been a great pleasure in my life thus far. Foreign policy wise then direct action is tricky. "Allowing" ideas to flow though works well, though also be prepared to defend your beachhead as I don't want another Tunisia. Religion is a choice, give or take what you want to make of developmental psychology, and as such I find the conflation with innate characteristics to be troubling when people list things. Speaking of listing things the x^y^z number of genders, no biological differences between sexes, "racism can not be done by non white people", if two candidates of equal capability apply for a single slot then I must play the "disadvantaged background" game... notions I see floated by a few presently notable groups I find to be so intensely aggravating it is rather hard to understate. It seems somewhat akin to religion in its capability to deny reality. It also seems that where someone with the "opposite" of what I want to approach the world with and I can work together to get something done I see no real chance of getting stuff done with those of the groups previously mentioned.

If then things are split between "left and right", however incomparable between places a lot of that is (with the possible exception of some small few in Northern Ireland then no UK politician cares about abortion to even contemplate saying ban it, none would say defund the national health service*, the military is a thing that wants to be effective but at no points should the focus be as myopic as I see some in the US have, religion is all but dead in UK politics... and that is all most of the bread and butter of US right wing politics) then I guess I would want to go left but they are making it really really hard for me to do it.

*the UK leaving the EU thing is complicated (see the history of Eurosceptics) but was primarily a push from the rightmost part of UK politics. One of their main campaign... not really a promise (you can't promise things if you don't have a plan) but a key phrase was to use the money presently going to the EU to instead fund said national health service.

Similarly while the "traditional family" and something drawing from gender roles is something I could see some advocate for (outcomes wise having two parents seems to work well, and as far as happiness goes this integrated workforce thing has some fair downsides) I at no point want to see it enforced and also take pleasure in having seen such things also die. Anybody gets a chance to play it how they will and make it work for them. To criticise those for either not pushing a narrative or for not adhering to tradition is of the poorest taste to me. I see no problem with falling birthrates beyond people seemingly having realised that "pyramid scheme" was not a good model for pensions and wanting more people in the workforce to keep it going a bit longer.

Drugs. While the ability to put whatever you like in yourself would be one I support and criminalising addicts is both cruel and ineffective (to say nothing of effectively funding criminals) I can also support. Portugal's approach here is interesting -- we don't like them, will regulate things, will classify things, wish you didn't do it, police can "refer" you to support services, "weights" make you a dealer which can get a kicking, and if you take something and endanger others as a result you can get a slapping. Alcohol can certainly mess you up but it at least does something, unlike tobacco which seems like a way of accomplishing basically nothing at considerable cost to you in health and the wallet.

Guns. They can certainly be fun but I am not overly bothered to see them reduced in scope either -- drugs may mostly fuck up your body but guns disproportionately fuck up mine. If you want to jump through the hoops to do a club type thing then I can see something working there.

Vaccination wise. You can be a moron and deny yourself and your kids the chance. Don't be surprised when you get excluded from schools, jobs and more besides though. Similarly if you fail to report, do things that can spread things and don't treat things then don't be surprised to see the law come knocking.

Intellectual property thoughts. Don't like the US approach to patents -- software, no reseeding crops and patenting DNA tests are an affront to all that such things should stand for. Copyright time limits are also way way way too long and restrictive. Either make them shorter or do some kind of attribution based setup. Trademarks are broadly OK to me. I imagine in the next 10-15 years I will have more to say about patents when 3d printing becomes cheaper and cheaper and companies with enough money in the bank to hire a lawyer see the ground falling out from beneath them and send in the lawyers.

