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What do you think is more harmful to the world? Racists, or religious fanatics?


(Can't shut up)
Mar 10, 2009
well society can have a problem with that they so choose.
Sorry, but I can't let you waffle on that one. I think it's universally accepted that all societies think that genocide is bad, and you shouldn't kill kids by smacking them on rocks. However the book commands that because these people didn't worship their god, they should all be killed brutally (Even the kids and pregnant women).

also, idk if you are an alt for the other guy or not, because both of you are intentionally ignoring what i said.,
His account started in 2013, and he has thousands of comments. I started mine in 2009, and have 236. I think it's safe to say that that it doesn't make sense to make an alt that is THAT much more active.

Sorry if your main point fell under the rug. If you want to reiterate it, I'll be glad to discuss it.
i didnt wanna play my ace card but you arent leaving me alot of options " ye shall not sqaure off the side of ones hair " or whatever
I.... I don't think that's supposed to have the effect that you expected. Don't cut your hair like a pagan?

I understand the bible was changed, i get it
Then it is a corrupted text that can not be considered the "word of god" or be a good source of truth.

i get it its weird, but that doesnt make the entirety of the book untrue,
Yes, there are some weird things, like saying someone lived in a giant fish for three days. There's saying that the entire world was flooded and only a single family was left to repopulate the entire world (Ew). That's weird. And yes, it's obvious that those things didn't ever happen, but people still believe it as truth. I have a friend that believes the Noah story, and I have no idea how he can be that gullible.

Then there's the absolute immoral, like saying who you can keep as a slave. How much you're allowed to beat your slave. How to keep the Jewish slaves indefinitely by threatening to take away their families (Any other slave was forever by default).

To accept a book like that you're admitting that god is either extremely immoral, very fallible, or both.

i mean shit we revise our history all the time, that doesnt mean the events didnt happen,
Yes, but we have actual evidence for anything we revise (In most cases). There are of course changes made to wars, which help put the winning side in a better light. History is written by the winners, right? But there's still evidence, and that's where the bible (And most religious texts) fall flat.

The final form of the bible was 370 years after Jesus's death. That's a LOOOOOOONG time for facts to be misconstrued. How about we play the telephone game for 50 years with a story as long as the bible, and see how much of the original story we create is changed over that period of time.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
Sorry, but I can't let you waffle on that one. I think it's universally accepted that all societies think that genocide is bad, and you shouldn't kill kids by smacking them on rocks. However the book commands that because these people didn't worship their god, they should all be killed brutally (Even the kids and pregnant women).

His account started in 2013, and he has thousands of comments. I started mine in 2009, and have 236. I think it's safe to say that that it doesn't make sense to make an alt that is THAT much more active.

Sorry if your main point fell under the rug. If you want to reiterate it, I'll be glad to discuss it.

I.... I don't think that's supposed to have the effect that you expected. Don't cut your hair like a pagan?

Then it is a corrupted text that can not be considered the "word of god" or be a good source of truth.

Yes, there are some weird things, like saying someone lived in a giant fish for three days. There's saying that the entire world was flooded and only a single family was left to repopulate the entire world (Ew). That's weird. And yes, it's obvious that those things didn't ever happen, but people still believe it as truth. I have a friend that believes the Noah story, and I have no idea how he can be that gullible.

Then there's the absolute immoral, like saying who you can keep as a slave. How much you're allowed to beat your slave. How to keep the Jewish slaves indefinitely by threatening to take away their families (Any other slave was forever by default).

To accept a book like that you're admitting that god is either extremely immoral, very fallible, or both.

Yes, but we have actual evidence for anything we revise (In most cases). There are of course changes made to wars, which help put the winning side in a better light. History is written by the winners, right? But there's still evidence, and that's where the bible (And most religious texts) fall flat.

The final form of the bible was 370 years after Jesus's death. That's a LOOOOOOONG time for facts to be misconstrued. How about we play the telephone game for 50 years with a story as long as the bible, and see how much of the original story we create is changed over that period of time.

Post automatically merged:

Sorry, but I can't let you waffle on that one. I think it's universally accepted that all societies think that genocide is bad, and you shouldn't kill kids by smacking them on rocks. However the book commands that because these people didn't worship their god, they should all be killed brutally (Even the kids and pregnant women).

His account started in 2013, and he has thousands of comments. I started mine in 2009, and have 236. I think it's safe to say that that it doesn't make sense to make an alt that is THAT much more active.

Sorry if your main point fell under the rug. If you want to reiterate it, I'll be glad to discuss it.

