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Conservative News Corner Thread


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
I said tell me something new projectionist lol
I think all that Youtube autoplay has given you Alzheimer's, you're starting to repeat yourself. Or perhaps you're just a shitty bot coded by an average Republican voter (a basement-dwelling no-lifer with zero creativity).


Sep 13, 2009
United States
I think all that Youtube autoplay has given you Alzheimer's, you're starting to repeat yourself. Or perhaps you're just a shitty bot coded by an average Republican voter (a basement-dwelling no-lifer with zero creativity).
Did you know that every conspiracy theory on the internet, including this one, is true?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
United States
I think all that Youtube autoplay has given you Alzheimer's, you're starting to repeat yourself. Or perhaps you're just a shitty bot coded by an average Republican voter (a basement-dwelling no-lifer with zero creativity).
Jeez you sure love describing yourself huh?
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Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
Fantastic commentary on Biden's illegal eviction moratorium, while states and banks still entitled to payments. The DNCs war on the middle class continues.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
I kinda forgot about this thread, because I was busy point-by-point debunking and displaying the absolutely shameless tactics of project Veritas and James O'Keefe, all the way up to hosting a party on the weekend and I forgot about it... But Jimbo lies makes for a lovely lightning rod!

First, a couple fun links in reference to project Veritas...

Mary Landrieu case ends in James O'Keefe pleading guilty with some of his friends after a terrible attempt at a sting

The Daily Beast of all things goes on about how James O'Keefe is a terrible human being. Sadly, they were wrong about his career being short lived. Also, he totally doctored video because it didn't fit his narrative.

Racist ballot harvesting video also edited and involved a bribe~ Oh hey, fox news! Thanks!

Fantastic commentary on Biden's illegal eviction moratorium, while states and banks still entitled to payments. The DNCs war on the middle class continues.

Tucker Carlson is just about the opposite of a fantastic commentator. For somebody who doesn't trust the Elites, you sure seem to like the heir to a giant fortune who was raised in complete opulence. That being said, kinda telling that you support the landlords over the people who have had issues with being able to return to work due to things like having kids and schools still being closed, jobs that haven't come back or reopened fully due to the virus, or health issues making them not viable for vaccination. Compassionate stuff.

So California is having a recall election, as they do every 4-8 years after Democrats continue to ruin the state but to save Newsoms ass they just put forth a measure to let people print ballots at home.

In before they let you photocopy!


Hmm, tricksy... if only there was a member of the California Registrar of Voters on the forum... oh, wait! Hi, I'm Dakitty, I'm formerly head of a large county's RoV help desk and phone bank. This is a blatant lie regarding certain ballot options for UOCAVA (overseas citizens and DEPLOYED MILITARY PERSONNEL) that allows them to print out a ballot, then send it in along with identifying markers to ensure that it came from them. The process of applying for UOCAVA requires submitting several forms of identification, which is then matched in our system. We have yet to have any reports of fraud utilizing this system, which has actually been in place for a while.

In short, kids... when Jimbo opens his mouth, it reeks of lies and disdain for non white non wealthy human beings, which brews in the festering pit of feces, fox news, and illegal drugs he calls his stomach.


Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
I kinda forgot about this thread, because I was busy point-by-point debunking and displaying the absolutely shameless tactics of project Veritas and James O'Keefe, all the way up to hosting a party on the weekend and I forgot about it... But Jimbo lies makes for a lovely lightning rod!

First, a couple fun links in reference to project Veritas...

Mary Landrieu case ends in James O'Keefe pleading guilty with some of his friends after a terrible attempt at a sting

The Daily Beast of all things goes on about how James O'Keefe is a terrible human being. Sadly, they were wrong about his career being short lived. Also, he totally doctored video because it didn't fit his narrative.

Racist ballot harvesting video also edited and involved a bribe~ Oh hey, fox news! Thanks!

Tucker Carlson is just about the opposite of a fantastic commentator. For somebody who doesn't trust the Elites, you sure seem to like the heir to a giant fortune who was raised in complete opulence. That being said, kinda telling that you support the landlords over the people who have had issues with being able to return to work due to things like having kids and schools still being closed, jobs that haven't come back or reopened fully due to the virus, or health issues making them not viable for vaccination. Compassionate stuff.