Styles of government. "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die" is a rather accurate summation of human psychology and prior to handing over things to some benevolent AI then politicos are human. To that end I want someone to talk to when there is a pothole in the road on my way to town, and I want someone to talk to about progressively larger and larger affairs. I don't know what the setup is here and most of the US styled discourse is not even extremes (usually phrased as small government vs big government) but the same side of the coin.
I also hate that a lot of politicos are career politicos, or lawyers which are effectively the same thing with the third category of "business is my business" being not too far removed from either of those. This is mainly as practical skills seems to be rather weak among those trades and it is all down to words.
I don't mind some shortcuts, social engineering and pressure to get people, generally animals not capable of seeing too many bigger pictures, to do things which benefit themselves and the place at large. Much discussion can be had on the scope of things here though.

At the same time I never want to see a corporatocracy. Right now some seem to have noticed we have got ourselves into a bit of a pickle with a lot of discourse being effectively controlled by a few companies in California and are contemplating laws, while I can see a path to that I reckon technology is the better bet. Much like torrents messed up things nice and good for a lot of companies and cryptocurrency has done a lot as well then we can probably get something done with some kind of distributed setup, whether it be true p2p or something more like usenet I do not know. Not sure where I would place a bet on the first company to fall here, save perhaps discord when people realise once more it is not good to only allow servers to be hosted by someone else. More traditionally no company has ever built a road out of the goodness of their hearts. There is almost a legal stipulation for companies to pursue profit above all else and while I am still going to say pursue profit I also want to see them... if it was normal person interactions then have a punt and have a laugh.

Globalism. Probably a bit too soon for world government, crack the someone for my pothole and someone to organise relief efforts for events far away from me bit and it will likely happen. If you don't have diplomats and observers everywhere, at every conference, at every with serious local expertise at play and redundancy there then you screwed up and screwed up hard.

Military. I find the almost soldier worship thing the US has going on at times to be... kind of perverse really. It's a hard job and I won't diss them for it but I view many "think of the veterans" lines much like I do "think of the children" and used by as many spurious arguments. Modern war is rather loud and intense at times, and we seem to have developed effective shortcuts which get people to kill, however neither of those seem to be all that factored into the aftermath -- you break it, you fix it or pay someone to do so.

Spies/intelligence. Keep people fat and happy and they won't do what it takes to send some cunt to blow you up. More stats, targetted aid and get that information in there, whether you do that with a parade of tourists bringing newspapers or by sending in hidden pipes is a different matter. James Bond ninja stuff is fun and all with the potential for some wicked stories but drop in the ocean and all that. The "promoting business and services of a country" aspect of being a spook that so seldom seems talked about... part of the game really, try not to be a dick about it though.

US politician wise. What I made of the previous election was Mrs Clinton was an utterly unremarkable, bog standard politician, Mr Trump was horribly ill equipped to do well in the role. Political and economic inertia and geography mean Mr Trump is not going to, or indeed even really be capable of, messing things up. However he will be if not a weak leader then an ill suited one in a time when a strong and better suited one would have been welcome -- China (and maybe India depending upon how they play it) thanks you US citizens.

I have never found a political party that does what I care for here. Probably why I don't vote and never have.

Closet Nerd

Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2011
United States
Saying you're in the middle because you see flaws on both sides, in and of itself is flawed, as even the direct middle line is flawed, too.

I tend to go a little right. I preferred Trump to Hillary this past election, I found the Republican Party utterly pathetic when they faced Obama, though to the latter himself, I didn't think was amazing either.

On hot divisive topics, I feel like abortion should be frowned upon, purely on the grounds of people should be provided easy access to contraceptives. Why in the ever living crispity crap should women have to deal with abortions when the way better option is to, yknow, prevent that at the outset. I have no sympathy for illegal immigrants. I love the ability to own a gun, but that's partially because I'm an incredibly weak, short female, and I value the defense it provides. I tend to lean a little right, but when push comes to shove, I grab a little from both political sides to form my opinions.

According to the cool site Costello linked, I'm:

View attachment 140265

Smidge right, and smidge libertarian.

Thats hot.