I.... I don't think that's supposed to have the effect that you expected. Don't cut your hair like a pagan?

Then it is a corrupted text that can not be considered the "word of god" or be a good source of truth.

Yes, there are some weird things, like saying someone lived in a giant fish for three days. There's saying that the entire world was flooded and only a single family was left to repopulate the entire world (Ew). That's weird. And yes, it's obvious that those things didn't ever happen, but people still believe it as truth. I have a friend that believes the Noah story, and I have no idea how he can be that gullible.

Then there's the absolute immoral, like saying who you can keep as a slave. How much you're allowed to beat your slave. How to keep the Jewish slaves indefinitely by threatening to take away their families (Any other slave was forever by default).

To accept a book like that you're admitting that god is either extremely immoral, very fallible, or both.

Yes, but we have actual evidence for anything we revise (In most cases). There are of course changes made to wars, which help put the winning side in a better light. History is written by the winners, right? But there's still evidence, and that's where the bible (And most religious texts) fall flat.

The final form of the bible was 370 years after Jesus's death. That's a LOOOOOOONG time for facts to be misconstrued. How about we play the telephone game for 50 years with a story as long as the bible, and see how much of the original story we create is changed over that period of time.

you know what, since you typed something way too long i try my best here.

1. first off you need to source what waffling means, not a weeaboo. Secondly, depends on who you ask these days, but, just dont follow that part.

2. Im not even gonna bother explaining this to you.

3. I dont respond to racism

4.So i MSNBC and yet its taken as objective fact.

5. Again dont do any of those things

6. but hey if changes happened then they are corrupted and not a good source of truth.

this was my fault though, i assumed something about you that wasnt accurate, thats on me.
Last edited by lolcatzuru,


(Can't shut up)
Mar 10, 2009
1. first off you need to source what waffling means, not a weeaboo.
Sigh.... Waffling is a debate term, nothing to do with weeaboo's.
Waffling on an issue: adj. or verb - indecisive; unable to make up ones mind; playing the safe middle ground due to ones own lack of conviction or sense of morality.

Secondly, depends on who you ask these days, but, just dont follow that part.
What?! It depends on who you ask if it's moral to commit genocide?! Please see above for the definition of "waffling". If you "don't follow that part" of the bible, then you don't follow it. You're literally saying that it's ok to ignore some of the "WORD OF GOD!"

2. Im not even gonna bother explaining this to you.
Not sure which you're not going to explain. About suspecting I'm using multiple accounts, or you reiterating your main point. Either way, no worries for me.

3. I dont respond to racism
What!?!? Where I mentioned that the context of your bible quote was to not cut your hair like a pagan?

4.So i MSNBC and yet its taken as objective fact.
I guess this is a joke?

5. Again dont do any of those things
As you shouldn't. We've become more moral than the bible, therefore it is an outdated book. Morality is always changing, which leaves any religious text in dumpster bin of bad ideas.

6. but hey if changes happened then they are corrupted and not a good source of truth.
For atrocities committed in wars that are overwritten? No they're no longer a perfect source of truth. I'm sure there are many stories of Vietnam that we'll never hear about. But luckily there are hundreds of others that were from the original sources. Pretty hard to cover that up. Similarly, there are people who are currently trying to change history by saying that the holocaust never happened, but luckily we have people who lived through it still alive today.

But you know what any changes in our history DIDN'T do? They don't start saying that someone walked on water or rose from the dead. People today have enough critical thinking skills today to hear that and say.... yeah, I'm going to need some proof of that.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
It's a fact that hurts your feelings (somehow), that doesn't make it "fake." Faith is individual, aka non-institutional by definition. You can pretend the Roman Catholic Church changed things drastically as much as you want, but religion was all about gathering at churches and listening to a holy man speak since its inception. You can practice a faith and be non-religious. You can participate in a religion without holding any actual faith.

I asked chatgpt and google and both say you are wrong. An individual can have their own system of beliefs and consensus can be developed without authoritarian institutions, and there were many times in history where religion and culture have been synonymous. If you consider the gathering of like-minded people to be institutional, than calling "religion" institutional is just redundant. You'd be an institution. Not a single point of contention that you presented holds any weight. You are wasting time, or at least profiting off of people willing to do the work you are too lazy to do--lying about things you aren't super smart about.
Last edited by tabzer,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
An individual can have their own system of beliefs and consensus can be developed without authoritarian institutions, and there were many times in history where religion and culture have been synonymous.
Yeah, I've defined the former as faith for you multiple times, but I really don't care if you want to call it "belief" instead, those are two terms that actually are synonymous. Faith also stays the same over time, which is why it's passed down as a part of culture, while religion is ever-changing as churches and denominations adjust for their needs.