Hmm, tricksy... if only there was a member of the California Registrar of Voters on the forum... oh, wait! Hi, I'm Dakitty, I'm formerly head of a large county's RoV help desk and phone bank. This is a blatant lie regarding certain ballot options for UOCAVA (overseas citizens and DEPLOYED MILITARY PERSONNEL) that allows them to print out a ballot, then send it in along with identifying markers to ensure that it came from them. The process of applying for UOCAVA requires submitting several forms of identification, which is then matched in our system. We have yet to have any reports of fraud utilizing this system, which has actually been in place for a while.

In short, kids... when Jimbo opens his mouth, it reeks of lies and disdain for non white non wealthy human beings, which brews in the festering pit of feces, fox news, and illegal drugs he calls his stomach.

You couldn't debunk a flat earther , It's no one but your own fault your not wealthy and if we just could get SNAP cut off your not smart enough to feed yourself. Being a Salish indian who lives on tribal land the copious amounts of hallucinogens I partake in is entirely legal.

You only assumed I am white because Progressives are racist trash who assume us ethnics didn't escape their plantation.
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Deleted User

It's no one but your own fault your not wealthy
tell that to my dead veitnam war vet grandfather, who never was able to retire due to the jobs available where we lived not paying enough. Most jobs don't pay enough, and it's only getting worse. He died before hitting 55, a second heart attack. No healthcare to my knowledge. He constantly talked to me about work ethnic, he worked with my grandmothers horses, took care a giant amount of land, knew how to work a tractor, how to work with wood.
He died in a rotting mobile home. and I mean, ceiling coming apart. He worked constantly, both my grandmother and him. I would only be able to see them on the weekends, if that. As he was often off at work.
Wealth at this point, in the current circumstances, is something given to you at birth.

It doesn't matter how hard you work anymore. If your born in the bottom, and live in the United States, you will stay there.

I'm talking from experience, as I experienced two ends of the spectrum. I was born in absolute poverty. My mother was at work so often that she could not care for me when I was little. There was a few times we went homeless, in which my grandparents then took care of me for a year or so until my mother could find a stable place to live.

That changed when she met my abusive stepfather. The difference?
While yes, he worked as a miner. His family had three large houses in multiple states, could throw parties non stop. His mother and father was already retired, and frequently would play golf. And if he needed help, which was rare, they could easily provide it. They were finacially well off, for no real explanation other than accumulated wealth through generations.
The only times there was financial struggle was when he spent thousands of dollars on fantasy football.
When the two families got together once, well... it didn't end well. Stepfather's side of the family was constantly criticizing my grandparents telling them to work harder, don't be lazy, without any knowledge how many hours, they cranked into their jobs, resulting in what was supposed to be a get together in goodwill, to never happen again.

and if we just could get SNAP cut
Perhaps telling more of my life puts this into context.
After, well, my mom had enough, I was abused often under my stepfather. He had anger issues, preferential treatment to his children, I would often barricade myself into my bedroom, never leaving unless I absolutely had to. And I mean, if I had a dry mouth and needed water, or if I was hungry, I wouldn't get water or eat as long as it didn't prevent me from falling asleep.

A couple of months pass inbetween my grandfather passes, I'm not going to talk much since we would be here for a while if I explained what happened in those months. Just know that my mom and I moved, lost pretty much everything, sold everything we could part with in reason. She got a job, but the pay was so low, and she had a lack of savings, that we had to turn to snap for a few months. That's how we got food for a while. She hated it, she felt like she had to swallow her pride to do it.

Removing SNAP, removing those services would make those who really need the help, unable to get it. Removing those things doesn't create independence. It creates Dependence. If SNAP was removed, I don't think we would make rent in the apartment we got, and it was one of the cheapest we could find. We would have to fall back to my Uncle, who, to say the least, was borderline Financially stable enough to be retired.
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Deleted User


Well, that's extremely telling on your character. The moment I try to level with you, tell you an experience I have, that explains the reasons I think the way I do. You brush it off, call me human trash, proceed to say you will not read, claiming that my behavior, my attempt to level with you, that I deserve what I deserve, without even reading what I said.