"Dances" with Dragons
Dec 16, 2007
Strongly socially liberal, secular, humanistic, transhumanist supporter, skeptic, atheist, moderately socialist, globalist, cosmopolitan, interventionistic, anti-quackery, crypto-anarchist, sexually inclusive, pro-science and moderately libertarian. I believe I fit somewhere in the green.
Last edited by Searinox,


Feb 12, 2009
United States
The mods here won't even allow me to allude to or hint at my position without loading my profile up with warnings or suspending me for a week again, so I really couldn't tell you.


GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
The mods here won't even allow me to allude to or hint at my position without loading my profile up with warnings or suspending me for a week again, so I really couldn't tell you.
That may just be an indication that there's something wrong with your position in general, unless you're being dramatic in an attempt to make people sympathize with how "unfair" it is to be a conservative on a site with moderators that are socially left of center
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Feb 12, 2009
United States
That may just be an indication that there's something wrong with your position in general, unless you're being dramatic in an attempt to make people sympathize with how "unfair" it is to be a conservative on a site with moderators that are socially left of center
No, it's okay, I know I represent unpopular/suppressed opinions.

I wouldn't call my self a conservative either... the quiz people took here only put me center and slightly right. Like... fuck, I hate to use Chary's term, a smidge.

A lot of those questions didn't really work for me, because I do believe certain aspects of society do very well warrant being regulated by the state, just... you know, it wasn't worded in the way that applied to my beliefs.

You know what I'm saying, friend? You guys that gang up on reasonables literally showed up on the communist left side of the chart, so I was almost hoping I would test as ultra shitlord on the right... didn't happen though.
Last edited by Glyptofane,


GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
No, it's okay, I know I represent unpopular/suppressed opinions.

I wouldn't call my self a conservative either... the quiz people took here only put me center and slightly right. Like... fuck, I hate to use Chary's term, a smidge.

A lot of those questions didn't really work for me, because I do believe certain aspects of society do very well warrant being regulated by the state, just... you know, it wasn't worded in the way that applied to my beliefs.
?? If that's the case, what views do you think are being suppressed?...


Nov 27, 2013
THIS IS GAMING FORUM, we would we deal that dirty shit here?
GET THE F OUT OF HERE! And we don't care about politics.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2013
United States
Fiscally communist, socially alt-right.
I think profit motives are holding back progress, but so is all the whiny victim diversity shit, like telling someone they cant have dreadlocks because they are white or they have to learn a new pronoun for everyone they meet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
United States
THIS IS GAMING FORUM, we would we deal that dirty shit here?
GET THE F OUT OF HERE! And we don't care about politics.
The mods got sick of political shit popping up in the gaming section, so made a political section, which you're complaining in. So, now the mods can munch pop corn, and watch people fight over their political side. It's fun,


GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
Fiscally communist, socially alt-right.
I think profit motives are holding back progress, but so is all the whiny victim diversity shit, like telling someone they cant have dreadlocks because they are white or they have to learn a new pronoun for everyone they meet.
....... What do you THINK the ideals of the alt-right are, if I may ask?
I get warned, deleted, and suspended for posting, so I can't even say.
Wanna PM me then? I'm genuinely curious
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Sep 13, 2009
United States
FAST6191 Going to have to read all that later.

Anyway, shouldn't strong military be separate from intervening? Maybe I'm reading too much into it. I mean, maybe some people want a big army for protection and want to keep to themselves.

I loathe politics and everything related to it. Do I care what Donald Trump says, or what Hillary Clinton says, about anything at all?

A clue: No.

I am evolving beyond the need for those things. I'm not pressing B anymore.
I'm with you on that to an extent, but at the same time, long periods of collective apathy have been much of what caused this planet to suck in large part.


Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
I don't care about modern politics, as it diverts from the real issue and digs into "personal resolve" instead of trying to rectify real world issues. It's why I think there should be an option to hide this sub forum. There are some valid views, but some of us take it to heart and refuse to indulge in differing viewpoints. Some of us also like to scream like banshees everytime a certain name pops up.
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