If you consider the gathering of like-minded people to be institutional, than calling "religion" institutional is just redundant.
"The gathering of like-minded people" has never been the definition of religion, that's the definition of a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament. As long as religion has existed, it has always assigned power to a priest/pastor/rabbi or equivalent, and the followers have always listened wide-eyed to their words as if they were the words of god. People have been calling churches "religious institutions" since the industrial revolution FFS, but the definition fit long before that too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
Sigh.... Waffling is a debate term, nothing to do with weeaboo's.
Waffling on an issue: adj. or verb - indecisive; unable to make up ones mind; playing the safe middle ground due to ones own lack of conviction or sense of morality.

What?! It depends on who you ask if it's moral to commit genocide?! Please see above for the definition of "waffling". If you "don't follow that part" of the bible, then you don't follow it. You're literally saying that it's ok to ignore some of the "WORD OF GOD!"

Not sure which you're not going to explain. About suspecting I'm using multiple accounts, or you reiterating your main point. Either way, no worries for me.

What!?!? Where I mentioned that the context of your bible quote was to not cut your hair like a pagan?

I guess this is a joke?

As you shouldn't. We've become more moral than the bible, therefore it is an outdated book. Morality is always changing, which leaves any religious text in dumpster bin of bad ideas.

For atrocities committed in wars that are overwritten? No they're no longer a perfect source of truth. I'm sure there are many stories of Vietnam that we'll never hear about. But luckily there are hundreds of others that were from the original sources. Pretty hard to cover that up. Similarly, there are people who are currently trying to change history by saying that the holocaust never happened, but luckily we have people who lived through it still alive today.

But you know what any changes in our history DIDN'T do? They don't start saying that someone walked on water or rose from the dead. People today have enough critical thinking skills today to hear that and say.... yeah, I'm going to need some proof of that.

first i need proof on the bible not being real to some extent which youve yet to prove, but once again, ill do this, and id really prefer to not do it again if possible.

1. It might as well be, because this isnt a debate, i asked you to prove something you havent.

2. yep, the CCP and the NBA jersey makers are a good example, im sure china feels very good about it.

3. theres no need to lie, if you werent worried about it you wouldnt have said anything. its pretty clear you are an alt at this point because i refuse to believe there are that many people incapable of basic reading comprehension.

4. Yep, it never says that in the bible, and we know there was obviously a ton of racism at the time because the pagans were different, guess old habits die hard.

5. ... no? " if you get these shots the vaccines stops with you"

6. who's we? i hope you dont mean the US, i would consider child drag shows or abortion to be good moral choices.

7. nope im gonna be as hyperbolic as you and say that if one example is incorrect the whole thing is.

8. nope but our history die lie about quite a few things, maybe not silly magical things, but things none the less

8.5 Easy, solomon was a real person as was the guy you cant draw.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2023
United States
first i need proof on the bible not being real to some extent which youve yet to prove, but once again, ill do this, and id really prefer to not do it again if possible.
A negative cannot be proven. The logical fallacy is called "Bertram's Teapot".

You are the one making the claim that anything in the Bible is "real". The burden of proof is on YOU. Not for anyone else to disprove what you have absolutely zero, zilch, nada, to show for.

No logical, rational person who understands how science works and believes in the existence of logic should accept any part of the Bible as anything but very, very bad fantasy, mostly stolen and appropriated and amalgamated from other pre-existing religions and cultures.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
A negative cannot be proven. The logical fallacy is called "Bertram's Teapot".

You are the one making the claim that anything in the Bible is "real". The burden of proof is on YOU. Not for anyone else to disprove what you have absolutely zero, zilch, nada, to show for.

No logical, rational person who understands how science works and believes in the existence of logic should accept any part of the Bible as anything but very, very bad fantasy, mostly stolen and appropriated and amalgamated from other pre-existing religions and cultures.

im not sure you are someone would should be determining what is " logical" or "rational" at all. Most of my basis of that is, that, i never claimed the bible is real, i asked how they knew it was, i also provided examples you ignored from the bible that were real. You may not consider that " evidence' but i do, so now the burden falls to you, prove to me that it isnt now. quick question, are you one of those twitter bots that was out of job because of elon?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2023
United States
im not sure you are someone would should be determining what is " logical" or "rational" at all. Most of my basis of that is, that, i never claimed the bible is real, i asked how they knew it was, i also provided examples you ignored from the bible that were real. You may not consider that " evidence' but i do, so now the burden falls to you, prove to me that it isnt now. quick question, are you one of those twitter bots that was out of job because of elon?
I could show you where those examples from the Bible that you have never read in its entirety actually came from, and truly educate you on it. I have studied the BIble since I was 6, and I continue to research it using Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Bible. I would posit that I would blow you away when it comes to Bible knowledge, without trying.