That you are so keen on not listening to someone else, at all, while hating them with strong malice. Telling someone that they should be poor, and that they deserve it, without understanding, is one, if not, the strongest malice someone can have towards another human being.
Last edited by Foxi4, , Reason: Quote of deleted post


Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
That's a terrible sentiment, that you really should take back if you consider yourself a decent human being.

Considering he is an apologist and advocate for communism I have no sympathy for him, Communism killed at least 200 million people during the 20th century and that is a very generous understatement only accounting for Mao and Stalin's purges.

The Nazi's barely broke double digits, when considering human toll I can think of no ideology worst and more offensive than communism.

So how nice should someone be to literally worst than a Nazi?


As above, so below
Oct 19, 2016
United States
Considering he is an apologist and advocate for communism I have no sympathy for him, Communism killed at least 200 million people during the 20th century and that is a very generous understatement only accounting for Mao and Stalin's purges.

The Nazi's barely broke double digits, when considering human toll I can think of no ideology worst and more offensive than communism.

So how nice should someone be to literally worst than a Nazi?

The fact that you equate Nazis with communism should be enough to realize that you often don't have enough skill to play ball at everyone else's intellectual level.

It's even more disheartening to realize that you blame an entire ideology on countless deaths instead of the actual people behind it, but I've read what you posted about BLM and left wing democrats and welfare recipients, so honestly no one here should be surprised that you resort to blanket arguments and criminalizing groups of people for individual demonstrations.

The fact that you have no hesitancy when talking down to other people, regardless of situation or background, simply when they're engaging in a "friendly" debate on an online forum, shows your lack of empathy, which in some ways I get, but when you pull the political backing that you do... it seems a little hypocritical, a standpoint you seem to be against so much in terms of the left wing democrats.

It's all fun and games until you negate the political discussion in favor of attacking someone directly.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States


You really don't do yourself any favors, comrade. Also, I love how you sidestep any of my points mentioned before hammering in my end statement with a disgusting display. 10/10 Very adult.
Last edited by Foxi4, , Reason: Quote of deleted post
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GBAtemp's Pannda
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 14, 2009
United States


GBAtemp's Pannda
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 14, 2009
United States
More Conservative News of the day
Herschel Walker, who Republicans want to Run for Georgia Senate
This man...

Now he and his wife might be in legal problem for Voter Fraud ...
Walker’s wife voted in Georgia as couple lives in Texas,
Some might state "maybe They live in Both or Just moved to Texas/Georgia but .They receive a homestead exemption on their property taxes from the Property in Texas, according to public records. Homestead exemptions are granted to homeowners for their legal residence.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I've removed @jimbo13's post since it violates our conduct guidelines, however I kept the responses to it because I think it's an interesting field of discussion. I happen to share the sentiment - communism is just as monstrous and murderous as nazism, it merely supplants race war with class war and pits people against "the rich" as opposed to "lesser races". Each time it was implemented, it was an absolute disaster that led to mass genocide and untold suffering because in order to "equalise" society across all strata, you must necessarily cut people down to size at the hamstrings. It invariably leads into totalitarianism and plays overtures to angry mobs in order to do so, just like National Socialism does. I'm personally permissive of discussing it since I'm a free speech absolutist myself, but fun fact - propagating nazism, communism or any other totalitarian system of government is actually illegal where I come from.

I think confusing communism with social safety nets present in western social democracies is boneheaded and silly - the two are nothing alike. Communism is based on the idea of seizure of private property and collectivisation, social democracies are based on the idea that supporting the poor is an investment, which in many cases it is. One of those things is inherently evil and violent as it forcibly deprives people of their belongings, the other is called charity.

I'm keen to agree with @Reual on SNAP, with about 15,000 asterisks annotating that sentiment. Whether we like it or not, there are people in our society who cannot "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" - they either lack the physical or mental ability to become a part of the workforce. I say that not as an insult, but as an objective observation - statistically speaking +/- 10% of people have IQ's below 86, which is below the level required to be capable of following spoken or written instructions effectively. In the past those people would be labourers or warriors - in modern society they've become useless due to technological progress. It's an uncomfortable thought, to be sure, but it isn't one we get to sweep under the rug. Jobs for these kinds of people no longer exist, or aren't sufficient in number enough to cover the demand - technology solved the problems those jobs were aimed at solving. They can still live fulfilling lives like anybody else, we just have to enable them to do so. In addition, one in four people in America live with at least one disability - a portion of that group has crippling disabilities that they can't overcome with just sheer willpower. Those people *can't* work and their survival hinges on the rest of us pulling the cart for them, which is the right thing to do.