Now you are employing the logical fallacies of both Ad Hominem and The Credentials Fallacy. Do you even logic, bruh? You are embarrassing yourself with this high-school level bulllshit.

As I stated, the burden is ALWAYS on you, the claimant. A person telling you that you have produced no evidence to support your claim does not, in turn, assume YOUR failed burden of proof.

You may try again.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
I could show you where those examples from the Bible that you have never read in its entirety actually came from, and truly educate you on it. I have studied the BIble since I was 6, and I continue to research it using Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Bible. I would posit that I would blow you away when it comes to Bible knowledge, without trying.

Now you are employing the logical fallacies of both Ad Hominem and The Credentials Fallacy. Do you even logic, bruh? You are embarrassing yourself with this high-school level bulllshit.

As I stated, the burden is ALWAYS on you, the claimant. A person telling you that you have produced no evidence to support your claim does not, in turn, assume YOUR failed burden of proof.

You may try again.

thank you for answering my previous question. Write me a poem on guns


Pokémon's dead
Dec 29, 2019
Northwood, Sydney
I've always viewed religion as nothing more than massive, long-lived cults that have dug their roots so deeply, so deeply ingrained themselves, into society that they've become normalised and accepted and received a less-ugly label.

Normalised and accepted, despite the absolute wealth of well-evidenced harm they've done to people - just look at the Bible; it's filled with religion-fuelled slaughters and murders, with religion-backed atrocities like slavery (which defenders will claim was a "special" type of "non-harmful" slavery, not at all like the enslavement of Africans - that the Bible's slavery was 'consenting' as a way to pay off debts. Yeah, no, they deliberately ignore the parts where a man could be forced into remaining a slave to stay with his also-enslaved family, not to mention women, who were captured and couldn't escape at all).
Not to mention all the Christian rapist priests and stuff.

Because of this ingraining and normalisation, many people don't see religion as harmful, which is actually harmful - people who let other people do evil are essentially complicit in said evil, after all, instead of trying to prevent that evil from continuing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2023
United States
wow a bot that threatens people, thats definitely a new one.
You really have to do better than that. It's like when you're on Facebook and someone says your profile is fake.

That wasn't a threat. It was a VERY old joke. From Reddit. From 2018. There's even a fucking Facebook page for it.

I have to pause just to laugh at you for a moment, here. All gods dammit, you want to be a victim SO badly. Nothing but insults and false accusations, deflections and self-adulation. Masturbate elsewhere. Either way, you're the only person getting off.

Confront my argument directly and admit to the failures of your own, instead of attacking my character. Have some integrity.

This conversation is beyond your level to continue to participate in. Please find something else to do with your time.
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(Can't shut up)
Mar 10, 2009
first i need proof on the bible not being real to some extent which youve yet to prove, but once again, ill do this, and id really prefer to not do it again if possible.

1. It might as well be, because this isnt a debate, i asked you to prove something you havent.

2. yep, the CCP and the NBA jersey makers are a good example, im sure china feels very good about it.

3. theres no need to lie, if you werent worried about it you wouldnt have said anything. its pretty clear you are an alt at this point because i refuse to believe there are that many people incapable of basic reading comprehension.

4. Yep, it never says that in the bible, and we know there was obviously a ton of racism at the time because the pagans were different, guess old habits die hard.

5. ... no? " if you get these shots the vaccines stops with you"

6. who's we? i hope you dont mean the US, i would consider child drag shows or abortion to be good moral choices.

7. nope im gonna be as hyperbolic as you and say that if one example is incorrect the whole thing is.

8. nope but our history die lie about quite a few things, maybe not silly magical things, but things none the less

8.5 Easy, solomon was a real person as was the guy you cant draw.
Man, your comments are hard to reply to! You type like a child who's never taken a basic debate class. Sorry if I ignore some of your more pointless comments (me being a 2nd account / vaccines). They're no more than distractions from the points trying to be made.

If your main concern is that the bible is real, Walter is correct in saying that the burden of proof to if the bible is completely on you.

There are things we can say to let you know that it's obvious by what it says. I tried going the route that it's irrelevant because it has proven itself to be wholly immoral, and therefore not worthy of worship. However, you waffled on that (Sorry, needed to help cement that word in your head, as I'm attempting to teach you here).