Welfare does cause government dependency, that much is correct. With that being said, there are certain objective realities that we have to contend with, even if we fancy the libertarian ideal. A small subset of people will simply perish if we *don't* provide the bare minimum of support, so we're faced with a choice between two evils - expect people to part with a sensible portion of their income in order to support those in extreme need who cannot be helped by any other means *or* let them perish. It is inherently more humanitarian to go with the former, and over the years, this has proven to be more effective - it builds social cohesion. With that being said, it should be the absolute bare minimum - people who *can* work should instead be incentivised to do so, and taught to do so if needs be. Welfare fraud doesn't even enter the equation here because you'd be spending more money trying to police the system than by running it unchecked.

This train of thought isn't new - a Negative Income Tax which would effectively guarantee a basic income for "an individual", working or not working, has already been proposed by the likes of Milton Friedman. He doesn't describe it as a handout, but rather as a reversal of payment direction. I would prefer that approach *more* than countless inefficient government programs that waste resources on pencil pushing and marble offices as opposed to fulfilling their objectives.


Sep 13, 2009
United States
If only jimbo empathy would extend to the people that are dying today, like with this virus.

I wonder how many people died to or are going to die unfettered capitalism.

In other news, 1 trillion bill passed the Senate.
Last edited by KingVamp,
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
If only jimbo empathy would extend to the people that are dying today, like with this virus.

I wonder how many people died to or are going to die unfettered capitalism.

In other news, 1 trillion bill passed.
Under capitalism, where transactions are voluntarily, people are responsible for their own fate. Under communism, where participation is mandatory, deaths are systemic. A person dying due to poor access to healthcare is tragic, a person dying in a forced labour camp or due to state-planned starvation is a crime against humanity. There is no comparison between the two whatsoever.
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kevin corms

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
If only jimbo empathy would extend to the people that are dying today, like with this virus.

I wonder how many people died to or are going to die unfettered capitalism.

In other news, 1 trillion bill passed.
Super easy to do when the politicians have most people convinced its the fault of people in the other party only. Its a bit concerning that they managed to make it about the voters too, as if they are all either Nazis or Bolsheviks. You are all being divided and conquered, you dont even notice when Biden and George W Bush are laughing at you on tv.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Under capitalism, where transactions are voluntarily, people are responsible for their own fate. Under communism, where participation is mandatory, deaths are systemic. A person dying due to poor access to healthcare is tragic, a person dying in a forced labour camp or due to state-planned starvation is a crime against humanity. There is no comparison between the two whatsoever.

The communism we have seen is based off Marxism, which assumes most people are just too stupid to have any power. Marx even wrote about how to use people to create a dictatorship you can sell as communism. Its a bit alarming how many social scientists identify themselves as Marxists these days, even more so when you see how much influence they have.

Or to be exact Marx decided to tell people they would somehow go from dictatorship of the proletariat to actual communism, just not possible and we have seen what happens. Either people just stay in power forever and pass it down to someone else, or someone else takes the power. This was exactly what Orwell was referring to when he wrote animal farm. I think the way it was put is that we end up with a dictatorship of former proletarians.
Last edited by kevin corms,


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
Under capitalism, where transactions are voluntarily, people are responsible for their own fate. Under communism, where participation is mandatory, deaths are systemic. A person dying due to poor access to healthcare is tragic, a person dying in a forced labour camp or due to state-planned starvation is a crime against humanity. There is no comparison between the two whatsoever.

Considering homelessness and hunger in the USA is pretty rampant, I would say this is just slapstick comedy. I plan to refute this at great length when I get home, but tldr version is that your experience with "communism" isn't the fare pushed for by the masses, rich people should not exist, and you're spouting old time propaganda after having to delete a post from someone referring to a poor person as worthless trash. Maybe reexamine your priorities and privileges?
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