You're trying to say that "Since the bible says "A", which is a thing that happened in real life, therefore "B" has to be real too." Unfortunately, that is a fallacy as well. Spiderman is set in New York, and involves real history within the comic. It doesn't mean that Spiderman should be used as a historical reference. Similarly, Spiderman can climb up walls, which we all know isn't something we accept that people can do in reality. So why would people accept that someone could walk on water without giving it the same level of scrutiny?

We could go based on the many MANY false predictions that the bible has fallen flat on, but you'll still cling to the ones which you can interpret to have happened.

I could go how on a fundamental understanding of the universe, that the people who wrote it had no idea what they were talking about. People thought the world was stationary, and the sun revolved around us.

I could go on the many contradictions inside the bible itself. Contradictions by definition mean that one or both contradictory statements are wrong.

At this point, I'm guessing you're in your early teens and have been indoctrinated into the church since you were a baby. I hope that you can swallow your pride and stop doubling down on something that is so inherently pointless. Some people take decades to get out of that rut. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
You really have to do better than that. It's like when you're on Facebook and someone says your profile is fake.

That wasn't a threat. It was a VERY old joke. From Reddit. From 2018. There's even a fucking Facebook page for it.

I have to pause just to laugh at you for a moment, here. All gods dammit, you want to be a victim SO badly. Nothing but insults and false accusations, deflections and self-adulation. Masturbate elsewhere. Either way, you're the only person getting off.

Confront my argument directly and admit to the failures of your own, instead of attacking my character. Have some integrity.

This conversation is beyond your level to continue to participate in. Please find something else to do with your time.

well at least im a real human, write me another poem
Post automatically merged:

Man, your comments are hard to reply to! You type like a child who's never taken a basic debate class. Sorry if I ignore some of your more pointless comments (me being a 2nd account / vaccines). They're no more than distractions from the points trying to be made.

If your main concern is that the bible is real, Walter is correct in saying that the burden of proof to if the bible is completely on you.

There are things we can say to let you know that it's obvious by what it says. I tried going the route that it's irrelevant because it has proven itself to be wholly immoral, and therefore not worthy of worship. However, you waffled on that (Sorry, needed to help cement that word in your head, as I'm attempting to teach you here).

You're trying to say that "Since the bible says "A", which is a thing that happened in real life, therefore "B" has to be real too." Unfortunately, that is a fallacy as well. Spiderman is set in New York, and involves real history within the comic. It doesn't mean that Spiderman should be used as a historical reference. Similarly, Spiderman can climb up walls, which we all know isn't something we accept that people can do in reality. So why would people accept that someone could walk on water without giving it the same level of scrutiny?

We could go based on the many MANY false predictions that the bible has fallen flat on, but you'll still cling to the ones which you can interpret to have happened.

I could go how on a fundamental understanding of the universe, that the people who wrote it had no idea what they were talking about. People thought the world was stationary, and the sun revolved around us.

I could go on the many contradictions inside the bible itself. Contradictions by definition mean that one or both contradictory statements are wrong.

At this point, I'm guessing you're in your early teens and have been indoctrinated into the church since you were a baby. I hope that you can swallow your pride and stop doubling down on something that is so inherently pointless. Some people take decades to get out of that rut. Good luck!

i mean i appreciate that you wished me good luck, but neither of those things are true, secondly, god damn, how many twitter bots came here.
  • Haha
Reactions: WalterSlovotsky


(Can't shut up)
Mar 10, 2009
i mean i appreciate that you wished me good luck, but neither of those things are true, secondly, god damn, how many twitter bots came here.
If anyone is asking the proper questions in order to help themselves, then I'll absolutely wish them good luck. If you're older or younger than a teenager, then it doesn't really matter.

Also, I'm assuming you're joking about the twitter bots thing, but does it make sense for any bot to be commenting on an emulation site's comments board?

On a completely different topic, sign up here for the best boner pills! They really work!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2023
United States
well at least im a real human, write me another poem

Yeah, I am talking to a child.

Or a 50-year-old Karen who who spends all day long on MSNBC and CNN, convinced that everyone who doesn't believe there are 56 genders is a Russian bot, a racist or a Trump supporter.

I thought the whole "bot" thing went out in 2020.

You are incapable of participating in a logical debate. All you do is insult people and VERY pathetically try to position yourself as if you are better than anyone else.

Go play, child. The adults are talking. You are dismissed.

Now, back to bringing down the United States through my treacherous bot trickery.

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